Hablaremos de herramientas de bienestar para nuestra vida, yoga, meditación, ayurveda y muchos mas... Acompáñame en mi búsqueda para descubrir como Avivar nuestro Corazón.
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When it comes to Israel, antisemitism, and American Jewry, the conversations are seemingly endless—there are so many perspectives and so many difficult questions that it can be hard to know where to start. That’s why we created Boundless Insights—to bring you thoughtful, in-depth, and engaging discussions to help make sense of the issues. Our goal is to become your trusted source for insights that are not just informative, but also empowering – giving you the confidence to start conversation ...
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A short discussion of leadership improvements you can start using in your startup today as a technical executive, whether you are a CTO, CIO, VP Engineering, VP R&D, and so on.
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Showcasing the latest developments in the realm of academic and professional research and literature, about the Middle East and global affairs. We discuss Israeli, Arab and Palestinian society, the Jewish world, the Middle East and its conflicts, and issues of global and public affairs with scholars, writers and deep-thinkers.
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Experience Rabbi Joe Wolfson’s popular THINK class from wherever you are. This podcast brings you recordings of the weekly Monday night sessions in Tel Aviv, where Rabbi Wolfson explores the intersection of Jewish thought, contemporary issues, and timeless wisdom. Through careful textual analysis and lively discussion, Rabbi Wolfson guides participants in examining classical Jewish sources while grappling with modern ethical dilemmas and philosophical questions. Whether you’re a seasoned lea ...
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Bienvenido al Podcast de AvivaLife!
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Sé animada, edificada y retada al escuchar cómo aplicar la Palabra de Dios en tu vida a través de nuestros programas diarios.
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Bem vindo ao podcast da Igreja Avivamento
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At Aviva, we are with you today for a better tomorrow.
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This is a character study for a new play, Aviva. These two actors are being interviewed as their characters to try to further their understanding of them.
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Poems written and read by Kilam Tel Aviv
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Don’t be a freier. Speak like a local. Now enrolling at www.citizencafetlv.com
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Welcome to AvivDigital your digital marketing Podcast In this podcast, you will learn more about a career in digital marketing, digital marketing tips, digital marketing updates and digital marketing hacks.
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Radio Tel Aviv
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Cat the bulshit Aviv geffen Neta Shir
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LLAMADO AL AVIVAMIENTO es un proyecto del equipo evangelístico EL TIEMPO ES AHORA, en la voz de Donizetti Barrios. Los audios están basados en las palabras que Dios habló a la Argentina antes del avivamiento más grande de toda su historia, y que aún hoy sigue vigente para la iglesia de Jesús.
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Nossa missão é treinar e capacitar o maior número de cristãos para viverem em sua identidade em Cristo, manifestarem a realidade do Céu na Terra e alcançar os perdidos!
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Making LOVE in Tel Aviv
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Encontraras cursos e información relacionados al ámbito de Seguridad Intramuros
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El Pastor Pedro Enamorado, de Ministerios Rio de Dios, trae mensajes que refrescaran tu alma y renovaran tu espiritu. En tan solo 5 minutos podras experimentar del poder de la palabra de Dios.
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Ven y recibe todo lo que Dios tiene para ti. Reuniones: Jueves y Viernes 18:00 hrs. Domingos 10:00 hrs. Transmisión en TV: www.avivapuebla.com Ministerio de los Pastores Manlio y Liliana de Cadena. 6 Poniente 3904, Col. Valle del Rey. Puebla, Puebla. Tel. (222) 232 48 31.
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Underground Tel Aviv Stands For Quality Music ONLY! For more info, interviews & free downloads: www.undergroundtelaviv.com Contact: underground.telaviv at gmail.com Subscribe On iTunes
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מלחמת ’’חרבות ברזל’’ מביאה איתה גם לא מעט נושאים ויראליים שסביר להניח שכל אחד ואחת מאיתנו נתקלים.ות בהם, אבל האם אתם יודעים.ות מה עומד מאחוריהם? בסדרה של ’’פודקסט הזירה’’ ישוחח המנחה שלנו, ד”ר ג’רמי פוגל, מהחוג לפילוסופיה יהודית ותלמוד בפקולטה למדעי הרוח, עם שלושה חוקרים וחוקרות של אוניברסיטת תל אביב מתחומי מחקר שונים. יחד, הם מתעמקים וחוקרים את הרגע הויראלי הנבחר מכמה נקודות זווית שונות ומפתיעות. סדרת הפודקסטים זו היא חלק מפרוייקט ”הזירה” - במה אקדמית דיגיטלית אותה יזמה אוניברסיטת תל אביב כ ...
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Aviva Seigler is the executive director at Autistic Inclusive Meets USA and a website editor for Autistic Inclusive Meets. She is a writer, an activist, and an advocate. She is an LGBTQ+ autistic from South Florida, is married to a very supportive husband, and has seven children. She has been fighting the CD protocol and other quack treatments since 2014. She is a veterinary technologist (LPN for pets). She has her associates and bachelors degree in Veterinary Technology from St. Petersburg ...
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Radio Tel-Aviv
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Bienvenue dans le podcast des Midis de la Connaissance. Un nouveau rendez-vous d’actualité proposé par l’assureur AVIVA. En s’appuyant sur des experts reconnus des thématiques abordées, il a pour vocation d’apporter, à un large public, un éclairage complet et accessible sur les grands enjeux de notre société en mutation.
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Podcast by Tea Time with Brandon and Aviv Podcast
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RadioLacan.com | El seminario de la NLS-Tel Aviv: “Anudamientos”. “Signos discretos en las psicosis ordinarias, clínica y tratamiento”
RadioLacan.com es el sitio de audios y conferencias de la Asociación Mundial de Psicoanálisis.
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¡Bienvenidos al Avivamiento Podcast! Un programa esclarecedor que te lleva a una profunda exploración de la sabiduría sagrada de la Biblia y te sumerge en las profundidades de sus escrituras. Únete a nosotros en este viaje transformador, guiados por el Espíritu Santo en las profundas enseñanzas e inspiradoras palabras de nuestro estimado anfitrión, Pastor Eduardo Fuentes. Biografía del Anfitrión: El Pastor Eduardo Fuentes es un reconocido maestro bíblico, pastor y líder espiritual con una fe ...
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¿Te has llegado a preguntar cómo podría Jesús ser humano y al mismo tiempo divino? ¿Cómo se mezclaron Su divinidad y humanidad?
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El saludo al sol, o Surya Namaskar, es una secuencia fluida de 12 posturas que se realizan en sincronía con la respiración. Cada postura se entrelaza con la siguiente, creando un flujo continuo de movimiento. El equinoccio como un momento de equilibrio entre el día y la noche. Simbolismo de la primavera: renacimiento, crecimiento, renovación. Conex…
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Israel’s Broken Promise: Reckoning with October 7 – with Dr. Michael Oren
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
20:11Israel was founded on a promise—to be the defender of the Jewish people. On October 7, that promise was broken. In the deadliest attack against Jews since the Holocaust, Israel’s security, deterrence, and very raison d’être were shaken to the core. What went wrong? How does Israel begin the process of reckoning with its failures—not just to return …
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Eight Traits: Instilling Purpose
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
10:52For years, I’ve guided tech executives through a simple self-assessment of eight leadership traits—helping them pinpoint the highest-ROI areas for growth. Now, I’m bringing that process to the podcast. In this series, we’ll break down each trait, giving you a framework to assess yourself and practical ways to improve. After previously discussing vi…
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Adam Shinar, Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law, at Reichman University, discusses the recent return of Israel's Film and Theatre Review Board from oblivion, to serve the government's political goals. How did Israel's censorship laws evolve over the years?
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Ableist Folk Disorder: Cassandra Syndrome or Cassandra Affective Deprivation Disorder (CADD)
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
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THINK: Looking back on COVID through the lens of Purim, Pahad Yitzchak, Hanan Ben Ari & Yishai Ribo
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
1:06:50There's a lot going on here. Using a mash up of two great Israeli songs and a powerful piece of Rav Yitzchak Hutner's Pahad Yitzchak to look back the start of the pandemic five years ago, what we learnt from it and what it can mean for us today in the midst of a very different crisis. It might be advisable to listen to the songs (linked below) and …
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Nancy DeMoss de Wolgemuth te desafía a pensar en un aspecto importante de Cristo: su masculinidad.
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Nancy DeMoss de Wolgemuth nos enseña que Jesús fue plenamente humano, que lloró, comió, durmió, tuvo hambre y tuvo emociones.
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¿Qué es la Manifestación Espiritual?/ E26
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
12:59"La manifestación espiritual no es magia, sino una combinación de intención, creencia y acción. Es la capacidad de alinear tus pensamientos, emociones y energías con tus deseos más profundos para convertirlos en realidad." La manifestación espiritual se trata de cultivar una mentalidad de abundancia, gratitud y confianza en el universo. Namaste. Dé…
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¿Crees que Jesús es Dios? ¿Pensar en esto es realmente importante? ¿Por qué? Examinemos juntas las respuestas a estas preguntas que Nancy nos comparte...
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Netanyahu, Zelensky, and Superpower Politics – with Dr. Michael Oren
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
18:25Last month, Israel made a surprising diplomatic move, voting alongside the United States and Russia against a United Nations resolution reaffirming Ukraine’s territorial integrity. It was the first time Israel had taken such a stance since the war began—raising questions about the pressure Jerusalem faces as President Trump reshapes U.S. foreign po…
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Imagina que estás sola en un desierto árido, rodeada de animales salvajes y no has comido en cuarenta días. ¿Crees que serías vulnerable a la tentación en...
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Serie: Incomparable. Ep8. Cristo abrió el camino para nosotras a través de Su cruz.
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Talking to Terrorists: US-Hamas Hostage Talks - with Dr. Michael Oren
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
17:17The U.S. has been in direct talks with Hamas, aiming to negotiate the release of hostages still held in Gaza. Leading the discussions is Adam Boehler, the U.S. Special Envoy for Hostage Affairs, who recently met with Hamas officials in Doha. He described the talks as “very productive,” indicating they extend beyond hostage negotiations to broader d…
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Serie: Incomparable. Ep7. Al trabajar duro, Jesús participó de nuestra humanidad.
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The Purpose Of Mishloach Manot
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
24:07Today we look at two beautiful teshuvot - from the Seridei Eish (19th C.) and the Hatam Sofer (18th C) - that can transorm our understadning ofthe mitzva of mishloach manot - giving gifts to our friends on Purim. Source sheet here. Given at Vine Venture's Sarona Unity Center, March 12th, 2025Kirjoittanut THINK at JLIC TLV
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Serie: Incomparable. Ep6. Cristo nos dejó un ejemplo de un espíritu enseñable.
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Mudras: El Lenguaje Sagrado de tus Manos / E25
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
11:18La palabra 'mudra' proviene del sánscrito y significa 'sello' o 'gesto'. Son movimientos sutiles de las manos, a veces combinados con posturas corporales, que se utilizan como herramientas para canalizar la energía y promover estados de conciencia específicos." Los mudras se utilizan para diversos propósitos, como:" "Calmar la mente y reducir el es…
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For years, I’ve guided tech executives through a simple self-assessment of eight leadership traits—helping them pinpoint the highest-ROI areas for growth. Now, I’m bringing that process to the podcast. In this series, we’ll break down each trait, giving you a framework to assess yourself and practical ways to improve. This time, we're continuing wi…
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Serie: Incomparable. Ep5. Jesús mostró la importancia del crecimiento en cada área.
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A Palestinian Perspective on Palestinian National Identity - with Ghaith al-Omari
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
50:02In this episode of Boundless Insights, Dr. Rachel Fish sits down with former Palestinian negotiator Ghaith al-Omari to examine the shifting landscape of Palestinian leadership and the viability of a two-state solution. They discuss the historical evolution of Palestinian nationalism, the deep legitimacy crisis facing the Palestinian Authority, and …
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Serie: Incomparable. Ep4. Cristo se encarnó para llevarnos a Dios.
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Serie: Incomparable. Ep3. En el principio del tiempo, Cristo ya era.
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From Gaza to Jenin – with Jonathan Conricus
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
23:08While much of the world’s attention remains fixed on Gaza, the security situation in Judea and Samaria / the West Bank is escalating. In January, the IDF launched Operation Iron Wall, a major campaign aimed at dismantling terror networks. The operation began in Jenin—a long-standing hub for terrorist activity – and has since expanded into nearby to…
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Serie: Incomparable. Ep2. Mira a Cristo, porque solo Él es perfecto.
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