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A Politize! é a maior plataforma de educação política do Brasil. Conteúdos totalmente gratuitos, nos mais diversos formatos, de forma objetiva e divertida, sem vinculações político-partidárias. Está esperando o que pra aprender e se tornar um cidadão mais consciente e engajado? Vem com a gente!
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O EducaCiências Podcast é uma realização do Projeto Interdisciplinar e Interdepartamental de Extensão EducaCiências, da Faculdade de Ciências da Unesp de Bauru, em parceria com o Jornal da Cidade de Bauru. Com episódios quinzenais, o objetivo principal é debater sobre temas que envolvem educação, sociedade e o papel da universidade pública, trazendo sempre um professor especialista como convidado.
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Brasil Educação

Revista Educação

Brasil Educação é um podcast da Revista Educação que aborda os principais assuntos da educação básica que todo(a) gestor, coordenador e educador precisam saber, como políticas públicas, inovações no setor, pedagogia e cultura.
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Planeta Educativo

Planeta Educativo

Tu dosis semanal con lo ultimo en investigación en Educación, Liderazgo, Mejoramiento y Perritos. Ideal para cualquier Líder que busca herramientas para transformar su unidad educativa.
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Podcast especializado en diseño curricular, competencias profesionales, técnicas didácticas, entornos educativos, innovación educativa, evaluación del aprendizaje para profesores de medicina y de carreras de la salud
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提供教育趨勢、學校資訊及文教新知等,不可不知的教育事! 師培、家長都必須掌握的教育資訊攏底家! 內容為社區大學資源利用,希望能將在臺灣設置推動將近25年、遍及各縣市超過80所,紮根在地與社區,以形塑公民社會、進行知識解放為辦學目標的終身學習教育場域之實踐經驗,邀請社區大學全國促進會與各地社大共同參與,讓社大的經驗、反思、成果,能再次成為台灣社會的養分,同時激發更多的創新與想像。 國中教育會考即將來臨,教育電臺在考前1個月特別企劃「技職新領航」系列節目,透過在技職教育中表現優異的學生說明學習歷程與各職類特色,讓學生獲得相關資訊決定自己的升學進路。 帶領聽眾認識台灣在地農產品、在地飲食文化與特色,並介紹各級學校及民間團體具特色之食農教育學習與體驗活動,培養聽眾食農素養,包括建立均衡飲食、實踐在地農產品消費、減少食物浪費、瞭解農業生產方法及農業科技與研發等。期望透過「產地到餐桌」讓每日飲食可以「吃出好健康」、「吃出好家庭」、「吃出好環境」。 ----- COVID-19疫 ...
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EduCatalyst Africa

Nneka Otokwala

Educatalyst Africa explores the triumphs, challenges, and solutions within the educational landscape of Africa. We aim to spotlight transformative solutions that can stimulate Africa’s development through top-notch equitable and inclusive education. We will have deep conversations with some of the most brilliant minds in and outside of Africa. Hosted by Nneka Otokwala, a Nigerian lawyer and development enthusiast with a passion for building sustainable and equitable education systems in Afri ...
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FreedomProject Media

Katie Petrick and David Fiorazo are here to bring you the facts and provide answers to help protect the next generation of patriots. Stay Educated!
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Everyday Educator

Classical Conversations Inc.

Classical Conversations supports homeschooling parents by cultivating the love of learning through a Christian worldview in fellowship with other families. We believe there are three keys to a great education: classical, Christian, and Community.
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The "Educated"

The "Educated"

Since 2015, two guys and their host of friends have been creating a comedic show about their lives, as they attempt to become "educated" on various topics and have more than a few laughs along the way. New Episodes Released on Sundays-ish! Visit our website:
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Education Research Reading Room

Ollie Lovell: Teacher, author, podcaster, blogger, PhD candidate. @ollie_lovell

The most in-depth education podcast available. Each episode host Ollie Lovell takes a deep dive into an important area of education with an educational thought leader from around the world, from practicing teachers to university professors and everyone in-between. If you're looking to build deep knowledge about education and how learning happens, this is the podcast for you.
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Educationally Outraged seeks to spark discussions from all sides of the political spectrum and social standing, offering alternative interpretations of various subjects. We will discuss everything from education to mental health, from politics to social issues, and all that lies in between. Each episode aims to provide a platform for voices - primarily mine, but more importantly the voices of others who may have differing opinions on topics that matter deeply to them.
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Welcome to Thinking Deeply about Primary Education, the podcast that gives you a peek inside the minds of some truly inspirational primary teachers. Whether you're new to the profession or a school leader with tons of experience this podcast is a must listen. For references, links and extended cut video episodes head over to
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Field Edu Podcast

Chez Sievers

Female athletes are more than their last victory—they’re powerhouses beyond sports. Each week, explore the raw truths behind career pivots, mental wellness, and personal growth as we journey from victory on the field to fulfillment off it. Because reinvention is the ultimate win.
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Casting a critical eye over the world of digital education, education futures and EdTech. Join Neil Selwyn as he talks to experts from around the world committed to new ways of thinking about digital technology and education
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This podcast takes a deeper dive into the world of miniboats and their Educational Passages. Hear from students, teachers, deployers, researchers, finders, and more. Educational Passages is a non-profit organization that seeks to connect people around the world to the ocean and each other through unique global experiences.
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show series
Josh Spodek disconnected his Manhattan apartment from the electric grid in May 2022. Over time, he has reduced his consumption and contribution to landfill. His new book argues that sustainability is not a sacrifice but an upgrade that can bring joy and increased quality of life. The book traces his journey to live more sustainably in a Manhattan a…
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In dieser Episode besprechen wir das Thema nachhaltige Unternehmenstransformation mit Stephan Grabmeier, Future & Impact Designer und Inhaber der Boutique-Beratung Synergie Zukunft. Wir diskutieren auf Basis seiner Bücher und Methoden neue Konzepte und wichtige Kompetenzen für wirkungsvolle Veränderungsprozesse im Bereich der regenerativen Wirtscha…
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Mande a sua mensagem pra nós! 🎥 Seja Membro do Canal e Ganhe Vantagens Exclusivas Torne-se parte da nossa comunidade e tenha acesso a vídeos exclusivos e benefícios: [Seja Membro Aqui]( / @educacao_canina ) 🌐 Saiba Mais Sobre o Nosso Trabalho Website: []( Workshops: [](https…
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In Smart University: Student Surveillance in the Digital Age (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2024), Lindsay Weinberg evaluates how this latest era of tech solutions and systems in our schools impacts students' abilities to access opportunities and exercise autonomy on their campuses. Using historical and textual analysis of administrative discours…
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Episode 208: This week on Thinking Deeply about Primary Education, we revisit some of the most impactful questions from our four most-listened episodes. From the essentials of teaching multiplication tables to the intricacies of supporting struggling readers, these conversations have shaped the way teachers approach their craft. Whether you’re new …
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What are the threats to academic freedom in Thailand? Why does the freedom of scholars and students matter for society at large and how are the attacks on Thai academia linked to the larger democracy movement in the region? Julia Olsson, a doctoral student at the Center for East and South-East Asian Studies at Lund University, talks to Dr. Karin Za…
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From the Cliffs of Moher to the classrooms of Galway, our trip to Ireland in March with Educational Passages highlights the magic of ocean education. This is the second part of a conversation with Juliet Fluty (click here to listen to part 1). It dives into all the details behind the visits we mentioned in our blog post:…
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On this top 200 drugs podcast, we are covering medications 141-145. Raltegravir, ustekinumab, meloxicam, infliximab, and Nighttime Cold and Flu are the medications that are covered on this episode. Raltegravir is an integrase inhibitor that is used to manage HIV infection and may also be used for post-exposure prophylaxis. Ustekinumab is a monoclon…
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Five hundred years ago, Thomas Wolsey endowed in Oxford a foundation he called Cardinal's College. Henry VIII, the monarch who dismissed and ruined him, re-established it as Christ Church later in his reign as an institution rich, spacious and imposing beyond any other. It would help young men of Tudor England and beyond to study history, improve t…
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Today’s book is: A Teacher’s Guide to Learning Student Names: Why You Should, Why It’s Hard, How You Can (University of Oklahoma Press, 2024), by Michelle D. Miller, which asserts that if teachers want an inclusive, engaging classroom, they must learn students’ names. Eschewing the random tips and mnemonic tricks that invariably fall short, Dr. Mil…
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Andy chats with a real person (not an advisor) doing their own retirement planning. In this episode, Andy talks with Peter Townsend. They talk about a wide array of retirement planning topics such as becoming self-educated in the details of retirement planning AFTER already retiring, Social Security, funding potential long term care needs and more!…
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In this episode, we chat with Veda Sunassee, CEO of the African Leadership University, about his decade-long journey shaping transformative educational models. Veda offers profound insights into ethical entrepreneurial leadership, highlighting its critical role in Africa’s future and its power to drive innovation and social impact. Explore ALU’s ap…
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Are you curious about homeschooling or wondering how to start home educating your children? In this episode of the Seatton Education Podcast, Victoria interviews Reham Zia, an environmental science professional and former homeschooler, who shares her inspiring journey from traditional schooling to being homeschooled from middle school through high …
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Durable learning reflects the teaching/learning methods that result in retained knowledge that can be transferred to practice. There is limited research on durable learning in nursing education. Dr. Crista Reaves explored how nursing students acquired and retained knowledge. Thematic analysis revealed (1) learner- and instructor-initiated technique…
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Self-reflection is a key component of simulation debriefing that helps students describe their development of clinical judgment skills. Drs. Michelle Bussard and Lisa Jacobs asked students what they learned about themselves and what changes they plan to make to their nursing practice based on observation of their own performance during simulation i…
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Student course evaluations are the primary way faculty receive feedback on their teaching. The challenge is in getting meaningful, actionable feedback from students that can be used to make improvements to instruction. Drs. Michelle Stubbs and Julie Reis share their recommendations for improving the quality of feedback students provide, including u…
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In this episode of Madison’s Notes, we’re joined by Professors Amna Khalid and Jeff Snyder for a thought-provoking discussion on the state of free speech in today’s polarized climate. We explore the role of the university as a space for critical inquiry, the challenges to academic freedom, and the growing tensions between open discourse and politic…
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Since the early 20th century, American academic libraries have collected and championed rare and unique non-circulating materials now referred to as special collections. Because of the rarity and value of these materials, they are handled differently than materials in other parts of academic library collections. Thus, a different set of access poli…
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雲林縣立石榴國中於2023年8月轉型為公辦科技實驗國中,也是全臺第一所以科技課程為導向的實驗學校,課程主打「做中學」,其中以資訊、機電、木工、化工課程為導向,讓學生透過實作學習之外,期盼未來走研發或專精操作。 石榴國中校長林俊賢表示,當初以科技實驗教育主要方展方向,一方面,是因為臺灣身為科技島國,科技人才的培育相當重要;另一方面,是有鑑於技術人力缺工的影響,例如水電工人、木工、機械等各類各式的技術人員都逐漸在匱乏,希望在國中階段就來培養這些基礎的技術概念跟入門,引發孩子學習的動機跟意願,有助於我們未來在這方面人才的培育 。 校長林俊同時也指出,石榴國中的科技實驗教育有兩大發展主軸,分別是「奠基」及「探索」,「奠基」是希望為孩子在科技領域建立深厚的基礎知識及技能;而「探索」是希望學生多方嘗試,…
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台江大廟興學運動倡議推展台灣山海圳國家綠道既是環境治理行動,更是社會設計行動,以公民走路的義行,匯聚公民倡議的社群力量,轉為社會設計行動。 義行力量有如左行右進的雙足,一是人文與水文的踏溯,重回土地、重回村廟的溯源,重新將被淹沒、被破壞的人文及水文路徑,再次踏明,二是生活政治及公共治理的在地實踐,生活即是希望的可能。 左行之步是重回土地、重回村廟的反身性踐行,右進之足是重回生活政治的政策倡議及公眾討論,不斷對話形成公共領域的交集,形成「促成改變」的力量。 #每周三更新 #更多教育現場請鎖定教育非知不可官方臉書 ----- 主持人:周聖心 邀訪來賓:台南市社區大學台江分校執行長 吳茂成 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱…
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If Christmas is feeling a little flat at your house, maybe you need to take another look at the “old familiar story”. Join guest pastor David Bailey as he shares ideas on reconnecting with the wonder of Christmas by thinking about the story in fresh ways. Classical Learning Cohorts help CC Directors, Tutors, and Parent-Teachers grow in confidence a…
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An introduction to the new podcast, Educationally Outraged. If you enjoy this episode, don’t forget to subscribe. Disclaimer: As a serving Headteacher in London, UK, it’s important to please note that the views shared on this podcast- whether from me, my guests, or any associated with Educationally Outraged- are independent and do not reflect the o…
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Leadership takes many forms; today’s dialogue with Kate Scott, Director of Programs Abroad in the Center for Global Engagement at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, highlights the power of introverts in international education. Come to hear Host Zac Macinnes sit down with Kate to unpack how to embody authenticity, create community, build trust…
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As the dust starts to settle, to the degree it can following the 2024 election cycle, parents of children with disabilities who need special education or 504 accommodations and supports are now searching for answers as to how the promised changes to public education in the United States will affect their children. Many of these parents had no idea …
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In this episode of the Elemental Educator podcast, host Tyler speaks with Lynn McLaughlin, an experienced educator and advocate for children's mental health. Lynn shares her journey from educator to superintendent and her commitment to promoting proactive mental health strategies for children. The conversation explores the importance of core values…
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This podcast explores SAP education in universities, featuring insights from experienced SAP Expert, senior researcher and business consultant Aggeliki Kostaki. She highlights the SAP University Alliances program’s impact on over 3,000 students at the Athens University of Economics and Business since 2011. Kostaki discusses diverse teaching methods…
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Dr. Neil Adshead shares insights on how to find mining stock winners in this MSE episode. He is an economic geologist based in Vancouver, who incorporates his extensive theoretical and practical experience in mineral deposit geology, mineral exploration and mining into investment-related decision-making. After earning a Ph.D. in Economic Geology in…
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Improve the quality of responses you get from students with the "right is right" technique from Teach Like a Champion. Jason is joined by Kolby and Patrick to discuss this essential classroom technique. Learn how to implement this technique and understand the underlying principles that will help you take your classroom to the next level of excellen…
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One of the best ways we can build healthy boundaries is by setting ourselves up for success with a regular time with Jesus and dive into the Word of God. In Part 2 of Healthy Boundaries Jill Miller from Teacher Be Still reviews the power of learning to hear God's voice through connecting with His Word-- learning to discern His voice and follow His …
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Watch and Listen to full episode on YouTube Spotify Podbean Applecast and iHeartRadio! In this episode of the Career Education Learning Center podcast, host Mitchell Rivers sits down with Samantha Huneycutt, an MPH graduate from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, to discuss her inspiring journey in the field of public health. 🩺📊 Samanth…
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Mande a sua mensagem pra nós! 🎥 Seja Membro do Canal e Ganhe Vantagens Exclusivas Torne-se parte da nossa comunidade e tenha acesso a vídeos exclusivos e benefícios: Seja Membro Aqui 🌐 Saiba Mais Sobre o Nosso Trabalho - Website: - Workshops: - Website em Inglês: Support th…
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Episode 207: In this episode of Thinking Deeply about Primary Education, I’m joined by Dominic Bristow and Hannah Gillott to discuss the potential for meaningful use of AI in education. Together, we examine its promises, pitfalls, and practical applications for classroom settings. We explore: Whether AI has the power to genuinely improve teacher pr…
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This episode is AI-generated and includes an AI-generated reading of a recent blog piece followed by an AI-generated conversation. It uses our published blog piece, 4 Ways School Leaders Can Navigate Polarizing Culture-War Issues, written by Drew Perkins as the source material. Links & Resources Mentioned In This Episode…
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Para cerrar la saga "teorías alternativas o callamperas" de liderazgo y mejora, comentamos el artículo de Meghan B. Buchanan (publicado en la mejor revista internacional de liderazgo educativo) sobre "scared leadership", que se adentra en las experiencias de miedo entre directoras y directores, y cómo reconocer ese temor puede llevarnos a ser valie…
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UFM Reform Watch se creó con el propósito de dar seguimiento a las reformas y terapias de shock implementadas por reformadores en todo el mundo. Creemos que es valioso estudiar, analizar y destacar los métodos y contenidos de las reformas de libre mercado para inspirar reformas similares en otros países. El primer proyecto de UFM Reform Watch consi…
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Casos de bullying e cyberbullying podem ser devastadores e representam um grande desafio não só para as escolas, mas para toda a sociedade. Como preveni-los e combatê-los? Qual o papel das escolas e das famílias? Neste episódio, a advogada Kelli Angelini, especializada na interseção entre direito digital e educação digital e finalista do prêmio Jab…
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On this episode, I cover cinacalcet, solifenacin, haloperidol, hydrocortisone (focused on topical), and insulin NPH. Cinacalcet is a calcimimetic medication that can be helpful in hyperparathyroidism and useful for managing hypercalcemia. Solifenacin is a urinary antimuscarinic used primarily for overactive bladder. It is an anticholinergic medicat…
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Andy chats with fellow retirement planner Andrew Gray, CFP® from Gray Wealth Strategies. In this episode they talk about a wide array of retirement planning topics such as tax planning, distribution strategies, investing, annuities, long-term care insurance, how to know when people have enough to retire, what consumers often overlook in retirement …
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On this episode, we met teachers who received Bright Ideas grants from NC’s Electric Cooperatives to implement hands-on learning experiences for students in their classrooms. We will also hear from Wake Electric on the importance of this program for teachers and students.Guests:Whitney Williams, second grade teacher, Grady Brown Elementary School i…
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Curious about homeschooling and socialization / socialisation? In this episode of the Seatton Education Podcast, host Victoria interviews Justin McGeary, a university professor from the United States who was homeschooled and plans to homeschool his own children. Discover Justin’s inspiring journey from being home educated to excelling in academia, …
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The need for learners to engage in deep learning and develop a spirit of inquiry to lead change requires RN to BSN programs to create new models to prepare learners for new or expanded practice roles. In this podcast with Ms. LaNeigh Harkness, Dr. Ellarene Duis Sanders, and Dr. Patricia Francis-Johnson, you will learn how the faculty reinvigorated …
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A diverse nursing faculty is critical to recruiting, educating, and supporting a diverse nursing workforce. Dr. Kumhee Ro and Dr. Joshua Villarreal present their BOLD Framework, which was derived from a series of qualitative semistructured interviews from nursing Faculty of Color (FOC). The BOLD framework begins with an assessment of the institutio…
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