'Voice Of Unwavering Confidence' is hosted by a young steward of God's grace that talks about her faith in Jesus Christ with a twist of Yoruba ( a Nigerian Language) on a few episodes. The ultimate goal is to inspire people with the word of God and raise more voices that are unwaveringly confident in Christ.
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Through this podcast, Lola Omosekejimi carries you along on a journey of building unwavering confidence through a relationship with Jesus. You can reach out via email at [email protected]
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Let’s Pray Against Doubt
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14:40Join me as we pray against doubt on today's episode
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EP 5: Who can have faith?
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10:06On this episode, we explore who God has ordained to have faith... I pray that you are blessed as you listen!
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On this episode, I draw similarities between belief and faith, and we dive into the definition of faith, the role it plays in our relationship with God and the importance of putting our faith to work…”Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word o…
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Today we discuss the second reason why we waver in our relationship with God.This series on wavering sets the preset of this channel, every subsequent discussion on here will be aimed at pointing us to practical ways to remain steadfast in our walk with God. I will also share musings from my personal time with our heavenly father.I really hope you …
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While trying build a confident relationship with God, it is important to assess why we waver. On this week’s episode, we talk about how WORRY makes us waver in our walk with God and our faith in him. This one hits home for me as I have a tendency to worry…
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Welcome to the Voice of Unwavering Confidence Podcast. Seven years ago I started this podcast. While the past years have had its ups and downs, its the start of a new era.
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Discontentment with our circumstances shows the true state of our heart towards God. Guard your hearts with all diligent for out of it flows the issues of life…
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The All Sufficient One. Listen as I share on the sufficiency of God. Understanding that God is enough is pivotal in our journey to being content. I pray that you are blessed as you listen. Amen!
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An angry person causes arguments, and someone who is quick-tempered is guilty of many sins. (Proverbs 29:22 ERV)
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I was not like this… What changed?
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10:23Have you ever wondered why you stopped bearing Godly fruits, you used to be so loving, patient and kind or so you thought, but now you find yourself acting out of order. Join me on this mini devotion series as we look into the dangers of being disconnected from God or distracted by our busy schedules.…
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Many times I found myself tweaking the truth, loosing my temper, complaining about someone that has offended me to someone else instead of approaching them or taking them to God, misusing my time at work, looking for approval of others, etc, one or more of these we all do but may fail to admit, you are just deceiving yourself…Here is a reminder for…
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Romans 12:2 says "Do not conform to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then You will be able to test and approve what God's will is- his good, pleasing and perfect will". Conformity is defined as behaviour in accordance to socially accepted coventions and standards. Conforming is basically a road block to t…
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The Attitude of Gratitude
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10:36“I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak his praises. I will boast only in the Lord; let all who are helpless take heart. Come, let us tell of the Lord’s greatness; let us exalt his name together.”Psalms 34:1-3 NLT
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“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”Matthew 6:24 KJV
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While we were yet sinners
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14:01“But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.”Romans 5:8 NLT
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Meekness: A great attribute
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10:22People often see those that are meek as easily people that can be easily short-changed but Mattew 5:5 tell us that the meek are blessed and they shall inherit the earth... listen in to today’s episode as I talk about this great attribute
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A patient said something to me this morning while I went to do my regular check-in on how she’s doing and how her day is going. As I wrote the date and my name in her white board she said, “I’m starting to like myself again” I can’t explain to you how much my heart lit up hearing that. I told her she’s beautiful and I’m glad she’s finally feeling a…
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Will I ever be me?
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We have our first guest on VOUC on tomorrow’s episode! Tune in to listen to us speak on Sleep vs Rest!
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From Generation To Generation
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10:562 Timothy 1:3&5, 1 Peter 2:9
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Self-confident or God-confident?
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18:28Self-confident or God-confident?
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Do you ever feel like you’re drowning in a flood caused by showers of blessings? Have you become preoccupied with the good things of life that your focus is shifting from Christ? Are you now too busy to spend quality time with Him? We need to refocus, let go of the guilt, and press in. He is patiently waiting...…
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I’ve been listening to an audiobook by Joyce Meyer titled “Battlefield of the mind”. I went back to one of the chapters that talks about mind binding spirits and we are going to be praying together against these spirit that keeps us captive to thoughts that are not of God. Join me aswe pray...
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Effectual prayer requires a heart that is transparent, pure and yielded to God. Listen as we discuss the importance of the heart condition in the place of prayer.
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Wait on it! He will give you rain in due season...
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This is part 1 of the Diaries of A Wimpy Kid Series
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False Positives with Marc White
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Greater Measure Of Faith The View From The Soil
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Testimony Part 2 by Voice Of Unwavering ConfidenceKirjoittanut Voice Of Unwavering Confidence
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Here is the second part of my testimony...
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Here is Part 1 of my testimony... My life in of itself is a testimony but here is the most recent miraculous experience i'm excited to share with you.
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Testimony Pt. 1 by Voice Of Unwavering ConfidenceKirjoittanut Voice Of Unwavering Confidence
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When The Music Fades by Voice Of Unwavering ConfidenceKirjoittanut Voice Of Unwavering Confidence
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What Is Your Motive by Voice Of Unwavering ConfidenceKirjoittanut Voice Of Unwavering Confidence
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What Is Your Motive 1 by Voice Of Unwavering ConfidenceKirjoittanut Voice Of Unwavering Confidence
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