Her sabah 06.30'da, Türkiye ve dünyadan en önemli gelişmeler, 10 dakikalık bir özetle kulaklarınızda: Piyasalar, ekonomi, politika, teknoloji, spor ve dahası... Aposto'ya üye olmak ve daha fazlasını keşfetmek için: aposto.com Instagram: instagram.com/aposto Twitter: twitter.com/apostonews
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Lyt eller genhør prædikener og bibellæsninger fra Apostelkirken.
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Každý z nás potřebuje správné hodnoty. Kde jinde je můžeme hledat, než v Bibli? Pro váš užitek zveřejňujeme výběr z nahrávek biblických kázání Apoštolské církve ve Vyškově. Kompletní archiv je k dispozici na našem webu www.ac.vys.cz v sekci pro registrované uživatele. Nahrávky zveřejňujeme jednou týdně, obvykle v pondělí nebo úterý.
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Calvary Apostolic Church
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Mount Carmel, IL
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Weekly Sermons from Pure Apostolic Works Ministries
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Fr. Mike O’Connor; Homilies - Catholic Teaching - Reflection
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Welcome to the Catholic Apostolate Center’s Resrouce series. Listen to these presentations, interviews, and webinars featured on the Catholic Apostolate Center’s website.
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Follow the preaching ministry at Church of the Apostles in Fairhope, Alabama. For more information visit http://apostleseasternshore.org.
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Rivers Apostolic Centre is the home of Rivers Church, Royree Jensen Ministries, and Women on the Frontlines
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Sermons by Breaking Bread Apostolic Church
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Was? Apostolisch-, prophetische Lehre, Wort Gottes, Zeugnisse und geistigen Input für alle, die Jesus, dem Messias, dem Sohn Gottes, nachfolgen wollen. Wann? Jede Woche einmal plus Bonusausgaben. Warum? Der fünffältige Dienst, die Apostel, Propheten, Evangelisten, Hirten und Lehrer sind gefragter als je zuvor. Warum? Echte Erweckung, anhaltende geistige Erneuerung, wahre Einheit im Glauben und eine starke Gemeinde Christi, die in diesen letzten Tagen im biblischen Sinn erfolgreich ist, kann ...
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Sermon audio from Apostles Church Uptown in NYC.
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The Word in Season
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Church of the Apostles- Dawsonville, GA
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Welcome to the Apostles Houston sermon podcast. We are a community following Jesus in Houston. We gather weekly in the Heights and serve the greater Houston area. For more info, visit us online at www.apostleshouston.org
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Christian Apostolic Church of San Antonio - Sermons Library
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A Piccoli Sorsi - Commento alla Parola del giorno delle Apostole della Vita Interiore
Le Apostole della Vita Interiore
Hai sete? L'acqua che disseta di più è quella che "zampilla per la vita eterna" (Gv 4). Le Apostole della Vita Interiore (AVI) ci offrono nei giorni feriali una riflessione sulla liturgia quotidiana. N.B. La domenica e le festività ci dissetiamo nelle nostre comunità parrocchiali.
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This is a place for Global Revival and awakening unto Jesus Christ 🙏🏾 Jesus is happening 🔥 Email: justlabman@gmail.com
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Video podcasts of Apostolic Faith Church's weekly television broadcast. www.jesuscomingsoon.org
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Take a thirty minute journey with me, every week, as we experience a spiritual touch from Jesus on Dynamic Touch.
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Apostle Sydney Quaye is the Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church. He is a revivalist by calling, a prolific Teacher, and a lover of the Word of God; Commissioned by Heaven into the Office of an Apostle with a Prophetic Ministry.
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🎭 "Έλα να ρίξουμε τα προσωπεία" 🎭 Το πιο συναρπαστικό ανθρωποκεντρικό podcast στην Ελλάδα που σπάει τα στερεότυπα και αποκαλύπτει την αλήθεια! 🌟 Αγαπάς τη τεχνολογία; 💻 Σε ενδιαφέρει η επιχειρηματικότητα; 🚀 Σε καίει η κοινωνία και τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα; 🌍✊ Θέλεις να εξελιχθείς; 📈✨ 🎤 Εδώ συζητάμε χωρίς μάσκες, με αυθεντικότητα και πάθος! 🗣️❤️ ➡️ Follow για να ανακαλύψεις τον πραγματικό σου εαυτό και να εμπνευστείς από μοναδικές ιστορίες και ιδέες! ✨💡 ❌ Μην φοράτε προσωπεία, δείξτε τον αληθι ...
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Lots of info about Sunday School, bus ministry & more from Apostolics!
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Apostolic Lighthouse Church of Jesus Christ
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Listen to reflections by various Center staff and collaborators about topics pertinent to the liturgical seasons and current events. Find Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C.’s weekly reflections as well as reflections from Brian Rhude, the Center’s project coordinator. Listen to audio from recent Center webinars and audio from presentations at recent conferences.
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Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ
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Praise the Lord, we are Agape Apostolic Faith Assembly. The church that will love you to life. Our Pastor Jason Chambers invites you to join us as we obtain a closer walk with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
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Now in its third year, Apostle Tonya through revelatory teachings on Christ Jesus, testimonies on living in the Father's Glory, and prayers encourages and equips believers on how to access the glory realm. Listen now and study the Scriptures along with Apostle Tonya how to walk pleasing to the Lord Jesus.
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The Apostolic Faith daily devotional is a Scripture-based lesson with real-life application. It is intended to help believers gain a better understanding God's Word, so they can live by it daily.
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We are Restoration Apostolic Church in Winterville, GA. Thank you for listening! We pray that you are blessed and encouraged by what you hear. Be sure to connect with us on Instagram (@restorationapostolic) and on Facebook!
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Equipping Millions to Reach Billions! Join our weekly podcast and learn how to possess and activate, Kingdom Vision - Kingdom Gifting - Kingdom Offices. This podcast will propel you on your journey to becoming, apostolic in word and deed. Help support the global Apostolic Mentoring effort: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1773110/support Purchase your copy of Radically Apostolic today: https://www.amazon.com/author/radically.apostolic
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A bi-weekly podcast with a focus on Bible Study. Weekly programs will be between 30 to 45 minutes long. Our current study is on the book of Romans. Questions or comments can be directed to; apostolicbiblestudytime@gmail.com#apostolic#Acts238#hebrews#gaffneybiblefellowship
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The Official Corporate Podcast of Antioch, The Apostolic Church
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Welcome to the official page of Apostle Joseph Mintah. Apostle Joseph Mintah has been called with a mandate to reach, disciple, equip and release the younger generation in the End Time Harvest. Through his teaching of the word, healing, deliverance and declarations, the power of God has transformed many lives. Apostle Joseph Mintah is the Head Pastor of Torchworld Ministries and founder and leader of All For Christ Youth Mission and an encompassing network of ministries.
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Called and anointed by God to preach the Gospel to our generation evidenced by the demonstration of the power of God. Apostle Josiah Aubin the #WORDshipper
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If you care about College Football, this podcast is for you. Former NFL player and national radio host George Wrighster and CFB writer Ralph Amsden host the best College Football content in all the land. An Unafraid Show production.
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Mario Luis Suárez es Apóstol de CVV - Ministerio Internacional CAMINO VERDAD Y VIDA en Venezuela. Entregó su vida a Cristo el 15 de abril de 1995 y desde esa fecha comenzó a ejercer su llamado a servir en el ministerio de anunciar el evangelio de Cristo. Es Licenciado en Comunicación Social (Mención Desarrollo Social) y Licenciado en Teología (Mención Eclesiástica) Su mensaje: Cristo crucificado, revelado como redentor, resucitado e impartido como Vida en nosotros. - 2024 - PODCASTS
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Inspired by the Holy spirit, Apostle Solomon Paul Delivers Spiritual insights as needed in times such as this... Be lifted as you listen.
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If you wake up like Paul, with every day full of possibility, then this podcast is for you.
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Devotional Light Church / Apostle Emmanuel A Adjei
Devotional Light Church / Apostle Emmanuel A Adjei
Podcast by Devotional Light Church / Apostle Emmanuel A Adjei
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Official podcast 'Apostroph
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We are a church that exists to love God, love people, and lead others to do the same. This audio feed features recordings of our weekly worship gatherings. Feel free to listen and learn. The only thing we ask is that you never use this feed as an alternative to bodily participation in a local church unless you are physically unable to attend.
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Pentecostal Preaching and Teaching from the Landmark Apostolic Church of Sparta, IL. Pastor Doug Rice; UPCI
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Your two favorite ex-mormon apostates take you on a comedic exploration and analysis of new and old religious fundamentalism. Every week they examine hot-button issues like shame, sexuality, purity culture, and misogyny from a post-religious lens. Come and join the affirming and inclusive space for everyone navigating deconstruction, religion, society, and culture.
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Jesus started His church the way He wanted it, now He wants His church the way He started it. Jesus Is Enough, No Additives.
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Listen as Bishop Robert Boettcher and the ministry team at The Apostolic Church Bartlett share God's word.
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Paul's Positive PodcastHosted by Amy Iverson Welcome to Paul's Positive Podcast, the feel-good podcast dedicated to sharing uplifting human-interest stories. Hosted by Amy Iverson, this series of heartwarming tales is sure to bring a smile to your face. Paul's Positive Po…
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Read more on our website.Kirjoittanut The Apostolic Faith Church
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Baro’ya uzaklaştırma, CHP’de kurultay | 22 Mart 2025
Toista myöhemmin
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12:51İstanbul Barosu Başkanı Kaboğlu ve 10 kişilik Yönetim Kurulu, mahkeme kararıyla görevden uzaklaştırıldı. CHP, partiye kayyum atanma ihtimalini göz önünde bulundurarak Olağanüstü Kurultay kararı aldı. Bu bölüm Türkiye Down Sendromu Derneği hakkında reklam içermektedir. Türkiye Down Sendromu Derneği, Down sendromlu bireylerin hayatın her alanına tam …
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Rev. Bryce Jones (03/16/2025) Sunday Morning Worship ServiceKirjoittanut Landmark Apostolic Church
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The Father Seeketh Such to Worship Him
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Toista myöhemmin
43:26Bro. Glen Bishop (03/16/2025) Sunday School ServiceKirjoittanut Landmark Apostolic Church
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- Premi il tasto PLAY per ascoltare la catechesi del giorno e condividi con altri se vuoi - + Dal Vangelo secondo Luca + In quel tempo, si avvicinavano a lui tutti i pubblicani e i peccatori per ascoltarlo. I farisei e gli scribi mormoravano dicendo: «Costui accoglie i peccatori e mangia con loro». Ed egli disse loro questa parabola: «Un uomo aveva…
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Podcast #100 | March 21, 2025 | 100th Episode Celebration! | 10 Years of Apostolic Children’s Ministry
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
1:46:10THIS IS AUDIO ONLY... THE VIDEO VERSION HAS LOTS OF VISUALS!!! https://youtu.be/2bFkEkUxpRU We can hardly believe it—this is our 100th episode of the podcast AND the 10-year anniversary of our website, Apostolic Sunday School / Children's Ministry! What started as a small spark has grown into a resource hub with hundreds of videos—all created to eq…
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Homily of Fr. Michael P. O'Connor from Mass on March 21, 2025 at Our Lady of the Gulf Catholic Church in Bay St. Louis, MS. Referenced Readings: Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 If you would like to donate to OLG and her livestream ministry, please go to https://olgchurch.net/giveKirjoittanut Pod Apostle Publishing
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Redemption of Firstborns in God's Kingdom - Apostle Takim
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Toista myöhemmin
25:52Discover the true bible sense on redemption of firstborn
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High Praises – God Is Holding Your Hand in 2025
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Toista myöhemmin
48:07Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church In this prophetic and empowering message, Apostle Sydney Quaye proclaims the divine assurance for every believer stepping into 2025: God is holding your right hand, going before you, and giving to you. Drawing from Isaiah 45:1–3, Apostle Sydney teaches that when God holds you…
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Why the Demon of Deliverance is Ruling Most Churches - Apostle Takim
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
25:41Unfortunately today, the demon of deliverance sits enthroned in many so called churches. Many have turned from worshiping God to worshiping mammon, giving priority to their needs rather than the prosperity of their spiritual lives. Find out why it is so.
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Doğa Yurduneri’nin sunduğu Sürdürülebilir Geleceğe Adım podcast serisi bireysel ve toplumsal sürdürülebilir tercihlere odaklanıyor, her bölümde hayatın farklı alanlarındaki tercihlerin nasıl geleceği de düşünerek dönüştürülebileceğini tartışıyor, her ay başka bir temayı mercek altına alıyor.Sürdürülebilir Geleceğe Adım podcast serisinin on birinci …
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Sürdürülebilirlik Hepimiz İçin #4: Spor ve sürdürülebilirlik | Renay Onur
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Toista myöhemmin
33:18Aposto ve Akbank işbirliğinde, Itır Erhart’ın hazırlayıp sunduğu Sürdürülebilirlik Hepimiz İçin podcast serisi sürdürülebilirliğin hayatın farklı alanlarını nasıl dönüştürdüğünü uzmanlar ve sektör liderleri ile beraber inceliyor, konuklarımızın kişisel hikayelerinde sürdürülebilirliğin nasıl bir yer tuttuğunu masaya yatırıyor. Bu bölümün konuğu Spo…
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Read more on our website.Kirjoittanut The Apostolic Faith Church
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Prayers to overturn adversity part 3
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
1:30:17Beloved, be blessed as you listen and pray along these prayers. Jesus is happening. MIRACLE FRIDAY 21-03-2025Kirjoittanut Apostle Justice Mantey Larbi
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MHP lideri Bahçeli, “PKK bir an evvel kongresini toplayarak fesih kararı almalıdır” dedi. İmamoğlu'nun tutuklanması üzerine başlayan protestoların ikinci gününde 9 ilde 20’den fazla üniversitede öğrenciler eylem düzenlendi. Bu bölüm WWF hakkında reklam içermektedir. WWF’nin 2007’den bu yana iklim krizine dikkat çekmek hedefiyle düzenlediği “Dünya S…
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Rev. Bryce Jones (03/09/2025) Sunday Morning Worship ServiceKirjoittanut Landmark Apostolic Church
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Rev. Doug Rice (03/09/2025) Sunday School ServiceKirjoittanut Landmark Apostolic Church
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- Premi il tasto PLAY per ascoltare la catechesi del giorno e condividi con altri se vuoi - + Dal Vangelo secondo Matteo + In quel tempo, Gesù disse ai capi dei sacerdoti e agli anziani del popolo: «Ascoltate un'altra parabola: c'era un uomo che possedeva un terreno e vi piantò una vigna. La circondò con una siepe, vi scavò una buca per il torchio …
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Spirit-Led Into The Test 3.19.25
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1:07:24Elder Jason Bye The Apostolic Church Bartlett http://www.TAChurch.org
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Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church As we step into 2025, Apostle Sydney Quaye delivers a prophetic charge, declaring that God is the reason for every breakthrough, victory, and blessing in the year ahead. This message is a clarion call to believers: 2025 is a year of lordship, rulership, and dominion. It is a …
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How A Synagogue of Satan Operates - Apostle Takim
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
25:49Equip yourself with the knowledge on how to identify a true church that will lead you to Heaven and a synagogue of satan that will end you in hell
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Prayers to overturn adversity part 2
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
1:14:56Beloved be blessed as you listen and pray along. Jesus is happening. WOMB OF THE MORNING 20-03-2025Kirjoittanut Apostle Justice Mantey Larbi
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Read more on our website.Kirjoittanut The Apostolic Faith Church
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For the Third Sunday of Lent, Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. reflects on persevering in our efforts to grow in fruitfulness for ourselves and others through the grace of Christ. Follow us: The Catholic Apostolate Center The Center's podcast website Instagram Facebook Apple Podcasts Spotify Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. also appears on the podcast, On Mission, w…
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İBB'ye yönelik operasyonda İmamoğlu'nun gözaltına alınması Saraçhane'de protesto edildi. Cumhurbaşkanlığı İletişim Başkanı Altun, "İdeolojik iftira kampanyalarına karşı Cumhurbaşkanımızın hukukunu korumayı sürdüreceğiz" dedi. Bu bölüm Darüşşafaka Cemiyeti hakkında reklam içermektedir. Ramazan ayında Darüşşafaka’ya yapacağınız bayram bağışlarınızla,…
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Episode 460: Relationship Burns
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39:15Sermon By: Sister Dawn
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Redeem Your Time! Ephesians 5:15-17. Rev. J. K Nix
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Toista myöhemmin
32:38Send us a text Support the showKirjoittanut Christian Apostolic Church
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1:21:41ASSOCIATION (APOSTLE EMMANUEL A ADJEI) by Devotional Light Church / Apostle Emmanuel A AdjeiKirjoittanut Devotional Light Church / Apostle Emmanuel A Adjei
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- Premi il tasto PLAY per ascoltare la catechesi del giorno e condividi con altri se vuoi - + Dalla lettera agli Ebrei + Fratelli, ogni sommo sacerdote è scelto fra gli uomini e per gli uomini viene costituito tale nelle cose che riguardano Dio, per offrire doni e sacrifici per i peccati. Egli è in grado di sentire giusta compassione per quelli che…
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When The Word Becomes Flesh | Mike McGurk - Audio
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34:03The Official Corporate Podcast of Antioch, The Apostolic ChurchKirjoittanut Antioch, The Apostolic Church
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The Lessons From The Moabite Women | Joshua Lewis - Audio
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Toista myöhemmin
36:20The Official Corporate Podcast of Antioch, The Apostolic ChurchKirjoittanut Antioch, The Apostolic Church
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Homily of Fr. Michael P. O'Connor from Mass on March 19, 2025 at Our Lady of the Gulf Catholic Church in Bay St. Louis, MS. Referenced Readings: 2 Samuel 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16 Romans 4:13, 16-18, 22 Matthew 1:16, 18-21, 24a If you would like to donate to OLG and her livestream ministry, please go to https://olgchurch.net/give…
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As believers, we are encouraged by the words of Christ Jesus which promises a blessing to the pure in heart. Listen now as Apostle Tonya, teaches on purity and prayers of repentance to cleansed our hearts. For more teachings on our Lord Jesus Christ, and her testimonies on supernatural manifestations, visit https://apostletonya.org…
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The 5 Meanings of Repentance - Apostle Takim
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Toista myöhemmin
25:39Repentance is more than just reciting the sinner's prayer. It is you renouncing the sinner's life and embracing the life of Jesus, the crucified life
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Read more on our website.Kirjoittanut The Apostolic Faith Church
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Prayers to overturn adversity part 1
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Toista myöhemmin
1:08:17Beloved, be blessed as you listen and pray along with Apostle Justice as Holy Spirit leads.WOMB OF THE MORNING 19-03-2025Kirjoittanut Apostle Justice Mantey Larbi
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Son Rise Morning Show 03/19/2025: Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. on Action and Suffering as Settings for Learning Hope
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
14:36In this segment from the Son Rise Morning Show on Sacred Heart Radio, Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. reflects on the “Action and Suffering as Settings for Learning Hope” section of Spe Salvi by Pope Benedict XVI. 35. All serious and upright human conduct is hope in action. This is so first of all in the sense that we thereby strive to realize our lesser a…
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İstanbul Üniversitesi, Ekrem İmamoğlu'nun diplomasını iptal ettiğini duyurdu. Ateşkesin ardından İsrail'in Gazze'ye düzenlediği ilk büyük saldırıda 400'ün üzerinde kişi yaşamını yitirdi. Bu bölüm BV Portföy hakkında reklam içermektedir. Bir Boğaziçi Ventures iştiraki olan BV Portföy, teknoloji odaklı yatırım fonlarıyla geleceğin trendlerine bugünde…
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Bro. Cornelias Harper 2 Chronicles 5:13-14Kirjoittanut Breaking Bread Apostolic Church
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- Premi il tasto PLAY per ascoltare la catechesi del giorno e condividi con altri se vuoi - + Dal Vangelo secondo Matteo + Giacobbe generò Giuseppe, lo sposo di Maria, dalla quale è nato Gesù, chiamato Cristo. Così fu generato Gesù Cristo: sua madre Maria, essendo promessa sposa di Giuseppe, prima che andassero a vivere insieme si trovò incinta per…
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Ex Beauty Youtuber & Her "Counselor" Friend Are Scaring The Internet | Meredith Foster
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1:19:21We check back in with Meredith and Britain and share some unsettling information. Support the showKirjoittanut Jordan & McKay
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This Isn't Meredith Foster Anymore
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Toista myöhemmin
54:21Things are getting even weirder. Support the showKirjoittanut Jordan & McKay
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How to Recognize Unstable Preachers Who Are Prone to Psychiatric Problems - Apostle Takim
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Toista myöhemmin
25:50Peter in the book of Second Peter Chapter Two spoke about the madness of the prophets. And because we are in the end times, impostors will grow worse and worse. That means we will see mentally unstable people that go with the title of prophet, apostle, pastor, bishop and etc. Be enlightened how to recognise and avoid these wells without water…
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Dedicate (To Set Apart) | The Mega Church | Apostle Vincent Loate | 16 March 2025
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
1:20:14To dedicate is to set apart, to make something special, to make something new! - Apostle Vincent Loate. The message was preached at The Mega Church Campus in Phelindaba, Atteridgeville, Pretoria.
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AB, Suriye'ye yönelik yaptırımları kaldırmak ve maddi desteği artırmak gündemiyle Brüksel'de toplanırken, Kıbrıs meselesine ilişkin taraflar da önümüzdeki döneme dair görüş alışverişinde bulunmak üzere Cenevre'de biraraya geldi. Bu bölüm Metro Türkiye hakkında reklam içermektedir. Müşterilerinin tüm ihtiyaçlarını zengin ürün çeşitliliğiyle karşılay…
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