ವಿಜ್ಞಾನ ವಿಚಾರ ವಿಸ್ಮಯಗಳ ಕನ್ನಡ ಧ್ವನಿಪತ್ರಿಕೆ. ದಿನ ದಿನವೂ ವಿಜ್ಞಾನ
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This is a podcast where I talk about everything! No filter and no sugar coating! Red pill truth telling only! I keep it real, motivate, educate, uplift, make you think, and laugh! Tune in and let’s talk about it!!
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Warning: Reality Ahead. This is a an amazing season of teaching. It is raw. It is very honest and not always sanitized. But it is full of the Holy Spirit as this group of women ran after Jesus for healing and hope.
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At the end of a long day, nothing is better than winding down and decompressing with a good friend, especially one that’s seen it all. Jana Kramer is here to hang out and share her advice and experience from a pretty crazy life. She’s been there and done that, from acting to singing, divorce, motherhood and beyond. If you’ve got something to get off your chest, come over to Jana’s place, pour a glass or two and Whine down!
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Za oponou: Janka Mutňanská vás vezme na dynamickú cestu za oponu života známych tvárí. Pridajte sa k jej neformálnemu rozhovoru, kde hostia odhalia svoje príbehy, názory a zážitky, ktoré len tak niekde nepočujete. Čakajú vás úprimné spovede, vtipné momenty, zaujímavé hry, zákulisné pikošky, tajné lásky i trapasy.
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Der flotte Dreier aus Berlin. Mal witzig, mal ernst und immer mit mehr oder weniger wichtigen Hintergrundinformationen widmen wir uns Themen, die einen nicht immer bewegen aber trotzdem nicht kalt lassen. Wie das eben so ist, wenn man mit Freunden zusammensitzt plaudert und dabei das ein oder andere Gläschen genießt. Da kommen schon mal spannende aber auch mal etwas unschöne Themen zu Wort, genauso wie Dinge, die nicht so relevant aber dennoch unterhaltsam sein können. Und so gehen wir das G ...
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Welcome to A Cup of Janay, the empowering podcast designed exclusively for Black women seeking real conversations, unfiltered stories, and daily inspiration. Join host Janay—a passionate advocate for self-love, authenticity, and unapologetic living—as she transforms everyday moments into powerful lessons in resilience, empowerment, and sisterhood. Expect lively discussions on trending topics that are making waves, paired with Janay’s unique perspective and unapologetic take on what’s current ...
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From navigating custody battles to breaking down stereotypes, ’Advocating for Dads’ equips listeners with valuable insights and resources to support fathers in their journey to be actively involved in their children’s lives. Whether you’re a father, a co-parent, or simply interested in promoting equality in parenting, this podcast offers a compelling blend of information, inspiration, and advocacy. Join us on ’Advocating for Dads’ as we champion the rights and roles of fathers everywhere, on ...
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The Kids Ministry Calling Podcast is designed to inspire and equip kids ministry leaders in every season of their journey! Join us as we dive into heartfelt discussions, practical tips, and uplifting stories that remind you of the incredible calling God has placed on your life. Tune in to be reminded of your purpose, share in the joys and struggles of ministry, and find renewed strength in your calling. Together, we can remember to have joy in our calling!
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Welcome to the Janalyn_SoulSalons💜 podcast, where we awaken confidence through hair, body + mind. ✨
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مرا تا جان بُوَد، جانان تو باشی
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Day to day outlooks on life, story time, raw and uncut keeping it real music latest gossip........ Whatever I feel on that day to say
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Up like 7
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Blessed In speaks about inner healing, life, youth, evolution of self, love, memories. These discussions include authenticity and uncovering truth of self.
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Bienvenido a mi programa de podcast A GUIDE TO LIVE WELL sobre BIENESTAR y DESCANSO. Quiero compartir contigo la experiencia y el conocimiento de los mejores expertos para que puedas crear tu propia guía para vivir bien. En este podcast vas a encontrar entrevistas con EXPERTOS en salud, bienestar, descanso y longevidad, que te darán las herramientas, la inspiración y la motivación que necesitas para alcanzar el bienestar físico, mental y emocional. Más contenido en www.janafernandez.es y en ...
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This podcast talks a little about bullying affect education it may or may not be fully detailed but enjoy.😋 Cover art photo provided by Daniel Hjalmarsson on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@artic_studios
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Heyy👋🏽 , I’m Janayia ! Please give round of applause 👏🏽 & favorite me ✅ . Sc ; chinaa.starss & YT ; MD Cherry💋💋
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never give up!!!
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Join me on my adventures in life and ministry. Hear some powerful truths that changed my life and just fun stuff!
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National Anthem of india
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Welcome to Jana Bishop, where amazing things happen.
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Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana – Your Path to Unleashing Potential and Embracing Abundance! 🍀 Welcome to a dynamic realm where personal growth, wellness, and the art of living your best life converge. Jason and Jana Shelfer, the magnetic hosts behind the Living Lucky® Podcast, are here to guide you on an awe-inspiring journey to unlock your untapped potential and radiate boundless positivity. #PersonalLuck 🌟 Just as a caterpillar transforms into a magnificent butterfly, you too ca ...
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This a place where Janaé reads her stories she wrote. A beginner speaker in French, Latin and Hebrew Janaé will also feature these languages in her stories.
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Welcome to fortday podcast
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My podcast are about the daily and relatable things everyone goes through and it's ok to talk about
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Precisa de uma receita para o bem-estar? A nutricionista Janaína Goston fala sobre como adotar um estilo de vida que equilibre saúde e prazer.
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The Stay Grounded Podcast is your go-to resource for conversations that help you become the most grounded, authentic, and loving version of yourself that you can be. Each week, host Raj Jana -- founder of Liber8 -- uses his relentless curiosity to interview a diversity of guests who have mastered different concepts for living a life that’s true to them. With the help of Raj’s deep questions and his ability to distill complex subjects into digestible takeaways, regular listeners discover empo ...
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Dicas de como receber os amigos em casa de um jeito prático e saboroso.
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Showing the interaction and influence among leadership tactics: *Explaining power and compare how it relates to leadership *Analyze the five sources of power *Summarize the relationship between influence and power *Determine how relationships between leaders and staff affect influence and power
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حلمنا نوصول ١٠ ألاف مشترك فى القناة قناتنا طبخ ووصفات أكلات سهله وسريعه وحلويات من المطبخ ودروس تعليم وكمان ترفيه وكوميديه وتمثيل وحياة ويوميات واقعيه
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Sou cristã há 25 anos, escritora e tenho 56 anos de idade. Sou casada há 35 anos, tenho 5 filhos e dois netos. Junto com meu marido, temos o Ministério Aprisco de aconselhamento cristão. Meu podcast tem a finalidade de primeiramente engrandecer o nome do nosso Senhor e poder auxiliar as mulheres no seu desenvolvimento da vida cristã...sejam mestras do bem, a fim de instruírem as jovens recém-casadas a amarem ao marido e a seus filhos, a serem sensatas, honestas, boas donas de casa, bondosas, ...
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Hello Guys🤗 This is HIMANSHU SHARMA your's PODCASTER , ANCHOR and HOST🙂 This podcast in itself is a collection of many things Lemme explain u with the help of points 🔻Basic SELFTALK on modern issues, Lifestyle, current issues and mindset one. 🔻A selfdevelopment and educational podcast with some pj's 😂 And many more yet to be discovered BLOG .https://sunnkrrjanadotwithhimanshu.wordpress.com/ INSTAGRAM- @hi.mansh.uu
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Welcome to the Janae Tschida. House on mango street podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Hier gibt es ab 2017 jeden Monat die aktuelle Ausgabe von #FrischGepresst, meiner monatlichen Büchersendung auf radioaktiv (radioaktiv.org) zu hören. Live mitzuverfolgen ist die Sendung bei radioaktiv immer am 2. Sonntag im Monat um 20 Uhr im Livestream auf www.radioaktiv.org oder über die UKW- und Kabelfrequenzen im Rhein-Neckar-Raum (Heidelberg: 105,4 Mhz; Mannheim: 89,6 Mhz und Kabel: 107,45 Mhz).
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I want to used this as a healthy outlet for me family and friends. I want my podcasts to let others know like ur not alone or a weirdo if u like to be around people but still want to be alone 🤣🤣🤣So i hope you give me a listen and leave with a smile ❤️❤️💋
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Ich bin Jana (21) und helfe jungen Leuten dabei ihr Erfolgs-Mindset auszubauen und gebe Ihnen aktuelle Online-Marketing Strategien an die Hand, sodass sie ihr eigenes Business starten oder auf ein neues Level bringen können. Hier lernst Du in Interviews von Experten und Top-Unternehmern, die persönlichen Erfolgsfaktoren und Techniken für den Aufbau eines Online-Unternehmens. It´s all in mind! Du möchtest immer als erstes die Top-Strategien erfahren? Folge mir auch auf Instagram: www.instagra ...
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Der Podcast von zwei besten Freunden, die unterschiedlicher kaum sein könnten. Batomae ist Künstler, Songwriter, Perfektionist, redet gern zu viel & sieht immer das Gute in allem & jedem. Jana ist seine Managerin, Autorin und sie glaubt nicht an die Liebe, vertraut niemandem, außer ihren zwei besten Freunden: Batomae und ihrer Essstörung. Wir quatschen über Psychofucks, Freundschaft und das Leben, denn das ist scheiße mal nicht gescriptet, auch wenn Jana das gerne so hätte. Du hast Fragen, A ...
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Naked and Exposed® is hosted by Janae Carlee. Janae Carlee is a personal brand curator, seasoned full-stack designer, spoken word artist, tech enthusiast, data collector, YouTuber, and lover of Jesus. Think of her as your accountability partner, inspiring you to grow in life, faith, and business. We unravel the significance of daily decisions as we dive deep into dialogues from lifestyle, business, and everything in between to encourage, challenge, and hold each other accountable.
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A weekly hour long fantasy football show co-hosted by Jana and The Sherpa. Listen every Wednesday at 8:00 pm Eastern. Every week we cover the NFL's important injuries, transactions, and well as how they will impact your fantasy teams. We love to hear from listeners with their opinions, questions, and whatever else is on your mind! Follow us all week at FantasyFootballSherpa.com and on twitter at @4thNinchesShow
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If you are looking to buy or sell a home, get all the information and the latest updates, tips, and tricks from The Jay & Company- your professional Kansas City Real Estate Agents.
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Money: the ultimate taboo. We've all been there, avoiding conversations about it like it's the plague. But guess what? We're about to break free from the shackles of silence, and it's going to be a wild, funny, and edgy ride! Things are going to get uncomfortable for a minute until we normalize this topic. Welcome to The Jana Mannina Podcast- "Money Talk Revolution," the podcast that smashes through the barriers of financial secrecy. We're calling out the elephant in the room: money. We'll l ...
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Breaking Free: Overcoming Hidden Resistance
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12:17Stop Self-Sabotaging: Uncover & Crush Your Hidden Resistance Are you tired of feeling like you're running in place? Do you suspect there's something holding you back, but you can't quite put your finger on it? In this episode of the Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason & Jana Banana, we're shining a light on the sneaky culprit: hidden resistance. We're…
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SIMONA LESKOVSKÁ: Nikdy by som verejne nezhodila žiadnu ženu, nikdy nevieme, čím si tá žena prešla a aké ma obdobie...
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23:11Hosťkou 4. epizódy bola po prvýkrát žena – športová moderátorka a modelka Simona Leskovská, ktorá je aktuálne na „roztrhanie“ v osobnom aj pracovnom živote. Urobila výnimku a exkluzívne prehovorila o detailoch svojho vzťahu s futbalovou hviezdou Stanislavom Lobotkom. Po prvýkrát prezradila, kedy bolo ich prvé rande, prvá pusa a ako zvládajú vzťah n…
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18. Fun with Bible Skills with Emily Jennings
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44:08One of the greatest gifts we can give children is a deep love for God’s Word. But how do we help them not just hear Bible stories, but truly engage with Scripture and develop lasting Bible skills? In this episode, we’re joined by Emily Jennings to talk about the importance of biblical literacy in kids ministry. From preschoolers to preteens, every …
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Unmask and Unwhine: Feel the Beet with Clay Aiken
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37:28Jana and Allen are ready to recap episode 4 of The Masked Singer season 13! They share their guesses using the clues during “Voices of Olympus: Unmasking of the Gods” And we talk to legendary singer Clay Aiken about his experience sharing a beet costume with his American Idol competitor! Clay opens up about what it was like performing on the show, …
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76. JP Newman: Holding Space For Our Pain (Re-release Edition)
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55:00* This episode was originally filmed the week after the October 7 attack in Israel. * Last week on October 7th, there was a grueling terrorist attack on innocent Jewish people. Since then, there have been heartbreaking levels of carnage happening to innocent Palestinian people. My heart breaks for humanity. This podcast is not about choosing a side…
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#251 - Oncología integrativa: antes, durante y después del cáncer - Dra. Cristina Sánchez
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1:16:59El cáncer es una de las principales causas de morbilidad y mortalidad en España. Según la Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica (SEOM), en 2025 se estima que se diagnosticarán 296.103 nuevos casos de cáncer en nuestro país, lo que representa un incremento del 3,29% respecto al año anterior. Los tipos de cáncer más frecuentes serán los de colon, rec…
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#224 - Kichererbsen, Konzertbesucher & Kassensturz – und warum sind E-Autos gerade so günstig?
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59:08„Manche Konzertbesucher geben lieber Geld für Tickets aus als für Zähne“ Diese Woche gibt’s einen wilden Mix aus Kulinarik, Kultur und kuriosen Erkenntnissen! Wir starten mit Janas Lieblingsessen der Woche: Kichererbsen-Curry – lecker oder nicht? Danach ein kleiner Berlinale-Rückblick, bevor es zum großen Highlight geht: Wir waren bei Andrea Berg o…
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The Separation Playbook: Protecting Dads’ Rights and Interests in North Carolina
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16:41Episode Summary: In this episode, Kevin Rosenquist and attorney Jana Jones dive deep into the world of separation agreements in North Carolina. Jana explains what separation agreements are, why they’re critical for fathers going through a divorce, and how they differ from other legal documents like custody orders or divorce decrees. The episode hig…
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Heart Healing by Jana Spicka for Holy Spirit Class
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1:09:05Jana launches a whole new teaching about healing but instead of focusing on the body, she speaks on soul and spirit healing so that the physical body can catch up to health. She references two important books for further study. https://amzn.to/42HpHwa https://amzn.to/3Q7uUpyKirjoittanut Jana Spicka
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BEN CRISTOVAO: Svoju lásku si hľadám aj na Tinderi, no a čo?!
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23:48Český spevák a multitalentovaný umelec Ben Cristovao prekvapil svojich fanúšikov odhalením, ktoré nikto nečakal. V tretej epizóde relácie ZA OPONOU moderátorky Jany Mutňanskej otvorene priznal, že je „v hľadajúcom statuse“ a svoju lásku nehľadá len v reálnom živote, ale aj na populárnej zoznamke Tinder! Ako by mala vyzerať, čo všetko sú pre neho fa…
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When Passion Isn’t Love: Breaking the Cycle of Intense but Unhealthy Relationships
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10:35We’ve all been there—mistaking passion for love, intensity for connection, and chaos for chemistry. But why does this happen? In this episode, I dive into how we confuse emotional highs and deep attraction with real, lasting love. I break down the patterns that keep us hooked on the rollercoaster of toxic relationships, why stability can feel “bori…
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Unlearning Hardness : Giving Yourself Permission to Be Soft
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13:38Black women are constantly labeled as hard, tough, and unbreakable—but why is softness never part of the conversation? In this episode, I unpack the weight of always being “the strong one” and the emotional toll it takes. We dive into where this hardness comes from, how it affects our relationships with ourselves and others, and why choosing softne…
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The Power of Being Average Black Woman
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12:35Society tells Black women that we have to be exceptional to be worthy—that we have to outwork, overachieve, and constantly prove ourselves. But what if being “average” is enough? In this episode, I break down the pressure to be extraordinary and why embracing a life of peace, fulfillment, and authenticity is just as powerful. You don’t have to be a…
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Why I Do Part 2 Is Golden with Joan Vassos
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52:25“Golden Bachelorette” Joan Vassos explains to Thelma & Louise why long-distance marriage can work when it’s your “I Do, Part 2”. Despite her closeness with her children, she did not get their permission for this… And the man from her show she calls a “playboy” and why she won’t set him up. Email us at: [email protected] or call us at 844-4-I D…
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Ditch Your Old Self: Step Into Your Powerful New Identity (Living Lucky® Podcast) Feeling stuck? Like you're living someone else's life? In this episode of the Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason & Jana Banana, we're ripping off the masks and diving deep into the transformative power of identity shifts. We're not just talking about surface-level chang…
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JÁN BAKALA: Nemám rád, keď je žena príliš nastrojená – vizuálne ani povahovo.
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24:00V druhej epizóde šoubiznisovej relácie ZA OPONOU "vyspovedala" moderátorka Jana Mutňanská jeden z najväčších objavov slovenského seriálového sveta – charizmatického herca Jána Bakalu, ktorý zažiaril nielen v obľúbenom seriáli Dunaj. Čo prezradil o svojom novom imidži, „konkurenčnom“ vzťahu s Jánom Koleníkom a milostnom živote?…
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Adult Education: The Trauma Bond of Wall Street
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32:28Jana and Allen get a lesson in how to survive an unpredictable relationship when they talk to Dr. Nadine Macaluso, the ex-wife of Jordan Belfort (The Wolf of Wall Street). Nadine shares the REAL story behind Allen’s favorite movie, and we learn the facts about trauma bonds and how to navigate them. Plus, Nadine reveals how she recovered after the e…
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MAREK FAŠIANG: Sajfa ma vždy zdraví cez zuby, lebo som mu vraj prebral úlohu Goslinga.
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21:01Obľúbený herec a moderátor Marek Fašiang prechádzal v uplynulom roku náročným obdobím, no v pilotnej epizóde relácie ZA OPONOU (ne)čakane otvoril svoje srdce a poodhalil tajomstvá, o ktorých doteraz nehovoril. Po medializovanom rozchode a turbulentných chvíľach v súkromí sa s moderátorkou Janou Mutňanskou rozpráva o novom začiatku, ideálnej žene, a…
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Stop Living on Autopilot: Activate Your Inner Luck (Living Lucky® Podcast) Are you tired of feeling stuck in a rut? Do you dream of a life filled with abundance and opportunity? In this episode of the Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason & Jana Banana, we reveal the secrets to unlocking your inner luck and creating the reality you crave. We're kicking …
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Jana is making it through a seemingly never-ending cycle of illness in her house, and she’s ready to open up about the stress of caring for a sick child while dealing with everything else that comes with parenthood. We find out the realization Jana had about her ex-husband, and why that acceptance led her to set firmer boundaries with him. Plus, wo…
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Befriending The Other Woman
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51:27Once a cheater, always a cheater. Besties Thelma & Louise are sharing the mic with their real-life friend Jennifer who has been through hell and back. From what she thought was her happily ever after, to an affair that tore her marriage apart, to how she picked up the pieces and found her I Do, Part 2. This story will give you faith that you can fi…
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75. Michael Clark: Finding Joy In Your Inner Work
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1:01:00I'm beyond excited to share this powerful conversation with my brother Michael Clark - one of my dearest friends, advisors, mentors, and someone I truly love and look up to. He’s a spiritual seeker, successful entrepreneur, and philanthropist who has devoted himself to a life of service. In this conversation, we talk about the why behind the work. …
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16. 6 Tips for Recruiting the Best Volunteers for VBS
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38:42Many churches hesitate to host VBS because they feel they don’t have enough volunteers. But what if we told you that this shouldn't be the obstacle stopping you? What if we told you we have strategies that can help you engage your church and build a strong, committed volunteer team? In this episode, Melita Thomas shares her top tips for recruiting …
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Unmask and Unwhine: Secrets of the Unicorn with Tori Spelling
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28:50Allan and Jana are hanging out with the Queen of The Masked Singer, Tori Spelling! Find out what drew Tori back to do the show 4 different times, and why the experience of putting on the costume was part of a major shift in her life! Plus, Jana and Allan dissect the clues and recap this week’s episode of The Masked Singer season 13! See omnystudio.…
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The King of I Do Part 2, Meghan King
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40:38Fan favorite, outspoken and notorious housewife, I Do Part 2 repeat offender, Meghan King joins Cheryl Burke, and Cheryl is comin in hot! Meghan is talking about dating post-divorces, and the relationship blunder she considers her biggest mistake. Plus, Cheryl confronts Meghan about that engagement ring photo and if she’s going back to Housewives! …
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Creating Your Personal Support System
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13:07Ready to level up your life? The secret might not be what you think. In this episode of the Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason & Jana Banana, we reveal how the people you surround yourself with can dramatically shape your success and happiness. We're wrapping up our "14 Questions That Will Change Your Life" series with the most crucial question of al…
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Adult Education: The Unbreakable Man
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22:03Jana and Allan are talking to actor and producer Peter Facinelli about his inspiring new movie “The Unbreakable Boy” and how its main message connects to his own life as a father. Peter opens up about co-parenting with his ex-wife Jennie Garth, and he shares the challenge of being a father to older children while simultaneously parenting a 2 year o…
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Stop Just Surviving, Start Thriving: Unlock True Self-Care Feeling overwhelmed? Like your to-do list is crushing your soul? You're not alone. In this episode of the Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason & Jana Banana, we dive deep into the real meaning of self-care and how to make it a non-negotiable part of your life. Forget the fleeting moments of rel…
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Kristen has something to get off her chest… about her chest. Jana and the ladies discuss the pros and cons of breast augmentations, and things get emotional when they open up about personal insecurities. Plus, Jana shares the story of her breast implants, and how she feels about the procedure years later. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy inf…
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#250 - Rewire your Brain - Nicole Vignola
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49:56Welcome to the fascinating science of neuroplasticity—the brain's remarkable ability to rewire itself and adapt throughout our lives. This week we are going to translate complex neuroscience into practical strategies that empower us to break free from negative patterns, reshape our habits, and ultimately create the lives we aspire to lead. Nicole V…
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#250 - Neurohábitos - Nicole Vignola
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49:56Bienvenidas una vez más al fascinante mundo del cerebro, en concreto a la ciencia de la neuroplasticidad, una capacidad alucinante del cerebro para reconfigurarse y adaptarse a lo largo de nuestras vidas. En el episodio de esta semana vamos a traducir conceptos complejos de la neurociencia en estrategias prácticas que nos permitan liberarnos de pat…
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