ARC Reach is a mobile learning and training platform. Using gamification and simulation, we design learning and training apps. Our initial engagement lets us understand your businesses training processes and needs, from which we can make recommendations on how to achieve greater efficiencies in your training processes, and retention of material in your staff. Follow us for frequent podcasts on gamification and game-based learning!
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In episode 7, Dr. David Chandross talks about the importance of narrative in games and how the three-act play structure can make them compelling.Kirjoittanut ARC Reach
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Episode 6 - Interview with Dr. Michael Sutton
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Toista myöhemmin
In episode 6, Dr. David Chandross interviews Dr. Michael Sutton, a fellow gamification guru and expert in game-based learning. They cover a myriad of topics over this 50-minute episode, namely the current state of gamification and where it's headed.Kirjoittanut ARC Reach
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In episode 5, Dr. David Chandross talks about the power of implementing gamification in the workplace for learning and training purposes.Kirjoittanut ARC Reach
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Episode 4 - The AGE-WELL Grant
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Toista myöhemmin
In episode 4, Dr. David Chandross talks about the AGE-WELL grant, its focus on developing technologies to assist in aging, and his research with Dr. David Kaufman and Dr. Deborah Fels into improving social connectedness in seniors using ARC Reach
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In episode 3, Dr. David Chandross talks about the Simulation and Advanced Gaming Environments (SAGE) study based at Simon Fraser University and how they researched the effects of gamification and simulation.Kirjoittanut ARC Reach
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Episode 2 of our podcast is all about our Lead Game Designer, Dr. David Chandross! Learn how he forged his path into the fields of gamification and learning.Kirjoittanut ARC Reach
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In our first podcast episode we introduce you to our lead game designer, Dr. David Chandross, and the concept of game-based learning.Kirjoittanut ARC Reach
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