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Handyman Success Podcast

Jason Call & Allen Lee

The Handyman Success Podcast interviews successful handyman and home improvement contractors to learn their secrets to success. From business operations, to marketing, to personal stories, successes and struggles, listeners will leave each episode with actionable tactics to implement in their own business. Inject growth, efficiency, and inspiration into your handyman business by learning from the success of others! Co-Host Allen Lee, Founder of the Handyman Journey & Honest Lee Handyman Serv ...
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Handyman Pros Radio Show

Larry and John

Two professional handymen discuss how you can save time, money, and aggravation on home repair, maintenance, and improvements. Our content addresses common problems and challenges of property ownership. Topics include strategies and techniques for home management, do it yourself (DIY) tips and tricks, home technology, maintenance, real estate investing, and more! We value listener feedback, and welcome the opportunity to answer your questions (questions@handymanprosradioshow.com) or join our ...
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Joseph The Handyman

Are interested in starting a a a handyman business? Are you currently operating a handyman business and ready to take it to the next level? Join this podcast weekly, with Joseph The Handyman, successful handyman business owner and communications specialist, for over 10 years. In each episode he will discuss ways to start, grow, and elevate your handyman hustle through personal experiences, interviews, education, and motivation.
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Letzte Reihe Handymukke

Raphael Warnke, Philipp Lütje

Letzte Reihe Handymukke ist der #Podcast mit Turnschuhen, Geldgeschenk und immer guter Laune. Diskutiert wird alles, was man nicht an die Wand nageln kann. Jede Woche neu, jede Woche besser - oder etwa nicht? Überzeugt euch selbst und hört rein. Raphael und Phil - Mit PH und einem L! Snapchat: zworls
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The Handyguys are two avid DIYers sharing their experiences working around the house. Our weekly video and audio podcasts feature answers to your questions, head-to-head tool tests and other DIY and home improvement topics. If you have a question regarding your home, let us know using the contact tab on our site or call us at (818) 804-8665. We respond to all questions and may use your question on-the-air in a future broadcast. We look forward to answering your questions and helping you arou ...
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The Handyguys are two avid DIYers sharing their experiences working around the house. Our weekly video and audio podcasts feature answers to your questions, head-to-head tool tests and other DIY and home improvement topics. If you have a question regarding your home, let us know using the contact tab on our site or call us at (818) 804-8665. We respond to all questions and may use your question on-the-air in a future broadcast. We look forward to answering your questions and helping you arou ...
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John Evra

La musique est un outil de résilience à bien des égards. Je livre dans ce podcast mon témoignage de patient atteint de sclérose en plaques. La guitare est mon mon bouclier, mon arme de résonance massive qui me permet de contrer les assauts de cette pathologie . Elle est le pilier de ma résilience. Comment faire en détail ?quels sont les symptômes sur lesquels elle peut se montrer utile? Et quand le handicap intervient, est elle toujours utile ? Rejoignez le chemin du saltimbanque..
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Flugmodus - 4 Jugendliche ohne Handy

Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk

Während einer Schulwoche führen Schüler*innen aus Dresden Tagebuch über ihr Leben im Flugmodus. Sie reflektieren, wie sich ihr Leben ohne Handy, durch Digital Detox, verändert. Im Podcast erzählt Autorin und Host Greta Taubert von einem Experiment des Verzichtens auf das, was so alltäglich und zum Stressfaktor geworden ist – das Smartphone.
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Hondo Handy’s Podcast

Al Hondo Handy

Hondo Handy’s Podcast shares the journey of athletes across the country, Recreation Professionals stories throughout the nation, the importance of youth sports coaches certification and Good Sportsmanship in youth sports, how youth sporting tournaments and events can improve the local business economy and how Ocean City Amusements and Attractions can benefit both locals and visitors. My podcast also promotes my new book, “Defying Expectations.”
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​​Die Spyware Pegasus hat die digitale Überwachung revolutioniert. Sie ermöglicht es Sicherheitsbehörden, unbemerkt die volle Kontrolle über Smartphones zu übernehmen und erleichtert so die Jagd auf Kriminelle und Terroristen. Aber Recherchen einer internationalen Recherchekooperation, an der auch die ZEIT beteiligt war, haben gezeigt: Pegasus wurde massenhaft missbraucht, um Menschenrechte, Freiheit und Demokratie einzuschränken. Die Spyware steht im Zusammenhang mit Morden, Wahlmanipulatio ...
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"Being sundry explorations, made while afoot and penniless in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. These adventures convey and illustrate the rules of beggary for poets and some others." Published in 1919, this is poet Vachel Lindsay's description of his travels "afoot and penniless" across the southern and eastern United States, staying with strangers, reciting or trading poetry for dinner, and along the way, describing in stories and poetry, ...
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show series
Packed show this week where the boys discuss the soft launch of the Tasmania Devils (and their draft concessions), before turning to the tribunal and Jackson Archer (15:30), the worst performances of round 1 and any silver linings (28:00), the rough start by Port Adelaide (38:48), the take locker (45:00) and some moppage before looking at the round…
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Get your tools ready for spring time activity! Included inthis episode are tips and tricks for your garden and hand tools, your LawnMower and Pressure Washer, Extension Cords, Batteries, and SafetyEquipment. Watch us on YouTube (clickhere) Subscribe to our free newsletter, https://handymanprosradioshow.com/newsletter-signup/ Join our Facebook group…
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In part 2, we were able to talk with Todd Smith from T. Smitty's Handyman about his time volunteering his services to people in need! And how through this, he was able to forge new life long relationships with other handyman from around North America. Hosted by Jason Call, Founder of Handyman Marketing Pros, and Allen Lee, Founder of The Handyman J…
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Been a huge amount of talk recently about DOGE and the 5 things you did last week. Our discussion will focus on the concept of knowing the most important 5 things, lessons to learn, and how these lessons can helpyour business and your life. Watch us on YouTube (clickhere) Subscribe to our free newsletter, https://handymanprosradioshow.com/newslette…
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Recently, Larry had a call for repair (a sewer line, a separateshow) at one of his rental homes. In conversation, John suggested we do ashow on renting and or being a renter, what are some best practices as a tenantand as a landlord. Watch us on YouTube (clickhere) Subscribe to our free newsletter, https://handymanprosradioshow.com/newsletter-signu…
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Episode 43 of the Handyman Success Podcast features Todd Smith, Owner of T. Smitty's Handyman. Todd shares his experience of going from a career educator to a full-time handyman, and we cover our usual topics of: estimating, pricing, marketing, and much more! Hosted by Jason Call, Founder of Handyman Marketing Pros, and Allen Lee, Founder of The Ha…
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Larry had a sewer line in one of his rental homes becomeblocked. We tried clearing the blockage, but to no avail. This is adiscussion about troubleshooting and replacement of a sewer line. Watch us on YouTube (clickhere) Subscribe to our free newsletter, https://handymanprosradioshow.com/newsletter-signup/ Join our Facebook group @handyman pros Sen…
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Tune into our 2nd part of our interview with Allen Lee, Owner of Honest Lee Handyman Services in Roseville, California! Hosted by Jason Call, Founder of Handyman Marketing Pros, and Allen Lee, Founder of The Handyman Journey Get a professional website, SEO, and advertising at https://HandymanMarketingPros.com Get handyman-specific business coaching…
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Have tried to fix something and found out there is a software lockthat doesn’t allow you to proceed, you may have experienced the “Right toRepair” issue. This episode will delve into this topic. What is“Right to Repair”, why does it matter, what are the applications andimplications? This and more are discussed in this episode. Watch us on YouTube (…
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This episode we answer a listeners question about shutters. John was faced with a similar situation a few years ago. "I bought a house last year and it has shutters. They aretotally decorative and do nothing. Remember when there were real shutters? I'mgoing to replace these this summer. Could you do an episode on replacing forreal shutters? I'm won…
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In this episode the Handyman Pros discuss add-on services. The pros do the math, show you what to look for, how to present, and how toclose on value add services. Watch us on YouTube (clickhere) Subscribe to our free newsletter, https://handymanprosradioshow.com/newsletter-signup/ Join our Facebook group @handyman pros Send us an email, questions@h…
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In our first episode of 2025, we reconnect with Allen Lee, Owner of Honest Lee Handyman Services, and of course, a co-host of the Handyman Success Podcast! We focus on the biggest learning and improvements Allen has made in his handyman business over the last few years since our last interview with him. Hosted by Jason Call, Founder of Handyman Mar…
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Cordless tools are a game changer for handypersons. Keeping your batteries in tip top shape helpsyou save time, money, and aggravation. This show gives tips and tricks to help extend the life of yourbatteries. Watch us on YouTube (click here) Subscribe to our free newsletter,https://handymanprosradioshow.com/newsletter-signup/ Join our Facebook gro…
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This is a tips and tricks show on how to safely moveloads. Included is a discussion of theequipment you need (straps, rope, etc.), and real tips on how to secure theload properly. Watch us on YouTube (click here) Subscribe to our free newsletter,https://handymanprosradioshow.com/newsletter-signup/ Join our Facebook group @handyman pros Send us an e…
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It’s a new year, so we thought we might discuss the businesslife cycle so that you can start making 2025 your best and most profitable yearyet. Included are some tips and trickson business development, marketing, sales, operations and more. Watch us on YouTube (click here) Subscribe to our free newsletter,https://handymanprosradioshow.com/newslette…
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This episode is all about 2025 getting off to an interesting start and Larry has some news to share with us that will certainly add to the show. Watch us on YouTube (click here) Subscribe to our free newsletter,https://handymanprosradioshow.com/newsletter-signup/ Join our Facebook group @handyman pros Send us an email, questions@handymanprosradiosh…
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How time flies, the Handyman Pros discuss Updating your homeinventory, updating (or creating) your home journal, and planning for repairsand projects in the new year. Watch us on YouTube (click here) Subscribe to our free newsletter,https://handymanprosradioshow.com/newsletter-signup/ Join our Facebook group @handyman pros Send us an email, questio…
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While both John and Larry could be considered Tools of theYear (listen and you will know why! LOL), we each have a different best tool for the year. John’s pick: cordless hot glue gun. Larry’s pick: cordless planer. Watch us on YouTube (click here) Subscribe to our free newsletter,https://handymanprosradioshow.com/newsletter-signup/ Join our Facebo…
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It’s that time of the year again, The Christmas season isupon us. The handyman pros want to sharesome tips and tricks for buying tools and supplies at this time of year. Watch us on YouTube (click here) Subscribe to our free newsletter,https://handymanprosradioshow.com/newsletter-signup/ Join our Facebook group @handyman pros Send us an email, ques…
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In our first ever "guest revisit" we had the pleasure to sitting down again with Chris Olson, owner of NW Moss Removal located in the Seattle, WA area. Chris provides an honest and insightful update on his entrepreneurial journey which now has him running a quickly growing exterior maintenance service. Hosted by Jason Call, Founder of Handyman Mark…
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In this episode the Handyman Pros have a discussion aboutMaximizing the usage of your blower. Great tips and tricks on using your blower for maintaining your home,car, and tools. Some really great ideason ways to use your blower. Watch us on YouTube (click here) Subscribe to our free newsletter, https://handymanprosradioshow.com/newsletter-signup/ …
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The Handyman Pros interviewed Grant and Garrett Frazey fromthe Blue Collar Business Podcast. We hada great discussion on the Handyman Business and on ways to help youngentrepreneurs start businesses. Watch us on YouTube (click here) Subscribe to our free newsletter,https://handymanprosradioshow.com/newsletter-signup/ Join our Facebook group @handym…
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In this episode of Handyman Insights with A Master’s Hands, we explore the ins and outs of professional cabinet installation in Denver. Learn why upgrading your cabinets can transform your kitchen, bathroom, and storage spaces. We’ll cover the latest cabinet trends in Denver, the benefits of hiring a local handyman, and tips for choosing the perfec…
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John recently purchased a Kreg Accu-Cut. This show discusses the amazing product andhow you can use it to create better products for your customers. Watch us on YouTube (click here) Subscribe to our free newsletter,https://handymanprosradioshow.com/newsletter-signup/ Join our Facebook group @handyman pros Send us an email, questions@handymanprosrad…
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In this episode the Handyman Pros review an article on newinformation on Gen Z shifting away from traditional college education andmoving towards the trades. Some veryinteresting cultural and political points are discussed. Watch us on YouTube (click here) Subscribe to our free newsletter, https://handyman prosradioshow.com/newsletter-signup/ Join …
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Did you know that you could order a home from the Sears andRoebuck catalog? These homes are morecommon than you realize, we are having a discussion. Subscribe to our free newsletter, https://handymanprosradioshow.com/newsletter-signup/ Join our facebook group @handyman pros Send us an email, questions@handymanprosradioshow.com.…
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Today we are joined by KC, owner of CheckMark Pros in Hebron, KY. He runs his handyman business in a very unique way, in that, we manages the business remotely while traveling around the country doing ministry work and caring for friends and family. KC shares his story of starting the business, how they've expanded their service offering, hired a t…
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In this episode the Handyman Pros give you 10 awesome tipsto help you get your home ready for winter. Winterizing your home is essential for protecting it fromcold weather and saving on energy costs. Here are some tips for preparing yourhome for winter: 1. Seal Gaps and Cracks Windows and Doors:Check for drafts around windows and doors. Use weather…
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John just completed his own stair remodeling project. Wethought we would have a discussion about redoing your stairs. NOTE: You might want to visit our YouTube site for the pictures. Subscribe to our free newsletter, https://handymanprosradioshow.com/newsletter-signup/ Join our facebook group @handyman pros Send us an email, questions@handymanprosr…
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Think you have mold in your home? This episode will help you identify mold, thepotential hazards, and how to prevent and remove mold in from your home Watch us on YouTube (click here) Subscribe to our free newsletter,https://handymanprosradioshow.com/newsletter-signup/ Join our Facebook group @handyman pros Send us an email, questions@handymanprosr…
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A planer is a woodworking tool used to smooth and flattenwooden surfaces, ensuring consistent thickness throughout a board. It'scommonly used for: 1. Flatteningrough surfaces: A planer shaves off thin layers of wood to create an evensurface. 2. Adjustingthickness: It helps in reducing the thickness of a board to a desiredmeasurement. 3. Smoothingwo…
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This week the boys discuss the fall out of the Swans performance in the Grand Final (3:08), including the furute of Chad Warner (20:55). They then turn their attention to the real matters of Robbo's sacking from AFL 360 (34:41), Andrew Bassat's draft comments (50:05) and the emerging trade talks (68:43).…
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Winn is the owner of Winn's Real Handy in the Dallas, TX area. He is an Owner/Operator, by design, and shares his story of starting his business and how he's become the ultimate "neighborhood handyman" in his area. Hosted by Jason Call, Founder of Handyman Marketing Pros, and Allen Lee, Founder of The Handyman Journey Get a professional website, SE…
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Developing a business referral mindset is about cultivatingrelationships and a reputation that encourage others to send business your way.Here are some steps to help foster this mindset: 1. Focus on Building Genuine Relationships • Cultivatetrust and rapport with customers, peers, and other business owners. • Understandthat referrals often come fro…
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Thinking of putting up a fence, installing a shed, seedingyour lawn? Many home improvementprojects require knowing where your property lines are (sometimesexactly). Knowing where your property lines are before undertakingmany projects will help protect your property rights and reduce disputes withneighbors. To find your property lines, you have sev…
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Here are five tips for buying real estate: 1. InspectThoroughly: Before making an offer, conduct a thorough inspection of theproperty. This includes structural elements, plumbing, electrical systems, andany potential issues that could affect the value or safety of the home. 2. Researchthe Market: Drive the Neighborhood. Understand the current marke…
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In this episode the Handyman Pros have a discussion and dispel some common beliefsabout Home Improvement. Watch us on YouTube (clickhere) Subscribe to our free newsletter, https://handymanprosradioshow.com/newsletter-signup/ Join our Facebook group @handyman pros Send us an email, questions@handymanprosradioshow.com.…
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With the bye week past the boys look back and discuss the way the Petracca saga unfolded before turning their attention to the controversial All Australian team selections (20:10). They then preview this week's finals starting with Sydney and GWS (39:25), Port v Geelong (49:10), Brisbane v Carlton (54:52) and finally WB v Hawthorn (67:15).…
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