Couples Advice (Just kidding, pass me the remote), Netflix recommendations, Festivals and our adventures to and from the kitchen to the couch.
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Dis kak maar kom ons wees eerlik dis of quarantine of jy kan gaan kuier.
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Quarantine tyd maar mense gym uit hul vuil garages. Nee oom maak skoon!
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As jy lag is jy sag....use english translation.
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Driving to work and talking nonsense
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Well the title says it the end we want to save the world but I dont want my orange juice tasting like slap chips.
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Just another manic monday...dont do drugs just do coke...light.
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Get yourself a tattoo or drink its Sunday.
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Enjoy your Subday and todays game Manchester United vs Liverpool.
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Couples advice (if she hasnt heard you fart is she truly a keeper?) and Netflix recommendations bitches.
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