citychurch - Begegnen. Wachsen. Dienen. Eine Kirche | 3 Städte: Köln, Aachen & Bergisch Gladbach Mehr erfährst du hier:
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Predikan och undervisning från Citykyrkan Stockholm
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Listen in weekly as we podcast the fresh word coming out of CityChurch.
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Die Themenreihen der CityChurch Würzburg. Auf jeden Fall einen Podcast wert.
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Na treningu świat się nie kończy. I o tym z gośćmi CityFit rozmawia Jacek Bilczyński. Trening, umysł, psychologia, dieta. Bez koloryzowania, „czelendżowania” i usilnego motywowania. Dla osób zupełnie początkujących, zaawansowanych i tych, którzy na siłownię się nie wybierają. Co tydzień nowy podcast CityFit.
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The police tell us they are here to protect us. But what if their original purpose was something else altogether? Peabody Award-winning host Chenjerai Kumanyika takes listeners on a journey to uncover the hidden history of the largest police force in the world – from its roots in slavery, to rival police gangs battling across the city, to everyday people who resisted every step of the way. As our society debates where policing is going, Empire City: The Untold Origin Story of the NYPD explor ...
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What's working, what's not and what's next for Canada's cities. Presented by noted urbanist Mary Rowe, president and CEO of the Canadian Urban Institute.
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Wir sind eine Kirche im Herzen Frankfurts. Finde zur Ruhe und begegne Gott und Menschen! Mehr erfährst du hier:
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Aalborg Citykirke holder gudstjeneste hver søndag, se mere på
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Deep in the Mojave Desert, there is a little town with a big name and a bizarre history: California City. For decades, real estate developers have sold a dream here: if you buy land now, you’ll be rich one day. Thousands of people bought this dream. Many were young couples and hard-working immigrants looking to build a better future. But much of the land they bought is nearly worthless. In this new podcast from LAist Studios, host Emily Guerin tells a story of money, power and deception.
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Citylight Church's mission is multiply disciples and churches in order to make much of Jesus. Visit us at
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The weekly podcast of our Sunday teachings at CityLight Vineyard Church in Newark, DE.
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Citylight Council Bluffs' mission is to multiply disciples and churches to make much of Jesus. Visit us at
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CityLight Hamburg ist eine christliche Freikirche. CityLight zählt sich zu den weltweiten Calvary Chapel Gemeinden. Wir glauben, dass Gottes Wort lebendig und mächtig ist. Aus diesem Grund lehren wir die Bibel Vers für Vers.
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Since 1980, City Arts & Lectures has presented onstage conversations with outstanding figures in literature, politics, criticism, science, and the performing arts, offering the most diverse perspectives about ideas and values. City Arts & Lectures programs can be heard on more than 130 public radio stations across the country and wherever you get your podcasts. The broadcasts are co-produced with KQED 88.5 FM in San Francisco. Visit CITYARTS.NET for more info.
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Welcome to the weekly audio podcast for CityLight Church in Adelaide, South Australia. Don Reddin and the preaching team at CityLight bring dynamic, Biblically-based, Gospel-centered messages each week that will inspire and strengthen your walk with Christ. CityLight Missionally engages culture, Makes disciples, Trains leaders, and Multiplies communities with the Gospel! Visit us online at
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Enjoy listening to Citylight Lincoln Church's Sermons. Feel free to share. We pray these sermons help you see the beauty, love, and grace of Jesus!
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Spotlight: Snitch City brings listeners inside the clandestine world of police informants through the story of one police department. Investigative reporter Dugan Arnett uncovers rampant misconduct and explores how, in a nation addicted to drugs, police have become addicted to informants.
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Make Better Investments
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Welcome this is the weekly sermon of Cityline Church. We are a Multi-Cultural, Multi-Generational Church in Lakewood, California whose mission is to help people discover and follow Jesus. For more information please visit
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Welcome to the weekly audio podcast for CityLight Church in North Adelaide, South Australia. This podcast consists of the messages from our Sunday gatherings. Our hope and prayer is that you will be inspired and strengthened in your walk with Christ with our dynamic, Biblically-based, Gospel-centered messages each week. We’d love for you to join us this Sunday! Find out more at
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Cityview Church is a church in Columbus, OH. We are an imperfect community of inclusive, authentic Jesus-followers striving to be a community of healing and growth, for ourselves and our city. We envision a world where trauma is healed, community is authentic, poverty is alleviated, injustice is corrected, unconditional love is experienced, and everyone knows they are a beloved child of God.
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citylife church is a vibrant, multicultural, spirit-filled, family church, placed in the heart of Tampa Bay to reach the lost, restore the broken, and release people into purpose. Our goal is to create an atmosphere of love, acceptance, and forgiveness where people can pursue an encounter with God.
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City Confidential explores crimes that have impacted cities and towns across America. The iconic, noir-style series goes beyond the headlines to showcase the emotional and unexpected stories that catapulted unique communities, both large and small, into the public eye. Each episode tells the story of one crime, the ensuing investigation, and the ripple effect it had on a community. Speaking with family, friends, detectives, journalists, and others close to the case, the series weaves togethe ...
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The CityChangers Podcast: Inspiring Liveable, Equitable, Sustainable Cities “The CityChangers Podcast” explores innovative ideas, showcases success stories (and, importantly, the failures), and delves into the strategies that contribute to positive urban transformations. Each episode features a new thought leader, expert, or visionary who shares their experiences and expertise in making cities better places to live, work, and thrive.
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We don’t want to just gather a crowd or “do church.” We’re on mission to multiply disciples of Jesus – real people experiencing the life of Jesus and being changed by Him. We dream of the life of Jesus spreading throughout the West End into pockets of people, into businesses and schools, into neighborhoods and networks. We envision people experiencing the life of Jesus as His light spreads throughout the West End of Council Bluffs.
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Chicago Bears talk from the talented content creators of 2nd City Gridiron and Windy City Gridiron.
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City Cast Salt Lake is Salt Lake City’s daily news podcast. Host Ali Vallarta and a bevy of smart and entertaining locals will bring you conversations about the issues that matter most to SLC. Some days City Cast will make you proud; other days it’ll make you angry. It will celebrate Salt Lake’s triumphs, (try to) solve its mysteries, and explore its history. City Cast will help you feel more connected to the Wasatch Front – whether you’ve lived here for 6 months or 6 generations.
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CityLife Church Messages
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The tides of American history lead through the streets of New York City — from the huddled masses on Ellis Island to the sleazy theaters of 1970s Times Square. The elevated railroad to the Underground Railroad. Hamilton to Hammerstein! Greg and Tom explore more than 400 years of action-packed stories, featuring both classic and forgotten figures who have shaped the world.
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City Council Meetings for the City of Palm Coast, FL
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Our Fair City is a campy, post-apocalyptic audio drama from Audacious Machine Creative. Learn more at
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фотографы в городе
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Shoreline City Messages
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For all the NFL conversation you’d ever want or need, there’s only one place to go: Scoop City, where there’s something for every football fan! The Athletic’s Senior NFL Insider Dianna Russini and longtime NFL quarterback Chase Daniel share inside information you need to know about your favorite team, discussions going on in and around the league - and some scoop on life. New episodes on Tuesdays and Fridays.
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Ask questions, vote and discover answers about Chicago, the region and its people. From WBEZ.
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Messages from Passion City Church, visit us at
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This is the City Church Marietta Podcast. For more information, visit
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*Named one of The New York Times Best Podcasts of 2024* Two journalists stumble into a dying town with a Smog Museum and a mayor named Piglet… and not a whole lot else. They have one burning question: What’s it like to live here, in a town left for dead? They buy a house and stay – for three years. They get caught up in an election cycle and a web of scandals. It’s democracy in action on the smallest scale. It’s Our Town for our time. And it’s all real. Cement City is an Audacy original in p ...
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A community of grace and peace for our city and the world
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The official City of Murfreesboro, TN podcasts. For more City information, please visit
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Zion City exists to help people encounter God and transform culture. Each of our ministries reflect a passion for our community, city and church. You can find out more about us at
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Sermons by Redemption City Church
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Sacred City Church sermons
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Dianna Russini details why Vikings are sticking with J.J. McCarthy + What's next for Russell Wilson
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1:07:50Scoop City is back! On today’s episode, The Athletic’s Senior NFL Insider, Dianna Russini, details why the Minnesota Vikings are sticking with J.J. McCarthy. Dianna has reported the Vikings were contemplating signing former NFL MVP Aaron Rodgers. Now, she’s revealing why the Vikings are moving on from the Rodgers discussion, as of right now. Elsewh…
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God's Faithfulness in our Foolishness | Genesis 20:1-18
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28:29In this episode, Kyle Dellevoet talks through Genesis 20Kirjoittanut Citylight Lincoln Church
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10-Code Podcast-Citizens CPR Class and Teen Fire Academy
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12:39Assistant Fire Marshal Shandreah Womack and Training Coordinator/Paramedic Julia Pitt talk about a couple of upcoming Murfreesboro Fire Rescue Department events - Citizens CPR class and Teen Fire Academy.Kirjoittanut cityofmurfreesborotn
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靈修 DT4.0 [粵] | 2025-03-20 |民數記 3:1-13
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10:28民數記 3:1-13 1 耶 和 華 在 西 乃 山 曉 諭 摩 西 的 日 子 , 亞 倫 和 摩 西 的 後 代 如 下 :2 亞 倫 的 兒 子 , 長 子 名 叫 拿 答 , 還 有 亞 比 戶 、 以 利 亞 撒 、 以 他 瑪 。3 這 是 亞 倫 兒 子 的 名 字 , 都 是 受 膏 的 祭 司 , 是 摩 西 叫 他 們 承 接 聖 職 供 祭 司 職 分 的 。4 拿 答 、 亞 比 戶 在 西 乃 的 曠 野 向 耶 和 華 獻 凡 火 的 時 候 就 死 在 耶 和 華 面 前 了 。 他 們 也 沒 有 兒 子 。 以 利 亞 撒 、 以 他 瑪 在 他 們 的 父 親 亞 倫 面 前 供 祭 司 的 職 分 。5 耶 和 華 曉 諭 摩 西 說 :6 你 使 利 …
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Penises of the Great Salt Lake
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21:14The Great Salt Lake is home to millions of different species of wildlife, with penises as unique as they are. Yeah, you read that right. Biologist Jaimi Butler joins host Ali Vallarta to explore the genitalia of our namesake, plus the weird phenomenon of sexualizing brine shrimp. Interested in our sea monkeys? Learn why they’re so important to the …
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We sit down with Marco te Brömmelstroet and Adrian Fratila from the Just Streets project to talk about what justice has to do with city streets, how to deal with the naysayers, and whether the Dutch urban mobility model is really the one cities should be aspiring to. You can find out more about the project here: Featuri…
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San Diego, CA: Badge of Dishonor
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29:48In 1986 college student Cara Knott was found murdered with her car abandoned near an isolated stretch of the interstate. When a series of women call to complain that a heretofore exemplary CHP officer named Craig Peyer had inappropriately stopped them in the same area, investigators have to look closer at one of their own. See Privacy Policy at htt…
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【民數記 2:1-34】 1 耶和華曉諭摩西亞倫說、 2 以色列人要各歸自己的纛下、在本族的旗號那裏、對著會幕的四圍安營。 3 在東邊向日出之地、照著軍隊安營的是猶大營的纛.有亞米拿達的兒子拿順、作猶大人的首領。 4 他軍隊被數的、共有七萬四千六百名。 5 挨著他安營的是以薩迦支派.有蘇押的兒子拿坦業作以薩迦人的首領。 6 他軍隊被數的、共有五萬四千四百名。 7 又有西布倫支派.希倫的兒子以利押、作西布倫人的首領。 8 他軍隊被數的、共有五萬七千四百名。 9 凡屬猶大營按著軍隊被數的、共有十八萬六千四百名.要作第一隊往前行。 10 在南邊、按著軍隊是流便營的纛.有示丟珥的兒子以利蓿作流便人的首領。 11 他軍隊被數的、共有四萬六千五百名。 12 挨著他安營的是西緬支派.蘇利沙代的兒子示路蔑作…
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Scientist Alice Hamilton’s investigations into toxins in Chicago’s factories led to some of the first workplace safety laws in the country. She was known for her “shoe leather” epidemiology, wearing out the soles of her shoes from all the trips she made to Chicago homes, factories and even saloons to figure out what was making people sick.…
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Imperfect Paradise: Meet the filmmakers who love AI
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34:04It’s hard to find people in Hollywood who are willing to speak publicly about their enthusiasm for AI, for fear of being seen as “siding with the machines.” And yet, many people are quietly using the technology already. In this episode, we interview two enthusiastic early adopters of AI in filmmaking about how they’re using it, its strengths and li…
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How Not To Have Search and Rescue Save Your Ass
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21:58Salt Lakers crave the sun and red rock splendor of southern Utah, but a lot can go wrong in the desert. Host Ali Vallarta asks Escalante search and rescue volunteer Rick Green how to avoid dangerous (and expensive) mistakes. Check out Rick’s visitor checklist. If you’re planning a spring trip in southern Utah, try these alternatives to the Mighty F…
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Witness the ripples of the Stormhawk’s fall as they begin to spread through the corporate strata in this coda to Season Three of Our Fair City. === Our Fair City was originally released between 2011 and 2018. If you're interested in listening to the complete 8 seasons of Our Fair City ad free right now, you can join Audacious Machine Creative's Mem…
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When Luigi Mangione allegedly gunned down UnitedHealthcare’s CEO, the media called it a senseless crime. But online, a different story emerged—one of rage, reckoning, and a suspected killer turned folk hero. More than just a true crime podcast, LUIGI, hosted by Jesse Weber, dares to look beyond the crime and the accused to explore a cultural tippin…
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【民數記 1:47-54】 47 利未人卻沒有按著支派數在其中、 48 因為耶和華曉諭摩西說、 49 惟獨利未支派你不可數點、也不可在以色列人中計算他們的總數。 50 只要派利未人管法櫃的帳幕和其中的器具、並屬乎帳幕的、他們要抬〔或作搬運〕帳幕和其中的器具、並要辦理帳幕的事.在帳幕的四圍安營。 51 帳幕將往前行的時候、利未人要拆卸、將支搭的時候、利未人要豎起.近前來的外人、必被治死。 52 以色列人支搭帳棚、要照他們的軍隊、各歸本營、各歸本纛。 53 但利未人要在法櫃帳幕的四圍安營、免得忿怒臨到以色列會眾.利未人並要謹守法櫃的帳幕。 54 以色列人就這樣行.凡耶和華所吩咐摩西的、他們就照樣行了。…
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Bears Banter Ep. 203: Brad Biggs joins!
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1:09:08The Bears have made some significant moves and Brad Biggs joins to discuss them! He also discusses what work still needs to be done on the offensive line (the draft), how the defense is on the cusp of getting a lot of new faces in 2026, his evaluation of Ryan Poles, and the latest on the stadium project! Advertising Inquiries:…
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Episode 15: Marriage Restored
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23:20Lena Richter talks about how God chooses to restore marriages and how He did help Lena and her husband Jake in that very journey.
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Are Some Sins Worse Than Others? | The Green Room Podcast
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SLC’s Brunch Scene, Sundance & Pride Flags, Referendum Hits the Streets
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32:19Is SLC’s hottest club a brunch spot? You decide. Host Ali Vallarta and executive producer Emily Means debrief on Salt Lake’s breakfast food scene and give their recs. Plus, the Sundance saga continues, a new coffee shop, and doorknocking for a cause. Resources and references: Utah’s Hopes Of Keeping Sundance Threatened By Anti-Pride Flag Bill On Go…
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Meet New Bedford’s police chief, Paul Oliveira. He’s had a hand in both of the stories we’ve already heard. And the Spotlight Team's reporting shows there's a dark backstory behind Oliveira's rise to the top of the department. Oliveira wrote the playbook on using informants. In this episode, a former New Bedford narcotics cop who worked alongside t…
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Amos 4 - 5:17 - God's Patient Pursuit
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28:07Kirjoittanut Citylight West CB
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Bengals ink Ja’Marr Chase, Tee Higgins to lucrative extensions & What’s happening with Aaron Rodgers
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1:01:58On the latest episode of Scoop City, The Athletic’s Senior NFL Insider, Dianna Russini, and former NFL QB Chase Daniel examine Aaron Rodgers’ current market. The former NFL MVP is waiting on the Minnesota Vikings to decide which direction they want to go with their quarterback situation. Additionally, the Pittsburgh Steelers and New York Giants are…
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Christian Galindo - Din Härlighet
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33:14Christian Galindo - Din Härlighet by Citykyrkan StockholmKirjoittanut Citykyrkan Stockholm
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Kirjoittanut Justin Dean
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Pastor Jack introduces our new series The God Who Is. The first message is "Compassionate". Two important questions: – Who is God? – What is God like? Questions to process: What does compassion look like in your life? Who are the people you have excluded from deserving compassion? To whom or where might God be inviting you to extend compassion? If …
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Prepare The Way | Sarah John
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34:18In dieser Folge spricht Pastorin Sarah über Johannes den Täufer – seine Herkunft, seine Mission und was es bedeutet, „den Weg des Herrn vorzubereiten“. Warum spielte er eine so zentrale Rolle in der biblischen Geschichte? Und was können wir heute von ihm lernen? Tauche mit uns ein in die faszinierende Geschichte dieses Propheten, der den Anbruch vo…
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3.16 [TEACHING] Interrupting Our Inertia (wk 2)
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53:11Jason Miller - Lent is a season that helps us wake up and shake off the inertia of our lives. But how do we do that? The prayer that Jesus gives us in Matthew 6 offers some possibilities. This week, we explore the meaning of the kingdom of God. What's Happening Register for the Race and Film Weekend. Register for Baptism, happening on Easter (April…
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靈修 DT4.0 [粵] | 2025-03-17 |民數記 1:20-46
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13:37民數記 1:20-46 20-21 以 色 列 的 長 子 , 流 便 子 孫 的 後 代 , 照 著 家 室 、 宗 族 、 人 名 的 數 目 , 從 二 十 歲 以 外 , 凡 能 出 去 打 仗 、 被 數 的 男 丁 , 共 有 四 萬 六 千 五 百 名 。 22-23 西 緬 子 孫 的 後 代 , 照 著 家 室 、 宗 族 、 人 名 的 數 目 , 從 二 十 歲 以 外 , 凡 能 出 去 打 仗 、 被 數 的 男 丁 , 共 有 五 萬 九 千 三 百 名 。 24-25 迦 得 子 孫 的 後 代 , 照 著 家 室 、 宗 族 、 人 名 的 數 目 , 從 二 十 歲 以 外 , 凡 能 出 去 打 仗 、 被 數 的 , 共 有 四 萬 五 千 六 百 五 …
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Never Gonna Give You Up | Genesis 8:20-9:29
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38:36Kirjoittanut Joe Julian
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This world throws many punches at us and they can be a struggle! As we finish our study of 1 John, we discover that following Jesus means that we are overcomers! By His grace, strength, and power we can overcome! If you are feeling stuck, this is a teaching for you!Kirjoittanut Christian Dunn
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Tips and Tricks for SLC Concert Season
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21:30The SLC Twilight Concert Series lineup just dropped — did you get a ticket? Outdoor music season is about to hit Salt Lake, so host Ali Vallarta asked avid concert goer Reuben Hoyos for his best tips and tricks to enjoy the show. Plus: Ever wonder how the SLC Twilight lineup gets booked? We’ve got answers. Become a member of City Cast Salt Lake tod…
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The Long Way Home | Pastor Earl McClellan
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39:30Shoreline City: The LONG WAY HOME builds something that LASTS. In today’s message with Pastor Earl McClellan we were encouraged, inspired, and challenged to remain faithful and planted no matter our circumstance! Listen and grow with us! JESUS FIRST: We’ve been praying for you! If you made the decision to put Jesus first, text “JESUS” to 73000. CON…
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S05E11: Jak zacząć żeby wytrwać? Michał Daniel
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1:03:17Dlaczego ludzie obawiają się pierwszych kroków na siłowni? Które z mitów dotyczących treningu siłowego są prawdziwe, a które należy raz na zawsze rozwiać. Czy to prawda, że większość ludzi odpuszcza? O tym wszystkim rozmawiamy z Michałem Danielem.
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How Do You Study God’s Word? - Brad Jones
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42:12For a deeper study of God's Word, plus daily resources for your walk with Jesus, visit — With Passion City Online, you can join us every Sunday live at 9:30a and 11:45a, and our gatherings are available on-demand starting at 7p! Join us at — Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from …
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Suffering Jesus: The Olivet Discourse
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47:33Series: Suffering Jesus Scripture: Luke 21:5-38 We hope you enjoyed listening to this message! If you’d like to stay updated on what God is doing at Citylight Council Bluffs, be sure to follow us: Citylight Council Bluffs Facebook Instagram Citylight Council Bluffs Sunday Gatherings at 9:00 & 11:00 AM Livestream at 9:00 AM 2109 Railroad Hwy, Counci…
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Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
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1:08:32Our guest today is writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, revered in her home country of Nigeria and in the United States, thanks especially to the popularity of her 2013 novel Americannah, a book that straddles the cultures of America and Nigeria and considers the challenges, status, and perceptions of Africans abroad. Since then, Adichie has continued …
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Eugene Fidell begins our series called "Upper Room". He unpacks John 13, where Jesus washes His disciples' feet, modeling true humility and servant leadership.
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Membership Matters: Part 3 - (Mike Bartlett) 3/16/25
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47:46Kirjoittanut Redemption City Church
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Hotel Markus 7) Wieder klein werden
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35:22Zum Thema: Im Hotel Markus sitzt ein Erwachsener. Natürlich. Und du, der du im Begriff bist, diesen Podcast anzuhören, bist wahrscheinlich auch einer: ein Erwachsener. Wie er erwachsene Jesus aus N. allerdings über Kinder dachte, das könnte dich überraschen. Selbst dann, wenn du es bereits wusstest. Die Sketchnotes zur Predigt: Anregungen und Frage…
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Kirjoittanut Pastor Tony Stewart
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Jarle Tangstad - DiscipelDNA #3 - Kaldet giver os en all inclusive mulighed (Mark 1 v.16-20)
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36:16Jarle Tangstad - DiscipelDNA #3 - Kaldet giver os en all inclusive mulighed (Mark 1 v.16-20)
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1 Thessalonians - Week 3
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35:451 Thessalonians 2.17 - 3.11 by Tim Patrick
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Gott und Staat | Bürger zwischen Welten (David Schimmel)
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40:20Römer 13 fordert uns heraus: „Ordnet euch der Regierung unter.“ Doch was heißt das in einer Zeit von politischen Krisen, Vertrauensverlust und gesellschaftlicher Spaltung? Dürfen Christen den Staat kritisieren? Wo braucht es Gehorsam – und wo entschiedenen Widerspruch? Diese Predigt nimmt dich mit in die Spannungen zwischen Glauben und Politik und …
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Present with the Community
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33:34In this message, Sam Grimshaw takes a look at the often quoted phrase quoted by Christians "In the World but not of the World" and how this applies to how we as followers of Jesus live and work in our community.Kirjoittanut Sam Grimshaw
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約翰福音21:1-14 1 這 些 事 以 後 , 耶 穌 在 提 比 哩 亞 海 邊 又 向 門 徒 顯 現 。 他 怎 樣 顯 現 記 在 下 面 :2 有 西 門 彼 得 和 稱 為 低 土 馬 的 多 馬 , 並 加 利 利 的 迦 拿 人 拿 但 業 , 還 有 西 庇 太 的 兩 個 兒 子 , 又 有 兩 個 門 徒 , 都 在 一 處 。3 西 門 彼 得 對 他 們 說 : 我 打 魚 去 。 他 們 說 : 我 們 也 和 你 同 去 。 他 們 就 出 去 , 上 了 船 ; 那 一 夜 並 沒 有 打 著 甚 麼 。4 天 將 亮 的 時 候 , 耶 穌 站 在 岸 上 , 門 徒 卻 不 知 道 是 耶 穌 。5 耶 穌 就 對 他 們 說 : 小 子 ! 你 們 …
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靈修 DT 4.0 [粵] | 2025-03-13 | 約翰福音20:24-31
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
13:14約翰福音20:24-31 24 那 十 二 個 門 徒 中 , 有 稱 為 低 土 馬 的 多 馬 ; 耶 穌 來 的 時 候 , 他 沒 有 和 他 們 同 在 。25 那 些 門 徒 就 對 他 說 : 我 們 已 經 看 見 主 了 。 多 馬 卻 說 : 我 非 看 見 他 手 上 的 釘 痕 , 用 指 頭 探 入 那 釘 痕 , 又 用 手 探 入 他 的 肋 旁 , 我 總 不 信 。26 過 了 八 日 , 門 徒 又 在 屋 裡 , 多 馬 也 和 他 們 同 在 , 門 都 關 了 。 耶 穌 來 , 站 在 當 中 說 : 願 你 們 平 安 !27 就 對 多 馬 說 : 伸 過 你 的 指 頭 來 , 摸 ( 原 文 是 看 ) 我 的 手 ; 伸 出 你 的 手 …
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Premiera: 17 marca
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