Newest 100 Songs banjo songs which Banjo Hangout members have uploaded to the website.
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Newest 100 Clawhammer and Old-Time Songs banjo songs which Banjo Hangout members have uploaded to the website.
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Newest 100 4-String (Tenor/Plectrum) Songs banjo songs which Banjo Hangout members have uploaded to the website.
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Newest 100 Bluegrass (Scruggs) Songs banjo songs which Banjo Hangout members have uploaded to the website.
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Newest 100 Other Songs banjo songs which Banjo Hangout members have uploaded to the website.
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Newest 100 Unknown/None Chosen Songs banjo songs which Banjo Hangout members have uploaded to the website.
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The world's top podcast for banjo players, fans, and enthusiasts! Hosted by Keith Billik; listen to interviews with professional players, playing tips, and equipment discussions. Contact the show at
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Søren Banjomus har sat sig for, at musene skal ha den bedste jul nogensinde - men det er ikke så let, når der ikke er mad at spise. Derfor må Søren Banjomus, Lille Tim, Musanna og Smut ud på eventyr for at redde julen. Det kan godt blive farligt, men som Søren selv siger: "Det skal være farligt - ellers er det ikke et eventyr." Søren Banjomus' Jul er en helt særlig historie om en helt særlig mus, og alle de mystiske og magiske ting, han oplevede på loftet ved juletid. Fyldt med mus, katte, n ...
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a shamanic take on the old five
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Every morning I take my dog Banjo out for a walk and rant about something or another: tech, getting old, skateboarding, fish tanks, music, life etc.
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Conversation with artists and musicians about life, art, culture and current events
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Looking for a Country Music Podcast that combines interactive storytelling with original commentary on your favourite genre?Combining Fiction and Music Commentary, we bring you The Midnight Banjo Show! The original Country Variety Podcast with a banjo muzak and a dark twist!Best listened to after midnight...
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A regular line-up of old-time, bluegrass and folk inspired banjo players and bands, in the downstairs Green Room of the Petersham Bowling Club, Sydney
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Top 100 Songs banjo songs which Banjo Hangout members have uploaded to the website.
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Newest 100 Classical Songs banjo songs which Banjo Hangout members have uploaded to the website.
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A transcendental podcast discussing life and art from recovery to discovery
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Top 100 Traditional Songs banjo songs which Banjo Hangout members have uploaded to the website.
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Top 100 Classical Songs banjo songs which Banjo Hangout members have uploaded to the website.
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Top 100 Country Songs banjo songs which Banjo Hangout members have uploaded to the website.
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Top 100 Popular Songs banjo songs which Banjo Hangout members have uploaded to the website.
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Top 100 Bluegrass Songs banjo songs which Banjo Hangout members have uploaded to the website.
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Tom Nechville, Brett, and guests discuss everything banjos: from banjo setup, tone woods, pickups, and everything in between.
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Top 100 Other Songs banjo songs which Banjo Hangout members have uploaded to the website.
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Top 100 Jazz Songs banjo songs which Banjo Hangout members have uploaded to the website.
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Top 100 Bluegrass (Scruggs) Songs banjo songs which Banjo Hangout members have uploaded to the website.
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Top 100 Ragtime Songs banjo songs which Banjo Hangout members have uploaded to the website.
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Top 100 Old Time Songs banjo songs which Banjo Hangout members have uploaded to the website.
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Top 100 Fiddle/Celtic/Irish Songs banjo songs which Banjo Hangout members have uploaded to the website.
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Top 100 Clawhammer and Old-Time Songs banjo songs which Banjo Hangout members have uploaded to the website.
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Advice and tips for online marketing professionals and accidental techies.
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Bear and a Banjo is a new musical podcast that tells the incredibly tall tale of a band that time forgot. Although history may have left them behind, Bear and Banjo rubbed shoulders with some of the greatest musical icons in history—from Leadbelly and Sister Rosetta Tharpe to Little Richard and Bob Dylan— unwittingly influencing the course of 20th century Americana. All their adventures are meticulously archived and presented by Dr. Q, played by Dennis Quaid. Bear and a Banjo features an ori ...
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Inside the Banjoverse connects with the unique journeys of music’s most celebrated roots artists - delving into the thoughts, emotions and experiences that drive and inspire them to art and to greatness. The podcast is hosted by Enda Scahill, winner of the 2022 Steve Martin Prize for excellence in banjo, and founder of Irish crossover supergroup We Banjo 3. Enda is a multiple national champion on banjo and mandolin. He now creates the very best online learning resources for Irish tenor banjo ...
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Kirjoittanut Doug Knecht
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This is a Canadian tunes. They are often very noted and challenging. My choice of tunings has me baffled, as I just played along with a recording. It's fDFBbD. The key is apparently Bb. It would be interesting to try another tuning because this arrangement feels hard, though not really harder than others pieces I learn. Probably just more time need…
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Kirjoittanut dbrooks
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BONUS - Fireside Chat w/ Bob Black: Stories of Bill Monroe
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
55:21 This Bonus episode is a recording of a "Fireside Chat" session from the 2024 Great Lakes Music Camp, featuring legendary banjoist (and Bluegrass Boy) Bob Black! Bob shares his stories and experiences of his time playing and working for Bill Monroe in the mid-1970's. Contact the show: B…
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Reference recording for the tab posted--view my tabs here.Kirjoittanut dbrooks
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Kirjoittanut jef
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Kirjoittanut Doug Knecht
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This is a Canadian tunes. They are often very noted and challenging. My choice of tunings has me baffled, as I just played along with a recording. It's fDFBbD. The key is apparently Bb. It would be interesting to try another tuning because this arrangement feels hard, though not really harder than others pieces I learn. Probably just more time need…
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Kirjoittanut dbrooks
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Kirjoittanut dbrooks
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Kirjoittanut dbrooks
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Kirjoittanut dbrooks
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Kirjoittanut dbrooks
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Kirjoittanut dbrooks
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Kirjoittanut dbrooks
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Kirjoittanut mmuussiiccaall
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Kirjoittanut mmuussiiccaall
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Key of D and played on a 10 3/4" banjo. Old pot with a new neck.Kirjoittanut hudie
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Arranged from a combination of two old fiddlers. The oldest one is Kentucky's George Lee Hawkins. Then a newer one from Alan Jabbour helped me to smooth it out. Also listen to Tom Harleman's version on the Tune of the Week and hear an active bumblebee who you might not want to see except safely in his stopped-up jug!…
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Arranged from a combination of two old fiddlers. The oldest one is Kentucky's George Lee Hawkins. Then a newer one from Alan Jabbour helped me to smooth it out. Also listen to Tom Harleman's version on the Tune of the Week and hear an active bumblebee who you might not want to see except safely in his stopped-up jug!…
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Video with banjo, violin and concert piano (BHO don?t share short videos) F. Jenkins
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Video with banjo, violin and concert piano (BHO don?t share short videos) F. Jenkins
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This old English carol has undergone many changes. I've attempted to capture the melody as sung by Shirley Collins, an English folk singer of the 1950's.Kirjoittanut JanetB
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This old English carol has undergone many changes. I've attempted to capture the melody as sung by Shirley Collins, an English folk singer of the 1950's.Kirjoittanut JanetB
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24. december: Bar' det altså snart var Jul
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
Hej med jer, og velkommen tilbage på loftet. Det er heroppe, at julen plejer at ligge. I næsten alle årets måneder ligger julen gemt i kasser og poser, men i december måned rykker julen ned i stuerne og gør den mørke tid lys og festlig. I dag er det d. 24. december, det er snart jul, men stemningen er trist. Musereden er blevet ødelagt af kattene, …
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23. december: Til Angreb
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
Hej med jer, og velkommen tilbage på loftet. Heroppe findes de mystiske væsner fra din fantasi. Dem, der får dig til at trække dynen op over hovedet, så de ikke kan nå dig. Men der findes måder at overvinde dem på. Spørgsmålet er bare: Hvordan? I dag er det d. 23. december, og de to katte, Mefisto og Lurifax, er netop brudt ind på loftet for at æde…
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Reference recording for the tab posted--view my tabs here.Kirjoittanut dbrooks
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22. december: Frygt og Mod
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
Hej med jer, og velkommen tilbage på loftet. Heroppe kan det være svært at bo. Varme og kulde skifter i et væk alt efter vejret udenfor – især, hvis der er kommet et hul. I dag er det d. 22. december og ude på taget er Lurifax i gang med at trænge ind på loftet gennem et hul, som Mefisto har fundet. Inde på loftet ved musene ikke, hvad de skal gøre…
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21. december: Kattefælden
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
Hej med jer, og velkommen tilbage på loftet. Heroppe er der fyldt med bristede drømme og henlagte hobbyer. Rundt omkring ligger der vidnesbyrd på det, der engang var det vigtigste i verden – men nu kun er vraggods. Lige indtil den dag, hvor de igen kan bruges, bare til noget helt andet. I dag er det d. 21. december og Søren Banjomus, Musanna og Lil…
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Kirjoittanut mmuussiiccaall
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20. december: Red Musanna
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
Hej med jer, og velkommen udenfor. Herude kommer sneflokke vrimlende, henover diger trimlende. Ja, det knyger ud af himlene og herude er der ikke læ som indenfor. I dag er det d. 20. december, og Søren Banjomus og Lille Tim er på vej udenfor i al hast. De frygter, at de to katte, Lurifax og Mefisto, har fanget Musanna og måske endda spist hende. Hv…
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Kirjoittanut jef
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19. december: En ven i Nøden
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
Hej med jer, og velkommen tilbage til kælderen. Hernede er der trist og sørgeligt. Hernede kan det nemt virke håbløst, når drømmen brister – men det er også i mørket, at lyset brænder stærkest. Især når man får hjælp fra en uventet side. I dag er det d. 19. december, og Søren Banjomus, Smut og Lille Tim er på hjem efter en nedslående oplevelse hos …
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18. december: Helt til Sørøverrotterne
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
Hej med jer, og velkommen i kælderen. Hernede er der mørkt og dunkelt. For hvert skrift ned af trappen kommer man længere og længere væk fra solens varme og lys – hvad mon der venter nede i mørket? I dag er det d. 18. december, og Søren Banjomus, Lille Tim og Smut er allerede dybt nede. De håber på, at Styrmand Rotto vil komme op på loftet og lave …
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I played my banjo along with a good fiddler in our local old time group (along with a good guitar player) and really like this tune. I've since learned to play it, up to speed, on my fiddle.Kirjoittanut RV6
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I played my banjo along with a good fiddler in our local old time group (along with a good guitar player) and really like this tune. I've since learned to play it, up to speed, on my fiddle.Kirjoittanut RV6
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Hej med jer, og velkommen tilbage på loftet. På loftet er man aldrig på vej videre, for det er her, man ender. Skal man videre herfra, er man nødt til at vende om gå tilbage af den vej, man kom. I dag er det d. 17. december, og musene gør klar til endnu engang at drage ned i kælderen til sørøverrotterne – denne gang for at bede om hjælp fra Rotto. …
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16. december: Der sad to Katte på et Bord
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
Hej med jer, og velkommen tilbage på loftet. Heroppe kan der godt komme uventede gæster på besøg. Skadedyr, der tiltvinger sig vej til loftet, kan være meget svære at komme af med igen.I dag er det d. 16. december, og for anden gang på få dage har Søren Banjomus og Smut været oppe hele natten for at holde øje. Denne gang er det den nye kat, Mefisto…
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15. december: Sørøverrottehistorier
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
Hej med jer, og velkommen tilbage på loftet. Det er heroppe, at alle historierne ligger begravet under bunker af støv. Gamle historier fra gamle dage, og nyere historier fra nyere dage, og de rigtig gode historier, der både har nyt og gammelt i sig. I dag er det d. 15. december, og går forsøgte Søren Banjomus og Sørøverrotterne forgæves at stjæle n…
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Hej med jer, og velkommen tilbage på loftet. Heroppe lyder der velkendte toner, når julen nærmer sig. Nostalgien fylder os, når vi genkender gamle julesange og julehistorier i nye indpakninger. I dag er det den 14. december, og Styrmand Rotto og de frygtelige fjorten er på vej op på loftet. Aldrig før har så mange rotter været oppe på loftet. Hvad …
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spaghetti western tune with banjoKirjoittanut jonc
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spaghetti western tune with banjoKirjoittanut jonc
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This clawhammer arrangement is from Charlie Walden's fiddle recording, linked on Tune of the Week for Decatur Reel. It's following him pretty closely, though in a string band you wouldn't need all these notes. Charlie connects the tune to Missouri's fiddler Dwight Lamb.Kirjoittanut JanetB
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This clawhammer arrangement is from Charlie Walden's fiddle recording, linked on Tune of the Week for Decatur Reel. It's following him pretty closely, though in a string band you wouldn't need all these notes. Charlie connects the tune to Missouri's fiddler Dwight Lamb.Kirjoittanut JanetB
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Just foolin' around with a favorite Christmas melody.Kirjoittanut Traditional
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Just foolin' around with a favorite Christmas melody.Kirjoittanut Traditional
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13. december: Hvor er Lille Tim?
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
Hej med jer, og velkommen tilbage på loftet. Det er heroppe, at man kan søge tilflugt og lukke alt andet ude. Det er her, man kan have sit helle, hvis man ikke kan lide at være nede i stuerne. I dag er det d. 13. december, og bølgerne går højt i musereden. Søren Banjomus og Musanna skændes, og det er der ingen, der kan li at høre på. Mon de bliver …
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