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以勒圣经教会(Jireh Bible Church)是一个位于休斯顿,不隶属于任何宗派、地方性的教会。教会信仰完全基于聖經。相信新舊兩約六十六卷書, 都是神逐字逐句默示的話,在原卷中毫無錯誤, 為信徒信仰與生活完整無繆的標準。教会多年来蒙神托付多元种族事工,现有中英文两种语言的主日崇拜、细胞小组、以及週三門徒訓練和祷告会等聚會。欢迎慕道友与主内兄弟姐妹与我们一同追求敬拜这位掌管天地的三一真神。 本系列Podcast信息,是教会主任牧师李名功博士礼拜日在中文部崇拜聚会的讲道。
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Небесное лекарство от страха-2 / Heavenly Medicine Against Fear-2 Лекарство для Марии / Medicine for Mary Лук.1:26–38 Исх.20:20 И сказал Моисей народу: не бойтесь; Бог пришел, чтобы испытать вас и чтобы страх Его был пред лицом вашим, дабы вы не грешили. Exod.20:20 And Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid; for God has come in order to test y…
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We can think of a lot of names the bible gives otJesus, especially around Christmas time. However, one often overlooked is the first title given to Him, the snake crusher. This week, we begin a 3-week series diving into what the baby in the manager was, what he came to do, and what he will come back to accomplish!…
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Speaker: Adam Godshall Series: Christmas in Micah Text: The Prophecy of Micah Theme: Christmas Is the Gift of Righteousness One: The Lack of Righteousness Multiple indictments of unrighteousness Multiple predictions of disaster Two: The Source of Righteousness God God's revealed standard Three: The Transfer of Righteousness Our sin is met by God's …
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The kingdom of God has broken in with the birth of the king and despite the best efforts of fallen man in a sin cursed world, Christ's kingdom will win in history – small beginnings will fade away to full victory. Are you a part of His kingdom, and if you are, are you doing your part?Kirjoittanut Dr. Jeff Rich
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A centurion's servant was healed by a mere word and news is spreading fast. A crowd follows Jesus, and the party stumbles across a funeral. A mother has lost everything. In the midst of all these people, will Jesus even notice this hopeless woman? Should he see her, what might move him to act? On her most devastating of days, the widow's tears draw…
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Luke 2:1–7 (LSB): Now it happened that in those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus for a census to be taken of all the inhabited earth. 2 This was the first census taken while Quirinius was governor of Syria. 3 And everyone was going to be registered for the census, each to his own city. 4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the cit…
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