出版界の片隅にいる3人が、マンガについてゆるーく語っていく番組です。【毎週日曜日更新】 海外マンガの翻訳をしている原、マンガ編集者のハヤシ、デザイナーのタダでお送りします。 お便りは [email protected] までお願いします!
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Hosts Quinn Larios & Nikolas Freeman run down the new weekly manga chapters with an eye to critique while still going off on joking tangents.
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A Weekly Manga Podcast where we discuss the finest 1st volumes of manga to help you chose your next favourite title and build your collection!
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Zwei Goblins, zwei Mikrofone und ein Playbutton – mehr braucht es nicht um euch in die wundersame Welt der Anime, Manga und japanischen Kultur zu entführen. Neben den heißesten neuen Releases reden wir über alles. Egal ob alt oder neu, gefragt oder gejagt, lang oder kurz, spannend oder gruselig, für jeden ist was dabei.
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Manga Mavericks is a podcast hosted by Colton and LumRanmaYasha dedicated to covering and discussing manga not just as a medium, but also as an industry!
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**New Episodes every Monday!** Join hosts dakazu, darfox8, Seamus2389, and Morgana Santilli for Manga Machinations! Our weekly manga discussions focus on introducing lots of unknown manga and doing in-depth retrospective reviews of titles such as ‘Tokyo Tarareba Girls’, ‘BLAME!’, Tezuka Osamu’s ‘Phoenix’, and more! Get more info at mangamachinations.com and send emails to [email protected]
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Veteran comics podcaster Tim and monster theorist Patrick now enter season two, a chapter-by-chapter look at Hitoshi Iwaaki's PARASYTE! Scroll back for season one, our chapter-by-chapter discussion of Hiromu Arakawa's FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST!
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Proxer.Me präsentiert euch ProxCast! Dein Podcast zum Thema Anime, Manga, Japan, Games und Proxer! Abonniere uns!
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This is all about learning something new.In this particular podcast,Mangalaprathaban talks about the nuances of self-motivation and overcoming self doubt to actualize your mission in life,art and career.
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There is no surprise that the anime and manga scene have become massive over the last few years. Whether you’re getting ready to purchase your first manga, or you’re looking to add yet another series to your already-packed bookshelf; Project Tsundoku is here to help! We deep dive into the manga world to bring you heartfelt reviews on a range of titles. Looking to win a FREE MANGA? We give away a copy of each title we review, check us out on Instagram and Twitter to learn more @projecttsundoku.
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#Ohayo! les nakamas et bienvenue sur ce podcast, dédié à tous les otakus ! ⛩✌🏼 Une fois par semaine, je te parle manga ! Retrouve moi aussi sur tous mes réseaux (Twitter ; Instagram) @segohayo Bonne écoute ! 🤓
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Coloque o fone e venha conversar sobre o universo otaku com 4 LGBTs e 1 mineiro. Twitter: @cdmcast Instagram: @cdm.cast Tiktok: @cdmcast
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A manga discussion podcast focusing on shojo (and josei!) series that make your heart go doki-doki. Covering classics like CLAMP’s “Cardcaptor Sakura” and Yuu Watase’s “Fushigi Yuugi” to newer favorites like Kazune Kawahara’s “My Love Story!!” and Hiro Fujiwara’s “Maid Sama!” Shojo & Tell host Ashley McDonnell discusses one series per episode with a rotating shojo superfan. We're recreating all those impassioned rants you'd have with your friends about your favorite series, just in podcast f ...
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GeekNights Wednesdays is the weekly Anime and comic segment of GeekNights, including discussion of anime, manga, comics, Asian cinema, anime conventions, and more.
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At the heart of the Buddhist path is the individual practitioner who integrates the teachings with his or her own experience. Posting weekly since August of 2009, the Link Podcast features pithy teachings by Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche, Dungse Jampal Norbu, and Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel that illustrate the creativity and practicality that are the hallmarks of being a successful meditator. Talks by students of Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche offer an intimate window into the spiritual paths of Western s ...
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Oriente Express es un podcast dedicado a analizar el mundo del manga, con pasión, información y humor
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Un Podcast Chaloupé pour les Fans de Mangas, animé par une équipe composée de Doz le marseillais (Force Jaune Pastis), Jo le martiniquais (Force Verte Coco) et Max le ch’ti (Force Marron Fricadelle)! On souhaite partager avec vous notre passion et nos expériences à travers notamment des dossiers complets sur nos auteurs favoris! Débats, Humour, Karaoké ... Pas de prise de tête, c'est notre crédo.
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The Mudai Manga and Book Club podcast explores the stories, comics, and novels coming out of Japan. From the newest Shonen Jump sensation to classics of manga’s early days, from brutal historical action series to fantastical romances to just the dumb fun of goofy Isekai stories and everything and anything in between, join us as we find series new and old to enjoy and explore together.
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Manga sammeln und lesen kann ein extrem zeitaufwendiges und teures Hobby sein. Manga-Reihen erscheinen seit bald 30 Jahren in Deutschland und jeden Monat kommen um die 100 neue Bände dazu. Im Streaming-Bereich gibt es derzeit dutzende Anime zur Auswahl - zudem werden viele Animes auch zum Kauf angeboten. Jede Woche erreichen uns neue News zu neuen Simulcasts, Lizenzen, neue Manga-Reihen und vieles mehr. Wir möchten euch helfen den Durchblick zu behalten. Wir, dass sind Verena und Tjorben. Hi ...
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Bienvenue dans le monde palpitant des blablas du manga, le podcast ultime pour tous les fan de manga ! émission bi-mensuel, qui te plongera au cœur de l'actualité de tes mangas préférés. Que vous soyez un lecteur assidu, un spectateur enthousiaste de live action, ou simplement un curieux du monde fascinant du manga, les blablas du manga est votre rendez-vous incontournable. Rejoignez-nous pour explorer les multiples dimensions du manga, entre émotions, analyses et bonne humeur. Prêts à vivre ...
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Seb et Val vous donnent rendez-vous deux fois par mois pour parler mangas et animation japonaise 📚📺 Retrouvez nous sur nos réseaux sociaux Twitter et Instagram @ypdlm_podcast
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Curious about manga but don't know where to start? Well neither does comics writer/artist Chip Zdarsky! Join manga experts Deb Aoki, David Brothers, and Christopher Woodrow-Butcher, as they introduce the medium to Chip (and to you!) through some of its best and most important works. Every week a new volume of manga to re-discover, discuss, and enjoy! More info at Mangasplaining.com!
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Anime! Manga! Conventions! Fandom! Reviews! News! Editorials! Seasonal Preview Guides! Classics! The Reverse Thieves look at so much anime and manga that it can’t be contained within a single podcast. Join Kate and Alain as they discuss everything from what they just watched to what is going on in fandom. SWAT (Seasonal Watching Anime Taskforce) Reviews: A look at the first episode of the best (and sometimes worst) anime of the new season. Case Closed Reviews: A final wrap-up of the anime we ...
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O podcast bem humorado que leva animes e mangás a sério, como eles merecem.
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La 5e de Couv', c'est une émission d'environ 1h, où l'on aime le manga , dans des débats d'opinions, des classements, des analyses du marché et des avis parfois tranchés.
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(Currently bi-weekly) Covers legally-available manga from a variety of genres and demographics. Discover popular hits and under-the-radar manga! Hosted by John.
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Benvinguts a "El Racó del Manga", un podcast sobre manga, anime i cultura japonesa en català! Som un equip d'enamorats del món nipó amb l'objectiu de potenciar el doblatge en català de les nostres sèries i pel·lícules d'anime preferides. Cada setmana, fem el possible per mantenir-vos al dia amb les últimes novetats del sector amb la Jayce, la nostra cap de Premsa. També us portem terúlies amb conviats moderades per la periodista cultural Adriana Diaz. Recomanacions retro de manga, anime, vid ...
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Tous les mois retrouvez l'équipe de Mangacast pour un talk-show consacré au manga et à l'animation japonaise. Deux émissions vous sont proposées mensuellement : Mangacast, dans laquelle vous retrouverez nos dossiers, portraits, débats et sagas, et Mangacast Omake, dans laquelle vous découvrirez nos chroniques manga et animé, nos coups de cœur et nos coups de gueule.
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Podcast - La 5e de Couv' - Le podcast de débat autour du manga !
Podcast - La 5e de Couv' - Le podcast de débat autour du manga !
Le podcast de débat autour du manga !
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Two guys reviewing manga.
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Weekly reaction episodes to the various manga I read List incoming.
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魅惑的な日本の漫画の世界であるMangarawは、その魅力的なストーリーと多様なジャンルで世界中の読者の心をつかんでいます。お気に入りのマンガを読むには、Mangakomaにアクセスしてください。 Mangaraw は、幅広いマンガ作品へのアクセスを提供するオンライン プラットフォームです。Mangaraw の「raw」という用語は、通常、翻訳されていないマンガの章を指します。
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An ongoing podcast examining the art of creating manga, comics and all forms of sequential art.
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4 amigos reunidos para conversar e beber. O resto é só história.
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Join brothers, Zac and Justin, on their journey into the world of manga! On Manga Opus, expect discussions of the best, strangest, and whatever-we-felt-like-est manga of all time.
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Podcast de mangás e sobre a Shonen Jump do site Analyse It!
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Month by month, longtime friends Maddie and Al discuss manga series from their own surprise reading lists. Bear witness to our nerd crimes!!
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Unlike other TPSs, Manga Fighter is geared towards the casual player. Colorful array of surroundings immerse the player in their fun and exciting gaming experience. Filled with fun ideas, unique map designs, colorful graphics and excitement lurking around every corner make Manga Fighter an addictive game.
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Each week Steve and Mike share our weekly pulls and discuss what we liked and didn't like from that week. We conduct interviews with readers and creatives in the comic book industry and have deep dive discussions on existing work!
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This is a space for all nakama, where I'll discuss about weekly and monthly releases of new scanlations, whether be it Manga or Manwha (Korean Mangas)! I'll also make you discover some underground Manga from time to time that I really enjoy! Let's do this guys and gals!
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Welcome to Manga Horse, where we talk about anime and manga, Review and analyze chapters of the biggest shows & Movies, and talk a lot about Attack on Titan So if you’re a fantasy fan, you’ll want to stick around
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Los mejores Podcast de anime, manga y películas, etc.
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Weekly Shonen Jump manga reviews and other anime/manga related discussions. Current Review Roster: Ayashimon, Sakamoto Days, Mission: Yozakura Family, Jujutsu Kaisen, My Hero Academia, One Piece. Make sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/projectmangapodcast/support
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A monthly manga book club and deep dive into Viz's Weekly Shonen Jump.
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The manga discussion podcast for people who love anything and everything to do with manga! We talk about collections, genre's, passion and everything in between. The only requirement to listen is to enjoy a great time with even better people. We are The Manga Club, just without the classroom.
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Podcast by Canto de Mangas Arregaçadas
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Podcast de filosofia e teologia com o Profº Cleber Eduardo Paixão.
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Porque há sempre temas que nos passam ao lado mas que podem dar que pensar e notícias do dia que podem ter outras estórias para contar. Todas podem ser o rastilho para pensar diferente. São opiniões que dão ‘Pano p’ra Mangas’.
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日本語でマンガと音楽の話をしています。 S1💙:Let's talk about MANGA in simple Japanese! S2💗:日本語でマンガのはなしをしましょう! S3💚:Let's talk about MUSIC in simple Japanese!(Spotify only) Instagram➡https://www.instagram.com/kissa.nihongo/ Scripts➡https://kissa.nihongo.japaneselesson-shiga.com/
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If I had a nickel for every bad 2000s manga we've read that relied too much on fanservice and then included a Barack Obama expy with the last name Omaha, I'd have two nickels. And you know the rest. 1:23 - Gamble Fish 50:23 - Ichi the Witch 21 1:02:00 / 62:00 - Blue Box 183 1:11:34 / 71:34 - Chainsaw Man 193 1:17:26 / 77:26 - Astro Royale 40 1:25:4…
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Tonight on GeekNights, we review the Sakamoto Days anime. It starts with a strong premise, but in the end it's just a shounen fighting show. In the news, Flow wins Latvia's first Oscar, The Day The Earth Blew Up actually looks pretty good, you can see Princess Mononoke restored in theaters, and Common Side Effects is real good. Related Links Forum …
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Die kranke Welt des Hajime Iseyamas
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
2:00:50Shinzō wo Sasageyo oder auch widmet euer Herz. Herzlich willkommen zu einer weiteren Folge. Heute wird es sehr spannend, da wir uns über den Attack on Titan: The last Attack Film unterhalten und übermitteln euch unsere Emotionen die wir im Kino gefühlt haben. Dazu kommt noch eine kleine Vorstellung eines Manga den Robin sich zugelegt hat und auch s…
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A Red Jacket that Isn't Quite Metallic - Episode 7.5 - FullMetal Alchemist
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
1:28:54With Louie on vacation, Tom is joined today by special guest host Renata, and without the guardrails in place from Louie, we still stay laser focused on our topics of FullMetal Alchemist and it's anime adaptation (mostly 2003's version), Renata's Choice Five anime and manga series, visiting Japan, the joys of vending machines in Japan, museums we v…
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Fauve, l'exorciste du Louvre.
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
14:32Suite à mon passage à la Japan Expo de Marseille en cette fin de mois de février, j'ai pu assister à l'interview Paula Andrade, l'autrice de Fauve, l'exorciste du Louvre. Par la suite, je l'ai rencontrée en dédicace et c'était vraiment chouette ! Fauve, l'exorciste du Louvre est disponible aux éditions Vega Dupuis. Bonne écoute ! ------------------…
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Vinland Saga – le Premier Arc – La 5e de Couv – #5DC – Saison 10 épisode 25
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
1:02:54Vinland Saga et son premier arc fracassant, tous les lecteurs de manga en ont entendu parler au moins une fois ! Invité au FIBD d’Angoulême en janvier dernier, son auteur, Makoto Yukimura ne laisse personne... L’article Vinland Saga – le Premier Arc – La 5e de Couv – #5DC – Saison 10 épisode 25 est apparu en premier sur La 5e de Couv' - Le podcast …
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Episode 62: Shinobi Undercover
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Toista myöhemmin
48:32Send us a text High school. What a crazy time to be alive. You have teenagers slowly trying to figure out who they want to be. Teachers trying to make a livable wage. And....under cover ninjas tryin to kill each other?Kirjoittanut Project Tsundoku
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Snow White with the Red Hair Manga Discussion Part 1 (with Asher Sofman)
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
1:33:28There are few contemporary shojo manga that are more popular and beloved that Sorata Akizuki's wholesome fairy-tale-inspired story Snow White with the Red Hair. The protagonist, Shirayuki, has apple-red hair that attracts attention from unsavory characters and noble princes alike, and the story follows her as she becomes a court herbalist and a wor…
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Parasyte 5: "Studyholic"
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
58:39Send us a text In the ‘90s, when Americans were just beginning to read manga, the translator had to either do a lot of handholding, explaining relevant bits of Japanese society, or change them into things that were familiar to Western readers. We see a lot of the latter in the translation published by Mixx (later Tokyo Pop) in those days. Starting …
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7x28 - amb ALBERT TRIFOL i NEREA ALFONSO "A l'anime ens sentim estimats"
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
1:06:29En el podcast d’avuí, ens posarem al dia de les pel·lícules d’anime en català als cinemes, i us explicarem en que pot consistir el Barcelona Game Fest. Al parlem-se, Adriana Diaz moderarà una tertúlia on compararem com es posa la veu als animes al Japó i com es doblen a Catalunya. Amb dues veus convidades de luxe: Albert Trifol i Nerea Alfonso. A l…
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Episode 41 - PLUTO: Urasawa x Tezuka by Naoki Urasawa
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
1:00:39What happens when you take a tale written by 'The God of Manga' and let the 'Master of Suspense' retell it? Well, you only get one of the greatest works of Manga ever written! On this week's episode, Mat is joined once again by his podcasting partner in. crime Tom, to talk about an undisputed masterpiece: PLUTO: Urasawa x Tezuka by Naoki Urasawa, p…
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Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
43:54あなたは「推し」に、何を捧げられますか……? 【推薦作品あらすじ】 オールカラー!鬼才が描く、二つの推し活! 『帝一の國』『ライチ☆光クラブ』の古屋兎丸がおくる、推しとファンと人生の物語。 【おたより募集中】 [email protected] ご意見・ご感想はこちらまで♪
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540 - Twiple Dip 13 - #DRCL 3, Innocent 3, Chainsaw Man 18
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
2:15:21Morgana is back from COMICSPRO, Darfox saw Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuuX -Beginning-, and dakazu read Yoko Nihonbashi's new manga, Kissa Rougoku! Then we finally get back to revisiting #DRCL, Innocent, and Chainsaw Man for a Twiple Dip!!! Send us emails! [email protected] Follow us on Twitter! @mangamacpodcast Check out our website! https:…
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Manga Mavericks @ Movies #50: "Our Favorite Films of 2024 & Oscars 2025 Thoughts!"
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
3:47:22Welcome back to Manga Mavericks @ Movies! The show where we don’t just talk smack about movies, we celebrate them! We’re back after (check notes) FOUR YEARS(?!) to talk about the year of film in 2024! It’s been a long time since we’ve done one of these, so you may be wondering why we were so eager to record a podcast about 2024 films than years pas…
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#68 Trading Card Games & Gundam TCG Beta-Events
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
59:08In dieser Folge tauchen wir in die Welt der Trading Card Games (TCGs) ein! Von Magic: The Gathering über Pokémon und Yu-Gi-Oh! bis hin zu One Piece - wir sprechen über unsere Erfahrungen mit den kultigen Sammelkartenspielen, die Generationen von Fans begeistert haben. Welche TCGs haben wir gespielt? Welche Karten hüten wir wie einen Schatz? Und was…
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Mangacast n°93 – Angoulême 2025 !
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
4:16:19Bienvenue dans ce Mangacast n°93, ou l'équipe vous propose un retour sur l'édition 2025 du Festival Internationale de la Bande Dessinée d'Angoulême !Kirjoittanut Mangacast
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YPDLM #43 - Shin Zero (feat. Chris) | Podcast Manga
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
1:03:34Bienvenue dans ce nouvel épisode consacré au manga (comics?BD?) Shin Zero édité chez le label 619 Pour m'accompagner, je retrouve le poto Chris de la team TOMODACHI Au programme, le premier du chapitre du manga où le thème centrale sera les sentais !! Bonne écoute à toutes et à tous !! Où retrouver Chris : https://linktr.ee/tomodachi_fr N'hésitez p…
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Valentinstag in Anime & Japan – Von Schokolade und Liebesgeständnissen! ??? Taucht mit uns ein in die romantischen (und manchmal chaotischen) Valentinstags-Traditionen Japans und deren Darstellung in Anime. Wer schenkt wem Schokolade? Was hat es mit White Day auf sich? Und welche ikonischen Anime-Momente rund um den 14. Februar gibt es? Hört rein!.…
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The Speakeasy #170: Sakamoto Days, Medalist, Ameku MD + More Winter 2025 Anime
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
1:20:08This month we talk about the new anime of winter 2025: Ameku MD Doctor Detective Sakamoto Days Zenshu I May Be a Guild Receptionist But I'll Solo Any Boss to Clock Out on Time Headhunted to Another World From Bureacrat to Villainess: Dad's Been Reincarnated Red Ranger Becomes an Adventurer in Another World Promise of Wizard Flower and Asura Medalis…
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