Seria lekcji języka angielskiego od zera do bohatera. Podcast, w którym wszystkie wyjaśnienia są po polsku, a wymowa jest wzorcowo angielska. Naucz się mówić po angielsku powtarzając zdania i wyrażenia za nami, a to wszystko zajmie Ci maksymalnie 15 minut. Nowy odcinek pojawia się co czwartek. Jeżeli doceniasz moją pracę nad podcastem, to zostań Patronem KNA dzięki stronie Nie wiesz czym jest Patronite? Posłuchaj specjalnego odcinka: ...
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If you missed a Sunday or would like to hear the preaching style at Grace, then check out our sermons! A sermon archive is also available and is a great resource in your personal bible study.
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Get Everything WA with Michael & Angie for Breakfast. Weekdays 6am-10am.
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Conversation with Angie & Mike is a Podcast & Vlog with interesting people from all walks of life. We discuss everything and anything, usually touching on Mental Health as both Mike & Angie are Trustees of Somewhere House Somerset, a mental health counselling charity based in Somerset, England.
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‚Angielski z Konradem’ to unikalny sposób na naukę języka - bez podręczników, bez musztry gramatycznej, bez stresu! Pobierz notatki do nauki z podcastem na W moich podcastach poruszam lekkie i interesujące tematy - od rozwoju osobistego po kulturę popularną - posługując się jedynie językiem angielskim. Ponadto poznasz praktyczne porady jak w skuteczny sposób opanować język samodzielnie w domu. Odcinków możesz słuchać w dowolnej kolejności. Do każdego podcastu pobierzesz ...
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Happy Kids Talk to podcast dla Mam, które chcą się nauczyć angielskiego bez wychodzenia z domu i w małych porcjach. Najłatwiej uczymy się o rzeczach, które naturalnie nas interesują i są częścią naszej codzienności. Dlatego w nagraniach poruszane są tematy bliskie Mamom: wychowanie dzieci, kreatywne spędzanie czasu z rodziną, tworzenie wymarzonego domu. Znajdziesz tam wiele porad i inspiracji z perspektywy mamy trójki dzieci. A wszystko to po angielsku, tak abyś osłuchała się z nim, poznała ...
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Un balado pour faire connaître le Bullet journal (bujo) et ma méthode d'organisation axée sur le développement personnel et la santé mentale.... Sans le côté gnan gnan, juste pratico pratique avec une touche de psychologie et d'humour.
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Sit back and relax as Angie and her friends tackle the classic reality shows so you don't have to. With charm and humor the gang will watch reality tv together. Also, they will bring you recaps of every episode of the new season of "The Floor"
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More Like You is a podcast for anyone navigating life’s crossroads, ready for personal transformation and authentic living. Hosted by former TV journalist Angie Mizzell, who left a successful career to follow her heart, the podcast explores what happens when you embrace change, listen to your inner voice, and step into a life that feels more aligned with who you are. Through personal stories and real conversations, Angie guides listeners on a journey of self-discovery, purpose, and healing—h ...
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Welcome to Angie & Christie Write Now where every week we'll explore a different facet of the writing process. We'll go through all the emotions that come with writing and publishing a book, from the highs to the lows, the silly to the serious, and all the hard work in between. We'll also chat with authors, editors, agents, and publishers about what it means to be a successful writer. Come share your journey with us and find your won individual path because: Who said there's just one way to ...
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New listings and price updates for Rhea County, TN
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Business Minded with Angie B is a space where "business-minded" individuals unite to connect, ask questions, find motivation, and gain the tools to transform their lives and make educated decisions about business and personal growth. Here, we focus on creating wealthy minds—because a wealthy mind is the foundation for building a thriving community. This platform isn’t about chasing money; it’s about fostering the mindset that leads to lasting success. Together, we’ll explore the importance o ...
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Sprawiam, że mówisz po angielsku! A ten podcast to przede wszystkim małe porcje języka angielskiego – w sam raz do kawy ;) To minilekcje na poziomie B1-B2, na których uczę Cię wyrażeń przydatnych na co dzień. Ze mną nabierzesz pewności siebie i poprawisz swoją płynność w języku angielskim. Happy learning! Więcej informacji tutaj ➡️
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Angie hosts this podcast in a conversation style setting. Most episodes the host is solo, others will include friends or people who can elaborate on topics with her. The format of the podcast is letter based, the title will start with Dear and the body will be the conversation. The P.S. (or post script) will be the featured guest or a side thought or conversation related to the title. Email: Rakuten - ...
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Pomoc w nauce wymowy angielskiej. Pokonaj kłopot z różnicą między pisownią a wymową. Pomogą ci w tym nagrania .mp3 wykonane przez native speakera.
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Angie and Kevin Brown are here to help real life runners to improve their running and their life through conversations about training, mindset, nutrition, health and wellness, family, and all the crazy things that life throws at us. The lessons that we learn from running can carry over into all aspects of our life, and we are here to explore those connections through current research, our experiences, and stories from real people out on the roads and trails, so that you can become a physical ...
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Franklin News
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Unfiltered thoughts by me, Angie, a 29yo queer, black, tech babe in the Bay, and occasional guests.
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Love Your Life After Divorce with Angie Wilson: Helping Women Rebuild Their Lives, Co-parent and Heal
Angie Wilson
Welcome to Love Your Life After Divorce, the podcast that empowers you to rebuild and thrive on your own terms. Together, we’ll explore how to create a life you truly love—from the inside out. Dive into transformative topics like co-parenting with grace, prioritizing self-care, helping your kids adjust, rebuilding your confidence, finding forgiveness, and achieving financial freedom. Whether you're navigating the early days or looking to rediscover your joy, this podcast is your guide to tur ...
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Peace and love! This is a free place of judgement however, I will discuss things freely. Just my expressions of how I feel or may view something. Feel free to listen in and engage!
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Entrepreneur in Addiction Treatment, CrossFitter, Podcast Host, and Power Mom! Going Rogue is how I’ve made it this far in life and has been my mantra. Sometimes you’ve got to break some rules or ruffle some feathers to get anything truly meaningful done. It has served me well in my career and in helping me overcome challenges. Passion Turned Into Profession…CEO of Elevate Addiction Services I’ve worked in alcohol and drug rehabilitation full-time for over 28 years. I came into this industry ...
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I'm Angie, going to be posting alot just a podcast about any& everything. Need opinions or advice on something, email me:
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Discover, understand and overcome narcissistic abuse with Certified Life Coach Angie Atkinson and
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Welcome to the Angie K podcast, where amazing things happen.
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The Angie Creates Podcast interviews curious humans on how they seek to become the most alive versions of themselves through creative expression like movement, writing, and art.
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Jeśli próbujesz wymyślić sposób na naukę języka angielskiego, robisz to źle. Ucz się angielskiego tak jak polskiego: słuchając go w dużych ilościach. (Z przynajmniej niejasnym pojęciem, co to znaczy!) Tysiące angielskich zwrotów wraz z polskimi tłumaczeniami trafia bezpośrednio do Twojego mózgu: od praktycznych, przez filozoficzne, aż po flirt. Tylko frazy, bez wypełniaczy! Wyjdź poza podstawy języka angielskiego, aby nie tylko komunikować się, ale naprawdę stać się interesującą osobą po ang ...
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Have you ever had a feeling that you want to connect a bit more to your surroundings, your community, your peers, and you just aren’t sure how to gain the meaning that you need. Have you ever looked around your city and wished that you had a stronger connection to it and the people who are shaping it? Welcome to the “Climbing the Charts” podcast. Each week, your hosts - Angie Lawless and Brandon Miller will challenge you to become more involved in your community, to take on grassroot efforts ...
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An every day life and stuff a bout teens and pre teens. We also do drawings
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The Angie From Brooklyn Podcast is a thought provoking show that is primarily focused on Society, and Culture hosted by Angelia "Angie" Jackson who is an Award-Winning Filmmaker.
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Personal thoughts from Angie Murenga on issues affecting the Nation of Kenya and Africa on purpose, leadership, family, marriage, community and governance for IMPACT and posterity
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Angielski Po Polsku to podcast dla wszystkich, którzy uczą się języka angielskiego. Tłumaczę w nim strukturę i gramatykę angielskiego w języku polskim.
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All topics are open for discussion, astrology, music, recipes, positive quotes, health, conspiracy theories, wealth, different lifestyles of living , media topics, all of above an more .....
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Welcome to Angie Simonetti, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Markus Spiske on Unsplash:
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I’m a fitness junkie, mom of two and it’s not supposed to get easier you just get better. Real talk and help navigate you through this crazy life.
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Welcome to Angie Van Gogh's podcast where there's no telling what I may talk about. Things from experiences I've had in life, living as an addict, being a parent, relationships, the list goes on and on. Stay tuned..I hope you enjoy💓
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Weekly topics
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Self employed entrepreneur with a desire to make a difference in life, in the beauty industry and raise the standards for Nail Technicians.
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I invite you to my life, an ordinary life with no shame, where I will always be me.
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Angie’s homes India’s first affordable luxury interior home decor online store - by India’s interior designer angie ( anjaleka ) Kripalani- interior solutions for kids rooms - living - dining - offices. Introducing Angie's India, Wedding Registry (Angie's Bridal Registry Program) Bedding, Lights, Accessories & tableware. Official Website:-
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An overflow of witty, random thoughts on diverse topics such as femininity, masculinity, mental health, volunteering and figuring life out, all from a millennial's perspective. It is all about giving you something to think about! PS: Hold on to your seats for sprinklings of good storytelling! Cover art photo provided by Ryan Thomas Ang on Unsplash:
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Hey y’all! Welcome to the weekly update on my life, events, and trends that are going on in the world today. Listen along as this big girl tries to navigate this big world!
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Let's Heal.Grow.Discover together through Power Talks geared to provide you with tools to effectively engage and overcome life's emotional and spiritual challenges.
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The podcast for women who are owning their lives, reaching their goals and stepping out in the fullness and beauty that they are!
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Family & Life
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Consejos para amantes del diseño Cover art photo provided by Annie Spratt on Unsplash:
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Podcast to miejsce, z którym odkryjesz i pogłębisz swoją pasję do języka angielskiego. Więcej niż język angielski to seria stworzona dla wszystkich, aby pomóc rozwinąć językowe skrzydła i sprawić, że język angielski stanie się przyjemny. Ewa Ostarek, doświadczony trener języka angielskiego, opowiada o interesujących sposobach dotyczących nie tylko nauki języka, ale także o roli nastawiania językowego, motywacji, e-learningu, o ciekawych zasobach internetowych. Te nagrania to nie tylko konkre ...
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Nazywam się Monika Podbielska i będę Twoim przewodnikiem po nauce języka angielskiego. Zajmuję się nauczaniem języka angielskiego osób dorosłych i w podcaście dzielę się swoim wieloletnim doświadczeniem. Jeśli więc uczysz się języka angielskiego od wielu lat i w końcu chcesz przeskoczyć na wyższy poziom lub czujesz, że tkwisz w miejscu, masz wrażenie, że wszystko zapomniałeś i musisz zaczynać od początku albo po prostu chcesz podtrzymywać znajomość języka ten podcast jest dla Ciebie. „Twój p ...
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The Floor Recap Episode 7 with Alex, Laurel and Mike - Reality Check with Heidi and Brad
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1:02:30On this weeks recap of "The Floor", Angie is joined by Season 3 contestants Alex, Laurel, and Mike to discuss the latest developments in The Floor episode 7. They delve into strategies, personal experiences, and the dynamics of competition, reflecting on their journeys and the community formed among contestants. The conversation highlights the impo…
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T&A Talk with Angie Manson and Thomas Legan - AI and The Future
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16:08What does the rise of AI mean for our future? In this episode of Going Rogue, Angie Manson and Thomas Legan dive into the wild world of artificial intelligence—from The Matrix’s eerie predictions to real-life concerns about instant gratification, critical thinking, and societal dependence on technology. They explore everything from AI’s role in mil…
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Running Around Australia & Looking Around the Universe
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28:35Would you run 2 marathons a day? Brooke McIntosh has taken up the challenge to run Perth to Perth the long way round for the Blue Tree Project. We have a great chat with her about mental health and Angie shares why the interview hit pretty hard this week. If someone you know would benefit from hearing Brooke's inspiring story, then send the pod the…
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402: Why You're Feeling Slower (and How to Reverse It)
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44:40Feeling slower despite consistent running routines is a common concern among runners over 40. This episode addresses the frustration experienced by seasoned runners who feel their performance is declining with age. Key topics include the real reasons behind this perceived slowdown—beyond just age—and actionable strategies to combat them. The discus…
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Taking Risks That Feel Safe with Kerstin Martin
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43:15In this episode of More Like You, I’m joined by my longtime friend, online educator, and founder of Calm Business, Kerstin Martin. We dive into the balance between taking risks and feeling safe, how to recognize the safety nets you already have, and why building a sustainable business matters more than chasing hustle culture. Kerstin shares her jou…
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37. Divorce Doesn't Equal Failure
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25:15Send us a text Have you ever felt guilty for changing your mind? Many divorced women struggle with the belief that wanting something different—like leaving a marriage—means their past choices were mistakes. In this episode, I share a simple but powerful realization I had while sitting outside on a sunny day and how it relates to the way we think ab…
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Retail Business | New Administration | New Rules | Preparing for Change or Business as Usual?
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21:10Retail Business in 2025 – Thriving or Surviving? | Business Minded with Angie B. Hey all my billionaire friends! Welcome back to Business Minded with Angie B.—your go-to podcast for real talk on business, branding, and entrepreneurship! I’m your host, Angie B., and today, we’re diving deep into the retail industry in 2025. With a new administration…
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Ep. 45: The Spirit of Bipartisanship: Discharging Mental Health Patients in Tennessee
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58:22Tennessee Republican State House Rep. Jody Barrett is proposing legislation that would change the discharge process of individuals who are involuntarily committed to mental health facilities in Tennessee. Under Barrett's bill, the CEO of an inpatient treatment facility would be required to notify the court when an individual is eligible for dischar…
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From Rugby to Rotomec: Simon Brooks' Entrepreneurial Journey
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38:41In this conversation, Simon Brooks, CEO of Rotamec Group, shares his entrepreneurial journey from humble beginnings at Cheddar Rugby Club to leading a successful engineering business. He discusses the challenges faced in the early days, the growth of Rotamec, and the importance of employee support and mental health. Simon reflects on the sacrifices…
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Author Spotlight: W.A. Simpson, empowering fantasy stories #fantasy #RivenIslesSeries
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44:59W.A. Simpson is an award-winning author celebrated for her Tales from the Riven Isles series, which includes Tinderbox and Tarotmancer. With her debut novel reaching the Top 100 on Amazon’s Best Sellers List for Black & African American Fantasy Fiction and winning the 2022 GOLD Foreword Reviews Indie Award for Fantasy, this author has made a resoun…
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une annonce spéciale : si t'as envie de continuer de me suivre dans mes projets : Bouture de Confiance, c'est mon nouveau projet ♡ Cherche-moi sur tes réseaux sociaux et suis-moi si t'as envie de continuer à m'entendre parler de santé mentale et de développement personnel ♡
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KNA: Lekcja 353 (wiosna)
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14:47W 353. lekcji porozmawiamy o oznakach wiosny – zarówno tych w przyrodzie, jak i w naszych domach. Omówimy wiosenne porządki, zmiany zachodzące w naturze, a także różne znaczenia słowa spring i kilka ciekawych wyrażeń z nim związanych. ------Rozdziały-------- (0:20) - Intro (1:46) - Z czym kojarzy się wiosna (5:00) - Spring inaczej (6:44) - Powiedze…
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Finishing chapter 11, Pastor Brad hinges the sermon on the proclamation made with loud voices that the Kingdom belongs to Jesus.
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Angie Manson with Katie Hogan - Grit, Growth & Pushing Past Limits
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1:04:15In this episode of Going Rogue, Angie sits down with CrossFit veteran and seminar staff coach Katie H. to dive deep into the power of fitness, mindset, and personal growth. From competing in the CrossFit Games to coaching future athletes, Katie shares her journey of discipline, overcoming injuries, and how she found a passion for coaching. Angie an…
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The Floor Episode 6 Recap with Toni and Bradley - Reality Check with Heidi and Brad
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1:07:22On this week's "The Floor" season 3 episode 6 recap Brad, and Angie are joined by Toni and Bradley and they talk all things Floor. Bradley wishes he had space as a category, Brad opines that Alex made the worst game move but still likes him as a player, Angie thinks there should be more fanfare for the time boost and also has an opinion about Robin…
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Czy codzienne obowiązki muszą być przytłaczające? Absolutnie nie! W 75. odcinku podcastu Happy Kids Talk dzielę się sprawdzonymi sposobami na organizację codziennych zadań przy pomocy nowoczesnych technologii. Dzięki nim planowanie posiłków, zarządzanie czasem czy dbanie o bezpieczeństwo dzieci stanie się prostsze niż kiedykolwiek! Oto, o czym mówi…
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A Whale of a Time, Tariff Talk & Carlton Catastrophe
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22:20A joyvious holiday now ruined by the cost of living and your footy team forgetting to play a whole game. Michael's on a rollercoaster of emotions, or should that be sand board, as we find out if he took up Angie's challenge while on holiday. Scott Phillips, Chief Economist at the Motley Fool explains how President Trump's tariffs could affect us in…
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401: Breaking Free from Food and Exercise Obsession with Sabrina Magnan
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39:20In this episode of the podcast, we welcome Sabrina Magnan, an intuitive eating and food freedom coach, to discuss the complexities of our relationship with food and body image. Sabrina shares her personal journey from a life consumed by disordered eating and extreme dieting to one of balance and self-love. She explains the distinctions between diso…
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KNA: Lekcja 352 (prawie wszystko o make cz. 2)
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14:22W 352. lekcji poznajemy kolejną porcję wyrażeń i znaczeń "make" zwieńczonych kolokacjami i idiomami oraz krótkim testem. ------Rozdziały-------- (0:20) - Intro (0:53) - Zmuszać (4:17) - Dotrzeć na miejsce, na czas (6:24) - Uczynić coś jakimś (8:04) - Idiomy i kolokacje (11:06) - Test (13:39) - Outro ---------------------- Jeżeli doceniasz moją prac…
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Finding Your Voice at Any Age with Marnie Dachis Marmet
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29:57What does it really mean to find your voice—and why does it feel so hard sometimes? In this episode, I’m joined by functional health coach and author Marnie Dachis Marmet. Marnie shares how writing her memoir, My Song Unleashed, became an unexpected journey of self-discovery, helping her break free from expectations and embrace authenticity. We tal…
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36. Don't Let Fear Control Your Co-Parenting: a Conversation with Annmarie Chereso
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48:17Send us a text Co-parenting after divorce can be challenging. In this episode, I talk with conscious relationship coach, AnnMarie Chereso about the role fear plays as we co-parent. Listen in to understand that fear itself isn't wrong or bad. It can be a helpful messenger, but it's important to be in right relationship with fear. You can't be in fea…
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Pastor Brad demonstrates the labor of biblical interpretation through an exegesis of Revelation 11 and the many significant interpretive choices to make.
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The Floor Season 3 Episode 5 recap with a bunch of Contestants - Reality Check with Heidi and Brad
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1:08:42On this week's "The Floor" season 3 episode 5 recap Brad, and Angie are joined by a few of your favorites from season 3 and some from season 2 and season 1 of the Floor! If you love "The Floor" then you don't want to miss this episode. Checkout the new Hopecast website: https:/…
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Angie Manson with Jevon Barnes Part 1 - Lessons from the Edge
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1:05:34In this powerful episode of Going Rogue, Angie Manson sits down with Jevon Barnes, also known as Dirty White, to share his raw and unfiltered journey from a traumatic childhood to running a multi-million-dollar drug operation—and ultimately, to sobriety and purpose. Jevon opens up about his experiences growing up in an abusive household, navigating…
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Mardi Gras Madness and Housewives Drama
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36:41In this episode of Reality Redux, Angie and Maggie dive into the wild world of the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, discussing the latest season's drama, including Jen Shah's legal troubles, the dynamics between the cast members, and the impact of Mardi Gras festivities. They explore the new faces introduced in season three, the evolving relation…
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400: The Power of Plyometrics – How to Run Faster, Stronger, and Injury-Free
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44:18Most runners focus on endurance and strength training—but what if explosive power was the missing piece to better running? In this milestone 400th episode of the Real Life Runners Podcast, we’re diving into plyometrics—a powerful training tool that can help you run faster, improve efficiency, and reduce injury risk. Many runners assume plyos are ju…
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KNA: Lekcja 351 (prawie wszystko o make cz. 1)
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15:21W 351. lekcji koncentrujemy się na czasowniku "make". Poznasz jego trzy główne znaczenia oraz wiele idiomów i kolokacji, które ten niesamowicie uniwersalny czasownik tworzy, a na koniec sprawdzisz co zapamiętałeś_aś z tego odcinka. ------Rozdziały-------- (0:19) - Intro (1:18) - Produkować (7:03) - Powodować (9:25) - Zarabiać (11:21) - Test (14:38)…
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Czy organizacja miejsca do nauki dla dzieci musi być skomplikowana? Absolutnie nie! W 74. odcinku podcastu Happy Kids Talk dzielę się sprawdzonymi sposobami na stworzenie przyjaznej przestrzeni do nauki – bez wielkich remontów i zbędnych kosztów. Zobacz, jak kilka prostych zmian może pomóc Twojemu dziecku lepiej się skupić i czerpać więcej radości …
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Odc. 66 - One word makes a world of difference!
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13:58Pobierz notatki do odcinka: Możesz wesprzeć moją twórczość stawiając mi kawę za pośrednictwem One letter might not seem like a lot, but it can have a significant impact on what you want to say or write. Check out this episode to learn how the letter 'A' can change you from poor to rich! | Jedna …
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Why the Midlife Conversation Needs to Start Sooner with Kerri Devine
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23:29We talk to our young girls about puberty, but no one prepares us for what happens next. The hormonal shifts of perimenopause, the identity shifts of midlife, and the life transitions that come with it—these are conversations we should be having much sooner. In this episode, I sit down with Kerri Devine, writer, storyteller, and founder of Hot in Ch…
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35. Marking the Moment: How Rituals and Ceremonies Can Help You Heal After Divorce
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41:25Send us a text Divorce isn’t just a legal process—it’s a major life transition that deserves to be acknowledged. In this episode, I talk with one of my clients, Natalie, about the “Finish the Firsts” party she hosted after her divorce to commemorate her first year as a single woman. She shares the meaningful rituals she included—like smashing a wed…
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Pastor Brad shows the beauty of the mystery of God's Word displayed in Revelation 10 and the things God instructs John to reserve and not to share.
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The Floor Season 3 Episode 4 recap with: Clint, Magic, Eric, Angie and Brad - Reality Check with Heidi and Brad
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1:04:39On this week's "The Floor" season 3 episode 4 recap Brad, and Angie are joined by a few of your favorites from season 3 and some from season 2 of the Floor! If you love "The Floor" then you don't want to miss this episode. htt…
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Angie Manson with Danny Galvez - Facing Grief and Embracing the Spiritual Journey
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1:29:02In this deeply moving and insightful episode of Going Rogue, Angie Manson sits down with Danny Galvez, a speaker, entrepreneur, and all-around rogue warrior, to talk about life, loss, reintegration, and the journey of self-discovery. Danny shares his personal experience of losing his brother, the profound spiritual insights he gained, and how grief…
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Behind the Scenes of AFL Commentary + Reuben Ginbey & Griffin Logue
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25:57Footy comes to the SW this weekend at Hands Oval, between the West Coast Eagles and North Melbourne. AFL Producer Dan Leach jumps on to give us a peak into the commentary box and how despite his best efforts Michael did not make for a great replacement. We also get to hear from a couple of the players; proud Dunsborough boy Reuben Ginbey of the Eag…
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Ep. 44: The Spirit of Bipartisanship: Free School Lunches in Tennessee
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54:2317% of children in Tennessee face food insecurity. TN Democratic State House Rep. John Ray Clemmons proposed legislation to provide free school meals — breakfast and lunch — to all TN children regardless if they meet federal SNAP benefit requirements. This isn’t the first time Clemmons has introduced this legislation. He’s brought this bill forward…
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399: Stop Procrastination and Get What You Want with Dr. Christine Li
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40:12In this episode, Dr. Angie Brown welcomes Dr. Christine Li, a psychologist and procrastination coach, to discuss the roots of procrastination and the challenges of midlife, particularly for women. Dr. Li explains how fear and self-doubt are central to procrastination and the importance of self-kindness and mindfulness in overcoming these barriers. …
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KNA: Lekcja 350 (powtórka ze strony biernej, hobby i randek)
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16:11W 350. lekcji robimy dużą powtórkę ze strony biernej, have something done, hobby oraz randek. Tak zaprojektowałem odcinek, abyś miał okazję wypowiedzieć się i reagować na moje wypowiedzi. Sprawdźmy co pamiętasz! ------Rozdziały-------- (0:19) - Intro (0:56) - Strona bierna (4:33) - Have something done (7:03) - Hobby (10:53) - Randkowanie (15:26) - …
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Buffing the Big Bad & Writing Character-Driven Plots #plotter #outline #writingadvice #writingabook
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12:55Angie and Christie chat about their new book series and share a new, easy-to-use outlining tip that helped to outline two new future projects. For more author interviews, check out our playlist: #authortube #authorvlog #authorpodcast #writing #wri…
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How to Make Authenticity Your Superpower with Lorna Hollifield
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Toista myöhemmin
31:26What if the key to success wasn’t trying to fit into the world’s expectations—but instead, fully embracing who you are? In this episode of More Like You, I sit down with novelist Lorna Hollifield to talk about making authenticity your superpower. Lorna shares how she stayed true to her writing dreams despite rejection, why she walked away from a tr…
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More on Michael + Unbe-Reef-able Damage
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Toista myöhemmin
22:56Our new behind the scenes podcast format continues with Angie wanting to know a bit more about how Michael got here. So come on a journey that goes back over a decade! We also catch up with Craig Kitson from Ningaloo Glass Bottom Tours, to talk the shocking coral bleaching happening in our North. Don't forget to join the Michael & Angie group on Fa…
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Odc. 65 - Bad move, Spotify.
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Toista myöhemmin
16:44Pobierz notatki do odcinka: Możesz wesprzeć moją twórczość stawiając mi kawę za pośrednictwem Sometimes even big companies make dumb moves. In this episode, I discuss Spotify's ill-conceived venture into hardware world. | Czasem nawet duże firmy podejmują głupie decyzje. W tym odcinku opowiadam …
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34. You Don't Need Permission to Live Life on Your Own Terms After Divorce
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21:03Send us a text As women, we've been conditioned to seek permission—especially when making big life changes like divorce. But what if you didn’t need permission to live life on your terms? In this episode, I dive into how societal expectations have shaped our need for validation and how that shows up in divorce and rebuilding our lives. I share pers…
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On the occasion of Kyler Martin's ordination to gospel ministry, Pastor Brad issues a charge to him and all believers from Paul's encouragement and instruction to Timothy.
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The Real Truth About Running a Custom Accessories Business + Angelique Collections Relaunch!
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14:19Welcome to Business Minded with Angie B, the Podcast where creativity meets entrepreneurship! I’m Angie B, a designer, entrepreneur, and business strategist sharing real talk about running a custom accessories brand, navigating the highs and lows of business, and making smart moves in today’s market. As the founder of Angelique Collections, I know …
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The Art of Apology in Reality TV Relationships
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Toista myöhemmin
45:21In this episode, Angie and Maggie recap Season Two of the Salt Lake City Real Housewives, discussing the intense drama, toxic relationships, and the dynamics between the housewives. They delve into the art of apology, the implications of cult-like behavior in Mary's church, and the ongoing legal troubles surrounding Jen Shaw. The conversation highl…
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