mAtE malaya (daru varNa Class / Lesson) - Khamas - Adi (2 kalai) - Mysore Vasudevacharya
Manage episode 458799936 series 3604063
Full Notation:
mAtE malaya (daru varNa)
RAGAM- khamAs (28th melakartha (HariKambodhi) Janyam) ARO: S M1 G3 M1 N2 D2 N2 P D2 N2 S ||
AVA : S N2 D2 P M1 G3 R3 S ||
Talam: Adi (2 kalai)
Composer: Mysore Vasudevacharya
Version: T M Krishna (Youtube: )
Lyrics Courtesy: Lakshman Ragde
Meanings Courtesy: ChatGPT Plus (with edits)
Youtube Class:
Meaning: (Courtesy: R Shankar & Ganesh, )
Meaning: Oh mother of the elephant (mAtanga)-faced (vadana) one and kArtikEya (guha), and the daughter (sanjAtE) [1] of the pANDya king malayadhvaja.
mAtE: Oh mother
malayadhvaja: Malayadhvaja (name of a Pandya king)
pANDya: Of Pandya (a South Indian dynasty)
sanjAtE: Born or daughter
mAtanga: Elephant
vadana: Faced
guha: Referring to Guha (Kartikeya), also interpreted as Ganesha
Meaning: Oh mother (tAyE), who is fair complexioned (gauri) and slender-waisted (SATOdari)! You are the creator (kari) of auspiciousness (SaM), oh durgA (cAmuNDESvari), who wears (dhari) the crescent moon (candarakalA)!
shAtOdari: Slender-waisted
shankari: Consort of Shiva; creator of auspiciousness
cAmuNDEshvari: Goddess Chamundeshwari; a form of Durga
candrakalAdhari: Bearer of the crescent moon
tAyE: Mother
gaurI: Fair-complexioned
Oh mighty (mahitE) mother (tAyE), the compassionate (sadayE) beguiler (manOharE) of the golden/red (hari)-tressed (kESa) [2] Siva, please protect (porE) my benefactor (dAtA), the maharAja (nAtha) of mysUru (mahiSura), SrI kRshNa rAjEndra oDeyAru the fourth (nAlvaDi) at all times (sadA), for he is the benefactor (dAtA) who possesses skilled (catura) expertise (nipuNa) in all (sakala) art-forms (kalA); he has an open/easily obtainable/simple (sulabha) heart (hRdaya); his speech (vacana) is sweet (madhura) ; and he is the supreme/eminent (vara) rasika of the intrinsic (nija) meaning (bhAva) and joy (sukhada) of music - the notes (svara), the rhythm (laya) and the lyrics (gIta) - that is filled with rasAnubhava (sa-rasa) of unsurpassing brilliance/splendor (rucira-tara)!
… he is the benefactor (dAtA) who possesses skilled (catura) expertise (nipuNa) in all (sakala) art-forms (kalA); he has an open/easily obtainable/simple (sulabha) heart (hRdaya); his speech (vacana) is sweet (madhura) ;
dAtA: Giver; benefactor
sakala: All; every
kalA: Arts; skills
nipuNa: Skilled; expert
catura: Clever; dexterous
sulabha: Easily accessible; simple
hRdaya: Heart
madhura: Sweet
vacana: Speech; words
… he is the supreme/eminent (vara) rasika of the intrinsic (nija) meaning (bhAva) and joy (sukhada) of music - the notes (svara), the rhythm (laya) and the lyrics (gIta) - that is filled with rasAnubhava (sa-rasa) of unsurpassing brilliance/splendor (rucira-tara)!
… Oh mighty (mahitE) mother (tAyE), the compassionate (sadayE) beguiler (manOharE) of the golden/red (hari)-tressed (kESa) [2] Siva …
sarasa: Juicy; essence
ruciratara: More delightful or splendid
svara: Notes; sound
laya: Rhythm; tempo
gIta: Song; singing
sukhada: Pleasure-giving; delightful
nija: Own; inherent
bhAva: Feeling; emotion
rasika: Connoisseur; one who appreciates
vara: Excellent; best
mahishUra: Mysore (a city in India)
nAtha: Lord; ruler
nAlvaDi: Fourth
shrI: Respected; holy
… please protect (porE) my benefactor (dAtA), the maharAja (nAtha) of mysUru (mahiSura), SrI kRshNa rAjEndra oDeyAru the fourth (nAlvaDi) at all times (sadA),
Oh dark-hued one (SyAmE), the empress (sArvabhaumE) [3] of the entire (sakala) collection of worlds/universes (bhuvana), you occupy the center (madhyagE) [4] of the never-waning center of the 16th phase of the ob/circle (maNDala) of the moon (SaSi).
374 jaksoa