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show episodes
Host Dave Fiore talks with Tallahassee-area leaders, business owners and neighbors about their personal stories – all the challenges, opportunities and influences that led them to where they are today. Emotional, inspirational and almost always surprising, How I Got Here gives listeners real insight into the lives of our area’s most interesting people.
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Fiore du Désert

Imane Blooms

Ciao, moi c'est Imane, coach de vie et psychogénéalogiste passionnée par le pouvoir de transformation intérieure. Dans mon podcast Fiore du Désert , je t'accompagne à travers des réflexions profondes et des conseils pratiques pour : 🌿 Identifier et dépasser vos blocages, 💔 Guérir tes blessures et faire la paix avec ton passé (qu'il soit le tien... ou non), ✨Avancer vers l'amour de soi avec douceur et bienveillance. Mon objectif ? Que tu tombes follement amoureuse de la personne extraordinair ...
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Investidor Focado | Ricardo Fiorelli

Ricardo Fiorelli | Método F.O.C.O Investimentos

Ter mais qualidade de vida através de investimentos seguros e rentáveis é o objetivo de muita gente. Toda semana, eu, Ricardo Fiorelli, planejador financeiro, vou mostrar que é possível alcançar esse e outros sonhos através de um bom método de investimentos. E claro! Mesmo que tenha pouco dinheiro para começar ou não entenda nada do mercado financeiro, ajudando 300+ famílias a investir com segurança através de cursos e mentorias. Se você está em busca da liberdade que o dinheiro proporciona ...
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show series
On this mini-episode of How I Got Here: 5 Years Later, host Dave Fiore catches up with Episode 9 guest Danny Shrine. At the end of each original episode, Dave asks his guests the same question: Where do you think “here” will be for you in three to five years? Danny and Dave listen to his answer from 2019, and he thoughtfully shares how his predicti…
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Tu parles, tu expliques, tu fais de ton mieux… mais en face, c'est comme si l'autre refusait d'entendre ? Cette situation te vide et t'épuise ? Dans cet épisode, on voit ensemble pourquoi certaines discussions sont une perte d'énergie et comment t'en libérer pour retrouver ta sérénité 💖 💞 Réserve ta première séance 100% gratuite : https://calendly.…
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Se choisir, ce n’est pas devenir insensible. Pourtant, quand on commence à poser des limites, on peut se sentir plus dure, voire égoïste. Est-ce une vraie évolution ou une simple carapace ? Dans cet épisode, on comprend ce sentiment et on voit comment trouver un équilibre entre respect de soi et bienveillance envers les autres. 💞 Réserve ta premièr…
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Host Dave Fiore speaks with Emily Saras, CEO and data scientist with Knowli Data Science. The self-described overachiever with a nerd persona loved field hockey in high school and was her class valedictorian in her hometown of Hopedale, Massachusetts. Emily entered prestigious Wellesley College with plans to be a doctor, only to make a significant …
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Pourquoi avons-nous tant besoin que l’autre reconnaisse le mal qu’il nous a fait ? Dans cet épisode, je t’invite à voir les choses sous un nouvel angle, à comprendre l’illusion de la justice et de la vengeance, et surtout, à reprendre ton pouvoir en comblant toi-même tes propres besoins. Tu n’as pas besoin d’attendre des excuses pour guérir. La vra…
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On this mini-episode of How I Got Here: 5 Years Later, host Dave Fiore catches up with Episode 8 Guest Jami Coleman. At the end of each original episode, Dave asks his guests the same question: Where do you think “here” will be for you in three to five years? Jami and Dave listen to her answer from 2019, and she thoughtfully shares how her predicti…
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Host Dave Fiore speaks with Brad Buckenheimer, co-founder and CEO of Canopy Road Cafe. The Tampa native got his first taste of the hospitality industry as a country club cabana boy at age 14 and says he always had a job. His path to entrepreneurship, which includes owning 13 Canopy Road locations and being a partner in several other concepts includ…
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Tu répètes toujours les mêmes erreurs ? Relations toxiques, manque de confiance, auto-sabotage... Et si tout cela avait une racine profonde ? Découvre comment remonter à l’origine de tes blessures pour enfin refleurir 🌸 💞 Réserve ta première séance 100% gratuite : 💖Tu peux me t…
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On this mini-episode of How I Got Here: 5 Years Later, host Dave Fiore catches up with Episode 7 Guest Bill Kelly. At the end of each original episode, Dave asks his guests the same question: Where do you think “here” will be for you in three to five years? Bill and Dave listen to his answer from 2019, and he thoughtfully shares how his predictions…
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Comment reconnaître une relation saine et épanouissante ? Je te partage les 6 clés essentielles pour vivre un amour aligné et authentique 💖 💞 Réserve ta première séance 100% gratuite : 💖Tu peux me trouver sur : 🌸Tu peux m'écrire Email : coachgeneo.…
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Host Dave Fiore speaks with Ricardo Schneider, executive advisor and recently retired president and CEO of Danfoss Turbocor. The Tallahassee-based company produces high efficiency, oil-free compressors for commercial air conditioning systems around the world. Ricardo’s lifelong passion for improving the world through better refrigeration and air co…
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Tu ressens cette culpabilité chaque fois que tu ne partages pas les croyances de tes parents ? Comme si, en étant toi-même, tu les trahissais ? Cette peur du jugement parental peut être un vrai poids, mais tu as le droit d’être libre. Dans cet épisode, je te donne des clés pour t’en détacher et enfin refleurir ! 🌸 💞 Réserve ta première séance 100% …
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Pourquoi on ressent de l'envie ou de la jalousie ? Et si cette émotion cache un message puissant sur nous-mêmes ? Dans cet épisode, on explore leurs différences, leur origine inconsciente et surtout, comment les transformer en un levier de confiance et de floraison. 💞 Réserve ta première séance 100% gratuite :…
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Et si l’amour de soi n’avait pas d’âge ?💖 Dans cet épisode, on déconstruit les croyances limitantes et on explore ensemble comment refleurir après 30 ans. Il n’est jamais trop tard pour se choisir et écrire un nouveau chapitre🌸 💞 Réserve ta première séance 100% gratuite : 💖Tu p…
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On this mini-episode of How I Got Here: 5 Years Later, host Dave Fiore catches up with Episode 6 podcast guest Drew McLeod. At the end of each original episode, Dave asks his guests the same question: Where do you think “here” will be for you in three to five years? Drew and Dave listen to his answer from 2019, and he thoughtfully shares how his pr…
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Dans cet épisode, on plonge dans un sujet sensible mais essentiel : comment se détacher réellement de son ex, même après une séparation. Si tu te sens toujours lié à lui par un fil invisible, malgré ton désir d'avancer, cet épisode est pour toi. Je te dévoile comment les croyances héritées de nos ancêtres peuvent maintenir cette entreprise et t'emp…
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La colère est une émotion puissante et souvent mal comprise. Dans cet épisode, je t'explique pourquoi elle apparaît, comment elle est liée à nos besoins profonds, et je te partage une astuce puissante de psychogénéalogie pour l'apaiser. 💞 Réserve ta première séance 100% gratuite :…
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Host Dave Fiore speaks with Susie Busch-Transou, founder and owner of Hearth and Soul and vice president/co-owner of Tri-Eagle Sales. Susie is the great-great-great-granddaughter of Adolphus Busch and Lilly Anheuser, and the daughter of August Busch III, who ran the iconic brewing company until 2002. She got her first tiny taste of Budweiser at the…
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Et si écouter ta voix intérieure était la clé pour transformer ta vie ? Dans cet épisode, je te partages comment reconnaître et suivre cette petite voix qui te guide vers tes valeurs, malgré les peurs et les doutes. 💞 Réserve ta première séance 100% gratuite : 💖Tu peux me trouv…
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Dans cet épisode inspirant, découvre comment transformer tes complexes en forces et révéler ta beauté unique. À travers mon parcours personnel, je te partage des astuces simples pour te sentir belle, confiante et séduisante en 2025 🌸 💞 Réserve ta première séance 100% gratuite :…
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Découvres les 5 piliers fondamentaux pour atteindre ton épanouissement. Dans cet épisode, je te partage comment leur déséquilibre peut nuire à ta vie et, surtout, comment les harmoniser pour enfin refleurir🌸 💞 Réserve ta première séance 100% gratuite : 💖Tu peux me trouver sur :…
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Dans ce premier épisode de FIORE du désert, je t’explique pourquoi tu n’arrive pas à changer. Pourquoi avons-nous si souvent du mal à franchir ce cap, surtout nous les femmes ? Je partage avec toi mon expérience personnelle et des réflexions pour t’encourager à oser ce premier pas vers ta floraison🌸 💞 Réserve ta première séance 100% gratuite : http…
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Ciao, moi c'est Imane, life coach et psychogénéalogiste passionnée par le pouvoir de transformation intérieure. Dans mon podcast Fiore du Désert, je t'accompagne à travers des réflexions profondes et des conseils pratiques pour : 🌿 Identifier et dépasser tes blocages, 💔 Guérir tes blessures et faire la paix avec ton passé (qu'il soit le tien... ou …
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Host Dave Fiore speaks with Katrina Rolle, president and CEO of the Community Foundation of North Florida. From her days as a varsity cheerleader and student government president at Miami Carol City High School to continuing her family legacy at Tuskegee University and working her way through the University of Florida Law School, even though it was…
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On this mini-episode of How I Got Here: 5 Years Later, host Dave Fiore catches up with Episode 4 guest Mickey Moore. At the end of each original episode, Dave asks his guests the same question: Where do you think “here” will be for you in three to five years? Mickey and Dave listen to his answer from 2019, and he thoughtfully shares how his predict…
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Host Dave Fiore speaks with legendary FSU quarterback and community leader Charlie Ward. Charlie's resume also includes 1993 Heisman Trophy winner, 11-year NBA veteran, longtime high school coach and public speaker. But to the Thomasville, Ga., native, the roles of mentor, husband and father have always been most important. Charlie and his wife, To…
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On this mini-episode of How I Got Here: 5 Years Later, host Dave Fiore catches up with Episode 2 guest Terrance L. Barber. At the end of each original episode, Dave asks his guests the same question: Where do you think “here” will be for you in three to five years? Terrance and Dave listen to his answer from 2019, and he thoughtfully shares how his…
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On this mini-episode of How I Got Here: 5 Years Later, host Dave Fiore catches up with Episode 1 Guest Kristine Dobosenski. At the end of each original episode, Dave asks his guests the same question: Where do you think “here” will be for you in three to five years? Kristine and Dave listen to her answer from 2019, and she thoughtfully shares how h…
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Host Dave Fiore speaks with Mike McCall, chief meteorologist at WCTV, a position he has held for more than 30 years. Mike caught the weather bug in 1977 at age 12 when a legitimate snow blanketed his hometown of Tampa, and he says everyone lost their minds. To encourage his interest, his mom arranged a trip to a local TV station where Mike met the …
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Host Dave Fiore speaks with Kim Price, the general manager of TLH2, Tallahassee’s Amazon Robotics Sortable Fulfillment Center. The graduate of Wakulla High School and former Miss Wakulla County is a wife, mom to three boys and talented musician who plays multiple instruments and has performed in Nashville. After earning an MBA from Florida State, K…
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Host Dave Fiore speaks with Ashlee Fontes, the owner and CEO of Tallahassee Reckoning, the region’s first pre-professional women’s soccer team. This episode was recorded in front of a live audience at the second annual Access Tallahassee YP Summit at the FSU Conference Center. Ashlee is a former Florida State soccer player, professional player and …
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Host Dave Fiore speaks with Alan Hanstein, the executive director of the Challenger Learning Center in downtown Tallahassee. Alan grew up in Rockland County, New York, a short drive from Manhattan that provided for fun and relatively safe teenage exploration – at least during the day. His life took a dramatic turn while headed home on winter break …
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Host Dave Fiore speaks with Anita Bushnyakova, chief financial officer at Kids Incorporated of the Big Bend. Born in Sofia, Bulgaria, Anita experienced very different sets of challenges as a child. First, it was enduring the turbulent years of the Eastern European country’s shift from communist rule to fledgling democracy and then assimilation into…
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Host Dave Fiore speaks with Charlie Strickland, CEO and co-owner of Talon Training Group. A native of nearby Marianna, Charlie shares his journey from the FSU Police Department and working on the family farm to building a reputation as the MacGyver of the Leon County Sheriff’s Office. While climbing the ranks at LCSO, he earned an MBA from Florida …
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Host Dave Fiore speaks with Chef Leon Brunson, owner of Leon’s at Lake Ella. His journey to owning a restaurant has included working the line at his hometown Waffle House in Panama City, refining his skills at fine dining restaurants, being a private chef, and time at Kool Beanz Café, where he says he really learned to cook. He describes himself as…
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Host Dave Fiore speaks with Gloria Pugh, the president and CEO of AMWAT Moving, Warehousing and Storage. Gloria was born in New York City and spent time in Colombia as an infant before moving to Miami with her mother and siblings at age 8. She soon became an entrepreneur, sewing Barbie clothes from leftover fabric and selling them to her friends fo…
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Host Dave Fiore speaks with Jeri Desloge, the owner of Jeri’s Midtown Café (now Jeri's Eventful Kitchen), Jeri’s Love on a Plate and Simply Entertaining by Jeri. And while that may seem like a lot for the popular restaurateur to keep up with, Jeri has spent a lifetime working hard, going the extra mile and doing whatever it takes to make people hap…
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Host Dave Fiore speaks with Warren Cave, the founder of The Clean Start Initiative, a non-profit ministry to help those previously incarcerated and their families. Warren grew up in Coral Gables as one of 13 children and was an outstanding student and basketball player, despite the fact he would often be drunk and high before the first school bell …
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Host Dave Fiore speaks with Jeff Culhane, the director of broadcasting for Learfield’s Seminole Sports Properties and the voice for Florida State football and men’s basketball. Jeff brings 20 years of multimedia experience to the Seminoles, including broadcasting duties for Nebraska, West Virginia and North Dakota State. As part of his duties, he c…
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This special episode of the How I Got Here podcast was recorded in front of a live audience at the 2023 Tallahassee Chamber Annual Community Conference in Amelia Island. The breakout session focused on women entrepreneurs and featured guests Kristi Kreitlow, founder and president of Quick and Clean; and Marina Lickson, Tallahassee programs manager …
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In this episode, host Dave Fiore is at the Greater Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours event at the Jim Moran Institute for Global Entrepreneurship in downtown Tallahassee. JMI Tallahassee Program Manager Marina Lickson invited past participants of JMI programs to showcase their business or organization, and as a graduate of the Sm…
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Host Dave Fiore speaks with Chris Petley, founder and president of the Tallahassee Soccer Club and communications manager at Leon County Schools. Chris was born and raised in South Florida where he attended a technology magnet program and was captain of his high school soccer team. He earned a degree in political science from the University of Flor…
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In this episode, host Dave Fiore speaks with Michelle Dean, the executive director of the Popes Museum and Farm in Cairo, Georgia. Born and raised in Flint, Michigan, Michelle survived a childhood of abuse, poverty and instability saved by the generosity of strangers and a strong faith in God. She worked her way through college, sometimes sleeping …
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This special episode of the How I Got Here podcast was recorded in front of a live audience at the inaugural Access Tallahassee YP Summit held at the FSU Conference Center in April. In the opening session, Doug Ramos (aka Junk Man Doug), founder of Picked, and Bryce Brown, founder of Tribe Vintage, shared their personal stories, their business jour…
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In this episode, host Dave Fiore speaks with Ryan Sprague, area director for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, whose life was eternally changed playing for legendary coach Bobby Bowden at Florida State University. The father of six is a former youth pastor and was previously executive director of the PHI Center, which provides services and coun…
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"Ci aspetta un mese di fuoco, affrontiamo tutti gli impegni con il massimo della fiducia". Così Mister Italiano prepara la sfida contro l'Inter e un mese con 9 partite e tre competizioni aperte: campionato, Coppa Italia e Conference League. Il video dell'intervista "L'Inter in casa ha un tasso di difficoltà molto alto con tanti punti di forza. Cerc…
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In this episode, host Dave Fiore speaks with Dr. Judy Mandrell – pastor, community builder and popular radio host. Raised in Ft. Lauderdale, Judy has been on a lifelong mission to use every available resource to impact those around her. Examples include organizing a student walkout to protest unfair treatment at her recently desegregated high schoo…
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In this episode, host Dave Fiore speaks with Dr. Jim Murdaugh, president of Tallahassee Community College. Dr. Murdaugh grew up in Orlando and followed a girlfriend to Tallahassee where he joined the Air Force ROTC at Florida State University and earned undergraduate and master’s degrees in criminology. He soon began a long career in law enforcemen…
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