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Are you an elementary music teacher? Maybe you’re worn out, overwhelmed, or feel like it gets harder each year. Hi, I’m Jessica, and it’s my passion to help elementary music teachers, just like you, figure out your unique teaching style. In this podcast, I'll share helpful tips and strategies, work-home life balance tips, and mindset blocks, while helping give you the motivation you need to gain momentum in your teaching so you can continue being the music teacher rock star you already are. ...
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The SHAPE America Podcast, hosted by Sean Nevills, is here to bring you exclusive content from the world of health and physical education. This one-stop weekly professional development tool features interviews with SHAPE America Teachers of the Year and other physical education champions discussing relevant health and physical education topics. The goals of this podcast are to provide you with tips from leaders in the profession, challenge your thinking, and give you new ideas to try in your ...
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Teacher, Let Your Light Shine! Start a Micro-School, Homeschool Hybrid or Tutoring Business! From Teacher or Homeschool Mom to Teacher Entrepreneur and Education Advocate

Makenzie Oliver| Micro-School Mentor| Homeschooling Business Coach| Homeschool Teacher Consultant | Micro-school Mom #micro-school #homeschool #teacherletyourlightshine

Welcome to the ”Teacher, Let Your Light Shine” Podcast! Calling all parents and teachers!! The future of education is in YOUR HANDS! If you are a teacher ready to teach your way, ditch the overwhelm and design a life you love, this is the podcast for you! If you are a parent currently homeschooling, or thinking about the possibility, but also needing to make an income to support your family-tune in! Makenzie Oliver is here to help teachers and parents create profitable micro-schools and home ...
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Education, The Creative Process: Educators, Writers, Artists, Activists Talk Teachers, Schools & Creativity

Educators, Writers, Artists, Activists Talk Teaching & Learning: Creative Process Original Series

Education episodes of the popular The Creative Process podcast. We speak to educators, writers, artists, activists, teachers, librarians in the arts, STEM & other disciplines. To listen to ALL arts & education episodes of “The Creative Process · Arts, Culture & Society”, you’ll find our main podcast on Apple:, Spotify:, or wherever you get your podcasts! Exploring the fascinating minds of creative people. Conversations with writers, a ...
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Fashion is a great teacher because it provides a fantastic lens to learn about the world and its people, about history, politics and culture. Join Renate Stauss and Franziska Schreiber, professors of fashion theory and fashion design in Paris and Berlin to discover the most inspiring voices in fashion education, their take on the how and why of learning and teaching fashion, their doubts and hopes, their lessons from fashion.
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Welcome to the Shining Scholar Education Podcast! Where we're all about secondary Reading/English/Language Arts. We'll share tips, strategies, resources, stories, as well as some inspiration and motivation for not just English/ELA teachers, but for all teachers. We'll also share the ups and downs in the wonderful world of teaching. Your host, Charlie, is a teacher-creator with Shining Scholar Education. We are a team of professional, certified teachers and we are right there in the trenches ...
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show series
In this episode, I discuss the challenges and successes I've faced, my strategies for assessing students' musical understanding, and how I plan to improve my lesson planning and execution for the next school year. I also provide you with advice on self-assessment and dealing with perfectionism, emphasizing the importance of viewing mistakes as lear…
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Teacher Time Poverty could be having detrimental effects on your micro-schooling efforts, therefore, today we will discuss strategic ways to break free from it! Uncover the downsides of operating solo in education entrepreneurship, such as reactive decisions and short-lived solutions. Shift your mindset from time poverty to time abundance. Harness …
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“I'm so happy for young people because I think the era of having to memorize things is going to go by the wayside. I think we're going to turn into a very creative period where education becomes creative, rather than jumping through the hoops and remembering things. I'm really excited for anybody who's entering there. I was my first generation goin…
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How can physics help solve messy, real world problems? How can we embrace the possibilities of AI while limiting existential risk and abuse by bad actors? Neil Johnson is a physics professor at George Washington University. His new initiative in Complexity and Data Science at the Dynamic Online Networks Lab combines cross-disciplinary fundamental r…
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“We actually do need these animals on the landscape, and we're going to protect them and restore them and help their populations increase. And so, to me, beavers are proof that what we're doing as conservationists is not futile, right? That there really is reason for hope and optimism, which beavers demonstrate. I think that's a really important le…
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Every year, humanity's footprint casts a deadly shadow over our skies and landscapes, claiming the lives of billions of birds and other wildlife. What is road ecology? How are our roads driving certain species towards extinction? And what can we do about it? Ben Goldfarb is a conservation journalist. He is the author of Crossings: How Road Ecology …
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In this episode, we delve into the rich connections between Jamaican music and the Orff approach, with our guest, Javel Perriel. Javel shares his unique journey of integrating these elements in his music teaching practice. From discussing how he uses reggae music in his Orff instruction to explaining the creation of his book, which beautifully merg…
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“Philosophy is both an academic discipline and also something that everybody does. Everybody has to have reflective views about what's significant. They also have to justify to themselves why it's significant or important. The nature of justice itself, and the various opinions that have been written about in philosophy about justice, can get to a v…
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We all know the feeling of desperation, fear, doubt and questioning whether our idea or program will actually attract and retain students. This can be such a paralyzing fear that we potentially never start what we set out to do! Our desire is to help you cultivate an abundance mindset and believe that with the right marketing strategies, attracting…
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What is the importance of philosophy in the 21st century as we enter a post-truth world? How can we reintroduce meaning and uphold moral principles in our world shaken by crises? And what does philosophy teach us about living in harmony with the natural world? Robert Pippin is the Evelyn Stefansson Nef Distinguished Service Professor at the Univers…
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“When you're playing music with a group of people, there are those special moments when it all works, and you're in the groove. As soon as you begin to think about it, you lose it because you've introduced thought, and it's trying to take over. There's something at a lower level, a different level altogether, where all that is happening and working…
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How does the brain process emotions? How are emotional memories formed and stored in the brain, and how do they influence behavior, perception, and decision-making? How does music help us understand our emotions, memories, and the nature of consciousness? Joseph LeDoux is a Professor of Neural Science at New York University at NYU and was Director …
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It is said that people never die until the last person says their name. In memory of the writer and director Paul Auster, who passed away this week, we're sharing this conversation we had back in 2017 after the publication of his novel 4 3 2 1. Auster reflects on his body of work, life, and creative process. Paul Auster was the bestselling author o…
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In this episode, I go a little bit anecdotal and take you on a reflective journey through this school year. Throughout the episode, I discussed strategies that worked well in my music teaching, from integrating various teaching methods to building strong relationships with students, as well as the importance of planning and how it contributes to sm…
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Want to build or grow your microschool but feeling overwhelmed? Fear no more. In this podcast episode, we share practical steps and mindset shifts that will help you navigate the complexities of starting and growing your micro school with confidence. With us by your side, you'll not only survive but thrive in the dynamic world of micro schooling. W…
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“I'm also a big advocate of teaching attention training skills to kids in school. This can help them develop focus, become more self aware, better able to manage their unruly emotions, more able to tune in to those around them, and to understand that their actions matter. All of these things can be instilled in kids, and there are programs in socia…
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How can we enhance our emotional intelligence and avoid burnout in a changing world? How can we regain focus and perform in an optimal state? What do we mean by ecological intelligence? Daniel Goleman is an American psychologist, author, and science journalist. Before becoming an author, Goleman was a science reporter for the New York Times for 12 …
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“I grew up with folktales and fairytales from the Indonesian archipelago, from the Nusantara. And of course I grew up with the stories from the Grimm brothers and Hans Christian Andersen and actually I like them better than the Disney version because they're more bloody and gory. I guessed that also shaped my preferences for more dark and gothic st…
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How are writing and travel vehicles for understanding? How can we expand the literary canon to include other voices, other cultures, other experiences of the world? Intan Paramaditha is a writer and an academic. Her novel The Wandering (Harvill Secker/ Penguin Random House UK), translated from the Indonesian language by Stephen J. Epstein, was nomi…
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Environmentalists, writers, artists, activists, and public policy makers explore the interconnectedness of living beings and ecosystems. They highlight the importance of conservation, promote climate education, advocate for sustainable development, and underscore the vital role of creative and educational communities in driving positive change. 00:…
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In this episode of The Elementary Music Teacher Podcast, we have a fun and educational chat with Jesse Mell and Travien Bryson about the awesome and effective music teaching method of bucket drumming. The discussion covers the ins and outs of their unique teaching method, using food rhythms to teach complex syncopation to beginners, and the importa…
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In this podcast episode, we delve into the vital aspect of overcoming fear and doubt as we journey towards a successful microschool entrepreneurial career. The topic unpacks practical strategies to crush self-doubt and fear of failure, empowering you to unlock your entrepreneurial potential and realize your dreams. The episode also heralds the gran…
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“As technology becomes more dominant, the arts become ever more important for us to stay in touch the things that the sciences can't tackle. What it's actually like to be a person? What's actually important? We can have this endless progress inside this capitalist machine for greater wealth and longer life and more happiness, according to some metr…
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How is being an artist different than a machine that is programmed to perform a set of actions? How can we stop thinking about artworks as objects, and start thinking about them as triggers for experiences? In this conversation with Max Cooper, we discuss the beauty and chaos of nature and the exploration of technology music and consciousness. Max …
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In this episode, we delve into the key aspects of preparation for a music teaching interview. From understanding how to discuss your teaching philosophies and methodologies to the importance of researching the school you're interviewing for, this episode is packed with valuable insights. Whether you're a fresh graduate or an experienced teacher loo…
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"Our brain is the organ from which our rich experience of the world arises. Brains are responsible for love, for sadness, and these profound experiences are those in which I sought to investigate." Clayton Page Aldern is an award winning neuroscientist turned environmental journalist whose work has appeared in The Atlantic, The Guardian, The Econom…
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How does a changing climate affect our minds, brains and bodies? Clayton Page Aldern is an award winning neuroscientist turned environmental journalist whose work has appeared in The Atlantic, The Guardian, The Economist, and Grist, where he is a senior data reporter. A Rhodes Scholar, he holds a Master's in Neuroscience and a Master's in Public Po…
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Cue the Kleenexes! Yikes! I let the struggle out of the bag! But Praise God for the massive action and energy He employed to get me through the most terrifying season thus far since building our microschool. In this episode, I share the personal journey I undertook while setting up my micro school to grow, . Amidst struggles with my daughter's heal…
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"What saved me as a young person, I think, was how I connected with the arts. And I was exposed to this sort of world of possibility. What I hope for children is sort of courageous curiosity. I feel that they have to pursue their creative impulses, and I hope that art can inspire them to do that. That's what I always do. When I'm creating work, I a…
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What are the stories we tell ourselves to justify our actions in times of war? How can the arts convey complexity and foster understanding? Don McKellar is a highly accomplished writer, director, and actor. He has written films including Roadkill, Highway 61, Dance Me Outside, The Red Violin, and Blindness. He won the Prix de la Jeunesse at the 198…
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