The day’s top stories from BBC News, including the latest from Gaza, on US politics and about the Ukraine conflict. Delivered twice a day on weekdays, daily at weekends.
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The longest running independent international affairs podcast features in-depth interviews with policymakers, journalists and experts around the world who discuss global news, international relations, global development and key trends driving world affairs. Named by The Guardian as "a podcast to make you smarter," Global Dispatches is a podcast for people who crave a deeper understanding of international news.
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Global News Hour at 6 is B.C.’s most watched nightly newscast and is the flagship news broadcast at Global BC.
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The best stories, interviews and on the spot reporting from around the world including highlights from News hour, The World Today and World Briefing. Up to 30 minutes compiled twice a day from the 24 hour News coverage from the BBC World Service.
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Anchor Tad Flakey brings you the most pointlessly weird and funny news from around the world, just to put a smile on your face. No fact checking, some is fiction, but most stories are the cold, hard and hilarious (sometimes gross) truth.
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A thought-provoking look at the news--offering entertaining insights into politics, economics, and popular culture--which are occasionally grounded in actual facts.
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Podcast by Easy Global News
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Steve Palley and Pete Newsom dive deep into notable global affairs in this weekly podcast.
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Reporting the current issues in national and international by putting your point of views and observing what the news is informing about
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Broadcasting weekly news highlights from around the world. Designed to summarize global news for local listeners on the go. If you have news you think should be highlighted, please send an email.
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Welcome to NewzKidz! A new weekly podcast covering global news stories and current affairs, presented by Rose, Zara, Aiza and Laurie - kids aged 8-11 years. Tune in to hear us talk about what's important in our world today, what's making the news headlines, and why kids should care. You can discuss our stories with your friends, parents and teachers, and let us know what you think.
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Global perspective Human stories
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Dane Wigington is a geoengineering scientist with a background in solar energy who is regarded as one of the foremost experts
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Podcast by Michael Welch
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Perspectiva Global Reportagens Humanas
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一天1Hashtag,聊天不Lag! 寰宇#關鍵字新聞,帶你關注亞洲放眼全球 國際政經一聽就懂x關鍵字聊天不卡卡X 180秒快速好吸收 🐧週一~五:7-9am更新 🐧週六~日:驚喜更新 🔎寰宇新聞YT: 🔎寰宇新聞網: 🔎寰宇全視界: 🔎寰宇看東亞: 🔎看見新東協: 抖內我們這裡請: 商業合作信箱:[email protected] Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Hosted and produced by CKUW News Director and contributor, Michael Welch, in association with the Centre for Research on Globalization, the Global Research News Hour is a one hour analysis of major developments in the world of economics, politics and geo-politics, with researchers and news makers from around the world. If you want to get the story beyond the headlines, strap yourself in for 60 minutes of informative and provocative radio.
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Analysis, background reports and updates from the PBS NewsHour putting today's news in context.
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Want to keep up with all the news from China’s business scene but short on time? Then tune into the Caixin China Biz Roundup! Each weekday, we break down the biggest developments in the Asian giant’s economy, financial world and tech sphere — all in around 15 minutes! Expect to find lots of analysis and informative updates delivered in a fun, light-hearted manner. Also on our channel is the Caixin-Sinica Business Brief and China Stories, which are both produced in collaboration with SupChina ...
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PRGN Presents: News and Views from the Public Relations Global Network
Public Relations Global Network
PRGN Presents is the essential podcast for international business leaders, non-profit executives, and those who hire public relations, marketing, and communications firms. It provides an exclusive look into the ever-evolving world of PR and communications, featuring experts from the Public Relations Global Network, “the world’s local public relations agency.” Is your message winning hearts and minds? No matter where you do business, there is a PRGN member agency in your region with the deep ...
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NewFinxo Capital Daily Financial News 18 04 2024 Dollar Strength Amidst Global Tensions Set Your Course to Trading: Finxo Capital Will Be Your Trusted Navigator in Your Journey Look no further, you have landed in the right place for Your trading future. GET STARTED Convenience and Accessibility Online brokers offer the convenience of trading from the comfort of your home or on the go through mobile apps. Lower Costs Cost- effectiveness can help you reduce the impact of ...
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NATO calls for unity as tensions rise with US over Ukraine
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
35:00The NATO secretary general, Mark Rutte, has called for unity as a rift opens up between Europe and the US on how to end the war in Ukraine. Also: love rats and Valentines Day.Kirjoittanut BBC World Service
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País é citado em novo relatório da OIT confirmando alta de 0,5 ponto na taxa de emprego na América Latina e o Caribe; nível regional atingiu 58,9%; taxa de desemprego é de 6,1%.Kirjoittanut United Nations
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Aid surge into Gaza continues, UN teams prioritize immediate needsUNICEF sounds alarm over child crisis in eastern DR CongoYoung artists sing for social justice at UN GenevaKirjoittanut Daniel Johnson, UN News
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Concern in Europe after Trump and Putin agree to start Ukraine talks
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
24:37Senior figures in Europe have accused President Trump of making unnecessary concessions to Russia ahead of peace talks on Ukraine, and a breakthrough is reported in talks to get the Gaza ceasefire deal back on track.Kirjoittanut BBC World Service
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Is There a Trump Peace Plan for Ukraine? | The Wall Street Journal’s Yaroslav Trofimov
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
23:05On February 12rd, Donald Trump held lengthty calls with Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelenskyy to advance a vague peace plan for Ukraine. But can a peace deal actually come together in a way that upholds Ukraine’s determination to exist as an independent state, free from Russia’s yoke? And does Russia have any incentive to relent, given its slow bu…
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西班牙一名海洋攝影師在淺水區驚見原本應該棲息於深海的黑魔鬼魚,罕見現象讓科學家既驚喜又困惑。專家推測,這可能與疾病、洋流變化或躲避掠食者有關,但確切原因仍待進一步研究。 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉 抖內我們這裡請👉 Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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S6 E3: Experiential Marketing with Bill Southard and Bryan Duffy
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
19:13Experiential marketing has gained significant recognition over the past decade, becoming essential for brand engagement. Real-life experiences create emotional connections and community, which are often more impactful than traditional advertising methods. Bryan Duffy explores the evolution of experiential marketing from a "below-the-line" activity …
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Caixin Deep Dive: Chinese Drugmakers Navigate Opportunities and Challenges in Indonesia
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
12:48Companies have to contend with local protectionism, cultural differences and an underdeveloped health care sector while exploring growth potential in Southeast Asia’s largest economy Note: The conversation segment of this episode was generated using AI and has been edited for accuracy. It is based on this Caixin story: In Depth: Chinese Drugmakers …
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Global News Hour at 6 -Feb 12, 2025
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
46:00Global News Hour at 6 -Feb 12, 2025 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit CKNW / Curiouscast
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Global Alert News 2.12.25
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
54:56Deadly ‘super fog’ threatens Super Bowl Sunday in New Orleans” (MSN). “Historic Showdown at the Superdome: Will Super Fog Steal the Spotlight?” (SciTechDaily). “Thick Fog Smothers Deep South” (The Weather Channel). What’s in the fog? What’s in the rain? What’s going on in our skies?Kirjoittanut globalalertnews
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On today’s show, He’s got spunk, what happens when astronauts ejaculate in space. Next, I’ll give you the 411 on reusable toilet wipes. Then, we’ll meet a teacher who identifies as a cat and hisses at students. Those and other pointless stories coming your way!Kirjoittanut Philzer Productions
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Hosted and produced by CKUW News Director and contributor, Michael Welch, in association with the Centre for Research on Globalization, the Global Research News Hour is a one hour analysis of major developments in the world of economics, politics and geo-politics, with researchers and news makers from around the world. If you want to get the story …
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Black History Month Edition: The Struggle Continues in The Sahel, Sudan, the Congo and Haiti
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
59:10(Please donate now to CKUW radio during Fundrive! go to This week, on the Global Research News Hour, in the first week of Black History Month, we are profiling major incidents around the world affecting Black people struggling against white supremacist imperialist control. In our first half hour, Abayomi Azikiwe joins us t…
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Análise da Opas com dados dos últimos 10 anos revela risco de aumento de hipertensão, problemas cardiovasculares e doenças crônicas; recomendações incluem redução obrigatória do teor de sódio nos alimentos e rotulagem de advertência nos produtos considerados perigosos.Kirjoittanut United Nations
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Jornal da ONU, com Mônica Grayley:*ONU marca Dia Mundial do Rádio com foco em ação climática*Portugal traz à ONU novas ações sociais para crianças e idosos*Crise na República Democrática do Congo eleva violência sexual contra crianças*Astronautas mulheres transmitem mensagem de superação na Assembleia Geral…
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Unicef diz que número de casos de estupros subiu “cinco vezes em uma semana” e 30% das vítimas são menores de idade; outra preocupação é recrutamento de grupos armados que mira crianças com 12 anos; ex-comandante da Missão de Paz da ONU, Otávio de Miranda Filho, ressalta urgência de solução política para o conflito.…
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Concern in Europe after Trump and Putin agree to start Ukraine talks
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
24:37Senior figures in Europe have accused President Trump of making unnecessary concessions to Russia ahead of peace talks on Ukraine, and a breakthrough is reported in talks to get the Gaza ceasefire deal back on track.Kirjoittanut BBC
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日本汽車大廠日產與本田因經營方向分歧,於13日正式宣布中止整合協商,並撤回去年12月簽署的合作備忘錄。根據日媒報導,談判破裂的關鍵因素包括換股比率未達共識,以及本田提議將日產納為子公司,導致雙方最終決裂。 隨著合作破局,外界關注鴻海是否會介入收購日產股份。鴻海董事長劉揚偉證實,已與日產大股東雷諾接觸,但強調目的在於合作,而非收購股權,並重申鴻海不會涉足汽車品牌。 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉 https://…
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情人節即將到來,美國目前雖然仍受通膨影響,但根據美國全國零售聯合會公布的數據,今年有意願慶祝情人節的民眾比去年還要多,而且預計消費金額也同樣比去年更高。 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉 抖內我們這裡請👉 Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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美國總統川普日前宣布將簽署行政命令徵收對等關稅,分析師警告這將對新興市場經濟體,像是印度、巴西、東南亞和非洲等區域造成最大衝擊,尤其是貿易逆差龐大的國家,例如越南。對於很多已在越南布局的台商也難免受到影響,像是有紡織業者表示已做好因應準備,製鞋業者則因在越南產能比重高,擔憂會影響短期業績,而科技業者則先靜觀其變。 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉 抖內我們這裡請👉 …
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美國疾管中心(CDC)近期示警,美國正面臨15年來最嚴重的流感疫情,本季已有超過2400萬人感染,其中1.3萬人死亡,多所學校因疫情被迫關閉。此外,美國出現首例人類經由牛隻感染禽流感的病例,應依規定通報世界衛生組織(WHO)。然而,由於川普上任後宣布退出世衛,導致WHO對美國乳牛禽流感傳播及人類感染狀況的掌握極為有限。WHO秘書長譚德塞對此表示高度關切。 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉 https://lihi…
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美國前總統川普於12日與俄羅斯總統普丁通話,雙方同意立即推動結束烏俄戰爭的談判。川普表示可接受俄羅斯要求,將烏克蘭排除在北約之外,並且暗示烏克蘭總統澤倫斯基可能即將下台,引發外界關注。 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉 抖內我們這裡請👉 Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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中國動畫電影《哪吒之魔童鬧海》掀起全國熱潮,央視元宵晚會更特別推出「哪吒主題」演出,讓熱度再攀高峰。影迷爭相搶購周邊商品,盲盒與玩偶一上架即售罄,部分工廠甚至將60%產線轉為生產哪吒IP商品。此外,哪吒標誌性的「乾坤圈」金鐲成為市場新寵,部分款式價格高達人民幣2至3萬元,仍供不應求。隨著金價上漲,「金包銀」替代款亦成熱銷商品,進一步推動市場需求。 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉…
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法國新創科技公司Mistral AI推出的聊天機器人「Le Chat」,近日推出手機App版本,並迅速登上排行榜冠軍。「Le Chat」以超快回應速度著稱,最快1秒內可輸出高達1000字,表現優於其他同類產品。Mistral AI在法國政府大力支持下,被視為歐洲AI競爭的關鍵代表。其產品主打高效運算與低成本,吸引眾多投資者關注。然而,部分用戶反映,準確度仍有改善空間,顯示技術仍在持續優化中。 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國…
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烏克蘭跟俄羅斯,終於要邁向和平了嗎?美國總統川普於當地時間 12日,分別與俄羅斯總統普丁、還有烏克蘭總統澤倫斯基通過電話。克宮表示,俄方同意立即展開談判終結戰事。澤倫斯基也稱,和川普的通話中討論了達成停戰的方法。不過卻有聲浪質疑,川普和普丁同意談判,卻將烏克蘭還有歐洲排除在外。 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉 抖內我們這裡請👉…
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美國前總統川普大幅削減國際開發總署(USAID)預算,導致多項援助計畫被迫中止。世界衛生組織(WHO)秘書長譚德賽警告,此舉恐嚴重衝擊全球健康,影響範圍擴及50個國家。分析指出,若援助中斷長達一年,23個國家將面臨重大危機,其中包括台灣邦交國海地與史瓦帝尼,引發國際關注。 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉 抖內我們這裡請👉…
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TOEIC 證書可為高三生升學加分,增添備審資料亮點,更有機會免修大學英語課程。 2025 年TOEIC專案考-高中職專場將於2月16日與3月9日舉行,完成測驗即贈官方證書夾,參加兩場可獲得個人成績分析報告,深入了解能力分布與提升方向。 立即報名: —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 東亞最近遭遇寒流,南韓各地仍有降雪,部分地區發布了強風警報,最低體感溫度來到零下11度左右。同時,日本也受到本季最強寒流影響,就連東南方的四國、九州也罕見下雪。日本這波大雪已經導致至少12人死亡、158人受傷。 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法:…
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美國前總統川普推動的關稅政策重挫盟友經濟!專家分析,受影響最深的西方國家為加拿大,亞洲則為南韓。若25%鋼鋁關稅與對加拿大額外25%關稅於3月生效,累積稅率將高達50%,恐重創加拿大經濟。此外,關稅政策也波及南韓加密貨幣市場,引發「辛奇溢價」飆升至10%,讓市場專家憂心忡忡。 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉 抖內我們這裡請👉…
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Secretária para Ação Social e para Inclusão do país, Clara Marques Mendes, participou de 63ª. sessão da Comissão das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento Social, na sede da ONU, em Nova Iorque; em 2024, nação europeia readaptou Estatuto do Cuidador Informal de idosos.Kirjoittanut Monica Grayley
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Profissionais relatam à ONU News relevância do veículo em episódios desde enchentes no Brasil a eventos extremos na África; Nações Unidas elogiam atuação diária e comprometimento de trabalhadores e voluntários do meio de comunicação.Kirjoittanut United Nations
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Trump says he expects to meet Putin in Saudi Arabia
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
28:04US President Donald Trump says he will likely meet his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Saudi Arabia in the near future for negotiations on Ukraine. Also: London's first Roman basilica found under office basement.Kirjoittanut BBC World Service
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Trump says he expects to meet Putin in Saudi Arabia
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
29:51US President Donald Trump says he will likely meet his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Saudi Arabia in the near future for negotiations on Ukraine. Also: London's first Roman basilica found under office basement.Kirjoittanut BBC
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Em evento na ONU para marcar o Dia Internacional de Mulheres e Meninas na Ciência, profissionais falaram de sonhos que sobrevivem à falta de oportunidades, agressões e assédio; elas destacaram a importância da participação de mulheres no futuro da inovação.Kirjoittanut United Nations
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Alemanha recebeu corpo de Jamshid Sharmahd das autoridades iranianas na sexta-feira após morte sob custódia; cidadão alemão-iraniano fala de detenção arbitrária e desprovida de qualquer base legal.Kirjoittanut United Nations
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UN human rights probe into Bangladesh protests finds top leaders led brutal repression13 Palestinian children killed in West Bank violence so far this year: UNICEFNew childhood cancer meds platform is ‘a beacon of hope’ for families, says WHOKirjoittanut Daniel Johnson, UN News
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Kirjoittanut United Nations
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Governo deposto da ex-primeira-ministra Sheikh Hasina teria reprimido brutalmente a oposição; chefe de Direitos Humanos aponta responsabilização e justiça como fatores essenciais para reconciliação e futuro do país.Kirjoittanut Eleutério Guevane
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Principais movimentos no continente são em direção aos países do Golfo e à África do Sul; jornadas envolvem riscos como fome, desidratação, tráfico humano e detenções arbitrárias; em 2024 pelo menos 559 pessoas morreram nas rotas leste e sul, com muitos outros óbitos não registrados.Kirjoittanut United Nations
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