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Apapun Itu

Dhimas Hanatalianto

Podcast tentang keresahan, obrolan gabut gak jelas, bahkan kadang saya mencurahkan isi hati dan perasaan loh, hati hati. Dengerin aja dulu, barangkali minat. Kritik saran boleh langsung ke instagram: @hanataliantoo / twitter: @hanatalianto
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Belajar itu Seru loh !

Tessa Nainggolan

Podcast ini berisi materi pembelajaran untuk kelas 4 buku tema 6 Cita-Cita. Belajar membosankan? dengarkan saja podcast ini, karna belajar itu seru loh! selamat mendengarkan setiap episodenya. semangattt
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Maaf lama menghilang, aku kembali dengan cerita yang baru. Memang banyak moment selama 2 tahun ini mengubah banyak hal. Salah satunya podcast ku ini. Selamat berbagi cerita, semoga kita bisa saling menguatkan dan bersahabat.
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Berjalan Itu Melelahkan?

zsazsa ratna

Hi, Muli Mekhanai! Tabik Pun! Ya pun~ Bahas Kupas Tuntas Jelas gak jelas mengenai Berjalan Yang Melelahkan with Zsrtnp. Karena setiap yang berjalan tidak akan merasakan kekalahan. Ya apa iya? Kuy dengerin~
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Life at ITU (video)

IT University of Copenhagen

Stay up to date with all the fun things that are happening at IT University of Copenhagen. This podcast will serve you various videos with accounts from actual students at the IT University and give you a glimpse into their lives.
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Pablo Munoz Iturrieta

Pablo Munoz Iturrieta

Pablo Muñoz Iturrieta es doctor en Filosofía Política y Legal, tiene un máster en Psicología Filosófica, además de estudios en filosofía, teología y humanidades (lenguas clásicas y modernas). Es profesor de filosofía política, estudios de la familia y bioética, y autor de varios libros, incluyendo “Atrapado en el cuerpo equivocado: la ideología de género frente a la ciencia y la filosofía” (2019), “The Meaning of religious freedom in the secular public square” (2020), “Las mentiras que te cu ...
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PenicuikAthTV on iTunes

Dougie Penman

The official weekly podcast about Scottish Junior Football team Penicuik Athletic, with all the goals from our matches. For the full highlights, be sure to visit our YouTube channel,
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show series
When God took Israel out of Egypt, He did not take the short route to Canaan lest the people change their minds and return to Egypt. Instead, He took them into the wilderness beyond the point where they could return without dying of thirst or starvation. In this sense, He burned the bridge back to Egypt so they had no choice but to continue on to f…
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Welcome to the second week of the 2025 membership drive!, we've survived the first week of Todd begging for money, but how about another? Those of you who have been with me for a while will know the drill. A Patreon where I don't bother you every single week. Just the shortest month of the year. Over and d…
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The 2025 membership drive is upon us!, we take the month of February to plug what would be called our Patreon. But since RSA has just turned 27, we're keeping it old school. I don't like having to plug anything other than the music so we get it all out in Feb. Help keep RSA going another year by considerin…
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The Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24 and 25 describes what will happen at Christ's return. In that briefing, there are four parables describing what He expects His followers to be doing while He is away. These parables cover four different subjects. It is important to notice that everyone in each parable is a believer and that each parable describes …
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Getting things ready for the 2025 membership drive (which starts NEXT week) and listening to this weeks show. I did find the dumbest mispronunciation of a bands name that I've made in quite a while. I'd go and fix it, but perfection is not what people who listen to RSA are expecting. I'd be highly amused with an AI rendition of my voice. Could you …
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Two beasts, one rising out of the sea and the other out of the earth. The first beast represents human government that demands fealty from all people to the point even of worship. The second beast is false religion which lends the first beast legitimacy. The 144,000 and the final notice from God to all the earth that He is the only one to be worshi…
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Whoa. I got up bright and early this morning to post RSA, and was merrily away updating the site when I suddenly finished. Wait, I don't have to look up amazon links! This is almost liberating with how much less time its taking. This week we delve a little more into the whole amazon referrals, streaming, and a sudden revelation that a rule I made u…
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Comparing Matthew 24 with Revelation 13 and 14, it is obvious that there are still things to come from an eschatological perspective. The first beast represents human government and the second a human religion that gives a spiritual imprimatur to the bestial government. The Scriptural purpose for telling us these things is to provide perspective on…
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The end of the initial phase of the conquest of the Land. The Eastern tribes are released to return to their inheritance where they build a memorial altar. This is misunderstood by the Western tribes and causes them to threaten war. Joshua renews the covenant and gives his people a final charge.Kirjoittanut Jon Behrens
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As David lay on his death bed, he gave his son instructions to kill Joab, the commander of the army. The events that made that advisable were set in motion years earlier by the sin of David himself. When David committed adultery with Uriah's wife, Bathsheba, he used Joab to cover up the crime by killing Uriah. That led to a sequence of events that …
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Its been a very event filled couple of weeks. I took last week off to recharge and reevaluate what I do with RSA. I was feeling a little irrelevant, as I wonder from time to time if well my time has come. Facebook has taken care of the first part. I was very frustrated with the "return" on tagging bands in the RSA posts. So I'm not bothering anymor…
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After driving the Canaanite kings off of the Saddle of Benjamin, Joshua conquered the southern half of the land. He then turned north where the enemy had a great advantage in chariots as well as terrain favorable to mounted warfare. Joshua negated that advantage by striking them in their mountain assembly area.…
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Once it was determined that the Lamb was worthy to take the scroll and open its seals, the unsealing process began. Since the scroll represents the legal title to the earth, as each seal is removed, there is a corresponding reaction on the earth. The first six seals seem to be sequential in time and then there is an out of sequence vignette where t…
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I decided last night that I've sat on the Best Of show for 2024 too long. Lets get it out there so people can enjoy it! After painstakingly re-listening to every show from Dec'23 to Dec'24 I've come up with a list of I think were the best discs that passed through my hands in the last year. I always say its the hardest, yet most fun to do. A lot of…
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John is invited into the Heavenly Throne Room where he sees God and the Lamb. The arrangement of that heavenly venue is mirrored in the stellar constellations. The ceremony John witnesses is the delivery of a sealed scroll to the Lamb - the only one in creation who is worthy to receive and open it.Kirjoittanut Jon Behrens
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The Genesis stories of Jacob, Joseph and Judah feature repetitions of similar incidents. For example, Jacob deceives his father by wearing Esau's clothes and bringing him a meal of goat instead of the venison he was expecting. Later his own sons deceive him by bringing him Joseph's coat stained with the blood of a goat. Is this merely cosmic retrib…
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The last show before Christmas, and one more week until the 2024 best of show! I'm actually having real frustrating problems with Facebook now. Enough that if it wasn't for this show I'd be deleting accounts and groups and leaving the damn enshittified platform entirely. So looks like I'll be posting shit on my phone for the next few weeks while th…
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We're back!!!!!!! This might be our holiday special but this week we discuss religously-inclusive coffee shops, some CEO unaliving, Jay Z happenings, Good Charlotte catching strays, another CNN blunder, drones on the east coast, more pop punk, suitable mosh styles and beatdowns, recent releases and much more!!!…
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I slaved over a hot hard drive for an extra long time this week! Not only do I have this weeks show done for you all, but I have the 2024 best of show mixed. December 30th is going to be a good day for everyone to try out their new devices with a nice long show. This week we have a lot of great stuff, including a remix/cover that was brought to my …
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