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The IAUG Insider Podcast is more than a resource for IAUG members and Avaya customers; it's the home of exclusive interviews with Avaya and IAUG leaders on the latest telecommunications news, trends, and best practices. New episodes launch on Thursdays.
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哈囉大家,我們是 Bô Iàu-kín,在身旁陪伴你走過人生的高低。 Bô Iàu-kín是台語「沒關係」的拼音,希望大家在遇到生命中的各種難題時,能夠跟自己說一聲「沒關係」的話就好了。 我們是一群來自台灣各地的大學生,致力於推廣校園心理健康,透過校園心理資料庫、心理地圖的建置,以及製作適合學生及青少年吸收的心理相關內容,希望能降低學生在尋求心理協助及相關資源的時間與心力成本,也希望能喚起大眾對此議題的重視。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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小額贊助支持本節目: https://pay.firstory.me/user/boiaukin 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/story/ckx93yti7v84u0858usix3z6n?m=comment 本集來賓為十八歲以後的主持人Keddy 分享內容摘要: 剛上大學的期待落差 高中與大學最大的差異 學習與自己相處 喜歡自己讀的科系嗎? 怎麼結交新朋友 交真心朋友好難 參加活動的經驗 關於穿搭 在大學中要有戀愛經驗嗎? 大學必修三學分,哪個最重要? 上大學後跟家人的關係 對未來的規劃 Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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過去的求學經驗對現在的幫助 到經紀公司工作是個「緣分」 在經紀公司最有趣的地方/最辛苦的地方 工作中遇到壓力如何調適自己 為甚麼會開始拍影片 當YouTuber這條路上,如何面對反對的聲音呢 從事YouTube最大的壓力來源 如何兼顧正職工作跟YouTube 疫情對工作以及生活的影響 疫情帶來的壓力/如何調適 給想兼職做社群媒體的人的建議 來賓: Cynthia Huang 經紀公司員工/Youtuber https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnPBUIgXwC3tcCwOw3vDZng 小額贊助支持本節目: https://pay.firstory.me/user/boiaukin 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me…
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本集菜單 為什麼就讀心理系? 求學時面臨的壓力 點點心理學的工作內容 心理系的優勢/劣勢 跟想讀心理系的同學說... 工作壓力分享 工作上的心得分享 今天的主角是Winnie,畢業於賓州大學心理諮商與精神健康研究所,現在是點點心理學的版主。 Q1:首先,想先請問你,當初為什麼會讀心理系呢?這是你心目中的理想科系嗎? A1:其實大學時候讀心理系,完全是個意外,因為我高中的時候有修相關課程,成績也還不錯。但最一開始是要念商,但覺得念心理也不錯,分發時就到這。 Q2:大學畢業後,為甚麼會到美國就讀心理所呢? A2:那時候大學,參加很多課外活動,不是很喜歡唸書,整天都想出去玩。在參加各種不同的活動之後可以順利進入職場,在參加這些活動完之後,我發現有一個令人擔心的現象(….) Q9:接下來想請你簡單的…
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【壓力調適-就學&實習篇| Podcast EP4 with 徐嬿婷上架囉】​ ​ 本集菜單​: 為什麼就讀心理系?​ 求學時面臨的壓力​ 如何調適自己的心情​ 心理系的優勢/劣勢​ 跟想讀心理系的同學說...​ 實習工作分享​ 人們對於心理系的看法​ ​ 在上集,春美老師談到了疫情下對於壓力的各種調適方法,不知道大家對於自我的壓力調節有沒有更進一步了呢?今天我們要來與實習心理師徐嬿婷來更具體的討論關於求學階段與實習中各種不同對面壓力的調適與解決之道。除此之外,我們更要討論「心理系」的學習內容與實習相關背景!​ ​ Q1:首先,想先請問你,當初為什麼會讀心理系呢? 這是你心目中的理想科系嗎?​ A1:我當初會想要選擇讀心理系是因為,或許跟國高中生的同學類似,可能在求學經驗中,或是同儕互動中,…
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在上集,我們談到了疫情下的家庭會出現的變化與議題,春美老師也跟我們分享了幾個溝通的小技巧,包括「我訊息」、「理性腦」與「感性腦」,大家都學會了嗎?在下集我們要來繼續談談「心理界線」和其他有趣的話題,例如:我們還可以從這次的疫情學到什麼?春美老師分享疫情下的紓壓方式?,以及想對聽眾朋友們說的話! Q2:因為空間有限,平常大家去學校、上班工作,就不太會有面對這個議題的情況,但是因為疫情的關係就要去面對。拉界線也是需要雙方互動的過程才可以拉好界線,那這勢必會是一個很漫長的過程對不對?! A2:是!他很弔詭的是,你得要有衝撞,你才知道(界線)在這裡,我們要先有這樣的心態在心上,「我沒有故意要跟你衝撞,我也沒有要反體制,都沒有,而是今天我們同住一個屋簷下,我們就必須重新去協調我們之間的界線在哪裡」(……
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隨著疫情,待在家裡的日子越來越多,和家人相處的時間也越來越久,原本相安無事的家庭,卻因為疫情而將彼此的生活空間綁在一起,甚至會產生「微衝突」?!今天我們邀請到輔大心理系的助理教授蔡春美老師,跟我們一起聊聊疫情下的家庭景況?發生衝突時該如何應對?有什麼溝通技巧?「我訊息」是什麼?「理性腦」與「感性腦」又是什麼? Q1有觀察到疫情所造成的家庭景況有哪些? A1 我覺得首先是網路跟設備的問題,現在什麼都得靠網路、靠設備,但不見得每個人家裡都有順暢的網路,第二個,如果家裡有三個人,就需要三台電腦,也不是每個人家裡有這麼多設備;第三個,有些家長也不見得能夠接受,可以理解孩子長時間在電腦前(…)。 Q2離巢後的大學生再次回到家,本身的生活習慣改變,和原本家庭的生活習慣不同,甚至會翻舊帳、摩擦變多,要怎麼…
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Season 9, Episode 3: In the third episode of our Avaya ENGAGE Mini Series, we are joined by IAUG Board Directors Marilyn Shuck and Adriane Davis as they share their experience at past Avaya ENGAGE conferences and what they hope for conferences to come. The IAUG Insider Podcast is a product of the International Avaya User Group. Join host Kaitlynn M…
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Season 9, Episode 2: In the second episode of our Avaya ENGAGE Mini Series, we are joined by IAUG Board Director and Conference Chair Chip Powell. Chip and Kaitlynn discuss the upcoming conference for 2021, Chips experiences with conferences past, and what we're excited for in the future. The IAUG Insider Podcast is a product of the International A…
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下半集讓大家久等了,這次podcast聚焦於校園輔導諮商中心的發展願景,以及心理諮商污名化的探討,以下小編幫大家做個簡單的統整。​ ​ Q1: 以政大為例,未來身心健康中心有什麼進一步的規劃嗎?​ A1: ​ 新學期將開設心理健康相關課程:​ 110-1 將開設「自我探索」相關通識課程,這類課程將以探索性的課程、團體進行,希望能讓每個人分享、討論和瞭解自己內心世界的狀況。師資部分將由心理相關專業人員擔任。​ 與臺市立聯合醫院合作,建立轉介規劃:​ 政大與臺北市立聯合醫院簽訂「心理諮商門診協議書」,未來符合特定狀況的同學,經過政大身健中心評估後,可轉介聯合醫院進行心理諮商服務。這個服務就可以不局限於6次學校諮商次數,讓有需求的學生繼續接受長期且穩定的心理諮商。​ 成立身心健康諮詢委員會:​ 身…
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Season 9, Episode 1: In the first episode of our Avaya ENGAGE Mini Series, we are joined by IAUG Board Director and former Conference Chair Lori Wodrich as well as a long time volunteer and leader Jayne Hogle as they take a trip down Avaya ENGAGE memory lane! The IAUG Insider Podcast is a product of the International Avaya User Group. Join host Kai…
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「無論是瑣碎的日常或心理的困擾都很有機會透過表達與互動,得到一些心理支持的力量。」​ ​ 這次的podcast分為上下半集,這邊是上半集,以下幫大家用QA簡單地做個統整。​ ​ Q1. 前一陣子火熱的通訊心理諮商跟學校的輔導諮商有關係嗎?​ ​ A1. 衛福部在2019年底所頒布的〈心理師執行通訊心理諮商業務核准作業參考原則〉主要是規範醫療機構、心理治療所或心理諮商所,因此校園的輔導諮商其實不在這個規範當中。但與教育場所中心理輔導相關的〈學生輔導法〉並未提及遠距輔導諮商的依據,因此一直有模糊的空間存在;直至今年的7月1日,教育部頒布〈嚴重特殊傳染性疾病期間各級學校及學生輔導諮商中心通訊關懷與輔導諮商參考原則〉,准許學校於三級警戒期間提供遠距關懷服務,同時針對三級輔導機制提出更精確的建議。​ …
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「在諮商中,最重要的就是聆聽與了解」​ ​ 疫情期間,讓我們不得不調整生活,對於生活失去了控制感,一切的一切都很不容易,所以我們也想要透過Podcast來陪伴大家度過這個艱難的時刻💓​ ​ Podcast的第一集,我們邀請到在多所學校工作的陳鈴臨床心理師,跟我們分享她的工作內容,以及因為疫情產生的變化,還有一些人際相處小建議等,精彩的內容等著大家來聽聽ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ​ 00:00:22 Bô Iàu-kín 介紹 00:01:16 來賓介紹:陳鈴心理師 00:02:18 工作內容:疫情間的變化是?兼任與專任心理師的差別? 00:04:33 最常聽到同學煩惱或求助的事情是? 00:06:02 印象深刻的個案?平常如何幫助同學呢?怎麼建立信賴關係? 00:11:48 除了諮商以外的幫助媒介? 00:…
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In this episode, we are going to be diving into the many ways that IAUG Director Joyce Archer works to keep up engagement and manage her team in a remote work environment. The IAUG Insider Podcast is a product of the International Avaya User Group. Join host Kaitlynn Malinowski from IAUG Headquarters on Thursdays for a weekly discussion centered ar…
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Season 8, Episode 5: In this episode, we are going to be exploring the future of UCaaS and ACO and the different implementations we can expect to see in the coming months. Join host, Kaitlynn and Avaya's Scott Hanwell and Oliver Bengtsson as they navigate the future of the tool. The IAUG Insider Podcast is a product of the International Avaya User …
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Season 8, Episode 4: In this episode, we are going to be exploring the future of Avaya Spaces and the different implementations we can expect to see in the coming months. Join host, Kaitlynn and Avaya's Paul Relf as they navigate the future of the tool. The IAUG Insider Podcast is a product of the International Avaya User Group. Join host Kaitlynn …
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Season 8, Episode 3: In this episode, we are going to be exploring some great ways to manage your time effectively in a remote work environment. Listen as Lori Wodrich from the IAUG Board and Jayne Hogle, chapter leader and committee member as they discuss the best ways to stay engaged and organized. The IAUG Insider Podcast is a product of the Int…
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Season 8, Episode 2: In this episode, we are going to be exploring the many ways to encourage team engagement using Avaya tools with Avaya's Steve Forcum, and IAUG Board Member, Marilyn Shuck. The IAUG Insider Podcast is a product of the International Avaya User Group. Join host Kaitlynn Malinowski from IAUG Headquarters on Thursdays for a weekly d…
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Season 8, Episode 1: In this episode, we are going to be exploring Damian Leach, IAUG Board Member's experiences as a leader in the technology industry in Singapore, and his experience in shifting a workforce to a remote team in 2020. The IAUG Insider Podcast is a product of the International Avaya User Group. Join host Kaitlynn Malinowski from IAU…
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Season 7, Episode 6: In this episode, IAUG Board Member Vivienne Minords and host Kaitlynn Malinowski discuss Viviennes experience transitioning to a work from home environment. She shares great insight into how different a remote work experience may be from an international perspective. Listen and enjoy! The IAUG Insider Podcast is a product of th…
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Season 7, Episode 5: In this episode, Mackenzie Crabtree and host Kaitlynn Malinowski discuss IAUG 2020 in review, and chat through the upcoming offerings and events for the communities! The IAUG Insider Podcast is a product of the International Avaya User Group. Join host Kaitlynn Malinowski from IAUG Headquarters on Thursdays for a weekly discuss…
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Season 7 Episode 4: In this episode, we were joined by Chloe English, a recent graduate of the Avaya sales academy and current Unified Communications Specialist. Chloe shared with us her experience as a young woman in the technology realm and how she got to where she is today. The IAUG Insider Podcast is a product of the International Avaya User Gr…
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Season 7 Episode 3: In this episode, we were joined by Adriane Davis, IAUG Chapter Leader. Adriane shared with us her experience in transitioning to a work from home environment, focusing on time management and the many ways she's worked to balance an increased workload from home. The IAUG Insider Podcast is a product of the International Avaya Use…
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Season 7 Episode 2: In this episode we were joined by Lee Ho at Avaya, Lee shared with us some of the ways Avaya is reshaping their branding to focus even more on the customer experience. Join us as we chat through where Avaya is, and where they're going in the future! The IAUG Insider Podcast is a product of the International Avaya User Group. Joi…
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Season 7 Episode 1: In this season finale we were joined by Tim Titus, CTO at PathSolutions. We discussed some of the best ways to take advantage of the PathSolutions products and solutions - be sure to listen through to the end for a special deal! The IAUG Insider Podcast is a product of the International Avaya User Group. Join host Kaitlynn Malin…
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Season 6 Episode 6: In this season finale we were joined by Phil Moen, President and CEO at Unimax. We discussed some of the ways that the Unimax platform can help you automate your products. The IAUG Insider Podcast is a product of the International Avaya User Group. Join host Kaitlynn Malinowski from IAUG Headquarters on Thursdays for a weekly di…
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Season 6 Episode 5: This week we were joined by Steve Forcum, Senior Technologist at Avaya. We discussed some great tips on transitioning to the cloud and some of the ways COVID-19 can contribute to the timeline of your shift. The IAUG Insider Podcast is a product of the International Avaya User Group. Join host Kaitlynn Malinowski from IAUG Headqu…
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Season 6 Episode 4: This week we were joined by Jayne Hogle of the American Heart Association. Jayne shared her experience making the transition to a remote workforce and provided some tips on making the move as smooth as possible. Jayne also shared some tips on productivity and professional development in a world of remote work. The IAUG Insider P…
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Season 6 Episode 3: This week we were joined by Paul Lang, head of Contact Center Solutions Marketing from Avaya. In this episode, Paul gave us an update on Avaya OneCloud featuring CCaaS, UCaaS, and CPaaS. The IAUG Insider Podcast is a product of the International Avaya User Group. Join host Kaitlynn Malinowski from IAUG Headquarters on Thursdays …
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Season 6 Episode 2: This week we were joined by Davide Petramela and Mike Seeley from Avaya. In the second part of this episode, we focused on the many ways that Avaya has helped contribute to contact tracing during COVID-19. Learn more about the ways that the need for contact tracing was accelerated and how the team worked to automate and improve …
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Season 6 Episode 1: This week we were joined by Davide Petramela and Mike Seeley from Avaya. We discussed the impacts that COVID-19 has had on the industry and the ways that Avaya has worked to shift teams to a virtual environment quickly and without disruption. Next week - we will round out this two part episode with a discussion on the importance…
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Season 5 Episode 6: This week we were joined by Lori Wodrich with the IAUG Board of Directors, and Nathan McCourt with the Product Management team at Avaya for the Season 5 Finale! Nathan and Lori had a great chat about some of the new integrations that Avaya is implementing for Avaya Spaces and the many different ways to use the product! Register …
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Season 5 Episode 5: This week we were joined by IAUG’s Mackenzie Crabtree. Mackenzie is the IAUG Community Engagement Coordinator and planning lead for Avaya ENGAGE. We had a lot of fun chatting with Mackenzie about some of the behind the scenes events of Avaya ENGAGE. Enjoy! Register today for IAUG Wired at www.iaugwired.com The IAUG Insider Podca…
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This week we were able to chat with Ross Williams, Chief Operating Officer at Virsae. We were able to discuss the different ways that Virsae is handling the changes in this virtual environment. Register today for IAUG Wired at www.iaugwired.com The IAUG Insider Podcast is a product of the International Avaya User Group. Join host Kaitlynn Malinowsk…
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Season 5 Episode 3: This week we were joined by IAUG's Nick Kwiatkowski. Nick is a longtime IAUG member that can be found giving presentations at Avaya ENGAGE, IAUG webinars, and is even speaking at the IAUG Wired Virtual event. Additionally, Nick was one of the winners of the Avaya ENGAGE hackathon, listen in to all of the unexpected turns through…
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Season 5, Episode 2: Welcome to Season 5 of the IAUG Insider Podcast! This season will highlight many topics covered at Avaya ENGAGE. Join us as IAUG’s for Board of Directors President, Marilyn Shuck, chats with Avaya's Steve Forcum on the Multi and Omni Channel Experience with Avaya! The IAUG Insider Podcast is a product of the International Avaya…
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Welcome to Season 5 of the IAUG Insider Podcast! This season will highlight many topics covered at Avaya ENGAGE. Join us as IAUG's Executive Director Colleen Jamieson interviews former IAUG Board of Directors Presidents Marilyn Shuck and Brenda Emerson as they recap their Avaya ENGAGE Leader Lunch presentation on Passing the Torch and their transit…
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On this special mini series of the IAUG Insider Podcast, Steve Forcum (Senior Technologist at Avaya) joins Kaitlynn to discuss tips for managing teams through crises like the one we're experiencing. How can managers keep their teams engaged and maintain relationships while connecting virtually? How do we prevent burnout when work and home are so cl…
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On this special mini series of the IAUG Insider Podcast, Steve Forcum (Senior Technologist at Avaya) joins Kaitlynn to discuss all the ways Avaya is contributing to their customers' business continuity during the COVID-19 crisis. The IAUG Insider Podcast is a product of the International Avaya User Group. Join host Kaitlynn Malinowski from IAUG Hea…
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On this special mini series of the IAUG Insider Podcast, Steve Forcum (Senior Technologist at Avaya) joins Kaitlynn to talk about their experiences working from home, some tips to make it easier, and some of the different things they've done to improve their time working remotely. The IAUG Insider Podcast is a product of the International Avaya Use…
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Season 4, Episode 4: On the season four finale of the IAUG Insider Podcast, Kaitlynn is joined by Steve Forcum, Cloud Technologist at Avaya. They discuss a number of topics, including the new RingCentral partnership, when customers can purchase Avaya Cloud Office, and of course, why Steve finds value in IAUG. The IAUG Insider Podcast is a product o…
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Season 4, Episode 3: On this episode of the IAUG Insider Podcast, Kaitlynn chats with James Taylor, the Senior Director of Business Development at Avaya. They discuss Avaya's new partnership with IBM, implications for today's contact center, and what attendees can expect from IBM at Avaya ENGAGE 2020. The IAUG Insider Podcast is a product of the In…
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Season 4, Episode 3: In this second episode of season 4 of the IAUG Insider Podcast, Marilyn and Hardy continue their conversation about the relationship between RingCentral and Avaya. They also give a preview of some of the sessions you can expect to hear at Avaya ENGAGE 2020! The IAUG Insider Podcast is a product of the International Avaya User G…
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Season 4, Episode 1: In the Season 4 premiere of the IAUG Insider Podcast, join Hardy and Marilyn as they discuss Avaya. The pair of longtime friends share where Avaya is going, Hardy's future with the company, and the IAUG/Avaya partnership. This two-episode conversation will give you an overview of the Avaya business model in part one, and next w…
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Season 3, Episode 6: On this season finale of the IAUG Insider Podcast, Kaitlynn chats with Oscar Moncada, the Director of Global IT Operations at Tesla. This conversation is packed with great insight about how IT has changed, what newcomers to the industry should know, and how telecommunications technology has changed and been changed by the autom…
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Season 3, Episode 5: On this penultimate episode of this season of the IAUG Insider Podcast, Kaitlynn chats with the Director of Product Management at Avaya, Wayne Bevan. Together, they discuss the ways communications technology professionals can stay ahead of the curve, what someone who is embarking on their own digital transformation journey shou…
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Season 3, Episode 4: On this very special episode of the IAUG Insider Podcast, guest host Mackenzie Evans (IAUG Community Engagement Coordinator) speaks with Louisiana Chapter Leader Angelle Guilot about her roles as a Network Communications Specialist at Louisiana State University, a new mother, a chapter leader, and a Woman in Tech. If you're int…
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Season 3, Episode 3: On this episode of the IAUG Insider Podcast, Kaitlynn speaks with Mike Kuch, the Senior Director of Solutions Marketing at Avaya. As part of our New Landscape of IT season, Kaitlynn and Mike discuss how millennials are changing the IT workforce, how the telecommunications profession is changing, how businesses can stay ahead of…
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Season 3, Episode 2: On this episode of the IAUG Insider Podcast, Kaitlynn talks to David Chavez, CTO and VP of Innovation and Architecture at Avaya. You may have heard David on previous seasons, but today we're talking about the cloud, AI, and prioritizing education in the break-neck pace of telecom and IT. His 30 years of experience with Avaya ma…
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Season 3, Episode 1: Tim Eddinger is the Chapter Leader of the Central New York IAUG Chapter, serves on the Attendee Experience Committee for Avaya ENGAGE 2020, and has worked in the telecommunication industry for more than 25 years. Kaitlynn Malinowski, the new host of the IAUG Insider Podcast, sits down with Tim to learn more about his background…
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