You’ve Got a Voice, Kid! Use It! Youth podcasters explore, create, and advocate. More at
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Kaitlyn Braun, a pregnant young woman in crisis, takes dozens of birth workers through an escalating series of disasters – rape, baby loss, and even a coma. One by one, the doulas struggle to support her and grieve with her, and even save her life as they’re led down a distressing path. And then the truth comes out. In this six-part true crime series, Sarah Treleaven untangles a complex web of lies and deception to ask who Kaitlyn really is and why she did the things that she did. Cases like ...
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News Connect(ニュースコネクト) ~あなたと経済をつなぐ5分間~ 1日1つ、5分間で、国際政治や海外のビジネスシーンを中心に、世界のメガトレンドがわかる重要ニュースを解説。朝の支度や散歩、通勤、家事の時間などにお聴きいただけるとうれしいです。 ▼出演: 野村高文(音声プロデューサー/Podcast Studio Chronicle代表) 東京大学文学部卒。PHP研究所、ボストン・コンサルティング・グループを経て、2015年にNewsPicksに入社。NewsPicksアカデミア マネージャー、編集部デスク、音声事業プロデューサーなどを歴任。2022年に独立し、Podcastレーベル「Choronicle(クロニクル)」を設立。これまで手掛けたPodcastに「NewsPicksニュースレター」「a scope 〜リベラルアーツで世界を視る目が変わる〜」など。現在、Audibleで「The Reading List」「みんなのメンタールーム」を配信中。TBSラジオ「テンカイズ」にレギュラー出演中。旅と柴犬とプロ野 ...
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Podcast by Cornerstone Connection
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Japanese podcast for beginners (Nihongo con Teppei)
Japanese podcast for beginners (Nihongo con Teppei)
“AI Transcripts are now available on my Patreon! Japanese podcast for beginners,Nihongo con Teppei,The best way to learn how to speak Japanese naturally!,is a podcast for learners of Japanese language. Listen,learn and have fun while picking up natural Japanese as it really is spoken.Let’s study Japanese with me! If you like this podcast, and you have the means, please consider making a donation. サポーターをどんどん募集中!! https://www.ital ...
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Capital Connections Podcast
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Carnegie Connects is our premier virtual event series hosted by Aaron David Miller. Every other week, he tackles the most pressing foreign policy issues of the day in conversations with journalists, policymakers, historians, and experts.
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Former drug trafficker and standup comedian Johnny Mitchell takes you inside the world of drugs, crime, prison, and the politics of the War on Drugs.
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Ciao, sono Eleonora e con il podcast Italiano con Amore ti porto in Italia con me! Qui ti parlo di lingua e cultura italiana.
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Caroline D'Amore thought she'd found a mentor in David Bloom, a self-proclaimed power player with ties to some of the world’s most influential CEOs. But her excitement quickly turns to betrayal when David’s complex scheme to defraud her and others out of nearly a quarter of a million dollars is exposed. Determined to seek justice, Caroline takes matters into her own hands and turns the tables on the man once known as the “Wall Street Whiz Kid.” Who is David Bloom – and will he ever pay for h ...
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A heritage radio station covering Bridgeport and greater Fairfield County. This podcast focuses on the communities, people and news for your neighborhood.
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A new look at New England, as hosts Travis Poppleton and Terrance Abney discuss what it’s like to experience moving to the Northeast. Whether you’re planning to visit or relocate to this bucolic part of the world, the Connecticut Show will help you navigate the in’s and out’s.
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Enrico Mentana con le sue 5 edizioni giornaliere ci racconta dei principali fatti di cronaca e politica del nostro paese. Con la sua lente d'ingrandimento commenta ed interpreta l'attualità che diventa notizia.
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La primera tertulia deportiva de la mañana, de lunes a viernes, en "A Diario" con Raúl Varela.
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Cada día una nueva historia en Bío Bío, la radio con memoria.
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Podcast by Connect Songdalen
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Historia, misterio, ciencia, conspiraciones. Un programa para hacerse preguntas. La noche de los viernes a las 00:00 h en Radio Castilla-La Mancha (España). Dirige y presenta: Jesús Ortega.
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Inspiring the next generation of Embedded Systems talent
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Welcome to the connector podcast, an ongoing conversation connecting FinTechs, banks and regulators worldwide. Join CEO and founder Koen Vanderhoydonk as you learn more about the latest available trends and solutions in the markets.
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Easy Italian: Learn Italian with real conversations | Imparare l'italiano con conversazioni reali
Matteo, Raffaele and the Easy Italian team
Take your Italian from learner to local with Matteo and Raffaele. Immerse yourself in authentic Italian as we share the ups and downs of daily life, interesting stories, and things that will surprise you about Italy. Plus, as a member, you’ll get interactive transcripts with a translation of your choice; bonus content; early access; and our magical vocabulary helper that shows you minute-by-minute translations while you listen. Com'è facile!
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Connecticut East This Week is a weekly news podcast covering the stories and community of Eastern Connecticut
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The Eternal Connection Podcast
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Cada lunes y jueves Alex Fidalgo recibe a las personalidades más interesantes e influyentes para mantener una charla íntima, espontánea e impredecible. Un oasis para la reflexión en el que no se juzga al protagonista ni se subestima a la audiencia.
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Welcome to Connected! This podcast will highlight a community of people that help break the stigma of mental health through stories.
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Season 1 ends in 7 days
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Connor Happer, middays 10-2 on 1620 The Zone.
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Staying connected around the world by reading together.
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Three friends, Alex, Alan, and Jordan, talk about a car each episode that is interesting or unique in some way. Not always in good ways though! We keep it on the junky end of the spectrum.
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Teresa Tomeo, host of Catholic Connection, discusses social issues, media awareness, and interviews community leaders and newsmakers live. Teresa reports on news throughout the Catholic community and how we can make a difference.
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Una invitación a ponerse el delantal para elaborar los platos más representativos de la gastronomía extremeña. Con Karmele Pellitero.
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Critters, Companions, Commerce, & Agriculture: Casual yet intelligent conversation connecting topics for Rural, Suburban and Urban listeners.
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Yordi Rosado nos regala esta serie de entrevistas muy diferentes a las que estamos acostumbrados. Divertidas, polémicas, emotivas, pero sobre todo muy adictivas.
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Meditaciones para ayudar a la gente joven (y también, a la menos joven) en el arte de la oración.
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A Christ-centered parenting community that is grace-filled, science-based, and trauma-informed. Welcome!
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Episodes for The Connection with Marty Moss-Coane
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Life Outside Poker w/ Connor Richards is a new podcast for PokerNews that focuses on poker players with successful careers and lives outside of poker.
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A Podcast connecting gravel cyclists to where they ride through stories about culture, history, people and places.
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Advantage Connors is an ongoing conversation between Tennis legend Jimmy Connors & Brett Connors. Follow along as they cover the worlds of tennis & gambling on a weekly basis along with whatever else pops into their head that day. Jimmy Connors is a tennis legend having played professionally for over 30 years. His record 109 ATP tournament wins still stands today, & includes 8 grand slam singles titles. Brett Connors is a producer for Tennis Channel and has worked in live tennis production f ...
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Un podcast de Juan Jesús Pleguezuelos
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Un podcast en español para aprender español
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Welcome to The D-Con Chamber! Each week, we explore and celebrate the lives that the Star Trek universe has forever changed. From former and future cast and crew members to celebrities, scientists, and astronauts whose personal and professional journeys have been affected by the franchise, we sit down and dive deep with a new friend, laughing and learning from their stories. Sit back, grab a drink, and join alongside our hosts, Dominic Keating and Connor Trinneer, as we get geeky in The D-Co ...
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The Internet’s favorite dynamic duo, Brooke Averick and Connor Wood, make a podcast — and they’re not holding back. Together, the two break down pop culture's biggest moments, share their hottest takes, and push each other’s buttons. Nothing’s off limits.
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Be enriched with life-giving, relevant messages by our lead pastors Deryck & Stacy Frye and other guest speakers at Connect Church in Ashland, MA!
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Two lawyers talk about technology.
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Evan Dawson talks about what matters to you on Connections. Do you have a story that needs to be shared? Pitch your story to Connections. For transcripts, please email our Move to Include team with a link to the episode.
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Audios de cursos y seminarios de la palabra de Dios
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Fórmula Automotriz con Arturo Rivera | Lunes 10 de Marzo de 2025
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
46:00#FormulaAutomotriz #AbriendoLaConversación Grupo Fórmula #AbriendoLaConversación #FormulaAutomotriz ¡Suscríbete a nuestro canal de YouTube! Podcast: Mantente informado minuto a minuto en nuestras redes sociales: Facebook----- Twitter---------- Canal sugerido http://g…
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Kirjoittanut Japanese podcast for beginners (Nihongo con Teppei)
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Kirjoittanut RDS 100% Grandi Successi
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El 10 de marzo de 1945 el ejército de Estados Unidos bombardeó Tokio, con el objetivo de hacer que Japón se rindiera en la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
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La Tribu (Lunes, 10/03/2025)
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
1:17:01Pipi Estrada, Fernando Kallás, Irene Junquera, Ramón Álvarez de Mon, Pep Pasqués y Felipe del Campo han sido los tertulianos de este lunes en La Tribu para debatir lo que ha sido la última jornada de LaLiga, con esa derrota del Atlético en Getafe, y lo que viene esta semana con la vuelta de los octavos de la Champions y ese derbi entre el Real Madr…
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#452: Tertulia de Sabios - ¿La Genialidad Lleva a La Locura?
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
2:01:53Pere Rojo es psiquiatra y psicoterapeuta, autor del libro 'Los escritores suicidas'. Ignatius Farray es cómico y actor. Lucía Etxebarría es escritora y su último libro se llama 'La escritura que cura'. Leontxo García es periodista y ajedrecista. Compra 'Escritores suicidas': Compra 'La escritura que cura':…
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Desde el clásico polígrafo hasta la inteligencia artificial, el ser humano siempre ha intentado crear la máquina perfecta para detectar mentiras. En este episodio, exploramos la fascinante historia de estos dispositivos, sus limitaciones y los últimos avances tecnológicos como el Proyecto Avatar. ¿Estamos cerca de crear un detector infalible? ¿O qu…
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Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
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Eve Harlow & Elias Toufexis | Ep. 30
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
1:01:48We love a good pairing! So we knew this week's episode with Eve Harlow & Elias Toufexis was going to be *chef's kiss*. Dive in with us as we learn more about one of our favorite dynamic duos! Each week, we explore and celebrate the lives that the Star Trek universe has forever changed. From former and future cast and crew members to celebrities, sc…
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Es muy humano ser tentado. Nuestro paso por esta tierra tiene mucho de tiempo de prueba. Todos los hombres han pasado por esta experiencia, así que no tiene nada de extraño que el mismo Jesús sufriese tentaciones, porque es un hombre auténtico, semejante a nosotros, incluso más humano. Además el comportamiento de Jesús frente a las tentaciones nos …
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Una invitación a ponerse el delantal para elaborar los platos más representativos de la gastronomía extremeña. Con Karmele Pellitero.
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159: Canzoni, chiacchiere e bugie.
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
29:17Oggi parliamo di una citta' che da sempre e' vista come citta' grigia, ma che nasconde un cuore molto verde. E non perdetevi il finale molto molto goloso! Trascrizione interattiva e Vocab Helper Support Easy Italian and get interactive transcripts, live vocabulary and bonus content: Note dell'episodio Italian Months & Date…
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El poder secreto de las médiums - 9x27
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
56:29La mayoría de médiums eran mujeres, algo que cobra sentido si entendemos que el espiritismo ofreció a las mujeres un espacio de liberación en una época eminentemente patriarcal. Como médiums, muchas mujeres encontraron una voz y una autoridad que la sociedad del momento les negaba, desafiando los roles tradicionales de sumisión y domesticidad. Esta…
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165. Cose da sapere prima di entrare in pizzeria!
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
41:19Con questa chiacchierata ti porto in pizzeria, il posto più italiano che ci sia! Scopriremo insieme tutto quello che devi sapere prima di ordinare una pizza in Italia. Parliamo di: Diversi tipi di pizzerie Le pizze più amate dagli italiani Cosa si mangia prima e dopo la pizza Come gustare al meglio una pizza! 🍴 Sai qual è la differenza tra una pizz…
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Episode 5 - He Loves Me So Much
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
35:33Nancy Ozeas was married to David Bloom for nine years. They enjoyed an extravagant lifestyle together, residing in their $1.6 million loft in Venice Beach and taking exorbitant vacations all over the world. David paid for everything. Or at least, that’s what he led Nancy to believe. But one day when she finds a stack of bills from creditors demandi…
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Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
40:15En esta entrevista Alejandro Sanz nos cuenta en quién se inspiran las canciones que escribe, cómo se quedó a dormir en un coche abandonado, el día que su mamá entendió la fama, qué es lo único que no puede perdonar a Rafa Márquez, lo que quiere para sus hijos, y cómo está muy enamorado y feliz con su pareja.…
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