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The Glenn Beck Program

Blaze Podcast Network

Storytelling, insight and compelling perspective on American culture and politics. Glenn Beck's quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made this one of the most popular radio programs in America. Watch The Glenn Beck Radio Program, Monday through Friday, 9am - 12pm ET on BlazeTV.
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Good Inside with Dr. Becky

Dr. Becky Kennedy

Join clinical psychologist and mom of three Dr. Becky Kennedy on her weekly podcast, as she takes on tough parenting questions and delivers actionable guidance—all in short episodes, because we know time is hard to find as a parent. Her breakthrough approach has enabled thousands of people to get more comfortable in discomfort, make repairs after mistakes, and always see the good inside. You'll gain the tools to embody your authority while developing a stronger parent-child connection, helpi ...
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Henrik Beckheim Podcast

Henrik Beckheim

Lange samtaler om alt. Med gjester som Ole Asbjørn Ness, Danby Choi, Wolfgang Wee, Fredrik Sjaastad Næss fra Konspirasjonspodden, lege Dr. Torkil Færø, med flere. Nye gjester hver uke. ➡ BLI ⁠⁠⁠⁠MEDLEM⁠⁠⁠⁠ Fremover vil de som er medlemmer få tilgang til episodene først. KLIKK HER FOR Å BLI MEDLEM NÅ
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Beckers Bets

Christoph Damm, Jan Beckers

In Beckers Bets spricht Christoph Damm mit Jan Beckers, dem CIO und Gründer von BIT Capital. Alle zwei Wochen teilt er seine Meinung über die besten Investmentstrategien und wichtigsten Themen, die die Märkte dieser Welt bewegen. Jeden zweiten Donnerstag liefert euch dieser Podcast Insights über Aktien, Kryptos und die aktuellen Megatrends der Investmentwelt.
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X92.9's The Beckler and Seanna Podcast is your daily download of what you missed on X Mornings with Beckler and Seanna heard daily on Calgary’s Alternative X929. So if you slept in, or simply can’t do the morning thing, we’ll forgive ya once you hit subscribe!
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Becker’s Healthcare Podcast

Becker's Healthcare

The Becker's Healthcare Podcast is devoted to the people who power U.S. healthcare. Four new 15-minute episodes are released daily containing industry news, analysis and thought leadership from powerful healthcare decision-makers.
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Becker’s Payer Issues Podcast

Becker's Healthcare

The Becker's Payer Issues Podcast is the must-listen podcast exclusively created for health insurance executives. Two new 15-minute episodes are released weekly with the leaders who shape health insurance in America and the cost of care, policy and regula
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The Becket Cook Show

The Becket Cook Show

The Becket Cook Show was created by Becket Cook to discuss relevant topics and to crush the lies of culture with truth. Becket Cook was born and raised in Dallas, Texas. After graduating from college, he moved to Los Angeles to pursue his dream of writing and acting, finding success in both. He eventually became a production designer working on fashion shoots for brands such as Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Gap, L'Oréal Paris, and Nike. Becket lived as a gay man until 2009, when he reluctantly agr ...
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Ask Angels Podcast with Melanie Beckler

Melanie Beckler

Unlock the next levels of Love and Light in your life by connecting with angels, raising your vibration and embodying your highest light. Melanie Beckler is an author and clear channel of love who is passionate about sharing empowering messages, teachings and elevated frequencies from the Higher Realms of Spirit. You truly have all you need within you to elevate your life experience and start living your highest vibrational life... This podcast is designed to help you remember the truth of t ...
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Bible Threads With Dr. Bruce Becker

Time of Grace Ministry

The Bible can be intimidating, right? There are 66 different books, more than 700,000 words, and all of it was written over a period of 1,600 years by dozens of different authors. How do we make sense of it all, and what does it mean for our lives? Amazingly, the Bible is incredibly interconnected with “threads” that run through it from beginning to end. In this podcast, Bible scholar and author Dr. Bruce Becker will uncover these threads, help you dig deeper into God’s truth, and inspire yo ...
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Beck Did It Better

Beck Did It Better

Beck Did It Better is a comedy podcast where we discuss the top 500 albums of all time as decided by Rolling Stone magazine. We don’t know the Beatles from the Beach Boys, but we are here to talk about it. We also give dating advice to our single friend.
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Becker Petkovic

Boris Becker, Andrea Petkovic, Podstars by OMR

Es ist der Tennispodcast, auf den ihr gewartet habt – und der einzige, den ihr ab sofort noch braucht: Boris Becker und Co-Moderatorin Andrea Petkovic diskutieren alle Highlights der Saison. Bei den beiden Legenden kommt alles auf den Tisch, was die Tennisfans bewegt: Grand Slams, Rekorde, tragische Niederlagen, harte News und wilde Gerüchte. Der Wimbledon-Champion und die Top-10-Spielerin kombinieren schonungslose Analysen mit steilen Prognosen und spannenden Anekdoten aus zwei Weltkarriere ...
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Tobias Beck Podcast

Tobias Beck - Wöchentliche Interviews mit inspirierenden Persönlichkeiten

Tobias Beck’s Podcast ist der Podcast für Menschen mit großen Visionen und jeden, der den Traum verfolgt sein eigenes Ding zu machen! Tobias Beck und seine Interview-Gäste motivieren, inspirieren und geben dir Denkanstöße, während du beim Sport bist, auf dem Weg zur Arbeit oder gerade entspannst. Du bist auf der Suche nach neuen Perspektiven und spannenden Geschichten aus der Welt von erfolgreichen Unternehmern, Speakern und Menschen, die den Status Quo infrage stellen? Dann ist der Tobias B ...
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A podcast about reimagining the good life through the lens of disability, faith, and culture. Host Amy Julia Becker interviews guests in conversations that challenge assumptions about the good life, proclaim the inherent belovedness of every human being, and help us envision a world of belonging.
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Parenting Hell with Rob Beckett and Josh Widdicombe

Keep It Light Media / Spotify Studios

Parenting... just not as you know it. Join Rob & Josh twice a week as they share their tales of parenting woe and chat to celebrity parents about how they're coping, or not coping. Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available everywhere - new episodes are available on Tuesdays and Fridays every week.
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Merian Becker Photovoltaikvertrieb

Merian Becker

Merian Becker – Coach & Berater für Photovoltaikvertriebler und PV-Unternehmen Merian Becker ist Geschäftsführer des Photovoltaik-Vertriebscoachings und hat es geschafft, sich innerhalb kürzester Zeit vom Quereinsteiger im Photovoltaik-Vertrieb zu einem der besten Vertriebler der Top 5 Photovoltaikunternehmen am Markt zu entwickeln. Zusammen mit seinem Team hat er über 250 Vertriebler am PV-Markt erfolgreich gemacht, begeisternde Vorträge und Webinare gehalten und ist Geschäftsführer eines C ...
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Take Back Your Mind is designed to guide you to take back your mind from worry, doubt, and fear, and to embrace what is trying to emerge through you: a sense of success, creativity, and your real, authentic purpose! Join renowned evolutionary leader, speaker, meditation teacher, award-winning author, and founder and CEO of Agape International Spiritual Center, Michael B. Beckwith, as he answers your Life Questions, guides you in meditation, and speaks with individuals who are on the cutting ...
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Enno Beckers Erben

Florian Fischer, Andreas Reichert

Hinter jedem Lebenssachverhalt steckt ein bisschen Enno Becker. Er gehört zu Deutschland wie die Autobahn und Krautsalat. Und doch kennt ihn fast niemand. Nur die Finanzverwaltung verehrt ihn wie einen Heiligen. Unsterblich wurde Enno Becker, als die von ihm entwickelte Reichsabgabenordnung im Jahr 1919 in Kraft trat. Denn damit legte er den Grundbaustein für das komplizierteste Steuerrecht der Welt. Tauche mit uns ein in die wunderbare Welt der Steuern. Erfahre viele spannende, skurrile und ...
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The Skillful at Work Podcast offers an engaging discussion about living wisely in the workplace, encouraging and equipping Christians to live out their faith at work. If you want to be encouraged and equipped to live your life of faith more effectively in the workplace, the Skillful at Work Podcast is for you.
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In the early days of this podcast, Steve and Becky read stories and poems plus interviewed authors. Now, they talk with people from all walks of life about their hobbies, vocations and life experiences. Becky has written several fiction series under the name Rebecca Carey Lyles and two nonfiction books under Becky Lyles. Steve likes to write poems and songs. Learn more about your Let Me Tell You a Story hosts at
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Das UNTERNEHMERWERK von Helmut Beck ist ein Podcast für Unternehmer, Selbständige und alle, die sich auf diesen Weg zu mehr Fokus begeben wollen. Wenn Dich Themen wie Erfolg, Motivation, Struktur, Systeme und Tools in der Unternehmensführung interessieren, bist Du hier richtig. Profitiere aus den Erfahrungen erfolgreicher Unternehmer, die wir aus über 1000 Geschäftsmodellen gebündelt haben und weitergeben. Du möchtest mit Deinem Unternehmen auf das nächste Level? Hier erfährst Du, wie Dein U ...
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The Becky Beach Show - Digital Product Marketing for Your Creative Business

Becky Beach - Digital Business Scaling Coach

The Becky Beach Show is all about helping you successfully market your digital product business to increase visibility and sales. Becky also interviews successful and inspiring business owners and stresses the importance of an abundance mindset. Becky Beach is a million-dollar digital product seller and marketer featured in Business Insider and Forbes. She is certified in User Experience/Product Design and Design Thinking. Join Becky each week to turbo-charge your income and mindset! Visit t ...
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show series
Liz Truss, former prime minister of the United Kingdom, says she wants to be part of the “second American revolution” — “Trump-style.” With “Britian heading for bankruptcy,” “grooming gangs,” unchecked immigration, and the rising threat of Islamism, is it too late to Make Europe Great Again? Despite an unhinged deep state and free-speech crackdowns…
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Vom rebellischen Teenager, der aus Wut auf seine Eltern einfach abhaut, zum erfolgreichen Unternehmer – Martin Manz hat eine Reise hinter sich, die Mut, Freiheit und einen fast tödlichen Wendepunkt umfasst. Mit 14 entschied er sich gegen die Strafen seines Vaters und für die Straße. Zwei Wochen Ungewissheit, Nächte im Wald, Brot vom Fenstersims – u…
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Luxusfahrzeuge als Firmenwagen – eine sinnvolle Investition oder ein steuerlicher Stolperstein? In diesem Podcast erläutere ich Ihnen die wichtigsten Aspekte rund um die Nutzung von hochwertigen Fahrzeugen im Unternehmen. Zudem werden mögliche Fallstricke bei der privaten Nutzung und die korrekte Absetzbarkeit der Kosten behandelt. Wer über die Ans…
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Nach dem breakdown kommt der breakthrough ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ YouTube English: YouTube DE: German Rap: Instagram: Instagram DE: My DE Amazon: Lis…
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Support The Becket Cook Show on Patreon! NOTE: When you sign up for Patreon, PLEASE do it through a web browser (Safari, Chrome, etc.) and NOT an app on your iPhone. The Apple app charges 30% !!! If you just click on the link above, it should be fine. In this episode, Becket Cook talks with Costi Hinn, teaching pastor at Shepherd’s House Bible Chur…
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In this episode, Sandra Powell-Elliott, MBA, Vice President and Chief Innovation and Commercialization Officer at Hackensack Meridian Health, shares insights on fostering a culture of innovation, leveraging AI and translational research, and navigating funding challenges to drive the future of healthcare.…
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Ivan Samstein, Enterprise CFO of UChicago Medicine, discusses anticipating new policy changes in the evolving healthcare landscape. He highlights challenges with the payer dynamic and shares insights on expanding healthcare programs in suburban areas. Samstein also offers advice for emerging leaders, emphasizing the importance of transparency in de…
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In this episode, Sam Melamed, CEO of NCD, and Brett Voith, Chief Strategy Officer, discuss major regulatory shifts affecting ACA and Medicare Advantage. They explore how new policies may impact health plans, enrollment trends, and the growing demand for supplemental benefits like dental and vision coverage.…
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Liz Truss, former prime minister of the United Kingdom, says she wants to be part of the “second American revolution” — “Trump-style.” With “Britian heading for bankruptcy,” “grooming gangs,” unchecked immigration, and the rising threat of Islamism, is it too late to Make Europe Great Again? Despite an unhinged deep state and free-speech crackdowns…
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In this episode, Russell Cox, President & CEO of Norton Healthcare, shares insights on improving healthcare access, addressing workforce challenges, and leveraging innovation to enhance patient care. He discusses the impact of Norton’s newest hospital in an underserved community and the importance of human connection in an evolving healthcare lands…
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Petko ist in Miami, was Boris ein bisschen neidisch macht, denn er hat eine besondere Beziehung zu der Stadt. Aber dafür ist er in Mailand und war beim Fußball-Länderspiel zwischen Italien und Deutschland. Trotzdem geht es in der neuen Ausgabe von »Becker Petkovic« natürlich vor allem um Tennis – und zwar um das gerade beginnende Turnier in Miami (…
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In this episode, Tim Callahan, Chief Technology Officer at University of Michigan Health, discusses his organization’s ambitious cloud transformation journey. He shares insights on IT modernization, cloud migration strategies, workforce upskilling, and the future of AI and innovation in healthcare technology.…
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In this episode of the Becker's Healthcare Podcast, Jakob Emerson is joined by Rob Duffy, CTO at HealthEdge, to discuss the evolving role of platform-based technology in healthcare. They explore how interoperability, regulatory changes, and change management strategies are shaping the future of health plans. Tune in for expert insights on overcomin…
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Yesterday, President Trump signed an executive order to begin the dismantling of the Department of Education, causing leftists to lose their minds. Leftists argue this will cause children to fall further behind, but Glenn argues it can’t get any worse. DoorDash is now implementing the ability for users to ‘Buy Now, Pay Later’ to finance their meals…
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Yesterday, President Trump signed an executive order to begin the dismantling of the Department of Education, causing leftists to lose their minds. Leftists argue this will cause children to fall farther behind, but Glenn argues it can’t get any worse. Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost (R) joins to discuss a groundbreaking SCOTUS case that could set …
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In this episode, Molly Gamble, Vice President of Editorial at Becker’s Healthcare, joins Scott Becker to discuss the latest trends in healthcare mergers and acquisitions. From major hospital system integrations to cross-regional deals and the financial pressures driving M&A activity, Molly shares key insights ahead of the upcoming Becker’s Annual M…
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Dr. Beckett discusses the turmoil surrounding Luka Dončić and the Dallas Mavericks, including reactions from a recent card show. He shares a humorous AI-generated rant from a fictional crazed Mavericks fan and addresses the pros and cons of AI in sports commentary. The episode delves into Luka’s potential future with the Lakers, his impact on the h…
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In this episode of the Becker’s Healthcare podcast, Lukas Voss speaks with Bob Burgin, CEO of Amplifire, about how AI and adaptive learning technologies are transforming healthcare workforce development. They explore the urgent need to address staffing shortages, particularly among nurses, and how personalized, AI-driven training can enhance clinic…
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In this episode, Dr. Shantanu Agrawal, Chief Health Officer at Elevance Health, discusses the company’s innovative approach to addressing social determinants of health. He highlights the Elevance Health Foundation’s new impact investing program, its focus on behavioral health, and how insurers can drive meaningful change in communities.…
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Today’s Life Question comes from Savannah who needs insight on how to find her “spiritual self” especially when no one around her sees life through a spiritual lens. For practical spiritual insight and encouragement regarding your relationships, finances, life purpose, or understanding of world events, submit your Life Question of the Week to podca…
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Late night interview from Tel Aviv, where only hours earlier a Houthi ballistic missle was intercepted on its way to Israel, with red alerts in a large portion of the country’s south. I was joined from Sa’ana, Yemen by local journalist فيصل النهجاني”, “Faisal Al-Nahjany”. Faisal risks his life by conducting this interview, already having survived a…
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Joining us this episode to discuss the highs and lows of parenting (and life) is the ex-footballer and cult FIFA legend - Adebayo Akinfenwa. Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available everywhere every Tuesday and Friday. Please subscribe and leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xx If you want to get in touch with the show with an…
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In this episode, Michael Archuleta, Chief Information Officer and HIPAA Information Security Officer at Mt. San Rafael Hospital, shares how his team is revolutionizing rural healthcare through cutting-edge AI, advanced cybersecurity, and digital transformation. He discusses the hospital’s nationally recognized IT achievements, the power of AI-drive…
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After a week with EIPA and AMEPA in Israel, we sit down in the Tel Aviv hotel lobby. Together with Lena Salzbank, Michael Hudak, Warren Cohn, and Michael Ray Glenn we discuss the current state of affairs in Israel, antisemitism, jewish life and beyond. Eipa is Europe Israel Press Association. Amepa is the American Middle East Press Association. Spo…
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In this episode, Mike Vigo, Chief Revenue Cycle Officer at UC San Diego Health, shares insights on leadership, technology adoption, and financial strategies in healthcare. Drawing from his military background, he discusses how teamwork, data-driven decision-making, and AI-driven innovation are shaping the future of revenue cycle management.…
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A few recent stories have made Glenn emotional, one being a chilling performance on "Britain's Got Talent." Glenn discusses what's going on in Antarctica, as a group of researchers are stuck, hours away from help, and one of the researchers is accused of being dangerous. Recent alleged discoveries about the pyramids of Egypt contradict what was for…
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A few recent stories have made Glenn emotional, one being a chilling performance on "Britain's Got Talent." Glenn discusses what's going on in Antarctica, as a group of researchers are stuck, hours away from help, and one of the researchers is accused of being dangerous. Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg (Ret.) joins to discuss the current status of the confl…
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Mike Riordan, President and Chief Executive Officer at Prime Health, shares insights from his experience in Ohio at Premier Health. He discusses the importance of staying true to the organization's mission statement and values, strategies for measuring employee engagement, and the power of self-awareness in effective leadership.…
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Two nights ago, Israel shattered the ceasefire with Palestine, killing more than 400 people in Gaza, with more bombings that today were followed with a new ground invasion. Donald Trump bombed Yemen and is threatening war with Iran, a formidable and large country with a very strong military. Is a regional war coming? Brian is joined by Professor Mo…
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In this episode, Sam Melamed, CEO of NCD, and Bret Voith, Chief Strategy Officer, discuss major regulatory shifts affecting ACA and Medicare Advantage. They explore how new policies may impact health plans, enrollment trends, and the growing demand for supplemental benefits like dental and vision coverage.…
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This episode, recorded live at the Becker’s Healthcare 12th Annual CEO + CFO Roundtable, features Rob Brooks, President & CEO of St. Christopher's Hospital for Children. Rob shares insights on the evolving role of AI in healthcare, the critical importance of cybersecurity, and strategies to balance rising costs with stagnant reimbursement rates. In…
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In this episode, David Rahija, PT, MBA, FACHE, President of Endeavor Health Northwest Community Hospital, discusses his vision for the hospital’s future, the importance of integrated healthcare systems, and how his experience leading specialty programs will shape his leadership at NCH. He also shares insights on building multidisciplinary teams and…
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Jimmy Work - "Just Like Downtown" [0:00:00] Goldie Hill - "I'm Beginning To Feel Mistreated" [0:06:11] Ferlin Husky - "Gone" [0:09:49] Pat Zill - "Lonesome 77203" [0:11:11] Connie Hall - "Third Party At The Table" [0:13:20] Music behind DJ: Kalox Rhythm Boys Band - "Getting It On" [0:16:06] Andy Wilson - "Little Mama" [0:19:20] Charlie Gracie - "Ju…
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In this episode, Dr. Gilbert Padula, Chief Medical Officer at Mercy Health St. Elizabeth Youngstown Hospital, discusses the corporatization of medicine, patient-centered care innovations, and strategies for reducing hospital-acquired infections. He also shares leadership advice for physicians looking to drive meaningful change in healthcare.…
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In this episode, Editor-in-Chief Alan Condon breaks down the latest hospital financial trends, including stable margins and rising service volumes. He also discusses the growing tensions in payer-provider negotiations, highlighted by Jefferson Health’s contract dispute with Cigna.Kirjoittanut Becker's Healthcare
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Four judges in one day used their positions to stop President Trump's actions in a desperate power-grab. Glenn goes through the four rulings, which he described as nothing more than judges legislating from the bench. How does a federal judge have the power to stop the president from enforcing federal laws? Glenn blasts Supreme Court Chief Justice J…
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Glenn blasts Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts for going after President Trump after Trump called for the impeachment of a leftist judge. Glenn lays out why Justice Roberts' critique of Trump is flat-out wrong. Glenn's chief researcher, Jason Buttrill, joins to break down what little we have discovered from the recently declassified JFK file…
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