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Europe Center

#BalkansDebrief is an online interview series presented by the Atlantic Council’s Europe Center and hosted by journalist Ilva Tare. The program offers a fresh look at the Western Balkans and examines the region’s people, culture, challenges, and opportunities. Follow along on Twitter @ACEurope with #BalkansDebrief.
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Balkan Baptist

Balkan Baptist

Welcome to the Balkan Baptist podcast, where we bring together stories, prayer letters, news, and messages from our church community. Join us as we share heartfelt narratives, offer prayers, and provide updates on our mission and ministry endeavors. From uplifting testimonies to informative discussions, our podcast is a platform for fostering connection and deepening faith. Tune in to stay informed, inspired, and uplifted as we journey together in faith. God bless.
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🎙️ An Englishman in the Balkans 🎧

Encouraging you to find out more about Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In this podcast, you'll get a unique look at my life in Bosnia and Herzegovina, through the eyes of an immigrant. Each episode, I share my experiences living in this often misunderstood country, and introduce you to some of the interesting people I have met along the way. From exploring the rich culture and history, to discussing the challenges and joys of immigrating to a new country, this podcast offers a thoughtful and engaging look at life in the Balkans.
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show series
Football and politics are deeply intertwined, especially in the Balkans, where the mix can be volatile. At the UEFA Euro Cup in Germany this year, nationalistic chants and provocative acts highlighted the ongoing tensions among Balkan nations. Serbia, Albania, and Croatia clashed not only in the stadiums but also in a display of ethnic rivalries. I…
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Bei der EM sind die Grenzen zwischen patriotischem Fahnenmeer und hartem Nationalismus mal wieder fließend und vor allem die Fans der Balkanteams mischenordentlich mit. Der Sohn von Aleksandar Vučić will sich in Gelsenkirchen mit englischen Hooligans prügeln, albanische und kroatische Fans vereinen sich in ihrem Hass auf Serben und die einzigen Leu…
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В този епизод д-р Самуил Камбуров разговаря с Пънар Тахсин Ваид по темата „Арабистиката в България и на Балканите“. Пънар Тахсин Ваид завършва специалност „Арабистика“ към катедра „Арабистика и семитология“ в Софийския университет „Св. Климент Охридски“. По време на следването си прекарва един семестър във Висшия институт за изучаване на чужди езиц…
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Nĭ Hăo, Freunde des Ballaballa-Balkans!Seit einigen Jahren wird viel über den wachsenden Einfluss Chinas auf dem Balkan spekuliert und fast genau so oft davor gewarnt. Anlass sind meistens große Infrastruktur- oder Wirtschaftsprojekte, mit denen sich die kommunistische Regierung in Beijing Rohstoffe und das Wohlwollen diverser Staaten sichern will …
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The recent International Republican Institute (IRI) poll on the Western Balkans has revealed some concerning trends for the region's aspirations of joining the European Union. While the war in Ukraine presented a potential opening, the path to membership appears to be facing significant challenges. Nonresident Senior Fellow Ilva Tare is joined by A…
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In this episode, I discuss the brutalist Spomenik monuments of the former Yugoslavia with Donald Niebel - founder of the Spomenik Database. Donald is an environmental scientist turned researcher from the United States We delve into the historical significance, architectural design, and location details of these unique, massive structures. Donald ex…
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In Kroatien wird die Pressefreiheit angegriffen. Die rechtsextreme Partei Domovinski Pokret (Heimatbewegung) verlangt für ihre Regierungsbeteiligung von der konservativen HDZ, dass die Finanzierung der Wochenzeitung Novosti eingestellt wird. Eines der wichtigsten Investigativmedien Kroatiens, dass den Rechtsextremen auch deswegen ein Dorn im Auge s…
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The Western Balkans stand at a pivotal moment. Regional stability, security, and prosperity require a more robust US engagement. EU accession remains the goal but simmering ethnic tensions and resurgent nationalism demand a comprehensive US strategy that includes specific and actionable commitments. In the light of Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukrai…
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Това е втората част от разговора на д-р Васил Караджов с Красимира Кодукова за виното и винения туризъм в България и на Балканите. Красимира Кодукова е винен технолог, агроном и екскурзовод. Завършва магистратури по „Технология на ферментационни продукти“ в Университета по хранителни технологии и „Лозарство и винарство“ в Аграрния университет в Пло…
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Това е първата част от разговора на д-р Васил Караджов с Красимира Кодукова за виното и винения туризъм в България и на Балканите. Красимира Кодукова е винен технолог, агроном и екскурзовод. Завършва магистратури по „Технология на ферментационни продукти“ в Университета по хранителни технологии и „Лозарство и винарство“ в Аграрния университет в Пло…
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Vor ziemlich genau 25 Jahren stand auf dem Balkan eine Zeitenwende an...mal wieder. Nach langen und letztlich erfolglosen Verhandlungen, die den Krieg zwischen dem (rest)jugoslawischen Staat und kosovarischen Separatisten beenden sollten, begann am 24. März 1999 die "Operation Allied Force"...besser bekannt als das Nato-Bombardement Rest-Jugoslawie…
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В този епизод д-р Самуил Камбуров разговаря с д-р Даниела Цанкова-Ганчева по темата „Българските бойни знамена от Освобождението до края на Втората световна война в балкански контекст (1878–1945)“. Даниела Цанкова-Ганчева има магистърска степен по „История“ с профил „Археология“ от Софийския университет „Св. Климент Охридски“. Завършва и магистрату…
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"Chief Corner Stone" Join us as Brother Van Horn helps us explore the profound depths of biblical truths and their impact on our daily lives. Dive into scripture to uncover the solid foundation that the Word of God provides for believers. From the significance of Jesus as the Chief Cornerstone to the power of His word through the ages, we examine h…
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As the May 8th runoff looms, the people of North Macedonia are gearing up for a pivotal parliamentary election that will chart the nation’s course towards European Union integration, alongside the decisive second round of the presidential election. The outcomes are anticipated to signal a shift in the electorate’s mood, reflecting their discontent …
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Kroatien hat Mitte April ein neues Parlament gewählt. Das Ergebnis ist auf den ersten Blick keine große Überraschung: Einmal mehr ist die konservative HDZ unter Premierminister Andrej Plenković stärkste Kraft geworden. Tatsächlich aber haben sich die Kräfteverhältnisse im Zagreber Sabor verschoben. Kroatien steht vor einem Rechtsruck...freundlich a…
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The Western Balkans remain a security concern, particularly Bosnia and Herzegovina. Recently, France has deployed a battalion as part of the Strategic Reserve Force to assist the EUFOR mission and exercise a level of deterrence in Bosnia and Kosovo, two countries with security issues, where France wants to see progress. Ilva Tare, a Nonresident Sen…
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The script is an interview with Mile Mićić about his project Bosana, a fantasy world inspired by Bosnia. He discusses his inspirations, cultural heritage, struggles in creation, and the value of financial support through platforms like Patreon. Mile shares his hopes of connecting people through storytelling and invites audiences to join the Bosana …
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This episode of the podcast features an in-depth conversation with Arianna, a vibrant Latin woman who has made Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, her home. Arianna shares her experiences of moving for love, transitioning from a glamorous life aboard cruise ships to setting roots in a new country. With discussions ranging from cultural shocks, embr…
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In dieser Episode befassen sich Krsto und Danijel mal wieder mit Geschichte. Und was für einer! Denn was kaum jemand weiß: Zwischen kroatischen Nationalisten und dem sozialistischen Jugoslawien tobte bereits eine Art Krieg, lange bevor Jugoslawien auseinanderbrach.Zwischen den frühen 60ern und späten 80ern schaukelte sich die Gewalt zwischen rechte…
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Ballaballa-Balkan empfiehlt:KRIEG IM SCHATTEN. Warum starb Nikola Milićević?Ein sechsteiliger Story-Podcast des Hessischen RundfunksIm Januar 1980 wird im Frankfurter Ostend der Exil-Kroate Nikola Milićević - genannt Beban - mit sechs Schüssen regelrecht hingerichtet. Schon sehr bald sind die Ermittler überzeugt: Hinter dem Mord steckt der jugoslaw…
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North Macedonia, a small nation of 2 million, in the Western Balkans, gained international attention in 2019, when it agreed to the seemingly impossible: changing its name in exchange for EU negotiations and NATO membership. While NATO membership was secured, EU accession talks have stalled for years. This is largely due to Bulgaria’s demand for Co…
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Es gibt Dinge, über die kommt man einfach nicht hinweg. Zum Beispiel die Tatsache, dass ein kleines Land im Süden des Balkans den coolsten Namen, den ein Land je hatte, gegen die schnöde Bezeichnung NORD-Mazedonien eintauschen musste. Acht Jahre liegt die Bunte Revolution gegen den Möchtegern-Autokraten Nikola Gruevski nun zurück. Doch von den viel…
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Krsto spricht mit dem Autor Alem Grabovac über seinen autofiktiven Roman „Die Gemeinheit der Diebe“. Es geht um seine Mutter Smilja, die sich fragt, was von einem Leben bleibt, dass nicht gelebt wurde, über die Träume der Gastarbeiter, die Häuser bauen, in die nie jemand einzieht, über Wunderheiler und darüber, dass solche Geschichten im postmigran…
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Kosovo’s recent ban on the dinar, aimed by the Kurti government at curbing illegal cash flow, has sparked tensions with US and the European partners and raised concerns about its impact on the Kosovo Serb community, on the normalization dialogue with Serbia, and Kosovo’s wider relationship with its Western allies. Nonresident Senior Fellow Ilva Tar…
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In This Episode. In this episode of the podcast I talk to Ramajana Mabita, originally from Bosnia and Herzegovina but presently living in Harare in Zimbabwe. I find out what, if any, similarities there are between the two countries, Ramajana’s culture shocks, her love of Zimbabwean fashion and also hear one of her favourite music tracks from this A…
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In dieser kurzen Zwischenepisode klären Krsto und Danijel eines der letzten "Geheimnisse" des Podcasts auf. Was zum Teufel, sind das eigentlich für Audio-Einspieler da am Anfang jeder regulären Folge. Natürlich dürften die meisten schon begriffen haben, dass es sich um Beleidigungen, Geschimpfe und Ausraster mehr oder minder prominenter Menschen au…
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Hello, I’m David and I write about my life and adventures in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Subscribe for free to enjoy occasional posts, podcasts and vlogs from this much misunderstood heart shaped country in the western Balkans. The National Anthem of the Socialist Federated Republic of Yugoslavia - “Hej Slaveni” The Olympic Games in Sarajevo in Februar…
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В този епизод д-р Самуил Камбуров разговаря с Методий Ганчев по темата „Създаване и реализиране на туристически продукт в България и Балканите“. Методий Ганчев е роден през 1991 г. в София. Завършва средно образование в Националната природо-математическа гимназия „Акад. Любомир Чакалов“ с профил „Науки за земята“. През 2014 г. завършва бакалавърска…
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It seems that wherever I go in Bosnia and Herzegovina, traditional skills and cultural activities are slowly disappearing. From making instruments, to dancing and much more, the latest generations of young people, don't seem interested, and that could mean a massive impact on the heritage of not only this misunderstood country but also the wider re…
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This episode takes us from the picturesque landscapes of the Lake District in the United Kingdom to the rugged mountains of Bosnia and Herzegovina. I catch up with equine photographer Ruth Chamberlain, who last year (2022), embarked on a remarkable journey to document the captivating lives of the wild horses of Livno. I find out about how Ruth's ma…
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В този епизод Васил Караджов разговаря с доц. д-р Симеон Кацаров за Австро-Унгария и Балканите. Симеон Кацаров завършва специалност „История" и „Българска филология" в Пловдивския университет „Паисий Хилендарски". През 2005 г. успешно защитава докторат по Нова и най-нова обща история в Института по история при Българската академия на науките. Темат…
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Vor 40 Jahren lag Sarajevo im Zentrum des Weltinteresses – und zwar zur Abwechslung wegen was Gutem. Die olympischen Winterspiele 1984 waren das größte Sportevent in der Geschichte Jugoslawiens und prägen Sarajevo bis heute. Die Spiele haben das Stadtbild Sarajevos geprägt und der Stadt ein Maskottchen geschenkt, dass bis heute für die Stadt steht …
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Banja Luka is the birthplace of Nataša Konjević a female muralist. At the time of recording this episode, Nataša is the only female muralist in Bosnia and Herzegovina, doing big scale murals on buildings. Yes, there are more women and men doing murals, (but none of the other girls paint on a large scale of 10 or 15 meters high In my opinion, Nataša…
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In this episode I get to talk to Biljana Lipić, a resident of Cornwall in the United Kingdom but originally from Sarajevo.Biljana lives on a boat anchored on a Cornish river. I first found out about Biljana from a story that I stumbled across online. I have to admit that I have always had an interest in narrow boating, and living on the water in ge…
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2024 has already plunged the Western Balkans into a maelstrom of complex developments. Serbia's post-election protests, the precarious Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, and the Kremlin-aligned Dodik's paramilitary parade all raise critical questions about the region's stability. In this episode of #BalkansDebrief, Ilva Tare, Europe Center's Nonresident Senio…
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In this episode I catch up with Vesna Djukić to find out about how she celebrates Serbian Orthodox Christmas in the United Kingdom. With Vesna's Serbian background and David's enthusiasm for embracing different cultures, they delve into topics such as maintaining cultural identity, introducing Serbian customs to British friends, and the challenges …
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As 2024 dawns, the Balkans cling to a fragile dream: EU membership. But the region and the Union itself are beset by internal tremors. From simmering protests in Serbia to looming threats and economic storms, the region braces for a year of turbulence. Can they emerge resilient from this crucible? Ilva Tare, Nonresident Senior Fellow, delves into t…
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Serbia witnessed a tumultuous end to 2023, with protests erupting in Belgrade following the December 17th elections. Thousands demand the annulment, alleging President Vučić's Progressive Party fabricated results through cross-border voting. Despite claiming a "cleanest and most honest" victory, international observers have condemned widespread fra…
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In this episode I chat with Bela Dominković, a Swiss wine expert now residing in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We talk about the unique wine culture of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the country's potential for wine tourism, the unique characteristics of Bosnian wines, and the challenges faced by local winemakers. Bela, an experienced sommelier and food & wine …
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This episode is about David's adventure to Travnik, a charming town in central Bosnia and Herzegovina. With the assistance of local guide Ben, David unveils the rich history, mouth-watering cuisine, captivating architecture and stunning nature of Travnik. Highlighting the efforts of passionate locals, this episode explores Travnik's potential as a …
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Es ist mal wieder Weihnachten auf dem Ballaballa-Balkan! Und wie (beinahe) jedes Jahr, liefern Danijel und Krsto pünktlich zum (echten) Heiligabend ab. Nehmt ein Glas, get in the mood, es wird emotional.Denn natürlich geht es wieder mal um Jugoslawien. Genauer gesagt um Jugo-Nostalgie, Jugostalgija oder wie immer Ihr es nennen wollt. Also auf gut D…
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Join me in this heart-touching podcast with the inspiring Sabina Vajrača, a Bosnian film director making her mark in the film industry. Sabina shares the trials and tribulations she faced, from fleeing Bosnia on her own at the age of 14, to making it big in Hollywood. She gives a glimpse into her journey and the power of perseverance. During the co…
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A sigh of relief, perhaps even cautious optimism, has swept across the Western Balkans. The EU Council's decision to open accession talks with Ukraine and Moldova, alongside a conditional green light for Bosnia and Herzegovina, signals renewed engagement with the region. But is this truly a new dawn, or just a flicker of light in persistent uncerta…
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A nostalgic dive into the history, culture, and experiences of an Englishman living in the Balkans during Yugoslavia's era. Martin Gannon shares his journey from England to Yugoslavia in the 20th century, his experiences of working in the tourism sector, including establishing a pilgrimage route to Međugorje, and his life in Yugoslav Airlines. He a…
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Florian Bieber stellt sein neues Buch vor. Es geht vor allem darum, wie Diktaturen Einfluss auf dem Balkan nehmen. China baut Straßen, Russland spornt Nationalisten an, die Türkei und die Golfstaaten investieren in Moscheen und Hotels. Sie alle sehen darin einen Weg, Einfluss auf Europa zu nehmen. Warum sie das überhaupt können und auch welche Fehl…
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Bosnia and Herzegovina is home to a rich tapestry of stories, many of which are still undiscovered even by those who live in the country. In this episode of our podcast, we delve into the extraordinary connection between Ladino and Sevdah music, and how a Jewish prayer sparked a musical journey that resonates deeply with the soul of this nation. Se…
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