I Journalistförbundets podcast, publicerar Journalistförbundet samtal och seminarier.
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En podcast om journalistik av Tidningen Journalisten
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"Coffee with a Journalist" features candid conversations with top tier journalists. Each week OnePitch Co-Founder, Beck Bamberger, speaks 1:1 with editors, reporters, and journalists to uncover their publicist pet peeves, favorite books, outlook on the future of journalism, and more. Sometimes, we even drink coffee.
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Entretiens journalistiques s'intéresse à l'univers fascinant des médias et du journalisme. L'animateur Hugo Prévost part à la rencontre de personnalités marquantes des médias d'ici et d'ailleurs pour mieux faire comprendre les grands enjeux du métier, mais aussi sa façon de fonctionner. - Un podcast Pieuvre.ca
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I Journalistskolens podcast kan du lytte til inspirerende samtaler med journalister og redaktører fra mediebransjen. De deler blant annet hvordan du får foten innafor som journalist, hvordan det føles å få sin første sak publisert, hva som skal til for å bli reisejournalist og hvordan du blir redaktørenes beste venn. Du får også et spennende innblikk i hvordan det kjennes å få bruke kreativitet og skrivelyst i jobben sin. Hvis du elsker å skrive og vil tjene penger på det, er dette podcasten ...
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Twice a month, Mitch Leff, president of Leff & Associates Public Relations, offers his "4 Questions Journalist Spotlight, a conversation with a Georgia journalist. 4QJS dives into each journalist's background, their role at their current media outlet, beats and story interests, and talks about how public relations professionals can work with them, and stories on their radar. Then it gets fun! What's the coolest thing about them? What's their favorite book/podcast, favorite local getaway, hob ...
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My whole life carries a TRIGGER WARNING. As do my podcasts. I talk about real issues and social justice, with subjects some will not touch. Listen with care. I was labelled as a Homeless Junkie and a Violent Criminal. I had lost everything. I only wanted to be a better man but Death Changed me and in the process I became The Accidental; Journalist, giving the voiceless a way to be heard. Listen to Single interviews/Tracks or complete series as a Playlist for your convenience. May contain Bad ...
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Nontraditional. Robert breaks down the biggest topics in sports.
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Hosted by Jason McLure, Global Journalist features journalists discussing under-covered international news and human rights issues.
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MerPrince JV of MerRoyalty interviews the Mer-Community
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I am an Artist - these are my thoughts, feelings, documents of my life and how I interpret and process the world.
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A podcast from journalists to journalists.The podcast that will bring more about the journalism life to your knowledge.
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Journalisten*innen rauchen, saufen und mogeln andauernd? Wir reden drüber. Mit wechselnden Gäst*innen nimmt Patrick Torma die Darstellungen von Reporter*innen, Fotograf*innen und anderen Medienmenschen unter die Lupe – in journalistenfilme.de – der Podcast.
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A weekly podcast on the biggest news of the week in the tech world.
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In het hart van het Dokhuis schijnt een lichtpunt van intellectuele uitwisseling en creatieve inspiratie: het Journalistiek Café van Hülya Aydogan en Harriet Duurvoort. Deze twee journalisten uit het roemruchte volksbuurtje Carnisse op Zuid nodigen jullie elke twee maanden uit voor een boeiend gesprek en een smakelijke maaltijd. Hülya en Harriet zijn altijd op zoek naar de mens achter de journalist en bespreken actuele kwesties die het vak raken. Het Journalistiek Café is niet alleen een ple ...
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Podcast by Alessandro Iacovangelo
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Podcast by Kloiber und Welchering
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Welcome to the official Podcast Channel of 'The Citizen Journalist'.
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Books & Writers · The Creative Process: Novelists, Screenwriters, Playwrights, Poets, Non-fiction Writers & Journalists Talk Writing, Life & Creativity
Novelists, Screenwriters, Playwrights, Poets, Non-fiction Writers & Journalists Talk Writing · Creative Process Original Series
Books & Writing episodes of the popular The Creative Process podcast. To listen to ALL arts & creativity episodes of “The Creative Process · Arts, Culture & Society”, you’ll find our main podcast on Apple: tinyurl.com/thecreativepod, Spotify: tinyurl.com/thecreativespotify, or wherever you get your podcasts! Exploring the fascinating minds of creative people. Conversations with writers, artists & creative thinkers across the Arts & STEM. We discuss their life, work & artistic practice. Winne ...
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Vol vertrouwen de nieuwe wereld in: Gesprekken over de journalistiek
Nadia Mentzel & Alessia Gebauer
'Vol Vertrouwen de Nieuwe Wereld In' is een podcast waarin journalisten en wetenschappers met elkaar in gesprek gaan over vertrouwen in de journalistiek. Wat is vertrouwen? Hoe kan vertrouwen in de journalistiek versterkt worden? En wat kunnen wetenschappers en journalisten voor elkaar betekenen? De opnames vonden plaats tijdens de Conferentie Onderzoeksjournalistiek 2024, met het thema 'Onverschrokken de nieuwe wereld in', en is een aanvulling op het panel 'Building trust with audiences: Jo ...
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https://sites.google.com/view/vhjonline/ VeganHumanJournalist Stijn Gabeler initiates podcasts, remixes, online interviews
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Mød dem, der laver de historier, der skaber forandring. Danmarks skarpeste journalister fortæller om deres kald. Hvem er de, hvordan arbejder de, og hvad er deres personlige drivkraft? Vært: Tor Arnbjørn. Musik: Christian Schødts-Sørensen. Grafik: Kathrine Højriis
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All about creating content on your mobile phone. Journalism, filmmaking and more.
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I Journalistakademiens podcast får du ta del av spännande samtal med frilansjournalister och redaktörer, som alla delar med sig av sin kärlek till journalistiken och vad det är de jobbar med och brinner för. Resejournalistik, att skriva till havs, reportage om rymden och hur det egentligen är att arbeta som chefredaktör – det är några av de intressanta ämnen som Journalistakademiens huvudmentor Lotta Brunmark avhandlar tillsammans med frilansgäster. https://www.journalistakademien.se/podcast
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A video podcast that's not TV or radio: the poetry of humanity revealed.
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Ever wondered what it’s like to be a motoring journalist? Now you can find out as young journo Tom Goodlad dives into the ins and outs of the automotive industry to let you know how to become a journalist, what it’s like and if it really is as glamorous as it looks on TV.
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WE ARE NOT JOURNALISTS is a weekly podcast starring popular social media pranksters Walter Masterson and Maximillian Clark, who take delight in asking laugh-out-loud, nonsensical questions of today’s newsmakers, many of whom remain relentlessly and utterly clueless. Being somewhat socially responsible, there’s also experts, comedians and politicians analyzing how crazy everything is, and maybe collectively, we can figure out how to save the world?
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Wir sprechen in gemütlicher Runde über die Themen, die Journalist:innen beschäftigen. Der Podcast zum Magazin, moderiert von Charlotte Theile und Samantha Zaugg.
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Passez-moi le journaliste ! c'est le nouveau rendez-vous podcast du Figaro. Chaque jour, grâce à tous les internautes du Figaro, nous vous proposons d'approfondir un sujet. Vous avez posté un commentaire, posé une question sous un article publié sur lefigaro.fr ? Son auteur vous répond. Laissez-vous entrainer dès à présent dans la NewsRoom du Figaro. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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We strive to be a factual and honest open sourced news organization by providing you valuable information on issues that are important to you. Weekly updates come through articles, video, and radio content that will keep you more informed than biased news outlets. Our hope is to not only report the news but to inform you how to get involved with important issues by providing a single location that hosts your thoughts and ideas.
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It’s 2018! New & improved hot topics show feat. Caleb Graham! One stop for news, entertainment, lifestyle, & more. Join The Mix!
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A podcast dedicated to conversations with real journalists at work in their communities. Kyle Munson, who spent 24 years in daily news, interviews the reporters, storytellers and media craftspeople of all kinds who help deliver not just information but meaning to our lives. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/journalistsaremyheroes/support
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Welcome to a podcast designed exclusively for freelance journalists and video producers all over the world. We believe that 5 minutes of short interviews and practical advice can be more valuable and effective than 45 minutes discussions. Carlos P Beltran is an award-winning freelance journalist covering profile and human interest stories for some of the world's most influential networks (National Geographic, Discovery Digital Networks, AJ+, The New York Post, The Atlantic, Univision, Fusion ...
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Mónika Tóth újságíró podcast csatornája. Tematikus podcastok: 117 PERC: https://anchor.fm/monikatothjournalist/episodes/INTERJK-117-Perc---a-Civil-Rdi-FM-98-dlutni-magazinmsora-e7si9h 74 NAP: https://anchor.fm/monikatothjournalist/episodes/INTERJK-74-Nap-e7sieg EGYEDI KULINÁRIS KOMMANDÓ: https://anchor.fm/monikatothjournalist/episodes/INTERJK-Egyedi-Kulinris-Kommand-EKK--Rdis-gasztro-kultr-blog-e7sits KÜLÖNÓRA: https://anchor.fm/monikatothjournalist/episodes/INTERJK-Klnra---Zenei-portr--s-ma ...
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Tout sur la médecine et la chirurgie esthétique décrypté par une journaliste
Le journal de mon corps
Toutes les interventions médicales et chirurgicales à caractère esthétique
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„Seitensprünge“-Podcast – "Lesen, Schreiben, Hören, Sehen" // Ein Blog von Sascha Vennemann – Autor, Journalist und Podcaster
Cpt. Starbucks
Sascha Vennemann ist Autor für die Bastei-Heftroman-Serie "Maddrax - Die dunkle Zukunft der Erde" und seine eigene sechsbändige Ebook-Serie "Eon - Das letzte Zeitalter". Er ist als Redakteur für das GEEK!-Magazin, das VIRUS-Magazin und das Online-Portal "Geisterspiegel" aktiv. Hier - in diesem Blog - landet alles, was er sonst nirgendwo veröffentlichen kann - oder will...
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Join me Timur Bey 2 Journalist and Political Activist while i share my opinion(s) on topics from politics, civil rights, wisdom, being vegetarian, health, real life issues and more. | Proud member of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) since October 22nd 2020. | www.TimurBey2.com |The Timur Bey 2 Journalist & Political Activist Podcast Show
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Hi everyone, this Evelyn “Eva” Rodriguez. I’m a blogger and Author of “Poems From a Gypsy Soul”, “Grieving” and “Believing in Love at First”. I’m here to share my life experiences as a Hispanic mother and Life Coach. I’d like to share important recent news, family, health topics, and also share some of my poetry and book info. I will leave you with a positive thought and a smile on your face! Follow me on Insta @EvelynBlogger1 @CoachEva2000_TampaBay
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Lifting the lid on freelance life. Experienced freelance journalists Lily Canter and Emma Wilkinson guide you through everything you need to know about working for yourself. From where to get work, to how to get paid and everything in between. Each episode features two guests who have made freelancing a success. From film reviewers, to travel writers to bitcoin experts and current affairs broadcasters. Packed with trade secrets, top tips and amusing anecdotes this is an unmissable How To gui ...
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Future of Journalism – a series by the Alliance for Journalists' Freedom
Alliance for Journalists' Freedom
The ‘Future of Journalism’ series is designed to canvas opinions from all sides about where journalism is heading, or where it should be heading. There is currently so much pressure on journalism that much of the debate is locked in the present; however, to plan the best outcomes for journalists the Alliance for Journalists’ Freedom believes we need to have a clear vision on what the future looks like.
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The podcast where the world's biggest weeaboo and most integral journalist, Matt Philipsky finally visits the country of his dreams, brought to you by WeebHole, a weeb's dream news source.
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„Temptracks“-Podcast – "Lesen, Schreiben, Hören, Sehen" // Ein Blog von Sascha Vennemann – Autor, Journalist und Podcaster
Sascha Vennemann
Sascha Vennemann ist Autor für die Bastei-Heftroman-Serie "Maddrax - Die dunkle Zukunft der Erde" und seine eigene sechsbändige Ebook-Serie "Eon - Das letzte Zeitalter". Er ist als Redakteur für das GEEK!-Magazin, das VIRUS-Magazin und das Online-Portal "Geisterspiegel" aktiv. Hier - in diesem Blog - landet alles, was er sonst nirgendwo veröffentlichen kann - oder will...
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Je suis journaliste, auteur. J'ai découvert la radio très jeune Je suis passé par Europe 1, Europe 2, Radio France. La télé également : France Télévisions. Après un burn-out en 2017, je me suis tourné vers les sciences comportementales. Les sciences cognitives prennent une grande place dans mes projets professionnels aujourd'hui. I’m a journalist and an author. As time went on, I had the privilege of working for Europe 1 and Europe 2 and Radio France. My range of experience expanded to visua ...
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Treffen sich ein Journalist und ein Komiker … Der Journalist Daniel Erk (Tagesspiegel Berliner, Business Punk, Die Zeit) und der Komiker Peter Wittkamp (heute show online, BVG) treffen sich und bringen Bier und Themen mit. Dann beginnt der Wettkampf: Wird das ein ernsthaftes Gespräch? Oder bloß großer Quatsch?
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„Media-Mono-Log“-Podcast – "Lesen, Schreiben, Hören, Sehen" // Ein Blog von Sascha Vennemann – Autor, Journalist und Podcaster
Sascha Vennemann
Sascha Vennemann ist Autor für die Bastei-Heftroman-Serie "Maddrax - Die dunkle Zukunft der Erde" und seine eigene sechsbändige Ebook-Serie "Eon - Das letzte Zeitalter". Er ist als Redakteur für das GEEK!-Magazin, das VIRUS-Magazin und das Online-Portal "Geisterspiegel" aktiv. Hier - in diesem Blog - landet alles, was er sonst nirgendwo veröffentlichen kann - oder will...
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We Do Not Consent Worldwide by Angelia Kay (Artist, Poet, and Independent Investigative Journalist)
We Do Not Consent Worldwide
Become a Paid Subscriber: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wedonotconsent/subscribe This podcast of spoken word, rhyming poetry, and creative arts is dedicated to my spiritually enlightened brothers and sisters across the earth! Hopefully we can bring about a greater understanding in regards to what’s happening on a worldwide scale so that people can make informed decisions. Connect with me on my links and explore all of them in depth for hidden truths. I’ve been studying with fellow ...
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Shwanika Narayan, The San Francisco Chronicle
Toista myöhemmin
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Joining us from San Francisco is Shwanika Narayan, who has transitioned from being a business journalist to the assistant arts and entertainment editor at The San Francisco Chronicle. In this episode, Shwanika shares her journey, the intricacies of her role, and provides invaluable insights on effective pitching and relationship-building with journ…
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"4 Questions Journalist Spotlight" with Michelle Havich, American City & County
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This week, our "4 Questions Journalist Spotlight" shines on Michelle Havich, editor of American City & County. American City & County has been the voice of state and local government since 1909. The site serves city, county and state officials who are charged with developing and implementing government policy, programs and projects. It provides rea…
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How to Build Relationships, Hook Up & Raise Hell Together: Conversation w/ DEAN SPADE - Highlights
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“This book has a lot of the wisdom of things that feminists and queers have learned in the community about sexuality, but the book is really for anybody who is political, even those just starting out and beginning to realize that there is something wrong with the systems they live under. I want to be in movements. Our movements are made of relation…
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Hvordan bli redaktørenes beste venn?
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Det hjelper ikke å ha en god sak hvis ikke redaktørene blir overbevist om at de vil ha den, eller hva? Så hvordan tenker egentlig en redaktør? Og hva er en "god sak"? Hvordan skal du pitche den inn? I denne episoden snakker vi med Trine Rasmussen, redaktør i Ringsaker Blad og tidligere redaktør i Norsk Ukeblad. Med sin brede erfaring fra norske med…
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LOVE in a F*cked-Up World: DEAN SPADE on How to Build Relationships, Hook Up & Raise Hell Together
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Why is it that we find the courage to boldly confront mainstream societal norms and structures, yet are so often unable to treat romantic partners with care and generosity? Why do we lose our principles when we become insecure, disappointed, or jealous? Why do we act our worst in sexual and romantic relationships? And why do we prioritize romantic …
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Welcome back to another exciting episode of Coffee with a Journalist. Today we're thrilled to be joined by Andrew Couts, Senior Editor for Security and Investigations at WIRED. We'll dive deep into the complexities of his role, which spans everything from national security to cybersecurity, privacy, surveillance, and much more. Andrew also shares p…
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THREE WOMEN starring Shailene Woodley, DeWanda Wise, Betty Gilpin: Conversation w/ LAURA EASON - Highlights
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“I think the show conveys to the women watching that their lives matter. They don't have to be some gorgeous aspirational person, although Sloane absolutely fits that mold. But for others living in the Midwest, struggling and feeling unseen, hopefully, the mirrors of Lina and Maggie will help them not feel so alone and remind them that their storie…
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Female Desire, Sex & Intimacy: Emmy-nominated Producer, Writer, Playwright LAURA EASON on THREE WOMEN
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What is love? How do the narratives we internalize shape our understanding of relationships, intimacy, and family? Laura Eason is an Emmy-nominated producer, screenwriter, and playwright. Currently, she is the executive producer and showrunner of the Starz drama series Three Women. Based on a book by Lisa Taddeo, the series stars Shailene Woodley, …
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Building Worlds Beyond Modernity’s Double Fracture: A Discussion with Azucena Castro & Malcom Ferdinand
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In this episode on Speaking Out of Place podcast Professor David Palumbo-Liu is delighted and privileged to be in conversation with Azucena Castro and Malcom Ferdinand. They start with a discussion of what Ferdinand calls the “double fracture”—the environmental division of humans from their connection to the biosphere, and the colonial division ins…
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How Does Art Shape Our Lives? Musicians, Writers, Filmmakers & Actors Share Their Stories
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How do the arts help us find purpose and meaning? What role do stories play in helping us preserve memories, connect us to each other, and answer life’s big questions? MAX RICHTER(Award-winning Composer & Pianist · His album Sleep is the most streamed classical album of all time) reflects on the importance of creativity and how literature, music, a…
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Slik fikk jeg foten innafor
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Ja, hvordan får man den berømte foten innafor i de store mediehusene som fersk frilanser? Bli inspirert av tidligere student Marthe Ingeborg Hammer, som solgte sin første sak allerede før utdanningen var over, og som senere fikk heltidsjobb i Dagbladet Pluss. I denne episoden forteller hun om sin vei inn i bransjen. Hun deler også hvordan det var å…
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Can We Redefine Our Relationship with Nature? Scientists, Writers & Activists Share Solutions
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What can we learn from whales, the ways they communicate, and how their life cycle affects whole ecosystems, absorbing carbon and helping cool the planet? How have we contributed to the ecological degradation of the environment? How does language influence perception and our relationship to the more than human world? NAN HAUSER (Whale Researcher; P…
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Johooo — første sak publisert!
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Hvordan føles det å få din aller første sak publisert — til og med som forsidesak i A-magasinet, en av landets mest anerkjente publikasjoner? Det gjorde tidligere student Johanna Eidse-Frænkel. I denne episoden forteller hun hvordan hun balanserer sitt store samfunnsengasjement med rollen som journalist og fotograf. Hun gir deg også sine beste tips…
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How Do We Protect Democracy? Writers, Philosophers & Thought Leaders Speak Out
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How can we be more engaged global citizens? How do we fight for truth and protect democracy in a post-truth world? What influence do billionaires have on politics, journalism, and the technology that shapes our lives? Lee McIntyre (Philosopher · Author of On Disinformation: How To Fight For Truth and Protect Democracy) examines democracy, and scien…
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"4 Questions Journalist Spotlight" with Writer Katja Ridderbusch
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This week, our “4 Questions Journalist Spotlight” shines on independent writer Katja Ridderbusch. We talked about all the different media outlets she works for (German Public Radio, Times of Israel, Welt, Spiegel, GABiz magazine, Georgia Public Broadcasting, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, WABE, Atlanta magazine, KFF health news, TIME, US News) a…
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Veckans gräv 17: Catrine da Costa-fallet och morduppdrag till barn
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I Veckans gräv 17 berättar Dan Josefsson och Johannes Hallbom om arbetet med dokumentären ”Det svenska styckmordet” om mordet på Catrine da Costa 1984. Dessutom har vi intervjuat SVT Nyheter Västmanlands reporter Nahrita al-Khameesi som utgett sig vara en 14-årig pojke på jakt efter morduppdrag i krypterade appar.…
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Yrke: Globetrotter og journaliststudent
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Her snakker vi med tidligere student ved Journalistskolen, Bo Lindblad. Mens han tok studiet på nett, reiste han rundt i Kaukasus og skrev reportasjer. Sakene hans har vært på trykk i både Vi Menn og Dagbladet. Han har også kommet seg inn bak murene i norske fengsler. Nevnte vi at han i tillegg har skrevet barnebøker? Bli inspirert av en helt spesi…
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The Unfiltered Word: R rated bible podcast 2024 Christmas Special. The Story of Herrod
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The Unfiltered Word: R rated bible podcast 2024 Christmas Special. The Story of Herrod My good friend Ben Watkins and Myself Unpack the birth of Jesus from the perspective of Herrod.This was an extremely fun yet thought provoking and powerful episode talking about the Nativity from a different angle.…
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Welcome to another episode of "Coffee with a Journalist," featuring a special conversation with Jabari Young, senior writer and editor at ForbesBLK. In this episode, Jabari shares his preferences for well-crafted pitches, stressing the value of paragraphs over bullet points, direct email communication, and the significance of exclusive, newsworthy …
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Voices for the Planet: Scientists, Activists, Farmers & Filmmakers Speak Out
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How can we learn to speak the language of the Earth and cultivate our intuitive intelligence? What lessons can we learn from non-human animals about living in greater harmony with nature? How have we contributed to making our planet a more dangerous place, and how can we work to save it? COLIN STEEN (CEO of Legacy Agripartners) reflects on his u…
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Elon Musk, Putin's Russia, Murdoch's Fox News: How Billionaires Shape Our World with DARRYL CUNNINGHAM
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What influence do billionaires have on politics, journalism, and the technology that shapes our lives? What drives people to seek absolute power, and how can we hold them accountable? Darryl Cunningham is a cartoonist and author of Science Tales, Psychiatric Tales, The Age of Selfishness, and Billionaires: The Lives of the Rich and Powerful. Cunni…
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Drømmer er til for å følges
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Det er mye som kan skje på en eksotisk strand i Mexico! For eksempel kan man finne på å lage et nettkurs som gjør suksess. Det gjorde Vivian Songe. I denne episoden forteller hun hvordan hun og medgründer Roy Moss skapte Journalistskolen, utdanningen har hjulpet tusenvis av skribenter til å følge drømmen sin. Hun gir også sine beste tips til hvorda…
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"4 Questions Journalist Spotlight" with Tracy Green, WANF TV
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This week, our “4 Questions Journalist Spotlight” shines on Tracy Green, Senior Executive Producer with WANF TV, Atlanta News First. We talked about her role at the station, what makes WANF different from other stations in the market, and how public relations professionals can work with her team. Coolest Thing – She’s a Howard Stern superfan and sh…
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Emilia David, VentureBeat
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Welcome to another exciting episode of Coffee with a Journalist! Today we're diving into the fast-paced world of AI reporting with our distinguished guest, Emilia David. Emilia is the Senior AI Reporter at Venture Beat, where she's been navigating the complexities and rapid developments in the AI space, especially focusing on enterprise application…
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Art, Creativity & Intuition - Filmmakers, Musicians & Artists discuss their Creative Process
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Where does our intuition come from? How are lifelong creative partnerships formed and what role do friendship and personal connection play? How do our personal lives influence the art we make? Erland Cooper (Scottish composer, producer, and multi-instrumentalist) explores the emotional and transformative effects of music and visual arts. He undersc…
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Entretiens #106: Alexia Boyer et les défis du Quartier libre
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Les médias étudiants ont-ils encore de beaux jours, devant eux? Qu'en est-il du papier? Et de la relève? À Entretiens journalistiques, Alexia Boyer, la nouvelle rédactrice en chef du Quartier libre, le journal étudiant (et indépendant!) de l'Université de Montréal, révèle que oui, la presse étudiante a toujours un avenir. À condition de s'attaquer …
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Arbetet mot sexuella trakasserier
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I Journalistpodden prata vi om arbetet mot sexuella trakasserier. Anna Häggblom, förhandlare och ombudsman på Journalistförbundet, berättar om två nya rapporter på ämnet, som visar varför det behövs ett fortsatt aktivt arbete för att komma tillrätta med problemen med sexuella trakasserier på arbetsplatser. Sammanfattning av poddavsnittet: • I Journ…
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Slik lykkes du som reisejournalist
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Er reisejournalist verdens beste yrke? Vi har spurt en av Norges aller beste og mest erfarne reisejournalister — Vibeke Montero. Vibeke bor i Spania og reiser verden rundt i jobben. Artiklene hennes har vært på trykk i de fleste store medier, og hun stiller ofte som reise-ekspert på God Morgen Norge. I denne episoden gir hun deg sine beste tips til…
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Hvordan skrive fantastiske portretter?
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Her snakker vi med en svært erfaren frilansjournalist, forfatter og portrettør for de største mediene i Norge — Lasse Lønnebotn. Du får vite hva som skal til for å skrive skikkelig gode portretter som kommer under huden på intervjuobjektet. Og hva er egentlig forskjellen på et portrett og en profil? Lasse gir deg sine beste innside-tips. Les om utd…
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Karriereskifte: Våg å satse!
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Tidligere student ved Journalistskolen, Aina Skoland, tok spranget fra å være daglig leder på et treningssenter til å etablere seg som frilansjournalist etter utdanningen vår. I tillegg ble hun prisvinnende forfatter, med en krimbok om menneskehandel og Ukraina! Her gir hun deg sine beste tips til hvordan DU kan lykkes som frilansjournalist. Les om…
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Susannah Snider, U.S. News
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
In this episode, we're joined by Susannah Snider, the managing editor of the money section at U.S. News. Susannah offers a wealth of knowledge in consumer advice, spanning financial choices, real estate, health, and more. Not only is she a seasoned journalist, but she's also a certified financial planner. In this episode, we dive into everything fr…
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Entretiens #105: Alain Saulnier et le besoin de tenir tête aux géants du web
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
Deux ans après avoir mené la charge contre les Barbares numériques, Alain Saulnier remonte aux barricades avec l'essai Tenir tête aux géants du web, dans un contexte où la démocratie, dit-il, est plus que jamais menacée par ces plateformes et leurs propriétaires milliardaires. À Entretiens journalistiques, il offre un message réaliste à Hugo Prévos…
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How does art change the way we see and experience the world? Art has the power to offer transformative experiences, but what about the lives of artists who give so much of themselves? How can we balance creativity and personal well-being while still making work that is true and meaningful? David Rubin (President of the Academy of Motion Picture Art…
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