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History Behind News Program

Adel Aali, History Behind News

We make in-depth history researched and written by eminent scholars enjoyable and accessible to everyone. Others cover the news. We uncover the history behind it. Adel Aali, podcast host, is a former attorney & healthcare entrepreneur with a long and deep passion for history. Adel started this program to provide a better understanding of news through history. Watch this program on YouTube: https://bit.ly/HbN-YT-Sub We appreciate your financial support of our program: https://historybehindnew ...
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本人曾居住中東與中亞地區服務多年,對中東與中亞相關事務非常熟悉。針對這些一般亞洲人比較少關注的,但又是國際政治的聚焦重點地區,特別開設此一頻道,以講解相關國家背景、歷史、目前國情狀況與國際新聞上牽涉這些地區的新聞說明解釋。 所有各集說法僅代表本人意見,歡迎大家針對有興趣的主題收聽。 歐亞大陸遊牧民族的歷史研究,純粹個人喜好,中國正統朝代的歷史我沒興趣,但這些隱藏在歷史帷幕後的遊牧民族縱橫歐亞大陸東西,少數民族建國圖生存,歷史上沒有提到的東西方交流才是我最有興趣的重點。 此外中國敵情研究、中國太空事業、世界各國太空事業發展等亦為近日研究方向。有興趣者請搜尋臉書公開社團「蘇老師的太空世界與太空知識」,裡面有各種各樣的太空知識。 歡迎介紹給更多想增加知識的朋友一起來聽我講故事。如果有專門想聽的主題,或我哪邊講錯想訂正的,歡迎來信 [email protected] 也可以在臉書上搜尋【外交官講中東與中亞】的粉絲頁與我交流喔。 截至2024年本人出版書籍包括 1. 聖地出任務-台灣國際志工故事集 2. 勇抗強權-阿富汗 3. 台以關係百年史:外交官眼中的以色列 4. 從奴隸到霸主 ...
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Elon Musk is different than prior American business tycoons. Arguably, he is more powerful. More poignantly, as my guest argues, he is less dedicated to democracy, and that makes him frighteningly more dangerous. In this interview, I discuss the following with my guest scholar: ►Who was Andrew Carnegie? ►How was he similar to Musk? ►How was Carnegi…
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Did you know that Helmut Kohl, the German Chancellor (1982-99), implemented a planto deport Turkish immigrant back to Türkiye? This is the History of Immigration & Far-right Politics in Germany. Mr. Elon Musk & Vice Pres. JD Vance have endorsed the AfD - Germany's anti-immigrant, Islamophobic, far-right party. And although the AfD commands 20% of t…
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Japan's PM Ishiba wanted to visit Pres. Trump soon after Nov. 5. But President-elect Trump didn't grant him an audience until last week. Back in 2016, Japan PM Abe visited President-elect Trump at the Trump Tower. But why have Japanese leaders rushed to meet with Mr. Trump? Because America is important to Japan's economy and security. And vice vers…
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The German Empire was one of the most powerful nations. However, at the height of its power, it abruptly changed its foreign policy from accommodative and collaborative to aggressive and combative. In this video, I compare our country's new style of foreign policy to the German Empires. About the Image: Pres. Trump & Pres. Zelensky in the Oval Offi…
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How could the Los Angeles fires happen? We knew about Santa Ana winds. We knew about the extremely dry conditions. There were no surprises. So, how could this happen? Is California any good at wildfire management? In this interview, we talk about the following: ►Native Americans' fire management ►Good wildfires ►Smokey Bear ►American homes built cl…
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Historically, America thrived on tariffs. In fact, we had tariffs from the very beginning - from Colonial times to the Confederation period to our Constitution, and then throughout the antebellum period, through America's industrial rise and from there up to WWII. In this episode, I'll share a brief review of this history along with my take on how …
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America In Colombia is a story of secession, "School of Assassins", drugs, immigration, alliance and interference - not necessarily in that order! In this interview, we talk about the following: ►1840s: America's interest in Colombia and Panama ►How Colombia neglected Panama ►Panama's secession from Colombia with American help ►How Colombians learn…
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Presidential words = action, because presidents have power. In this interview, we talk about the following: ►Why Trump's 2nd inaugural address was more like aState of the Union Address. ►How does Trump's 2nd inaugural address compare toother presidents? ►How did the indoors' inauguration setting affectthe cadence of Trump's speech? Its echo? ►What …
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April 30, March 4, March 5, January 20, & January 21. These are America's presidential inauguration days. In this brief episode, I share with you stories about our presidential inaugurations, including the one about the person who, arguably, was America's president for one day. And here is my post about this podcast, which includes photos of some o…
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51st U.S. State! America's interest in incorporating Canada, in some fashion, is as old as our Republic. In those early days and continuing until almost the end of the 19th century, our relationship with Canada was defined by recurring borders raids and wars, our distrust of Canada and our various plans to gobble up our northern neighbor, which was…
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This is a personal story about a beautiful neighborhood, with kind and supportive neighbors. A beautiful neighborhood that's no more! And this episode is also about the history of coastal Los Angeles, particularly Malibu. My guest explains the legal ramifications of the LA fires and explains how real estate investors will assess and support the hug…
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Greenland, Denmark & America - a triangular relation that, per my guest, augurs benefits for Greenlanders. If that's the case, then... ►What do Greenlanders think of Mr. Trump's ideas for their island? ►What do Greenland's indigenous peoples & environmentalists think of America? ►Why did Denmark change Greenland's status from colony to province? ►C…
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Funerals of Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Harrison, Lincoln, Harding, Taft, FDR, JFK and more. What exactly does a "state fuernal" mean? And how many U.S. presidents had state funerals? I didn't get the chance to answer these question in the podcast. But I answered them in this post, and provided photos as well: https://bit.ly/HbN-Bonus-S5E1-7 I ho…
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The Electoral Count Act of 1887 (ECA) was law for 135 years. But then, Jan. 6, 2021, happened - the cause of which some partially attributed to the ECA (more about this in the interview). So, what was to be done? In 2022, Congress passed the ECRA, which will be law on Jan. 6, 2025, when the 119th Congress counts the 2024 Electoral votes. The ECRA i…
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Why Dec. 25? Why so much Christmas conflict & controversy in Christianity's history? Why is Christmas so important to Christianity? And to America? In this episode, I ask my guest, Dr. Carey Roberts, the following questions: ►Why is Christmas such a grand celebration? What does this tell us about Christianity? ►Did it take a while for Christmas to …
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"I could see him become much more comfortable with power." Did you know that Syrians welcomed Bashar al-Assad as "a breath of fresh air" when he initially assumed power? My guest, Dr. David Lesch, has visited Syria 35 times. In 15 of those visits, he met with Mr. Assad to write his biography. But after the biography was published, Mr. Assad invited…
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Civil Rights Movement vs. Current-Day Climate Movement Did political movements of the 1960s and '70s have deeper roots with longer lasting positive impacts than our 21st century political movements? How would we define a political movement? Why did the Civil Rights movement achieved many tangible successes but the Climate movement has not? How has …
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Prof. Silverman describes the first Thanksgiving: an accidental feast between frenemies that was never repeated. How much is our Thanksgiving tradition based on real events that transpired sometime in the fall of 1621 in Plymouth, Massachusetts? And why does it matter anyway? Don't all nations have feel-good traditions that are partly based on fact…
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The African American elite - a history of America that we don't often hear about in our popular culture. With Ms. Kamala Harris's swift nomination and crushing defeat, in this interview my guest and I approach African American history from a different angle and with a fresh perspective - stories of their intellectual, organizational and business ac…
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"I don't care who does the electing, as long as I do the nominating!" William M. Tweed (1823-78), New York political boss of Tammany Hall. Story of how billionaires determine our voting choices. Big money has replaced the power of 19th century party bosses. In this interview, my guest explains how dark money controls our elections and how big money…
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►Where do pollsters get their participants? ►Do election polling methods and target audiences change as we get closer to Election Day? ►Do Americans vote for candidates who match their values and positions? Or do we vote for candidates with the best campaigns? ►Are there tried-and-true election polling methods? ►Do polls influence election outcomes…
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👉full episode: https://bit.ly/UME-S1E39 ►Are U.S. sanctions on Iran working? ►Are U.S. sanctions against Iran actually working against the United States? ►Have sanctions empowered and emboldened Iran's Revolutionary Guard… to the point that they were ready for war with the United States? ►Did sanctions help Iran's regime crush the Mahsa Amini prote…
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Has China now reached its age of complacency? To answer this question, Dr. Wang (see bio below) takes us through the history of China's economic miracle of the last 40 years. But the story starts even before that... when impoverished Chinese villagers decided to take matters into their own hands and improve their lives - in spite of their governmen…
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Did you know there are 70 definitions of rural? This is the story of rural America. And although geography does matter for the purposes of this discussion, rural is a loaded term with a complex meaning that cannot readily be determined by looking at the map. In popular culture, rural may have a negative perception. Regardless of how the media, movi…
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Are young American men willing to elect a woman for the highest office in our country? Watch video of this interview: https://bit.ly/HbN-YT-S4E18 In this interview, I ask the following questions: What defines an American generation? Do we have a new generation every 20 to 25 years? Who are Millenials? Gen Zs? How are political movements now, by you…
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What is Decoration Day? Did the South celebrate the 4th of July? As it turns out, the history of the 4th of July is not that straightforward. For example, it took about a century for the recognition of our Independence Day as a federal holiday. And for some 80 years after the Civil war, some parts of the South, including Vicksburg, did not celebrat…
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►My guest claims that Mr. Musk's compensation is $0! How is this possible? ►What are the different components of a CEO's pay package?►Why have CEO salaries stayed constant for decades? ►Why did CEO stock options significantly increase in the 1990s?►Why did CEO pay for performance dramatically increase after 2006? ►Who determines CEO pay? And how? T…
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中美對抗從地表延伸到太陽系 2024年6月6日是一個無比繁忙的一天,美國太空探索公司(SPACEX)籌劃已久的「星艦太空船搭配超重級推進火箭(Starship + Superheavy Rocket)」第四次試射順利發射升空,火箭推進段實現重返,星艦太空船也測試重回大氣層之艦體與防熱隔離層是否安全,測試結果成功,為未來星艦火星計畫大規模發射取得綠燈。 圖-星艦四發射前(SpaceX網站) 另外美國波音公司在經歷十年延誤與今年幾次發射前緊急叫停後,終於也在6日以聯合發射聯盟(ULA)的擎天神5號火箭,將波音開發生產的「星際航線(Starliner)」太空船順利安全送上宇宙,並前往國際太空站對接,將兩名太空人送上國際太空站輪班,受到太空站上太空人熱烈歡迎。 這款星際航線太空船因技術問題延宕多年,…
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►What does it mean to be conservative? ►Is Donald Trump a conservative? ►How are most experts misunderstanding the history of America's conservatism? ►How are most experts misunderstanding an important part of modern Jewish American history? My guest has correctly predicted the outcome of every U.S. presidential election since 1984. In this episode…
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城揚建設新推出的「陽明第一廳」 緊鄰三民區的明星學府-陽明國中 46~52坪,每層四戶兩部電梯 最適合有換屋與置產需求的你 讓生活中充滿書香、運動風,滿足食衣住行的消費需求 城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888 https://bit.ly/3y7SoFB ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- 伊朗軍方調查總統萊希(Ebrahim Raisi)搭乘直升機墜毀身亡的事件後,初步報告顯示,截至目前為止沒有發現謀殺或攻擊的證據。 路透社報導,萊希曾被視為伊朗最高領袖哈米尼(Ayatollah Ali Khamenei)的可能接班人,他搭乘的直升機5月19日遭遇惡劣天氣而墜毀在國內西北部山區,萊希因此遇難身亡,享壽63歲。 伊朗武裝部隊參謀總部發布報告指出:「直升機…
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►Georgia is a country between two civilizations - Europe & Asia, and Islam and Christianity ►Until the Russians came, Georgia had maintained its status as an independent state. ►Georgia has punched above its weight under Russian and Soviet rule - prime example: Stalin, the most powerful Soviet leader, was Georgian! In this conversation, Dr. Jones t…
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►How we gambled before ash economy? ►Are religion and gambling somehow connected? ►How did risk-taking change after humanity settled down? ►How did 2nd chances - the concept of starting again - develop in America's gambling? ►Why did Las Vegas and Atlantic City seesaw on legalizing gambling? 🚩About My Guest: Dr. David Schwartz is UNLV's ombuds and …
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蘇育平觀點:印度移交超高音速布拉莫斯反艦飛彈給菲律賓之意涵 蘇育平 + 追蹤 2024-04-25 07:10 6110 人氣 贊助本文 筆者提醒,台灣也無須因為菲律賓與中國對抗,就以為菲律賓是我們的盟友了。(示意圖,張曜麟攝) 根據印度媒體2024年4月19日報導,印度空軍C-17全球霸主運輸機運送印度交貨給菲律賓訂購之第一批布拉莫斯(BrahMos)超音速巡弋飛彈到菲國,這筆交易價值3億7500萬美元,2022年1月印度宣布這筆交易時,可以說是印度第一筆大額軍火出口交易。 [啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知 菲律賓訂購3個營的布拉莫斯飛彈,合約也包括訓練操作的菲律賓海軍人員,及必要的零件供應。 布拉莫斯飛彈最高速度2.8馬赫,射程290公里,發射平台為潛艦、水面艦艇、飛機或陸基發射平…
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2024.04.26 中國神舟18號太空飛船發射前往天宮太空站輪班 https://forum.ettoday.net/news/2726984 2024年04月26日 13:02 蘇育平/神舟18號發射成功 台灣別錯失參與太空產業機會 我們想讓你知道… 未來SpaceX要啟動大規模移民火星行動時,台灣大可以爭取供應商角色,許多商機大有可為,台灣一定不能錯失這個機會了。 ▲ 搭載神舟18號載人太空船的長征二號F遙18運載火箭25日在酒泉衛星發射中心點火發射。(圖/視覺中國CFP) ●** 蘇育平/國際政治觀察者** 中國航天局於2024年4月25日從酒泉發射中心發射中國第七次天宮太空站長期載人飛行任務——神舟18 號載人飛船。乘組人員由葉光富指揮官、任務操作員李廣蘇與工程師李聰組成。 本次發…
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"The continent's most violent country" is a phrase used in BBC News this week. In this episode, my guest scholar, Dr. Carmen Martinez Novo, takes us through the history of Ecuador's indigenous peoples and their struggles for equal rights and environmental rights, including an almost three-decade lawsuit against Chevron (initially Texaco). Of course…
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2024.04.21 中國戰略支援部隊解體,航天系統部更名軍事航天部隊 中國解放軍戰略支援部隊遭清洗後之改組 在經過漫長地針對「火箭軍」與解放軍「戰略支援部隊」的大規模內部清洗後,最新消息,2024年4月19日中共中央軍委撤銷解放軍「戰略支援部隊」編制。 原先「戰略支援部隊」下轄之「航天系統部」改名為「軍事航天部隊」,其他部分則因應解放軍實際需求而成立「信息支援部隊」、「網路空間部隊」、「聯勤保障部隊」。 中國解放軍自此成為擁有陸軍、海軍、空軍、火箭軍等四個「軍種」,以及「軍事航天部隊」、「信息支援部隊」、「網路空間部隊」、「聯勤保障部隊」等四個「兵種」的新軍兵種結構組成。 火箭軍 中國國防武裝的目標首先要維繫共產黨執政政權永不改變,再來就是要抵禦外來威脅。尤其是1949年建國以後,來自美國…
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2024.04.14 本週國際新聞導覽-伊朗出手打擊以色列報復 4/13 晚間,伊朗從本土對以色列發射200枚無人機、彈道飛彈與巡曳飛彈。大部分受到英國美國與約旦戰機與防空系統攔截,僅少數攻擊到以色列。 伊朗已經表示到此為止的意思,已經攻擊,伊朗人民也上街慶祝,對之前被以色列攻擊死傷的軍民也有交代了,可以到此為止。 但以色列揚言將再反擊。 以色列總理那唐雅胡也致電美國總統拜登,雖然兩人其實根本很討厭對方,但這是一個政治動作,誰都得要做。 此外對於伊朗什葉派宗教與領袖制度進行一番介紹,內容出自幾年前寫的一篇文章。 蘇育平/教宗在伊拉克宗教大和解關鍵 伊拉克沒內爆全因「他」! https://forum.ettoday.net/news/1938398 我們想讓你知道…希斯塔尼完全不與伊朗什葉派…
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2024.04.13 中國火箭軍建軍史與使用武器配備-擷取自蘇育平撰中國航天事業與火箭軍一書 解放軍火箭軍是除了陸、海、空三軍外的第四軍種,由中央軍委直接領導下命,負責地對地常規彈頭與核彈頭之彈道飛彈發射攻擊任務。 1966年到2015年間,原稱為陸軍二炮(第二炮兵)部隊,於2015年升格為火箭軍,取名借鑑蘇聯時期之「戰略火箭軍」名稱。 1958年,蘇聯贈送的第一枚R-2彈道飛彈抵中國,中國開始仿製生產,做出東風-1型短程彈道飛彈。1966年,解放軍導彈部隊陸軍「第二炮兵」由當時國務院總理周恩來命名並成立,後隨著擁有的彈道飛彈增加而擴大編制。時至今日,火箭軍約有15萬兵員,以約40個導彈旅之編制分布中國各地,擁有各款射程長短不一的彈道飛彈與巡弋飛彈(中國稱巡航導彈)。 據統計短程飛彈有1,1…
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Families with second pregnancies were punished. Quiet often, mothers who became pregnant again were forced to abort - even in the third trimester. But now... China's government is promoting multiple pregnancies. There are even beauty pageants... for pregnant mothers. In this episode, a replay of its original recording in 2021, my guest scholar peel…
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2024.04.07 各國宇宙活動檢討-外空非軍事化、利益共享、火箭回收、自由民主陣營發展太空科技-擷取自蘇育平撰中國航天事業與火箭軍一書 總結人類太空歷史 人類在太空的活動與日俱增,已經到了前所未有的密集程度,現在幾乎每個月都有美國、中國或少數其他國家的火箭發射到太空。首先是成千上萬的衛星佈滿地球近地軌道或太陽同步軌道,彼此之間可能造成碰撞。第二,從地球表面以望遠鏡觀測星空時,很可能被天幕中滿滿的人造衛星干擾,因為數量真的不可計數。第三,太多火箭屢次發射會戳破電離層,導致過量太陽輻射或宇宙粒子入侵地表。同時,火箭箭身墜向地球時,在大氣層中燃燒殆盡而造成汙染。還有,太過密集的太空活動是否會引來地外文明的注意,並認定人類是一種威脅,進而前來消滅人類文明? 許多事情都是無法回頭的,既然已經選擇投…
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2021年4月29日,重達22.5噸的「天和核心艙段」被長征-5B(遙2)運載火箭給推上太空,成功進入預定軌道並展開太陽能翼。 一個月後,天舟-2號貨運飛船也在2021年5月29日發射成功,並過來與天和核心艙完成順利對接連結,補充物資與燃料等。代表天和核心段運作正常,可接受補給。 再隔半個月,2021年6月17日,神舟-12號載人飛船由長征-2F遙12火箭從酒泉發射中心發射,並在6個半小時後過來與天和核心艙完成對接連結,神舟-12號的3名太空人聶海勝、劉伯明、湯洪波進入天和核心艙,等於是在太空中,第一次有人進入了天宮太空站。從此開始了神舟太空人在天宮太空站輪流值勤駐守的任務。 「天和核心艙」是今日天宮太空站的主體大廳,是天宮太空站的管理控制中心,也是太空人生活工作的地方。它的全長是16.6公…
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Denmark was once Europe's greatest Protestant power. But just in a span of two or so decades, it was reduced to a has-been. How did this happen? And what lessons are there for America? In addition, Denmark's monarchy is quite informal and highly approachable, particularly when compared with the British monarchy. 🚩About My Guest: Dr. Paul Douglas Lo…
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俄羅斯首都莫斯科附近的番紅花市政廳(Crocus City Hall)22日晚間發生了恐怖襲擊事件,造成至少137人死亡、182人受傷。在俄烏戰爭的敏感時期,此事受到全球高度關注,在對外公開的畫面當中,這些涉案槍手明顯受到嚴刑拷打。專家認為,俄羅斯總統蒲亭此舉是為了強調「跟他作對者將遭到殘酷懲罰」。 對於此次恐攻事件,伊斯蘭國分支「ISIS-K」已坦承犯案並公布相關影像,但俄國總統蒲亭(Vladimir Putin)仍持續恐怖主義矛頭指向烏克蘭,並表示即使莫斯科恐攻真是伊斯蘭武裝分子所為,也是為了烏克蘭的利益,質疑基輔在其中「發揮了作用」。 一週連3起!巴基斯坦中國工程師車隊遇自殺攻擊釀6死 https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E9%80%B1%E9%80%A33%E8%B…
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2024.03.24 中國的太空站、嫦娥登月計畫、天問火星探測任務-擷取自蘇育平撰中國航天事業與火箭軍一書 中國從2011年起,建設「天宮一號」太空實驗室,或者叫他軌道飛行器,也可以說就是一艘停留在軌道上固定位置的太空船體,但是其實它也就是一個原始型態的太空站。 2011年9月29日,天宮-1號由長征-2F運載火箭發射升空,並完成順利進入軌道及變軌的任務,從此開始在太空中運行。 它與地面之通信測控是由中繼衛星、16個中國海內外陸基測控站、3艘遠望測控船、北京飛控中心、西安測控中心等共同組成。 圖2-36 天宮一號目標飛行器(中國航天局) 天宮-1號是由實驗艙與資源艙兩個艙體連結而成,全重8.5噸,長度10.4公尺,最大直徑處3.35公尺,內部空間約15立方公尺,一個套房的空間大小,夠兩、三位…
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美俄是可以和解的 2024年3月23日,美國女太空人Tracy Dyson與一名俄羅斯太空人Oleg Viktorovich Novitsky及一名白俄羅斯女太空人Marina Vasilevskaya一起搭乘俄羅斯聯邦聯盟號 Soyuz-MS-25號太空船,由俄羅斯聯邦向哈薩克租借的拜科努爾太空發射站(Baikonur Cosmodrome)順利發射升空。 圖-俄國聯盟號太空船發射資訊(Spaceintel101.com) 原本此次太空任務在兩天前就應該發射,但最後讀秒時因機械問題臨時取消延後發射。本次太空任務是將3名太空人送到國際太空站(ISS)上,去進行人員的替換。 圖-白俄羅斯太空人Marina Vasilevskaya(NASA臉書粉絲頁) 大家可能奇怪,美俄不是已經因為俄烏戰事劍…
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照片為俄羅斯聯盟號太空船與火箭。 2024.03.21 本日世界各地火箭發射任務、俄羅斯SOYUZ MS25太空船運補太空人替換到ISS、獵鷹9號也運補物資到ISS、中國本年登月任務嫦娥6號 俄羅斯SoyuzMS25聯盟號太空船原本計畫本日發射將三名太空人運上國際太空站輪替,但發射臨時取消延遲至3月26日。 ROACKET LAB一枚ELECTRON火箭載運美國軍事載荷上空。 SPACEX一枚獵鷹九號火箭推送隆運貨飛船運補6000磅(2700公斤)物資到國際太空站。 中國發射鵲橋二號中繼衛星到月球軌道,2024年5月預計使用長征五號火箭載送嫦娥六號探月飛船到月球南極,未來月球科研站預定地點採集月壤。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn…
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2024.03.17 本週國際新聞導覽-俄烏戰爭、星艦3號發射、南海菲律賓與中國海警衝突、紅海葉門危機、以巴戰爭未了 俄烏戰爭從兩年前2022年2月24日開打,我記憶猶新,原先俄羅斯計畫三日亡烏,與八年抗戰三月亡華一樣的天真,結果竟也打成長期抗戰。俄羅斯靠量體大的面積與經濟力壓制烏克蘭,烏克蘭靠美歐北約力量支持著未倒,但實際也已經筋疲力竭,國力大衰,死傷人數甚多。 為什麼要打這個帳?要從基輔羅斯時代說起。還有二戰初期烏克蘭歡迎納粹進軍一起打蘇聯紅軍、到克里米亞半島歸屬換手引發新仇舊恨,以及蘇聯瓦解後烏克蘭天真的放棄核武器,與境內俄裔人口的認同混淆,都是今日這場無止盡戰爭的起源。 SpaceX星艦三號發射有何意義?是成功還是失敗?人類的宇宙夢值得繼續做嗎?請聽蘇老師道來。 南海菲律賓海巡隊與中…
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2.3 各款太空運載火箭 太空運載火箭基本上就是洲際彈道飛彈的推進段,兩者通用且可相互使用。 中國將其太空運載火箭以長征家族為名,從長征一號到現在的長征七號,各款還有不同的改進型。曾經一度有「暴風一號」之名,但因發生事故不吉利,該系列名稱便不再使用。 現在使用最多的是長征二號F系列,專用於神舟飛船之液體燃料火箭,其實如果舊款彈道飛彈要退役了,直接拿來作為太空推進火箭用,其實也是一個極好的用途,將原本軍事殺人的用途改為發展太空事業,意義完全就不一樣了。 我們可以看到,從一開始火箭就是使用液體燃料為主,也就是使用具有高比衝高比推力的化學液體推進劑,又可分為「單組元推進劑」,也就是液化氣體如液氫、液氧等,以及雙組元推進劑(又分可自燃推進劑、不可自燃靠點火之推進劑),如煤油混液氧,與三組元推進劑。 …
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2.1.2 北斗衛星導航系統 另外,為了預防與美國開戰時,美國可能關閉不讓人使用GPS導航系統之作法抗衡,中國軍方包括總參謀部、總裝備部、國防科技工業局、中國科學院、中國航天科技集團、中國電子科技集團、國防科技大學等多單位共同研發,耗時26年,投入達120億美元,發射58顆衛星之北斗導航衛星系統終於成功建立自己的導航衛星系統。 世界最早的導航衛星系統是美國的GPS系統,通過全球30多顆圍繞地球軌道運行的GPS衛星進行多點定位,可對用戶提供時間、位置與速度等資訊。在任何天候下,只要在地球表面空曠之地,有開放的視野,就可以很快接收到至少4枚衛星的訊號並完成對自身的定位。中國本來也是使用GPS的八十幾個國家之一。但在1993年,銀河號貨輪遭美國無理盤查並關閉其GPS系統,導致該船動彈不得一個月,驚…
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►How did the mighty Sasanian Persian Empire fall to the Muslim Arabs? ►What happened in the Persian Empire on February 9, in the year 628? ►Where is the tomb of the last Sasanian King of kings? Were the Achaemenid and Sasanian Empires Persian or Iranian? What's the significance of these terms in the context of the past? How about now? Or in the 20t…
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