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Jeremiah the prophet spoke to the children of Israel in a time of severe rebellion and departing. We have an account not only of God instructing him to speak on his behalf, but also tells him the outcome of their rebellion and it is sobering. Besides these warning we see clearly the similarities between their actions and what we see on a large scal…
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From the beginning of the existence of the nation of Israel we have seen attempt after attempt to destroy the people of God and those attempts always fail. Not only do they fail, the people of God grow. This is especially true of Israel!!! Today we’ll see an example of this in the upbringing of Moses. Don’t miss out on an extraordinary study!!!…
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This is not a joke. We truly are talking about a life and death issue and this is one place when Ignorance IS NOT bliss! Please watch this because it will set you down a path of growth like you’ve never seen. Remember; this is all about not just surviving, but conquering and even being more than conquerors.…
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Today, I have the joy and honor of being able to introduce the book of Exodus to you. Exodus is an extraordinary book that catalogues the journey of God’s chosen people, and gives us an exemplary picture of what happens when we choose to walk against the purposes and call of God on our lives. The children of Israel were called by God to step away f…
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In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus spoke about where Christians find what they need to survive and succeed. His words are powerful and explain something extremely useful, yet often overlooked and misunderstood. Studying this Bible passage will change how you approach God and what you seek from Him.Kirjoittanut Pastor Dale Quimby
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Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and so are the lies that surround it. Dr. Jay Smith is going to join us today and get ready because he is going to show you what the Islamic world DOES NOT want you to know. This is going to be one of the most power videos you watch so get ready!!!Kirjoittanut Dr. Jay Smith
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Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and so are the lies that surround it. Dr. Jay Smith is going to join us today and get ready because he is going to show you what the Islamic world DOES NOT want you to know. This is going to be one of the most power videos you watch so get ready!!!Kirjoittanut Dr. Jay Smith
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Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and so are the lies that surround it. Dr. Jay Smith is going to join us today and get ready because he is going to show you what the Islamic world DOES NOT want you to know. This is going to be one of the most power videos you watch so get ready!!!Kirjoittanut Dr. Jay Smith
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There is a moment in time when sleeping, as easy as it may be to do, will cause a level of suffering that is unimaginable. Like everything under the son, there is an intended context for something as critical as sleep and if that context is ignored, destruction will ensue!!!Kirjoittanut Pastor James Kaddis
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So much has happened over the last month in the Middle East, and that has created much confusion and apprehension. In reality, all these things should encourage us not only to look up, but to be excited about what almighty God has in store for us!!! It’s exiting and we have a lot to look forward to!Kirjoittanut Pastor James Kaddis
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America is not the nation it once was. We have been taken into captivity and have fallen. Unfortunately, the people of God are still not learning and we have a bigger problem now begging to form. What should we do? Does it even matter to do things like vote? Is it too late? What’s next? We’ll talk about that and much more. Sunday Morning - Septembe…
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So many people today are completely overwhelmed by so many things in our world that you see the quality of life improving all around and yet many suffering emotionally. Jesus had some powerful words to say about this very subject, which will not only change your outlook on so many of these struggles but will actually correct how you approach everyt…
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We are in a world that is currently owned by the devil and the only thing he wants to do to you is destroy you. He will use everything in this world to accomplish that goal and every tactic that he uses is founded in this very early pattern that he set forth in the garden of Eden. If you learn this, you will be at a significant advantage. This is w…
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I often tell people of the many things that are prophesied in the scriptures concerning our future and the reaction are nothing short of polarizing. One of the most common questions I get when I discuss Bible prophecy is “if we’re not going to be here then why should we be concerned with what happens?” Watch this video for the answer!!!…
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Have you ever heard the phrase “Be careful! You don’t ever want to be on the wrong side of history!” This is especially true when it comes to eternity. As we read the last words in the Bible, we’ll scratch the surface of how serious this really is! Make no mistake, we all want to be on God’s side!!!Kirjoittanut Pastor James Kaddis
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hat’s a pretty strong title but the question here is when you get the justice you demand, what’s next? What do you expect? What should you expect? Here’s an important question. Should you have demanded justice in the first place? If the answeris no, then who has the right to demand it?Kirjoittanut Pastor James Kaddis
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