Smart, often silly and sometimes surprising. Absolutely everything is up for discussion: from pop culture to politics, body image to motherhood, feminism to fashion. Join Mia Freedman, Holly Wainwright and Jessie Stephens as they dissect the news and issues of the week.
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Podcast pre všetky mamy a skoro mamy, ktoré majú kopec otázok.
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Histórias infantis criadas e contadas por Paula Rebouças. Feito com amor, de mãe para filha. Toda Segunda-feira, uma história para ouvir e soltar a imaginação! Nos acompanhe também em @mamaemecontaumahistoria!
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Navigating motherhood and our God given calling one day at a time.
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The unbelievable true story of how I lost my religion, hitchhiked away from marriage, and met The Mother.
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Drama for mamas. Business Inquiries: Originally produced by Studio71. But now it's produced by meee :)
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Nahbarkeit, Empowerment, Selbstironie und viel „kennen wir!“ statt „told you so“ Du möchtest Werbung in diesem Podcast schalten? Dann erfahre hier mehr über die Werbemöglichkeiten bei Seven.One Audio:
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Nashville based Mama besties Amie & Macy dive into the UNFILTERED day to day life of new motherhood. From gory but beautiful birth stories, to toddler tantrums, to sex after baby, they cover it all! Join their mom squad and make motherhood a little less lonely.
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Gründe und führe dein eigenes Business, damit das Dilemma zwischen Zeit und Geld endlich ein Ende hat.
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The Wellness Mama Podcast is a weekly series covering the topics of holistic health, real food, stress, sleep, fitness, toxins, natural living, DIY, parenting, motherhood, and other health tips to give you actionable solutions to improve your family’s life! Brought to you by Katie Wells of
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A mother and daughter pair covering all things motherhood while paying homage to the mothers we've learned from.
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Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz Weekly Torah Lesson Enjoy this video of what we hope will be a weekly endeavor into spreading the educational words of our Torah. Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida 5620 Winkler Road Ft Myers, FL 33919 239-433-7708
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Welcome to The Mama Marketer Podcast! Hosted by Olivia Hayse. Sit with me and listen as I interview my friends about topics like entrepreneurship, politics, pop culture, bible studies and everything in between!
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Chaque semaine découvrez la diversité et la richesse de la scène musicale autochtone avec Moe Clark. Pour consulter les archives de cette balado :
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Un podcast bilingüe que conecta a madres de diferentes orígenes, discutiendo los desafíos de la crianza en inglés y español.
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Bringing ancestral food, cooking, eating, and living to the everyday, modern mom.
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My son and I started Military Mama the podcast to record our conversation on his everyday living. We discuss whatever is on his mind and as his mama with my husband and I serving as a dual couple with our instant family.
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On the M is for Mama Podcast, you’ll hear encouragement for all things motherhood, practical helps and systems to help you thrive in your home from day to day, funny, relatable kid-stories, examinations of what the Bible has to say about cultural issues, and so much more!
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This podcast discuss the ups and downs of motherhood seen through the eyes of a stay at home mom ( me!) and also discuss the issues that us women face in our everyday lives This is Motherhood at its best We’re not perfect but we’re making it!!!! email is Instagram: YouTube:
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Meet the American Mamas. Daily Segment on American Ground Radio KEEL 101.7 FM/710 AM 6-7 Central. Shreveport, LA.
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Mama Sein verändert - auch beruflich! Entdecke faszinierende Geschichten erfolgreicher Persönlichkeiten in diesem Podcast! Von Influencern über Autoren bis hin zu Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmern - wir sprechen über Erfolge, Misserfolge, Vereinbarkeit, Mindset, Marketing.... Verena von MamaWahnsinnHochVier nimmt dich mit auf diese Reise und teilt ihre wertvollen Erkenntnisse mit dir. Erfahre aus erster Hand, wie du Fehler in Learnings umwandeln kannst. Hol dir jetzt wertvolle Tipps und Tric ...
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Mama sein ist die schönste und gleichsam forderndste Aufgabe, die wir uns vorstellen können. Aber was ist eigentlich mit uns? Wo bleiben wir dabei? Hier gibt es Hilfe für Mamas, die "ein bisschen müde", "ziemlich erschöpft" oder sogar "am Ende ihrer Kräfte" sind, weil sie über das Erfüllen der Bedürfnisse ihrer Lieben ihre eigenen meistens völlig vergessen. Unsere Impulse und Ideen werden dir das Leben als Mama erleichtern und dabei helfen können, selbst bei Kräften zu bleiben: "Muddivation" ...
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Du bist schwanger, möchtest diese Zeit besonderes genießen und in Verbindung mit deinem Baby sein? Meine Meditationen sind zur Entspannung und zum Genießen da. Einige bearbeiten auch ganz spezielle Themen, die dich während der Schwangerschaft beschäftigen könnten. Du kannst diese Meditationen auch als Ergänzung zu deiner Hypnobirthing Vorbereitung auf die Geburt nutzen. Ich wünsche dir von Herzen, dass du mit Hilfe der Meditationen eine wunderschöne Schwangerschaft und positive Geburtsvorber ...
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I am your Daily Life Mamalia
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‘Hoe doen andere mama’s dat toch?‘ Stel jij je ook vaak deze vraag? Dan komt onze podcast als geroepen! Elke maand brengen we een ander thema, overgoten met ons typisch Mama Baas-sausje: een combinatie van zowel mama-verhalen als experten die aan het woord komen. Herkenbare verhalen én bruikbare oplossingen en tips dus. Het geheel wordt aan elkaar gepraat door radiostem en gastvrouw Tine De Donder. Veel luisterplezier!
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Podcast dedicado a la maternidad, con consejos, trucos e ideas para asesorar y ayudar a las mamis y futuras mamis desde los primeros días de embarazo a los primeros meses del bebé. Y por supuesto te cuento temas de actualidad y entrevistas con otras mujeres que puedan ayudarte y empoderarte.
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A biweekly podcast where writers Leah Nicole and Dani Bee discuss Black spirituality, community, and culture.
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Hi My friends! Welcome to Story Time With Bear & Mama! 🌟 Join me—Mama—and my sweet son, Bear, as we read through some of our favorite classics and beloved books. Leave a comment on what book you would like us to read next!
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Mama Bear Apologetics is a podcast for mothers of biological, adopted, or spiritual children who want to learn about how to defend the Christian faith, help give their children reasons for faith, and understand the worldviews that challenge Christian faith in the first place.
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Podcast de anime dirigido por 3 treintones.
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Ça va maman est un podcast où parle de santé mentale parentale en compagnie de la Dre. Lory Zephyr, psychologue spécialisée en santé mentale maternelle, périnatalité et attachement parent enfant, ainsi que Jessika Brazeau, journaliste. Toutes deux sont aussi mamans de plusieurs enfants. Elles entretiennent des conversations authentiques, dépourvues de tout jugement, qu'on entend rarement sur la place publique. Que ce soit en compagnie de mamans anonymes, d'autres professionnel.le.s ou person ...
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Your go-to podcast for baby and toddler sleep solutions, overcoming parenting challenges, and all things messy motherhood.
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The Inspector Mama Podcast Navigating the baby aisle is so daunting. Finding a playgroup is scary. Does the five second rule apply to a pacifier? And everyone tells you to relax! Is it so wrong to want to know everything about sippy cups? A little neurosis is okay! The Inspector Mama podcast will focus on a different topic each week. You will get the low down on homemade applesauce, pre & pro-biotics, parenting styles, baby safety, politics and more. This is a safe space for parents that w ...
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My Favorites statement, poems, part of section.
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’Geriatric’ Mamas is the original, real and raw podcast empowering women over 35 to embrace pregnancy and motherhood. Join hosts Jessica Rizzieri and Sonia Welch Tapley as they share authentic fertility stories, insightful motherhood news and entertaining motherhood moments from guests, listeners and social media!
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Born in the 80's, these two moms hilariously navigate the world of magical awakenings. Based in Pittsburgh PA, Krystyn & Rachael embark on a spiritual journey & tackle mom life together.
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I'll go first: Motherhood is a dang rollercoaster and sometimes I feel like I'm just hanging on. My name is Nina and I am the host of Mama Knows. I truly believe that every mama *knows.* Have you ever held your crying child and just said or thought "I know honey." YOU, mama, know what is best for your family and sometimes it's different than what the other mama knows. This podcast is an ongoing, honest conversation around motherhood, mental health, parenting and relationships...the good, bad ...
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Somos 4 mamás: Rous, Chivis, Sandy y Cons, buscando un espacio para reírnos, quejarnos, filosofar, compartir y echar desmadre de todo lo que sucede en esta etapa, con un poco de vino, porque la maternidad es lo suficientemente difícil para sobrevivirla sin una copa, mimosa o chela en la mano. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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After involvement with the same man, Wifey, Shun and Baby Mama, Shannon have formed a unique bond to keep their children and family united in spite of society norms that tend to pit one against the other.
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Il regarde l'actualité de biais, d'en haut, d'en bas, de côté ; il la retourne dans tous les sens, la soupèse et nous la rend complètement décalée, tordue et tellement tordante. Mamane vous présente une actualité... différente.
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A podcast dedicated to educating and empowering women from preconception, pregnancy, birth, and through early motherhood on wellness lifestyle. The host, Dr. Laura Brayton, is a maternity/pediatric chiropractor and mother who has hand-selected experts in natural, holistic health-care specialties to shine light on options and choices during this exciting phase of a woman’s life.
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Mamatism talking about ....... whatever, just talk.
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That Twin Mama Podcast features topics, concerns, and questions that touch on all things motherhood and beyond, with a special added lens for moms of multiples. Lauren interviews experts, celebrities, and influencers tackling topics that make you feel seen, uplifted, and of course laugh as a mama trying to survive.
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為什麼血是紅色的🩸?為什麼大便臭臭的💩?為什麼恐龍滅絕了🦖?好奇的小孩們總是有好多的問題在腦袋裡轉呀轉!「媽媽老師,我想問問題」是一個為全世界的好奇小孩們設計的Podcast - 孩子們可以勇敢提問,然後媽媽老師會帶著小朋友一起去尋找答案。在節目中我們不僅探討自然科學常識,開啟孩子視角,更深入關懷孩子們心靈,包含社會情緒學習、身體健康管理、品格養成等等...孩子的身心靈各個方面遇到的疑問和煩惱,都有我們來當家庭的後盾。我們會邀請各個領域的專家、其他家長,以及孩子們一起探索,一起學習,一起去找答案。 "Ask Mama Laoshi" is a podcast in Mandarin made for curious minds around the world. Children can ask any questions without being judged, and we not only answer them but also show them how to look for the answers. In this children-centered show, ...
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Bienvenida! a este espacio creado para fortalecer tu carácter como madre de una persona con necesidades especiales y conseguir la paz y tranquilidad que necesitas para mantener el control de tu vida.
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The Impact of Doula Training on Maternal Health with Mama Glow Programming Coordinator Leona Hariharan
Join host Lauren Berty on That Twin Mama podcast for the final installment of her special series from the Doula Expo by Mama Glow. In this episode, Lauren sits down with Leona Hariharan, the Programming and Partnerships Coordinator for Mama Glow. Leona shares her journey from working as an EMT during Covid to becoming a doula and how impactful this…
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The tea you've all been waiting for. Amie shares her doula drama and it will not disappoint. Ahhh it feels good to be back AND for none of us to be pregnant! Cheers ladies!Kirjoittanut Amie Miriello & Macy Pruett
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Brooke Lark returns to the medicine ceremony expecting to be filled with divine love, only to encounter a trickster spirit who shows her that sometimes the most beautiful parts of ourselves can be the most dangerous. Through vivid visions of battlefields and a defiant child insisting "the world is love," Brooke faces the painful task of cutting awa…
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“If You Are Silent About Your Pain, They”ll Kill You And Say You Enjoyed It” -Zora Neale Hurston
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Ife bravely shares her journey through pain and recovery, reflecting on past friendships and the challenges of her own struggles. Join her as she transforms the noise of hurt into a symphony of hope, discovering the power of resilience and the promise of a new life ahead. 🌈💫 #JourneyToHealing #EmbraceChange "If you are silent about your pain, they'…
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Hablaremos de la historia de Helen Keller, el uso de los sentidos, los dones y talentos. Y también hablaremos sobre el Sexto Pilar de la Teología de la Discapacidad. Si quieres mas información sobre este documento, ingresa aquí:…
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Season 1 DONE!: Working with my Mama
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We did a thing! Shoutout to Channy for the idea and to Jaime for saying yes, eventually. Seriously, we both appreciate the space and plan to do even better in Season 2. See yall in March 2025!Kirjoittanut Jaime Coleman
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So you left and still want control of the family you left behind.Kirjoittanut Shannon Brazil
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Strohwitwen & Babychaos: Willkommen, Alina Höhn!
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Was ist besser als eine Alina? Genau: zwei Alinen! Mama Lauda bekommt eine neue Dynamik, denn ab jetzt begleitet Alina Nummer Zwei neben Fanny das Mikrofon. Gemeinsam erweitern wir das Mama-Lauda-Universum und gehen noch tiefer rein in die Welt der Mütter, Kinder, Beziehungen und allem, was das Leben uns vor die Füße wirft – mit doppelt so vielen P…
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In my 49th episode I sit down with my friends Betsy, a Republican high-risk OB nurse, and Jade, who just got done running as a Democrat for the Kansas House of Representatives. Jade and I talk about our experiences as candidates this past cycle and we all discuss how we’re feeling after the results. We also discuss what is next for each of us. We h…
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Ben goes noverbal. Watch the video version of the episode here: Follow my Instagram: Join my Discord: Business Inquiries: Originally produced by Studio71. But now it's produced by meee :) Learn more about your ad choices. Vi…
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Advice for New Parents: What We’ve Learned Raising 3 Kids
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What’s it really like to parent three kids? In this episode, I sit down with none other than my husband, Jeff—aka the Well Rested Dad—to talk about our parenting journey. We’re covering everything from the chaos of managing three kids to the lessons we’ve learned along the way, and yes, I asked him your burning questions. Spoiler alert: he might ac…
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Magie der Rauhnächte – Deine kleine Insel im stressigen Mama-Alltag
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Wie du die Rauhnächte als kleine Auszeit im stressigen Mama-Alltag nutzen kannst In dieser Episode lade ich dich ein, eine Pause vom hektischen Mama-Alltag einzulegen und die Magie der Rauhnächte für dich zu entdecken. Gemeinsam mit meiner lieben Freundin, der wunderbaren Christine Karall – Achtsamkeitstrainerin, Meditationslehrerin und Mama – spre…
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♥ Gründungsmitglied in unserer Skool Community🥳 liebe Power-Mamas! 🌟 In diesem Video spreche ich über ein wichtiges Thema, das viele von uns betrifft: die Erkenntnis, dass Expertenfähigkeiten im Business nicht ausreichen. Es geht darum, die Basics zu lernen und sich als Anfänger zu akzeptieren. 🤯Was du …
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Mamá soy Otaku # 16 - Películas de Anime Las Mejores y Peores en Nuestra Opinión
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Send us a text En este episodio, discutimos nuestras películas de anime favoritas, las que no nos convencen y las que creemos que están sobrevaloradas. Desde grandes clásicos hasta películas modernas, nos adentramos en lo mejor y peor del cine de anime. ¿Cuáles te han marcado y cuáles crees que no merecen tanto hype? ¡Acompáñanos y descubre si tus …
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Dying Young As Late As Possible and Aging Past 40 With Sean Lake
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Episode Highlights With Sean Lake The incredible back story behind his brand and the personal loss that sparked his interest in health How this brand is a tribute to his friend Glen, who died tragically Glen stood for self-improvement and helping others, so this company was founded in his honor Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human bod…
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Ep. 85: Influencing Our Children for Good (a Chat with Kirk Cameron)
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Join me as I chat with Kirk Cameron about how we as parents can have a godly influence on our kids, even with the clamor of worldly voices in their ears. We chat about current culture, Kirk’s goal in leaving mainstream Hollywood content creation, and his new show, Adventures of Iggy and Mr. Kirk—a resource for young children to counteract anti-bibl…
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116. Terézia Miháliková: Na zmenu nie sme nikdy staré
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Terka je spolutvorkyňou kurzu Spokojná v práci. K jeho tvorbe ju doviedla aj jej vlastná skúsenosť so zmenou kariéry. Po 6 ročnej reťazovej materskej sa vrátila do zamestnania, ktoré ju bavilo, ale nič nešlo podľa predstáv. Po odchode zistila, že s podobnými pocitmi ani zďaleka nie je sama. O tomto príbehu a aj príbehoch mnohých z vás, ktoré si kur…
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How to Transform Screen Time Conflict into Family Connection with Velma Gentzsch – 328
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What if your fears about screen time and video games are holding you back from deeper family connections? In today’s episode, I sit down with certified Hand in Hand parenting instructor, Velma Gentzsch, who went from video game skeptic to streaming on Twitch. Her journey reveals how video games can become a powerful tool for building trust, resilie…
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Episode 115. Raising Gender Healthy Girls
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Our culture is heavily evangelistic in shaping our child’s worldview identity, which is why we Christian parents are called to speak up! In this first episode of a two-part series, Amy interviews Ricky Chelette of Living Hope Ministries on how to raise gender healthy boys. In Raising Gender Healthy Girls, Ricky graciously addressed the girly-girls …
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What is neurodivergence in kids? w/ Laura Petix
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In this conversation, Nina and Laura discuss the complexities of neurodivergence, particularly in children. They explore the meaning of neurodivergence, the role of diagnosis, and the challenges parents face in understanding and supporting their neurodivergent children. Laura shares insights from her experience as a pediatric occupational therapist…
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《媽媽老師與好朋友們的好奇時光》有外星人嗎?👽🪐 Mama Laoshi & Friends; Are aliens real? 👽🪐
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Send us a text ✨本集介紹 Episode Overview✨ 「外太空有外星人👽嗎?」還有,「你知道外星人🛸下一個要去的星球🪐是哪裡嗎?」孩子們總有各種天馬行空、充滿想像力的問題,但是⋯所有的問題都會有一個「標準答案」嗎?比起回答問題,我們更想和孩子們一起討論,陪他們去找👀答案。 「🌈媽媽老師與好朋友們的好奇時光🌈」是一個新的系列的節目,每一集節目中我們會有一個問題,由媽媽老師的好朋友們,在節目中一起討論,有可能是小松鼠🐿️與小書蟲🐛,也有可能是某位專家👩🔬,甚至是某一位很好奇很喜歡探索的小朋友👧🏻會加入我們的節目!想知道他們最後有沒有找到答案嗎?快來聽聽看就知道囉! Kids love to ask all kinds of wildly imaginative ques…
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Hoy quiero contarte una historia que no te dejará indiferente. La historia de Marcos, el dueño de un pequeño taller de motos, que lo ha perdido todo. La DANA arrasó su espacio de trabajo, destruyó sus herramientas y dejó su sueño hecho escombros. Pero detrás de su tristeza, hay una gran esperanza: la de volver a empezar, la de volver a abrir las pu…
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Mama Baas Podcast: Op zoek naar de balans tussen je rol als mama en jezelf met Lies Clercx
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In de nieuwste aflevering van de Mama Baas podcast praten we met psychologe Lies Clercx over het vinden van balans tussen je rol als moeder en jezelf. We bespreken hoe je de signalen herkent dat je jezelf dreigt te verliezen, wat je kunt doen om schuldgevoelens los te laten, en waarom zelfzorg cruciaal is voor zowel jou als je gezin. Hoe stel je gr…
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We got a question in for our American Mamas... Dear Mamas, should the police have arrested that mama who let her son walk a mile from home?Kirjoittanut American Ground Radio
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Dans cet épisode, on reçoit la Cynthia Girard, psychoéducatrice et médiatrice pour aborder l'année qui suit la séparation. Comment on apprivoise tout ça quand on est parent? On aborde entre autres : Processus de deuil Processus en médiation Comment mettre le bien-être des enfants de l'avant Quoi répondre aux multiples questions des enfants Qu'est-c…
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Hey familia! In today’s episode of Inspector Mama, we dive deep into the future of this podcast, our community’s resilience, and what it means to keep pushing forward. From discussing Kamala Harris’s recent election loss to celebrating the wins of our local leaders, we explore the importance of representation and political activism in the Latinx an…
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Dr. Radhika Kapoor, DDS: How to Develop a Healthy Pediatric Airway and Why It Is Important | WAM222
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DR. RADHIKA KAPOOR was born in NYC and raised in NJ. She has extensive experience and sincerity for pediatric oral health care. She is passionate about working with children and their families in a fun and gentle manner. Furthermore, Dr. Kapoor's strong educational foundation allows her to share a wealth of knowledge on oral health as it relates to…
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Y'all ready to rock and roll? I sure am! I can't wait to share everything God has been doing. So, meet me here, November 25th for our Season 3 premiere!Kirjoittanut Samantha Green
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Send us a text A very fun Halloween Special! Join Bear and Me as we read through 3 fun Halloween Books! 10 Timid Ghosts: Mouse's First Halloween Shake Dem Halloween Bones: Blooming Paper Press Coloring Books: TikTok @bloomingpaperpress Blog…
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