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Commentary is America's premier monthly magazine of opinion: General, yet Jewish. Highly variegated, with a unifying perspective.Listen to The Commentary Magazine Podcast, along with more than 40 other original podcasts, at No paid subscription required.
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Magazín Norte

Radio Realejos

Entrevistas de actualidad, apartados, secciones y tertulias. Con José Manuel Martín. De lunes a viernes, a las 17:00 y en reposición a las 02:00 horas de la madrugada.
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雑誌の連載1ページをコンセプトにした斜め読み系トークメディア👀 〈コラム〉〈レビュー〉〈近々況々〉〈インタビュー〉など、ペラペラと雑誌のページをめくるようにお楽しみください💁‍♂️ コメチケ🎫 Kentaro👨 Omami👩 依頼など✉️
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Emergence Magazine Podcast

Emergence Magazine

Emergence Magazine is an award-winning magazine exploring the threads connecting ecology, culture and spirituality. Our podcast features exclusive interviews, author-narrated essays, fiction, multipart series, and more. We feature new podcast episodes weekly on Tuesdays.
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Herzlich willkommen zu unserem ERFOLG Magazin Podcast! Egal ob aus den Kategorien News, Erfolg, Leben, Einstellung, Story, Wissen oder „Best of Web“ – hier finden Sie spannende und wissenswerte Beiträge aus dem ERFOLG Magazin.
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CBC Radio’s The Sunday Magazine is a lively, wide-ranging mix of topical long-form conversations, engaging ideas and more. Each week, host Piya Chattopadhyay takes time for deep exploration, but also makes space for surprise, delight and fun.
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khōréō magazine

khōréō magazine, Inc.

khōréō is a quarterly magazine of speculative fiction and migration. We publish fiction, non-fiction, and art by immigrant and diaspora authors and artists. Winner of the 2022 Ignyte Award for Best Fiction Podcast.
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Das Dlf-Magazin kleidet Politik in Geschichten. Mit spitzer Feder und scharfem Blick fürs Detail sind die Reporter unterwegs im politischen Alltag. Im Bundestag und in Landtagen, in Rathäusern und Hinterzimmern. Die Botschaft: Politik geht jeden an.
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news – Das Magazin

news - Das Magazin

news – Das Magazin ist das Stadtmagazin für Minden, Schaumburg, Bielefeld und Umgebung. In unserem Podcast interviewt unsere Kolumnistin Melina Hildebrandt spannende Menschen der Region. Mail:
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UK Investor Magazine

UK Investor Magazine

The UK Investor Magazine provides analysis and insight into the world of investing, covering shares, funds, private equity and alternatives. Hear from UK-listed business leaders and the professionals at the forefront of the UK investment industry. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Slovensko dnes, podcast v slovenskom jazyku prináša Slovákom žijúcim v zahraničí, a nielen im, najnovšie správy zo Slovenska. Od pondelka do piatku ponúkame aktuálne a zaujímavé príspevky a reportáže zo športu, vedy a techniky, sociálneho života a kultúry. Mapujeme dianie v krajanských komunitách na celom svete. S nami sa prejdete po unikátnych miestach Slovenska a spoznáte osobnosti známe za hranicami našej krajiny. Nalaďte si krajanské vysielanie kedykoľvek a kdekoľvek na svete na podcaste ...
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The Financial Management (FM) magazine podcast series features conversations with executives and thought leaders in management accounting. We discuss topics including governance, risk management, performance management, technology, corporate strategy, and leadership. Interviews are conducted by FM editors and contributors.
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show series
What happens when the nation takes a zero-sum approach to the world? By David Frum From the January 2025 issue. Get more from your favorite Atlantic voices when you subscribe. You’ll enjoy unlimited access to Pulitzer-winning journalism, from clear-eyed analysis and insight on breaking news. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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En primer lugar repetiremos las informaciones acerca de la visita oficial de los más altos representantes de Eslovaquia a Brasil. Hilari Ruiz de Gauna les va a presentar a otra mujer eslovaca que se ha establecido en el ámbito de la ciencia.Encontrar por casualidad el tranvía navideno en las calles de Bratislava despierta la euforia. Laďa Hudzovičo…
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1. Субботний калейдоскоп: 135-летие газеты «Словак в Америке», 77 лет назад скончался архитектор Душан Юркович, Рождественский концерт Словацкой филармонии, Годовщина членства Словакии в Шенгенской зоне, Новый словацкий рекорд любителей зимнего плавания. 2. Зимнее плавание в р.Ваг, забег между мостами и восхождение на Маргат. 3.Словацкая рождествен…
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This episode features "From Across Time" written by Chisom Umeh. Published in the December 2024 issue of Clarkesworld Magazine and read by Kate Baker. The text version of this story can be found at: Support us on Patreon at…
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arbeitsunrecht FM ist ein Radio-Magazin rund um Arbeit, Ausbeutung und Organisierung im Betrieb. Eine Sendung für renitente Beschäftigte, aktive Betriebsräte und solche, die es werden wollen.Eine Stunde voll mit Nachrichten, Interview, Kommentaren und guter Musik.MODERATION: Elmar Wigand__________________________UNION BUSTING-NEWSKommentierte Press…
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On our last news podcast of the year, we take up the Wall Street Journal story delineating the facts of the Biden cognitive cover-up, which now, it appears, dates back as far as 2020. Aside from the governing crisis the refusal of his cabinet and vice president created by failing to intervene as the Constitution requires, the Biden story also highl…
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„Výnimočné podujatie pre slovakistov zo sveta“ – v Bratislave sa uskutočnil 60. ročník Letnej školy Studia Academica Slovaca – zúčastnilo sa ho 150 záujemcov o výuku slovenčiny z európskych, ale aj zámorských krajín, boli medzi nimi aj krajania a druhá generácia Slovákov žijúcich v zahraničí; Slovenčinu sa učili v školských laviciach, dolaďovali ju…
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First up this week, Online News Editor David Grimm shares a sampling of stories that hit big with our audience and staff in this year, from corpse-eating pets to the limits of fanning ourselves. Next, host Sarah Crespi tackles some unfinished business with Producer Kevin McLean. Three former guests talk about where their research has taken them sin…
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The UK Investor Magazine was thrilled to welcome Kevin Limn, CEO of Adsure Services, to run through the business assurance specialists’ half-year report. Please visit the Adsure Services investor hub here. Adsure Services delivered stellar performance during the half-year period. Revenue grew 19%, driving gross profit 46% higher. The most important…
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🎙 In diesem "Info-DIREKT Live-Podcast" sprechen wir über das unehrliche Spiel der CDU nach der Landtagswahl in Thüringen und vor der Bundestagswahl in Deutschland. Weitere Themen: Die Rolle des BSW Spannungen innerhalb der AfD (NRW, Junge Alternative, Remigration) u.v.m. 👤 Zu Gast in der Sendung: Robert Teske (, Büroleiter …
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It's a time of year when many of us try to recapture some of the wonder at the world we felt as kids... and Katherine Rundell has a special gift for doing just that. The British author and Oxford University fellow has drawn comparisons to J.R.R. Tolkein for her fantasy books beloved by younger and older readers alike. She joins Piya Chattopadhyay t…
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Denis und Tom haben in dieser Folge das druckfrische Trail Magazin #1/25 vor sich liegen und blättern es einmal für Euch durch. Im zweiten Teil geht es dann aber am Beispiel von Tom um das Training und, ob es Sinn macht mit einer Trainerin oder einem Coach zusammen zu arbeiten. Ist so eine Trainingsbetreuung nur etwas für Profis und Leute die Wettk…
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In a countermelody to the media’s persistent portrayal of Black bodies as working tirelessly, in constant motion, poet Roger Reeves centers images of Black men in postures of rest and repose. Evoking Muhammad Ali slumbering in a four-poster bed, John Coltrane washing dishes within the four walls of his house, DMX watering orchids, and Mike Tyson ca…
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Ever feel like education is facing more hurdles than ever? Omaha Public Schools' new superintendent, Matthew Ray, shares his plan to tackle staffing shortages, AI's impact, and the surprising literacy challenges facing students today. Discover how OPS is aiming for a 'moonshot' to get every student reading at grade level by 2030. Takeaways Post-COV…
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Itt az Ezt senki nem mondta! második évada! Élete első hét évét anyjával és hat testvérével lágerben töltötte. Az anyját majdnem elveszítette, apja a hiányában volt jelen. Milyen nyomot hagy az emberben, ha így indul az élete? Hogyan volt képes maga is nagy családot vállalni és hogyan vált édesapává? Mennyire megtartó a hit a család hétköznapjaiban…
  continue reading einer der größten Studien aus Spanien, die über 600.000 Cannabiskonsumenten untersucht hat, konnten keine negativen gesundheitlichen Folgen durch langfristigen Konsum festgestellt werden.Die zentralen Ergebnisse:✅ 88 % der …
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Wir gehen in der letzten Folge des Jahres auf die Kleinstenunter uns ein, auf Kinder, denn wie einige nicht wissen, ist FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders) eine häufig auftretende angeborene Behinderung, ausgelöstdurch den Alkoholkonsum der Mutter in der Schwangerschaft. Unsere Gäste Birte und Anne-Meike haben es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, über…
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Rival figure skaters use dangerous body modification technology to outperform each other in the rink. Content warnings: Racism Copyright khōréō magazine 2024. Story by Claire Jia-Wen, edited by Zhui Ning Chang. Audio edition read by Lauren Choo and produced by Melissa Ren, with casting by Jenelle DeCosta. Visit and follow us on Twitte…
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Financial trainer, speaker, and author Andi Lonnen discusses the skills finance professionals need to develop to move into a finance business partner role. Lonnen’s formula for success sets out the ways finance professionals can upskill to move into the role with knowledge, creativity, and confidence. She also discusses the importance of speaking t…
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In this episode, National Defense discusses the Defense Innovation Unit’s race to close the drone gap, the Army’s search for a new extended range cannon, and the United Kingdom, Japan, and Italy’s joint fighter aircraft program.
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「紀行: 鹿児島大隅半島の景色」初鹿児島の見聞録エピソード🌋 人間にはデッドがある。生きろ!お前が舵を取れ! The Talk Magazine とは?雑誌の連載1ページをコンセプトにした斜め読み系トークメディア👀 ペラペラと雑誌のページをめくるようにお楽しみください💁‍♂️コメチケお願いします🎫👨👩依頼など✉️ replicantfm@gmail.comKirjoittanut Kentaro & Omami
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Could passing responsibility for peace to the Jews most deeply rooted in our collective story help Israel to create better relationships with our neighbors? Member of Knesset Ohad Tal (Religious Zionism) joins Yehuda HaKohen to discuss his efforts towards regional peace and how he represents Israel to the Islamic world. The two also discuss how the…
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I recently had a very interesting chat with Jeromie Stephens, a talented photographer who’s been documenting the world of bluegrass for many years. If you love the candid, authentic moments in music or on the streets you need to check out the work of our guest Jeromie Stephens. In today’s episode Jeromie and I dig into everything from street photog…
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