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Independent news and stories from SBS Audio, connecting you to life in Australia and Japanese-speaking Australians. - 世界やオーストラリアのニュース、インタビュー、特集、そしてコミュニティーの話題などを、SBSの日本語放送でお聴きいただけます。
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PdC のJAZZ the dots!

Public dots & Company

「公共を再定義する」をテーマに、新しいパブリックを生み出すエネルギーやアイデアを持った人、企業、サービスを紹介していく番組です。 毎週水曜日11:40〜12:00 レインボータウンFM(周波数88.5MHz)(で放送中。 番組提供:株式会社Public dots & Company パーソナリティ:伊藤大貴、小田理恵子、山口勉
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ロックバンド「クレヨンイーター」の市川マコトによる初の冠ラジオ! 音楽出身の市川マコトと、映像出身のガキD、そして多彩なゲストによるトーク番組。 「好きなことに本気で向き合ってる人」「挑戦し続けている人」のお話をマコガリならではの角度で深掘りしていきます。 新しいアイディア・価値観を一緒にガリッ! //////////////////// 市川マコト ✪solo ✪クレヨンイーター //////////////////// tide FM はボーダレスなインターネットラジオ・LIVE配信メディアです。 Public internet radio platform in Tokyo
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[お知らせ - 2023年の初めを持ちまして更新停止しました。引き続きアーカイブをお楽しみください!] キアヌとナオト(#136まで)が英語を交えつつ科学ニュースをお届けするラジオ番組です。日本とアメリカにバックグラウンドを持つ二人が最新の科学情報をおもしろく語ります。(日本語のみでも内容は理解できます)
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Apprenez le français en écoutant des nouvelles et des histoires courtes à propos de la France. — Learn French through news and short stories about France. 🇫🇷Bonjour ! Je m'appelle Nicolas. Je suis professeur de français depuis plus de 20 ans au Japon. Chaque semaine, je vous parle pendant quelques minutes de l'actualité et de la culture françaises. Pourquoi "Escargot" ? Parce que je parle lentement et de façon simple pour que vous compreniez tout. Et parce que c'est un plat français délicieu ...
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Design and Engineering team at PIXTA

texta.fmは、ピクスタで働くデザイナー・エンジニアによる技術ブログ「てくすた」のポッドキャスト版です。 本ポッドキャストに関するご意見・ご感想は、ハッシュタグ #textafm にお寄せください。
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The U.S. government's highway safety agency says Tesla is telling drivers in public statements that its vehicles can drive themselves, conflicting with the owner’s manual and briefings with the agency saying the electric vehicles need human supervision.The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is asking the company to “revisit its communic…
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Send us a text Lien de la transcription / Transcript's link : Cette transcription n'a pas été générée par intelligence artificielle (no AI). C'est le texte que j'ai moi-même écrit pour préparer l'épisode. Aujourd’hui, je vous parle d’un projet du gouvernement qui ne fait pas l’unanimité : supprim…
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Health experts say walking is an easy way to improve physical and mental health, bolster fitness and prevent disease.Doctors say people should also add other activities to their fitness routines, including resistance exercises like lifting weights and activities that keep you flexible like yoga or stretching.“You don’t need equipment and you don’t …
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Police says officers will be doorknocking as they search for two people believed to be responsible for torching a car after vandalising it with anti-Israel graffiti in Sydney. Jewish and Islamic faith leaders have united in calls to condemn the fire at Melbourne's Addas Synagogue and urged their communities to work together for peace. - シドニーで反ユダヤ主義…
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As climate change warms our world, it has affected farmers and their growing practices, even threatening beloved beverages, like beer.Danish brewer Carlsberg, the world’s fourth largest, is breeding more climate-tolerant crops, hoping to future-proof its beer production.Human-caused climate change has made the world hotter and increased the likelih…
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With Christmas around the corner, we spoke to wine expert Yuko Frost for tips on wine paring and gifting. - ワインの専門家であるフロスト結子さんに、あれこれ聞くコーナー、「ワインの世界」。クリスマスの時期になるとワインを飲んだり、プレゼントする機会が増えますが、どういったアドバイスがあるのでしょうか。
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Kuroishi Yosare is one of the top three Japanese Nagashi odori, a style of festival dance. Four high school students and a Japanese shamisen player from Kuroishi City in Aomori prefecture in Japan visited Sydney this month to hold workshops for students and the public. - 日本三大流し踊りの一つ、黒石よされ。地域や文化の魅力を知ってもらおうと、青森県黒石市の中高生4人と津軽三味線奏者の一行が今月シドニーを訪れ、学校などでワーク…
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The song of this week is 'WITHOUT YOU' by Sano ibuki. It is from ’STAY ALIVE,' one of the latest movies currently showing in Japan. - 今週の J-Pop Hub では日本で上映中の最新映画の挿入曲、Sano Ibukiの「WITHOUT YOU」を取り上げます。
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Opposition Home Affairs Minister James Patterson says the Labor government's adoption of a taskforce to investigate a rise in anti-Semitism in Australia does not go far enough.New research reveals expenses for families with a child aged younger than five are 27 per cent higher than in 2021. Listen to the News from today's live program (1-2pm). - 反ユ…
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Antisemitism is nothing new. But experts say the kinds of anti-Jewish incidents and attacks we're seeing now have never happened before in Australia. - 反ユダヤ主義(アンティセミティズム)は、最近始まったものではありません。しかし、現在オーストラリアで起きている出来事や事件は、これまで見られなかったものだと専門家は指摘しています。
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Japan Expo has grown rapidly since its inception in 2021. The organiser of the event, Ms. Hirano says the event will return this year with even more exciting programs! - シドニーの皆さん、シドニーから日本旅行気分を味わいませんか?毎年大人気のイベントJAPAN EXPOのお話を主催者の平野由紀子さんから伺いました。
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A new exhibition in western Germany is hoping to expand the public’s perception of Africa via art and cultural history.“The True Size of Africa” is at the Völklingen Ironworks and features works by artists from across the continent.Photographic portraits, paintings, video installations, and sculpture—26 works that organizers say explore Africa, add…
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A survey has found more than a quarter of Australians expect to receive Christmas presents they will never use or wear. The research by the Australia Institute puts the value of these unwanted gifts at over $1 billion and says many of them will end up as landfill waste. - クリスマスと言えばやっぱりプレゼント。しかし、家族や友人、パートナーから、「いらないプレゼント」をもらって困った!などという経験はありませんか? 今年、こ…
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Research shows that speaking languages as well as English before the age of five can boost a range of learning outcomes. One Sydney pre-school is trialling a new immersive bi-lingual program, that aims to make learning fun, too. - 5歳になるまでに2か国語以上を話せることで、様々な学習効果が高まると研究は示しています。シドニーのあるプリスクールでは、子供たちが楽しく学べることを目的とした新しい没入型バイリンガルプログラムが試行されています。…
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Police have declared the firebombing of a Melbourne synagogue a likely terrorist incident. Victoria and Australian Federal police have made the classification today. - メルボルンのユダヤ教礼拝所、シナゴーグで発生した放火事件に関して、テロ事件の可能性が高いと、ビクトリア州警察とオーストラリア連邦警察が発表しました。
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Australia's states and territories unanimously backed a national plan to require most forms of social media to bar children younger than 16.Leaders of the eight provinces held a virtual meeting with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to discuss what he calls a world-first national approach that would make platforms including X, TikTok, Instagram and F…
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Some people advocate humane deer management: the culling of deer to control their numbers and ensure they don’t overrun forests and farmland in a country where they no longer have natural predators. For these advocates, shooting deer is much more than a sport. It’s a necessity because England's deer population has gotten out of control.There are no…
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A winged creature from Oregon was crowned this year's winner in an annual bat beauty contest put on by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).On Halloween, which was also the last day of International Bat Week, a hoary bat with a feisty personality named "Hoary Potter" defeated "Lestat," the western small-footed bat from Idaho, in the final round of t…
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Send us a text Lien de la transcription / Transcript's link : Cette transcription n'a pas été générée par intelligence artificielle (no AI). C'est le texte que j'ai moi-même écrit pour préparer l'épisode. Saviez-vous que Walt Disney avait des origines françaises ? Le pays de ses ancêtres l'a auss…
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A month after this year’s Music Victoria Awards, five of the six public voted categories were changed following the discovery of unusual activity on the third-party platform used for voting. As a result, Ange McMahon was named the new recipient of Best Album. - 今年10月に開催された『Music Victoria Awards』の一般投票部門で使用された外部システムが不正行為の標的となり、その影響で6つある一般投票部門のうち5部門で受…
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In this episode, we explore various Asian vegetables available at the supermarket. - 料理講師・都丸真由さんが担当する毎週金曜日のコーナー『オーストラリアで食べる』。第84回目では、オーストラリアでも手に入るアジアの野菜が紹介されました。
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The Japanese-French co-production animated film GHOST CAT ANZU has been nominated for Best Animated Film at the 17th Asia-Pacific Film Awards (APSA). - 日本とフランスの合作アニメ映画「GHOST CAT ANZU」(化け猫あんずちゃん、監督:久野遥子・山下敦弘)が、第17回アジア太平洋映画賞(APSA)の最優秀アニメーション賞にノミネートされました。
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Political crisis in France after a no-confidence vote. Intelligence agency warns young people becoming increasingly vulnerable to online radicalisation. Listen to our weekly news wrap. - 仏・バルニエ内閣の総辞職を受け、フランスが政治危機に陥っています。インターネットを通じた若者の過激化が進んでいると、世界的な安全保障の専門家が警告しています。1週間を振り返る週間ニュースラップです。
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Enter a comical web of deception in 'Fleeting Lies'. Let the nightmare begin again in a new season of 'The Head'. Bring down an arms-dealing empire in 'The Night Manager'. Here are all the shows coming to SBS On Demand in December. (SBS On Demand) - 世界のTVシリーズや映画を無料で楽しめる SBS On Demand。今月配信作品のハイライト、そしてすでに配信が始まっている日本の作品から1つを紹介します。詳しくは音声からどうぞ!…
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It’s no surprise that students are pushing back on cellphone bans in classrooms. But school administrators in one South Florida county working to pull students’ eyes away from their screens are facing some resistance from another group as well—parents.Since the beginning of the 2024 school year in August, students in Broward County Public Schools, …
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Send us a text Lien de la transcription / Transcript's link : Cette transcription n'a pas été générée par intelligence artificielle (no AI). C'est le texte que j'ai moi-même écrit pour préparer l'épisode. Le gouvernement de Michel Barnier, le Premier ministre républicain nommé par le président Ma…
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If you have a job, receive government benefits or want to pay your bills easily you’ll need a bank account. You may even need more than one. To join the 20 million customers who hold Australian bank accounts, take some time to find one that best suits your needs. - 仕事をしている人や政府の給付金を受け取っている人、または支払いをスムーズに済ませたい人にとって、銀行口座は欠かせません。時には複数の口座が必要になることもあります。オー…
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The economy expanded 0.3 per cent through the September quarter. The government is calling on Commonwealth Bank to reconsider their decision to charge some customers a $3 fee for cash withdrawal. - オーストラリアの経済は今年9月からの四半期で0.3%成長したことがわかりました。コモンウェルス銀行が来年から3ドルの引き下ろし手数料を徴収すると発表した事を受けて、経済省はこの発表再度検討するよう促しました。…
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Australians lose $32 billion a year to gambling — more per person than any other nation. And it’s affecting diverse communities differently. - オーストラリアでギャンブルをした人たちが負けた金額は、1年間で総額320億オーストラリアドルに上ります。国民1人当たりで比べると、世界のどの国よりも高い金額です。
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Matsuri Japan Festival, the biggest Japanese festival in Sydney, held at the Wentworth Sporting Complex on the first of December, after a 5-year hiatus. It has previously been held at Darling Harbour, but this year the festival changed venue and was held indoors for the first time. - 12月1日にシドニーのウェントワース・スポーティング・コンプレックスで開催された日本の祭り、 Matsuri Japan Fest…
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Some Apple AirPod wireless headphones can be used as hearing aids with a new software update. It's a high-profile move that experts applaud, even if they only reach a small portion of the millions of Americans with hearing loss.An estimated 30 million people—1 in 8 Americans over the age of 12—have hearing loss in both ears. Millions would benefit …
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An Indigenous scientist says a new report on the declining health of Australia's largest river system is a call to action. The United Nations has added its voice to the chorus of criticisms levelled against new laws in Queensland, saying the legislation shows a "flagrant disregard" for children's rights. Listen to the News from today's live program…
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From eco-friendly, modular Christmas trees handmade in the UK to wreaths, baubles, and tree decorations, this year’s Christmas trends are a mix of traditional and contemporary styling.Some British retailers are already seeing an increase in sales this Christmas.Over 600 retailers are at London's Spirit of Christmas fair, including Rachel Mitchell f…
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Experts warn there's a higher chance of getting scammed during the end of year sale season. - 年末のセールシーズンが始まりました。クリスマスショッピングはもうお済みですか?財布の紐が緩むこの季節は、詐欺の被害件数が増える時期でもあるんです。
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The Bureau of Meteorology is warning of more floods mid-week for eastern Australia. Australians will be better protected from scams under new Meta-imposed advertising rules. - 気象局の発表によりますと、国内東部の地域では、 週の中頃にかけて洪水への注意が必要です。米SNS大手メタが制定した広告に関する新しい規定がオーストラリアの人々を詐欺から守るかもしれません。
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Sobs of relief broke out in a federal courtroom in Kansas as dozens of people whose life savings had been embezzled by a bank CEO learned that federal law enforcement had recovered their money."I just can't describe the weight lifted off of us," said Bart Camilli, 70, who with his wife Cleo had just learned they'd recover close to $450,000—money Ba…
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As the price of fuel soared in Ethiopia earlier this year, Awgachew Seleshi decided to buy an electric car. That aligned with the government’s new efforts to phase out gas-powered vehicles. But months later, he’s questioning whether it was the right decision.He faces a range of issues, from the erratic supply of electricity in Addis Ababa, the capi…
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First Nations hip hop collective, 3% won Best Hip Hop / Rap Release and Best Cover Art in this year's ARIA Awards. Best Hip Hop / Rap Release and Best Cover Art. - サウンドエンジニアの安齋直宗さんが担当する『Music File』。第538回目のアーティストは、ARIA賞で最優秀ヒップホップ/ラップ賞を受賞した、3%。
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Japan is planning to build an automated cargo transport corridor between Tokyo and Osaka, dubbed a "conveyor belt road" by the government, to make up for a shortage of truck drivers. The amount of funding for the project is not yet set. But it's seen as one key way to help the country cope with soaring deliveries.A computer graphics video made by t…
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In this episode, we explore various Asian herbs available at the supermarket. - 料理講師・都丸真由さんが担当する毎週金曜日のコーナー『オーストラリアで食べる』。第83回目では、オーストラリアでも手に入るアジアのハーブが紹介されました。
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Israel and Hezbollah accuse each other of ceasefire breaches ...Dozens of bills pass the Senate including controversial migration and under-16s social media ban bills. Listen to our weekly news wrap. - イスラエルとヒズボラは、停戦の合意を違反したとして、互いに非難しています。 上院で、移民法案や16歳未満のSNS禁止法案を含む数十件の法案が可決されました。1週間を振り返る週間ニュースラップです。
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Send us a text Transcript link / Lien de la transcription : Cette transcription n'a pas été générée par intelligence artificielle (no AI). C'est le texte que j'ai moi-même écrit pour préparer l'épisode. Il s'agit du texte principal. Cela n'inclut pas la partie où je donne des explications supplém…
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Originally built to store crops from peasant farmers, the tithe barn on the edge of the English village of Abbots Langley was converted into homes that preserve its centuries of history. Now, its residents are fighting to stop a development next door that represents the future.A proposal to build a data center on a field across the road was rejecte…
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Many people experience sleep disturbances due to stressors in their lives, including challenges associated with the migration experience. Issues such as insomnia and nightmares can affect both adults and children. Learn how to assess sleep quality, identify unhealthy sleep patterns, and determine when to seek help for yourself or a loved one. - 多くの…
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