Which cartoon would you live in? Join Alec and Lu from Jester Bros. Cartoon Theater as they sail to different animated universes to find the perfect home! Complete with adventure, nostalgia, and plenty of philosophical detours, let the Jester Bros. help YOU decide where to live in the vast and beautiful world of animation.
The Halloween draft battle was so fun that Alec and Lu are back to do it with your favorite holiday movies, specials, and TV episodes! Help decide who drafts a better team in this year's JBCT holiday extravaganza. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord Jester Bros. Cartoon …
Some of the most beloved holiday specials were made by Rankin Bass, including Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman, Santa Claus is Comin' to Town, and more. Is the universe with all these holiday classics fun to live in, and are any of these specials actually good? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord…
Love it or hate it, The Polar Express has become a holiday classic. But is a magical train that goes to the North Pole worth living in, especially in the midst of that uncanny valley animation? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord Jester Bros. Cartoon Theater (You…
Alec has been watching Legend of Korra for the first time, so him and Lu are going BACK to the World of Avatar, 70 years in the future from their first episode! The question is - has it gotten better or worse? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord Jester Bros. Cartoon Thea…
In a special episode, Alec and Lu go back and forth drafting the best cartoons to watch for Halloween, competing for YOUR votes! Whoever the audience decides picked the best team will be the winner! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord Jester Bros. Cartoon Theater…
Time for an important Jester Bros. update! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord YouTube Version of the Podcast! Jester Bros. Cartoon Theater (YouTube) Gravity Bros Podcast
One of people's favorite cartoons to watch for the spooky season is watching Courage the Cowardly Dog - but is there any world where Nowhere would be a fun place to live in? Lu says there is a case! Find out why and hear him and Alec talk about Courage. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord …
In the spirit of Halloween season, it's time for everyone's favorite topic - Death! (Or rather, the character of "Death" and the different ways they've been portrayed in animation history). Alec is joined by Death (who sounds suspiciously like Lu) to rank different depictions of Death, Grim Reapers, and/or the Devil, and they even pick one to join …
Happy Halloween season! The Jester Bros. always start celebrating in September, and this time they're kicking off the festivities with a discussion about the spooky film making a resurgence, Coraline! It seems obvious that living in a horror film wouldn't be ideal, so Alec and Lu take the conversation in a different direction, discussing what "home…
Ever wanted to live in an arcade or take it step further and live inside the entire internet? Alec and Lu discuss whether the Wreck it Ralph universe would be the coolest thing or ever, or absolute choice overload. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord Jester Bros. Cartoon Theater…
With some wild recent internet activity, Alec and Lu discuss whether Gravity Falls (the cartoon they did a re-watch podcast for) may be returning for a Season 3. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord Jester Bros. Cartoon Theater (YouTube) Gravity Bros Podcast…
On the heels of the newest X-Men series on Disney Plus, Alec and Lu talk about what it would be like to live in the world of Mutants vs. Humans. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord Jester Bros. Cartoon Theater (YouTube) Gravity Bros Podcast…
It's Lu's birthday!! And he wanted to talk about one of his (and Alec's) favorite childhood movies, so that's what they did. Find out why Disney's 1940 classic may be an underrated choice for an animated world to live in. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord Jester Bros. Cartoon Theater…
Following up their original conversation about living in the Pokemon world, Alec and Lu make a trip back! And this time, they're focusing on the original set of cities and towns that it all started with. Will they start with Charmander, Bulbasaur, or Squirtle? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord…
After seeing Inside Out 2 in theaters, Alec and Lu talk all about what it would be like to live inside and help guide a human mind. They also discuss what emotions they most identify with in their own minds. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord Jester Bros. Cartoon Theater (Y…
It's time for a bonus episodes! Alec and Lu take a wider look at the whole animation universe, and some of the new things that may inhabit it very soon. Where has animation been, where is heading, and should we be excited? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord Jester Bros. Cartoon Theate…
It's time to talk about one of Lu's all-time favorites. In a twist, Lu takes the floor to walk Alec through the One Piece World and helps him decide whether it sounds like a fun place to live. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord Jester Bros. Cartoon Theater (YouTube) Gra…
The Ben 10 franchise has been one of the most long-lasting cartoons of Alec and Lu's generation. The brothers take explore a little differently this week by putting on the Omnitrix from the original Ben 10 series and talking through which alien superpower they'd most want to have and which alien species they'd most want to be. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~…
Big news! The podcast is now Jester Bros. Cartoon Travelers and Alec and Lu have reunited on YouTube to make it for video as well. If you'd rather see their faces when they talk, head on over! Otherwise, enjoy this conversation about living in a theme park that may also be a portal to Hell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord…
As the new imaginary friend movie "If" comes to theaters in just about a week, Alec and Lu talk about the cartoon that did the concept first and whether living in Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends (or the surrounding area) would be a good place to call home! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord Jester Br…
Alec and Lu talk about what it would be like to be a powerful fairy or a miserable child with unlimited wishes. What would they wish for? And how would they get around all of Da Rules that could make them lose their power? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord Jester Bros. Cartoon Theater (YouTube) G…
Lu gets very open about his personal "Wonderland" experiences as the brothers talk about whether they'd live in the Disney-friendly version. Is this famous world a utopia of the weird, or a dangerous psychadelic nightmare? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord Jester Bros. Cartoon Theater (YouTube) Gravity …
The Owl House is one of the great cartoons of modern animation, and it's universe is much edgier than what you usually see from Disney. Does the magic outweigh the danger on whether Alec and Lu should live there? (Survey here! Tell us what worlds we should explore) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord Jester Bros…
Digimon is a show that bonded Alec and Lu as children. Is the nostalgia enough to make it a great place to live? And who wins out in the age-old question of Pokemon vs. Digimon? (Survey here! Tell us what worlds we should explore) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord Jester Bros. Cartoon Theater (YouTube) Gravity …
Shrek fever swept the nation when the film released in 2001 and that fever has become an outbreak for hardcore Shrekies as the universe expanded over the years. But where does it rank on the livability scale? Alec and Lu are here to unpack it all. (Survey here! Tell us what worlds we should explore) Discord Jester Bros. Cartoon Theater…
"Would you move to Hell?" is a serious question that Alec and Lu talk their way through, as they discuss the pros and cons of living the Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss universe. (Survey here! Tell us what worlds we should explore) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord Jester Bros. Cartoon Theater (YouTube) Gravity Bros Podcas…
Is life really a hurricane here in Duckburg? And if so, is that a good thing or a bad thing? Here Alec and Lu talk about the world where you can use wealth as a vehicle for pure adventure!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord Jester Bros. Cartoon Theater (YouTube) Gravity Bros Podcast…
It's a double-feature as Alec and Lu debate whether it would be better to live in a past or future version of the 1960s. Is it possible that going back in time to The Flinstones' Bedrock is better than the idealistic future of The Jetsons' Orbit City? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord Jester Bros. Cartoon Theater (Y…
This Expedition Cartoon holiday special turns from a simple conversation about Whoville from How The Grinch Stole Christmas to a conversation about the whole world of Dr. Seuss, holiday specials through the ages, and the place of commentary in animation. Enjoy one of Alec and Lu's favorite podcast recordings to date! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~…
Disney's newest animated film "Wish" is making a lot of headlines, but is the film's main location of Rosas a good place to live? Hear Alec and Lu's thoughts, and their thoughts about the movie in general. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord Jester Bros. Cartoon Theater (YouTube) Gravity Bros Podcast…
As the holidays approach, there is no cozier show to discuss than Netflix's Hilda. But is it cozy enough for Alec and Lu to move from their current animated homes? Find out now, and check out Hilda Season 3 airing on December 7th! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord Jester Bros. Cartoon Theater (YouTube) Gravity …
Halloween may be over but Christmas is around the corner, and this movie has both! But are Halloween Town or Christmas Town places that'd actually be nice to live in? For the 30th anniversary of Nightmare Before Christmas, the Jester Bros. re-visited this film together in theaters and are ready to bring everything they learned to this podcast episo…
There may not be a more perfect animated special to watch every Fall and Halloween than Cartoon Network's 10-episode masterpiece "Over the Garden Wall." But living in the world itself may be...complicated. Do the beautiful autumn vibes make up for what "The Unknown" actually is? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord Jester B…
The Land of the Dead in Pixar's masterpiece "Coco" may just be more appealing than the land of the living! But is it more appealing than every other cartoon that Alec and Lu have discussed? Find out if they'd live, or if they'd die, in the world of Coco. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord Jester Bros. Cartoon Theater…
Alec and Lu have recorded a Gravity Falls podcast for over a year now, and now it's time to bring the knowledge to Expedition Cartoon! Gravity Falls may be an awesome place with mysterious creatures, but how would it actually be to live there? Find out today! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord Jester Bros. Cartoon Theater…
In the last episode, Alec talked about how great it would be to live somewhere super cartoony like the Looneyverse. But after closer examination, is it a toon wonderland or a violent death trap? Find out what Alec and Lu have to say about living in the world of Looney Tunes! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord Jester Bros.…
Studio Ghibli movies hold a special place in many people's heart, including Alec and Lu's. But is the Spirit Realm from Spirited Away the best to live in, or even the best choice from the Ghibli Universe? This whimsical world, which also includes themes of greed and pollution, is visually stunning but complicated! Find out if it'd be a top retail d…
The Scooby-Doo franchise has sprouted more cartoons than you probably remember. But if you could solve mysteries with Scooby and the gang, where in the grand scale of the Scoobyverse would you decide to go? In this tour through the Scooby-Doo timeline, Alec and Lu talk through tons of the possibilities! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord…
SpongeBob SquarePants is a beloved cartoon that has stuck around for over 20 years - plenty of time to build an amazing underwater world! But would we move there? Find out if Bikini Bottom is a Bikini Top Real Estate option! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord Jester Bros. Cartoon Theater (YouTube) Gravity Bros P…
Never growing up - an idea that Peter Pan made us think about since we were kids. But would Neverland actually be a fun place to live? Tune in to hear Alec and Lu's thoughts about taking a pause on their aging to live in a beautiful remote island with questionable creative choices! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord Jeste…
Just about everyone who grew up with the Pokémon franchise has dreamed of living in the world and catching their favorite pocket monsters. But what would it really look like to live there? Join the Jester Bros. as they help you decide if it's time to move to the Pokémon World! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord Jester Bro…
Avatar: The Last Airbender is one of the most beloved animated series of all time. But would you live in its war-torn (but beautiful) landscapes? Join the Jester Bros. as they help you decide whether it's time to move to the world of Avatar! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord Jester Bros. Cartoon Theater (YouTube) …