"Monday Matters with Holly Cochrane" dives into the heart of health and wellness, embracing the hard things we do. Hosted by gym owner and holistic counsellor, Holly Cochrane, this podcast brings you insights and strategies for thriving mentally, physically, nutritionally, and spiritually. Every episode is a blend of advice, personal stories, and practical tips to elevate your health journey. Join us every Monday to start your week with motivation, as we explore how comprehensive wellness tr ...
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Cochrane produce revisiones sistemáticas, consideradas el recurso de salud basada en la evidencia de más alto nivel. Le invitamos a escuchar a los autores de revisiones Cochrane explicando en lenguaje sencillo la evidencia y los hallazgos de sus revisiones de gran repercusión. En menos de cinco minutos, todos, desde profesionales sanitarios hasta pacientes y sus familiares, podrán conocer la evidencia fiable más reciente para ayudarles a tomar mejores decisiones informadas.
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Cochrane produces systematic reviews which are recognized as the highest standard in evidence-based health care resources. Listen to Cochrane review authors explain in plain language the evidence and findings of their high-impact reviews. In 5 minutes or less, healthcare professionals to patients and families can understand the latest trusted evidence to help make better informed decisions.
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Cochrane produces systematic reviews which are recognized as the highest standard in evidence-based health care resources. Listen to Cochrane review authors explain in plain language the evidence and findings of their high-impact reviews. In 5 minutes or less, healthcare professionals to patients and families can understand the latest trusted evidence to help make better informed decisions.
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Cochrane proizvodi sustavne preglede koji su prepoznati kao najviši standard izvora informacija o zdravstvenog skrbi utemeljenoj na dokazima. Slušajte autore Cochraneovih sustavnih pregleda kako jednostavnim jezikom opisuju rezultate i dokaze iz svojih utjecajnih radova. U 5 minuta ili manje, svi, od zdravstvenih djelatnika do pacijenata i njihovih obitelji, moći će razumjeti najnovije, pouzdane dokaze koji će pomoći u donošenju boljih odluka.
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For early career researchers and all those interested in ways to get involved in Cochrane. Together we learn more about Citizen Science, Cochrane Crowd, issues around Open-Access, elements of review production, and methods used in evidence synthesis. Join our team of Cochrane Early Career Professionals having a chat with a senior researcher/ senior researchers about challenges, opportunities and perspectives. Available in your favorite podcast app and on Spotify, iTunes, and Google Podcasts.
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S4(4) The LYT Method with Lara
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
49:51With a thriving community of 350,000 health enthusiasts committed to better movement and health across 50 countries, Lara combines yoga, physical therapy, and functional movement to encourage individuals to age gracefully and live pain-free. On today's episode of the Monday Matters I enjoyed some great conversation with Lara and I have been enjoyin…
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S4(3) Aromatherapy and hormone health with Kavita Sahai from Vibes Tribe
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
39:46Kavita Sahai went from Finance to Aromatherapy to support women, especially during the season of perimenopause and beyond. If you want to add another great tool to your natural supports for better sleep, mood, anxiety, and weight gain there is no downside to aromatherapy. About the Vibes Tribe: SEEKING A STRESS-FREE LIFE? Every challenge is an oppo…
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S4(2) Taking charge of your brain health with Dr. Lewis.
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
44:23On today's Monday Matters Podcast, I interview Dr. John Lewis on the Daily Brain Care supplement and how it supports the immune system and brain health with particular attention to the benefits for the prevention of Dementia, Alzheimers, MS, and Brain Fog. Dr. Lewis explains what polysaccharides are and how important they are to our health. If you …
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Does galantamine help people with dementia due to Alzheimer's disease and people with mild cognitive impairment?
There are many Cochrane Reviews of possible treatments for dementia. One of the earliest of these looked at the effects of a drug called galantamine, which is found in daffodil bulbs, and the review was updated in November 2024.
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What are the effects of interventions on sales of antimicrobial drugs without prescription in community pharmacies?
The Cochrane Collaboration has produced several systematic reviews of interventions focusing on the problem of antimicrobial resistance. In January 2025, these were added to with a new review about the role of community pharmacies and, in this podcast, Sadatoshi Matsuoka, talks with lead author Moe Moe Thandar from the National Center for Global He…
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En junio de 2024, a las varias revisiones Cochrane sobre los efectos de la actividad física, se sumó una síntesis de evidencia cualitativa sobre los factores que influyen en la actividad física de las personas con trastorno bipolar, y en este podcast se habla sobre la enfermedad y la revisión. Este podcast ha sido traducido por Yasmín García del Ce…
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Tratamiento con antibióticos macrólidos (incluida la azitromicina) para personas con fibrosis quística
Las personas con fibrosis quística son particularmente propensas a infecciones respiratorias causadas por bacterias difíciles de tratar, pero un posible tratamiento es una clase de antibióticos conocida como macrólidos. En 2003 se realizó una revisión Cochrane relacionada con este tema que se actualizó en febrero de 2024, y en este podcast se habla…
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S4(1) Fitness over 40 with Alicia Jones
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
50:05My goal is for all women to love to train to be functionally fit and enjoy adventures well into their 90's! Today's guest Alicia Jones have a lot in common and I hope you enjoy our chat about fitness after 40!Alicia Jones Alicia Jones, helps transform the health and the lives of women over 50 through her fitness and weight loss strategies. Alicia h…
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Are midwife continuity of care models versus other models of care for childbearing women better for women and their babies?
Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth has produced many reviews of interventions relevant to the organization and delivery of maternity care. In this podcast, two of the group’s researchers, Cristina Fernandez Turienzo and Hannah Rayment-Jones, midwives and senior research fellows at King’s College London in the UK, discuss their April 2024 update for …
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¿Cuáles son los beneficios y los riesgos de la rehabilitación cognitiva para las personas con demencia leve a moderada?
En un mundo que busca medicamentos para revertir o detener la progresión de la demencia, los enfoques psicosociales pueden pasarse por alto, pero siguen siendo una parte clave del apoyo ofrecido para ayudar a las personas a vivir lo mejor posible con la enfermedad. Estos enfoques incluyen la rehabilitación cognitiva y en este podcast se habla sobre…
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Cognitive behavioural therapy plus standard care for first-episode and recent-onset psychosis
In its nearly 30 years, the Cochrane Schizophrenia Group produced more than 250 reviews. One of its last, published in March 2024, looked at cognitive behavioural therapy for first episode and recent-onset psychosis. Here’s lead author, Susanna Mayer from the Technical University of Munich in Germany to tell us more.…
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How accurate are cognitive assessment tools, that are completed by people themselves, at detecting dementia?
There are more than 100 Cochrane reviews relevant to dementia, and these were added to in December 2024 with a new review of the accuracy of self-administered cognitive assessment tools for its detection. In this podcast, Podcast Editor for the Cochrane Library, Mike Clarke, talks with one of the authors, Fariha Naeem from Glasgow Royal Infirmary i…
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What are the benefits and risks of different treatments that could delay or slow the progression of progressive multiple sclerosis?
There are more than 60 Cochrane Reviews relevant to multiple sclerosis and, one of these, a network meta-analysis of immunomodulators and immunosuppressants for progressive multiple sclerosis, was updated in September 2024. We asked one of the authors, Francesco Nonino from the Istituto delle Scienze Neurologiche di Bologna in Italy, to tell us abo…
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Improving the implementation of school-based policies and practices to improve student health
Helping young people develop a healthy lifestyle could have long term implications for their health and wellbeing. In this podcast, Mia Parkinson, Cochrane Communications Officer, talks with Daniel Lee from the University of Newcastle in Callaghan, Australia, about the December 2024 update of the Cochrane review of ways to enhance the implementatio…
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Intervenciones para aumentar y mantener la cantidad de niños vacunados en los países de ingresos bajos y medios
La vacunación es un componente clave para prevenir las enfermedades y en diciembre de 2023 se actualizó la revisión Cochrane de intervenciones para mejorar la cobertura de vacunación infantil en países de ingresos medios y bajos. Este podcast ha sido traducido por Andrea Cervera del Centro Cochrane Iberoamericano y locutado por Marco Culqui de la P…
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Healthcare workers' perceptions and experiences of communicating with older adults about vaccination
Infectious diseases are a major cause of illness and death among older adults. Vaccines can prevent some of these diseases but the uptake of vaccination among older adults varies across settings and groups. Communication with their healthcare worker can help older people makes decisions about vaccination and this is explored in the July 2021 Cochra…
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The Cochrane Heart Group’s reviews cover a very wide range of topics, including several relevant to cardiac surgery. In March 2024, their review of using prophylactic corticosteroids for cardiopulmonary bypass was updated. In this podcast, Carla Lucarelli from Imperial College London speaks with new lead author, Riccardo Abbasciano from the Univers…
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Cochrane Reviews cover a very wide range of interventions for people with heart disease. One of these looks at exercise-based rehabilitation for patients with heart failure and it was updated for the fourth time in March 2024. Two of the authors, Rod Taylor and Cal Molloy from the University of Glasgow in the UK, discuss the latest findings in this…
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Training health workers in breast examination for early detection of breast cancer in low- and middle-income countries
Cochrane Breast Cancer has produced several reviews relevant to the detection of breast cancer. In April 2023, these were added to with a new review of training health workers in low- and middle-income countries to do breast examinations. Here is the lead author, Shahin Sayed from the Aga Khan University in Nairobi Kenya, to tell us about the impor…
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S3(48) How I am trying to not be the Grinch...
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
28:42On the Monday Matters with Holly Cochrane podcast, I often draw inspiration from the conversations I hear in counselling sessions, knowing many listeners will relate. Lately, I've heard from many people struggling with the holiday season and feeling guilty for not being "festive." Whether you're one of Santa's Elves or feeling like the Grinch, toda…
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Do biosimilar monoclonal antibodies perform as well as the original medicine for cancer treatment?
Alongside Cochrane Reviews of the effects of original drugs for the treatment of some diseases, reviews are starting to appear of the effects of biosimilars for these drugs. In this podcast, Roses Parker, Cochrane’s Commissioning Editor tells us about the evidence in one of these reviews, published in November 2024, which considers biosimilar monoc…
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In this podcast, you’ll hear from Marian Showell of the University of Auckland in New Zealand about a significant concern in medical research known as publication bias. The updated Cochrane Methodology Review was published in November 2024, bringing together evidence on the size of this problem, drawing on more than 200 studies.…
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¿Cuáles son los beneficios y riesgos de los distintos tratamientos con corticosteroides administrados por vía intravenosa para la prevención de la displasia broncopulmonar en recién nacidos prematuros ...
La cuestión de si y cómo tratar con corticosteroides posnatales a los recién nacidos prematuros con displasia broncopulmonar, que es un problema pulmonar crónico debido a la prematuridad, ha sido un dilema para los neonatólogos durante décadas. En agosto de 2023, el Grupo Cochrane de Neonatología publicó un metanálisis en red sobre el uso de cortic…
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¿Cuáles son los efectos beneficiosos y perjudiciales de los colirios lubricantes para las molestias causadas por las lentes de contacto?
Muchos usuarios de lentes de contacto, o lentillas, utilizan gotas o colirios lubricantes para reducir las molestias que les producen las lentillas, pero ¿cómo de eficaces son? Este podcast ha sido traducido y locutado por Andrea Cervera del Centro Cochrane Iberoamericano.
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¿Pueden las intervenciones psicológicas o educativas (o las combinaciones de ambas) reducir las caídas en adultos mayores que viven en casa?
Una de las revisiones más citadas y de mayor tamaño de la Biblioteca Cochrane, publicada en 2012, analiza las intervenciones para la prevención de las caídas en personas mayores que viven en la comunidad. En su actualización, esta revisión se ha dividido en una serie de revisiones más pequeñas centradas en intervenciones específicas, y en este podc…
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What are the benefits and risks of different perineal techniques during the second stage of labour for preventing post-birth injury?
Globally, postpartum haemorrhage is responsible for a quarter of maternal deaths after childbirth. Tears of the perineum, which are common in vaginal births, are a major contributor to this excessive blood loss, and a variety of techniques are used to try to prevent them. The effects of these interventions are reviewed in a new Cochrane Review publ…
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Seed cycling is a natural way to support hormones. By alternating pumpkin and flax seeds during the follicular cycle and sesame and sunflower seeds in the luteal phase you can increase and support estrogen and progesterone production. Listen to today's Monday Matters with Holly Cochrane podcast episode to learn more about seed cycling. Here is the …
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What are the benefits and risks of using tests for lung maturation to assess if preterm newborns need to receive surfactant therapy to improve lung function?
I'm pleased to welcome you to this podcast for a crucial topic in the care of preterm babies: the use of surfactant therapy guided by tests of their lung function. Practice is evolving in this area, and we're here to discuss the latest evidence. Three guests are joining me today, Greta Sibrecht and Franek Borys, authors of the October 2023 Cochrane…
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S3(46) How to start or maintain an at home workout routine.
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
20:23This winter don't let your movement come to a halt. I have some tricks and tips to keep the momentum going after a great summer and beautiful fall of movement. Listen to today's podcast if you want to start an at-home workout routine or want to learn ways to KEEP doing an at-home routine.
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Bol u križima je vrlo čest problem, i razmotrene su razne terapije u okviru Cochrane Review. U studenom 2022. godine, objavili smo ažuriranu verziju Cochrane pregleda iz 2017.godine o utjecaju joge na kroničnu, nespecifičnu bol u križima. Istraživanje je vodila Susan Wieland iz Cochrane Complementary Medicine Field u SAD-u, zajedno sa kolegama iz K…
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Demencija je značajan i rastući problem za pacijente, obitelji i zdravstvene službe diljem svijeta. Zato je važno pronalaženje načina za ublažavanje njezina utjecaja. Cochraneov sustavni pregled kognitivne stimulacije za poboljšanje kognitivnog funkcioniranja kod osoba s demencijom obnovljen je u siječnju 2023. Glavni autor, Bob Woods sa Sveučilišt…
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¿El sulfato de magnesio administrado a mujeres con riesgo de parto prematuro es mejor que el placebo para proteger el cerebro de sus bebés?
El Grupo Cochrane de Embarazo y parto tiene muchas revisiones sobre intervenciones para prevenir problemas de salud en los bebés que nacen prematuramente. Una de ellas, que analiza la evidencia sobre los efectos de recibir sulfato de magnesio antes del parto prematuro, se actualizó en abril de 2024 y en este podcast se habla de sus últimos hallazgo…
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Diferentes formas de administrar antibióticos para eliminar la infección por Pseudomonas aeruginosa en personas con fibrosis quística
Las personas con fibrosis quística son particularmente susceptibles a las infecciones respiratorias, por lo que es importante encontrar tratamientos para estas infecciones. Una revisión Cochrane del Grupo Cochrane de Fibrosis quística y enfermedades genéticas examina la evidencia sobre el uso de antibióticos en personas con esta afección y en este …
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