A freelance journalist Yuzuha Oka picks up trending business news each day from Japanese publications. Yuzuha have produced content for BBC, Reuters, ABC, Japan Times and more. 東大4年、フリーランスジャーナリストの岡ゆづはが、毎日一つ日本発の経済ニュースをピックアップして英語で振り返ります。ロイター通信で為替の記事を書いたり、BBC、東洋経済オンラインなどに執筆したり。取材を通じて日々勉強中です。 https://yuzuhaoka.wordpress.com/ https://yuzuhafood4thought.wordpress.com/
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How to launch a brand: talk with the founder of THREE
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
66-year-old Mr Yasushi Ishibashi has a track record of launching popular cosmetic brands in Japan: RMK, SUQQU and THREE. They have strong presence in Japanese department stores, where large, traditional brands from Japan and abroad play strong. I interviewed him on his tactics on building a brand from scratch in such a competitive landscape.…
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Ginza Six, a new shopping complex opened in Ginza, Tokyo in late April aims not to be a traditional department store.The facility not only has flagship stores of high-end brands like Dior but also includes Noh Theatre and artworks by Kusama Yayoi.Japan's retail business is struggling due to the shrinking and aging population. Department store sales…
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Japan's leading door-to-door delivery service firm Yamato has introduced pickup lockers in 30 convenience stores around Tokyo. This is one of the solutions to the increasing cost of re-delivery due to the rise of online shopping. Japanese couriers offer free re-delivery service and consumers can designate date and 2-hour time slot to receive the pa…
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Primary school formerly associated with Japn PM's wife under scrutiny by Japan Business News with Yuzuha OkaKirjoittanut Japan Business News with Yuzuha Oka
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Airbnb regulation law to be discussed by the Japanese cabinet by Japan Business News with Yuzuha OkaKirjoittanut Japan Business News with Yuzuha Oka
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Sixteen Asian countries have gathered in Japan to negotiate a trade deal RCEP. Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership entails a growing importance as a rival trade pact TPP is falling apart after the U.S. President Donald Trump withdrew from the deal.However, countries are struggling to come into an agreed conclusion as the members including J…
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The Japanese government starts a new initiative called Premium Friday, which encourages employees to leave companies early, around 3pm, on last Fridays of each month.The government aims to boost consumption and eliminate the notoriously long working hours.Yuzuha looks at the Twitter timeline around 3.30pm to see how it's working.…
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Today's episode features a story on a fast-fashion giant H&M's retail strategy. H&M don't develop a product specifically made for Japan, as global fashion trend doesn't change. Instead they cater to each market by tailoring the variety and volume of products they place in store. Would it be the best way to cater to Japanese consumers? Today's pick …
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Japanese universities are suffering from the lack of money and lecturers. Sometimes they turn to prep school to outsource entrance exam questions, according to an article from Nikkei Business Online.Today's pick - an article from Nikkei Business Onlinehttp://business.nikkeibp.co.jp/atcl/report/16/021700112/022100003/?rt=nocnt…
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2/16 米金利上昇がストップし、利益確定の動きからドルが少し下落。FRB利上げ加速への期待感は上昇←イエレン議長のタカ派発言←期待を上回り好調な米CPI,小売売上高の値Kirjoittanut Japan Business News with Yuzuha Oka
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マイケル・フリン米大統領補佐官の辞任、日本株の下落を受けドル円が下落本日FRBイエレン議長の議会証言に注目集まるKirjoittanut Japan Business News with Yuzuha Oka
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先週末の日米首脳会談を受け、ドル円は2週間ぶりの高値を付けた。トランプ氏から為替政策、貿易政策に関して特筆すべきネガティブな発言が出なかったことから、市場に安心感が広がったと考えられる。Kirjoittanut Japan Business News with Yuzuha Oka
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日銀国債買い入れ増額で、日米金利差が開き、ドル高円安が進むトランプ大統領のメキシコに対する輸入税発言でメキシコペソが下落アメリカGDPが金曜に発表Kirjoittanut Japan Business News with Yuzuha Oka
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ドル指数が7週間ぶりの安値、ポンドは6週間ぶりの高値トランプの保護主義的政策への警戒感強まるドルと日米金利差の連動薄れたかダウは好調な世界経済受け2万ドル突破Kirjoittanut Japan Business News with Yuzuha Oka
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日経平均大幅反発米国株高日本の貿易統計は好調。12月の輸出は15カ月ぶりに増加。去年は6年ぶり黒字。Kirjoittanut Japan Business News with Yuzuha Oka
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トランプ大統領が1月23日、TPP離脱の大統領令に署名ムニューチン時期財務長官「過剰なドル高は短期的にはマイナス」との考えを持っていることがブルームバーグで報道されるKirjoittanut Japan Business News with Yuzuha Oka
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