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The Local Lesbean Podcast

The Local Lesbeans

An insightful bi-weekly podcast, for us by us. Brought to you by three local lesbeans living their best lives, available via all major streaming services! #TLLP @ogcourts_ @stylesonstyles @domskiie Wanna get in touch? Email us thelocallesbeans@gmail.com Find more content at https://linktr.ee/locallesbeans
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In den letzten Tagen ging die gute Nachricht um, dass ein trans Mann in Ungarn sich über die DSGVO Grundrechte für trans Personen erstritten hat. Dieser Beitrag nimmt unter die Lupe, was da eigentlich geklagt und geurteilt wurde und was dieses Urteil für uns als trans Personen in der Europäischen Union bedeutet.…
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- Antisemitismus, Rassismus und die Frage nach globaler SolidaritätMitschnitt einer Podiumsdiskussion mit Ferda Berse und Dastan Jasim. Unter dem Titel Antisemitismus, Rassismus und die Frage nach globaler Solidarität fand die Veranstaltung am 8. Februar im Pögehaus Leipzig statt und wurde von der Gruppe Hochschulen Leipzig gegen Antisemitismus (HL…
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Die gleichnamige Konferenz mit dem Untertitel „Wege und Strategien entwickeln“ fand am 15. und 16. November 2024 im AK-Bildungshaus Jägermayrhof in Linz statt.Rund 90 Teilnehmer:innen aus verschiedensten Bereichen der Zivilgesellschaft nahmen daran teil. Zwei Tage wurde an einer gemeinsamen Vision einer fair sorgenden Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft ge…
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Diese Fördersendereihe "Allein, allein - Das muss nicht sein" dreht sich rund um Einsamkeit, Verbindung und Gemeinschaft. Im Frauen*monat März darf die Einsamkeit der Frauen* gesehen werden. Einerseits im Bezug auf Erwerbstätigkeit. Was passiert, wenn Arbeit in einer schwierigen Lebenslagen wie Arbeitslosigkeit oder einer psychischen Erkrankung weg…
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Die Autorin Bonnie Garmus hat mit ihrem Debütroman "Eine Frage der Chemie" ein Buch geschaffen, das die Rolle der Frau in der männerdominierten Wissenschaftswelt der 60er Jahre beleuchtet. Warum diese Geschichte nicht nur Chemiker:innen interessieren sollte und worum es in dem Buch genau geht, hat uns Joana aus unserer Tageaktuellen Redaktion im In…
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Mit der Frankfurter Schule verbinden die meisten Menschen Brillengesichter, wie Theodor W. Adorno und Max Horkheimer, Walter Benjamin, Friedrich Pollock, vielleicht noch Herbert Marcuse oder Leo Löwenthal - also zunächst einmal bestimmte Männer. Dass Geschichte und Wissenschaft nicht nur aus Männern besteht, beweist der Sammelband mit dem Titel „Im…
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Das Frauenmagazin von LORA München mit folgenden Themen:* Streik der Gewerkschaft ver.di, die heute für den Öffentlichen Dienst bundesweit zu Warnstreiks aufgerufen hat – auch in München* Flashmob anlässlich des Equal Pay Days mit Eindrücken vom Marienplatz und der Rede der 3. Bürgermeisterin der Stadt München, Verena Dietl* Parität in den Parlamen…
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Die queere Autorin Simone Bauer wohnt in München. Zur Buchmesse wird sie wieder in Leipzig zu Gast sein. Wir wollten von ihr wissen, wie so eine Buchmesse für Autor*innen abläuft, worauf man achten sollte, wenn man selbst schreibt und das erste Mal etwas in Buchform veröffentlichen möchte.Außerdem waren wir neugierig auf ihre neuen Projekte.…
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Triggerwarnung: im folgenden Text und Beitrag geht es um frauenspezifische Gewalt.Fast jeden Tag kommt in Deutschland in Folge eines Femizids eine Frau ums Leben. Auch hier in Südbaden sind Femizide gegenwärtig: vergangenen Sommer wurde in Simonswald im Landkreis Emmendingen eine Frau tot in ihrer Badewanne gefunden. Noch bevor die Polizei eintraf,…
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Bilderflut des Terrors – Zur Medienstrategie des Islamismus am Beispiel des 7. Oktobers 2023. Von Benjamin Stegmann.Der islamistische Angriff auf Israel am 7. Oktober 2023 zeichnet sich gegenwärtig als der terroristische Höhepunkt einer Entwicklung aus, die im Tschetschenienkrieg seinen Anfang nahm. Über eintausend israelische Bürger wurden dabei v…
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"Warum sind Lesben die besseren Eltern? Was läuft schief in der Hetero-Kleinfamilie? Und warum tun sich Staat und Gesellschaft so schwer, queere Familien als vollwertige Familien anzuerkennen?" Das sind die Kernfragen der Diskursschrift von der Autorin Lisa Bendiek. Dabei referiert sie auf ihre Erfahrungen als queere Mutter, bedient sich zahlreiche…
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Am 8. März wird jährlich feministisch gekämpft - vornehmlich gegen das Patriarchat. In Halle rief das feministische Bündnis 8. März zur Demonstration unter dem Motto "Die Scham muss die Seite wechseln" auf. Wir fingen Eindrücke von der Demonstration ein. Neben Redebeiträgen sind auch die kämpferische Atmosphäre und ein Gespräch mit einer Teilnehmen…
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Der politische Backlash ist nicht zu übersehen - deshalb sind Räume für Frauen* wichtiger denn je: für den Austausch untereinander, für Ermutigung und Inspiration.Den Verein Frauenstudien München gibt es schon seit über 40 Jahren, seit Herbst 2020 auch mit einem eigenen Podcast: "Stadt, Land, Krise". Die beiden Hosts Barbara Streidl und Laura Freis…
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THE WHOLE GANG INSIDE and as usual we cannot take anything seriously. We were overdue a good ol' gist and the tangents were tangenting, from Tik Tok, to politics, to what counts as losing your virginity? We also discuss the adulting version we're experiencing, because this is not the same one our parents had?! We belly laugh our way through a class…
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It's been a min since Dee & Courts done an episode on their own, and it got kinky real quick in the THIS OR THAT game! Before the debauchery we recap what we've been up to the past month, including the We/Us gallery exhibition Courts is in, make sure you go see it! Is it just us or has 2023 been a bit ghetto thus far? We touch on Uganda's Anti-LGBT…
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WE'RE BACK and just in time for an all time fave topic, VALENTINES!! In this episode we ask the truly important questions such as - Is hotel sex overrated? Do we need our straps to be realistic? Are baby femmes a pandemic? Grab a cup of tea and get into it! Don't forget to tag us in your stories & tweets we missed ya'll! #TLLPRate/review and subscr…
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WATCH ON YOUTUBE NOW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8-t-YszUmo - Although our beloved Dee Styles is on her annual Naij trip, we were joined by our friend & LEGEND A.G, who done her best to take us through her 15 year journey of radio, artistry & DJ’ing - but as per we DIGRESSED into absolute chaos! The draw outs were spicy but the nostalgia was …
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Trigger Warning: SA / Violence - WATCH ON YOUTUBE NOW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrzIKaP5tqw&t=3s Seasons Greetings! This episode although our beloved Dee Styles is on her annual Naij trip! We were joined by our friend & LEGEND A.G, who done her best to take us through her 15 year journey of radio, artistry & DJ’ing - but as per we DIGRESSED …
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PART 2 ON YOUTUBE NOW: https://youtu.be/__0jhhgzlTQ LESBEHONEST OUR NEW ADVICE SEGMENT HAS FINALLY LANDED!! You all must have really been waiting for this because the QUESTIONS were QUESTIONING!! From cheating to play parties no stone went unturned!! #TLLP Got a dilemma/question? Send it to us anonymously for future episodes https://curiouscat.live…
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WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE NOW: https://youtu.be/nyasKpFier0 LESBEHONEST OUR NEW ADVICE SEGMENT HAS FINALLY LANDED!! You all must have really been waiting for this because the QUESTIONS were QUESTIONING!! From cheating to play parties no stone went unturned!! MAKE SURE YOU SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL IF YOU WANT PART 2!! #TLLP Got a dilemma…
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IT'S BEEN A MINUTE!! We had so much to catch up on we couldn't even fit it all in! We start off with Courts reviewing her trip to ATL Black Pride, unpacking the differences she experienced in the gay scene over there! When she left Boris was priminister and Lizzy was still on the throne, we discuss the Monarchy, The Queue & the movie Stormzy just d…
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THE ANSWERS YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR ARE HERE! We get straight into our name change, the hows, the whys and the whens. There was a lot of recapping to do starting with UK Black Pride, from the excitement leading up to it, the experience on the day, and the afterparties we were too tired to attend! OG & Dee fill us in on the Stud Life screening t…
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One liners to one like on the gram, are femmes really doing enough to let us know they’re interested? Recently the LGBTQ raving scene has not disappointed, unlike the straight raves where it seems like we’re the only gays in the village! #TLLP Find your vibe, bring your tribe - @thesceneee Don't forget to rate/review via your streaming service!! Fo…
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The crew are REUNITED! Courts returned from holiday and we had to catch her up on our antics! Do you speak TikTok? We deep how TikTok finally has us all in a CHOKEHOLD!! Plus OG shares the idea behind @thesceneee & why it’s so needed. #TLLP Bring your tribe, find your vibe - @thesceneee Don't forget to rate/review via your streaming service!! Follo…
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We’re still in the spirit of pride so it was only right we had one of our favourite LGBTQ DJ’s @raithedj back on the pod! Life as we know it is so chaotic right now. From strikes, to cost of living and the price of air forces sky rocketing! So you know we had to drop our two cents. We discuss looking forward to better days and more OUTSIDEEE this s…
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Happy Pride folks!! We are all back in the cut after a whole lot of OUTSIDING and we’re ready to fill you in with the gist! The sun has come out to play and it looks like we're gonna have a summer to remember!! #TLLP Don't forget to rate/review via your streaming service!! Follow us on Twitter @LocalLesbeans and get involved in the conversation usi…
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Sorry for the wait! Life has been LIFING and your local lesbeans have been busier than ever! We had to talk about recent events and timeline tea because the world is going THROUGH IT! Kevin Samuels passing had socials in a frenzy, not to mention the Dubai porta potty stories (TW: SA). We share our views and debate whether it's ever okay to disrespe…
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We spoke with our long time friend Mag the OGA DYKE, about her lesbean life thus far. Had a really interesting conversation around our relationship with our bodies as masc presenting black women, including the stereotypes put upon us. But most of all she openly shared her experience of falling in love with someone outside of her culture and all it …
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This week is all about spreading love and positive energy! We share how we feel about 2022 thus far, also how we're dealing with the highs and lows of life. We're grateful for the journey; the destination is forever changing. Now, grab a cold beverage and basque in the good vibes! #DAAMPodcast Don't forget to rate/review via your streaming service!…
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T.W: Domestic Abuse/ Hate crimes Whewwwww a lot has happened in March. But we had to unpack the top tier drama that is Topboy, we review the show in it's entirety. Discussing masc presenting lesbians in mainstream media, and how Jaq's portrayal mirrors our experiences. Last but not least, was Will right to dish out that Oscar slap? LETS GET INTO IT…
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Our champion Lorraine, passed through this week to update us on life since the Olympics! We talk sponsorship, authenticity, building your own brand and what it takes to be at the top of your game! #DAAMPodcast Follow our guest @LorraineUgen @UnsignedSport !! Don't forget to rate/review via your streaming service!! Follow us on Twitter @DAAMPodcast …
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Happy Valentines Day lovelies!! We hope you enjoy to the fullest, whether its self love vibes or loving on your partner. We had @RaiTheDJ join us for our infamous love special and we had a few questions to ask... In a lesbean relationship who do you think should propose? Also, have you ever been swindled in the name of love? #DAAMPodcast Follow our…
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Bitcoin mining, HFX, NFT's?!! We discuss the wave of scammers infiltrating Instagram hacking everyones account with the promise of FREE MONEY (TURN ON TWO FACTOR AUTHENTICATION)! Also is materialism killing our people? Comparing the baby studs of today, to our baby stud era makes for some good reminiscing!! #DAAMPodcast Follow us on Twitter @DAAMPo…
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IT'S ANOTHER NEW YEAR!! Or is this 2019 X 3? Whatever it is, the gang are happy to be back together after our much needed Xmas break! We get into how we spent the festive season, and the madness that has been going on in the world since November! Did Omnicrasses catch you too? Take a cup of tea and welcome back to #DAAMPODCAST BAYBEE!! Follow us on…
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PAUSE!! YOU CAN WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE NOW!! https://youtu.be/VwiKj_Knl9cPART II of the fan favourite #DYKEDILEMMAS!! We're joined by special guest @itsCCane! We talk music, voiceovers, and companies PAYING ON TIME!! Then get into answering dilemmas, this time you really came through with some tough ones! #DAAMPodcast|Got a dilemma/question?…
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PAUSE!! YOU CAN WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE!! https://youtu.be/qFH7FimFtsY It’s the fan favourite #DYKEDILEMMAS!! This time we're joined by special guest @itsCCane! We talk music, voiceovers, and companies PAYING ON TIME!! Then get into answering dilemmas, this time you really came through with some tough ones! #DAAMPodcast |Got a dilemma/questio…
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Are you as tired as we are of constantly feeling that we have to choose between our queerness, gender and race? We get into why all parts of our identity cannot be separated ..and discuss the infamous Dave Chappelle Netflix Special "The Closer", which rightfully resulted in outrage from the LGBTQ+ community. #DAAMPodcast Follow us on Twitter and ge…
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*Trigger Warning: Sexual Assault|Rape|Violence* Nowadays we're seeing the word "Misogyny" more and more. But what does it actually mean? There has been a lot of talk on what women should do following an attack, and to reduce risks of violence but what about the perpetrators? We discuss our experiences from young until now, including the adverse way…
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So did you manage to get petrol or did you stay at home like us binge watching Squid Games? This week we have a good ol' gist, from birthday shenanigans to blackfishing you can be sure there was no shortage of tea!! #DAAMPodcast Join in the conversation on twitter too @DAAMPodcast don't forget to use the hashtags!…
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*Trigger Warning - Sexual Abuse This week we had the pleasure of speaking with Jae who is our first male guest from the LGBTQ+ community! We had some open and honest conversation about his life experiences as a black bi(ish) man.. and of course we had to ask his thoughts on the segregation within the community specifically between gay men and lesbe…
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmKgue5mnHQ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US!! Your local lesbeans celebrate #TWOYEARSOFDAAM with a special episode written by YOU!! You asked us whatever your hearts desired, and you can head over to Youtube & CATCH THE ANSWERS IN 4K!! #DAAMPODCAST |Got a dilemma/question? Send it to us anonymously for future episodes! https://…
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We bank holidayed until the bank ran DRY! We recap our eventful weekend in the sunshine and discuss our disappointment at Afronation cancelling on us! Speaking of holidays, we touch on the plights of travelling whilst black AND gay. #DAAMPodcast We’ve created a #DAAMPodcast space on #Clubhouse!! We’ll be hosting more talks, kick backs, and Live Pod…
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We insideee finally! It was only right we caught up with 4grlzz to discuss the LGBT events scene. We talk about her queer-story thus far & explore how she navigates the highs and lows of running a black owned events brand in a field where there is a lack of representation. #DAAMPodcast We’ve created a #DAAMPodcast space on #Clubhouse!! We’ll be hos…
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June 21st is almost here and we won’t let the femmes divide us any longer! Save yourself from the pyramid scheme before its too late!! We also revisit Oloni’s recent thread. A reminder that toothpaste is cheap & shame is free! #DAAMPodcast We’ve created a #DAAMPodcast space on #Clubhouse!! We’ll be hosting more talks, kick backs, and Live Podcasts.…
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