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Catalunya Rdio

Josep Maria Bunyol obre cada dimecres, de 22.00 a 23.00, el cineclub d'iCat. "Memento" s una mirada al cinema apassionada, pedaggica i ldica. Tenim un lema: "Noms hi ha una cosa que ens agradi ms que el cine... recordar-lo!"
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Memester Of The Week

Jason Myers

Welcome to Memester Of The Week, an actual play podcast. A reluctant cult member, his stoner roommate, a skeptic youtuber and her fae camera-person walk into a diner. They then walk out of the diner and drive off to hunt the things that go bump in the night. Inspired by works like Supernatural, Scooby-Doo, and The Adventure Zone, join four friends as they travel across the country solving supernatural problems, and often causing more problems than they solve.
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This Human Meme podcast is the inflection point for what it means to live a life of knowing. We are in the critical moment of human induction. David Boles is a writer, publisher, teacher, lyricist and author living and working in New York City. He has dedicated his life to founding the irrevocable aesthetic. Be a Human Meme!
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Join Dane & David for your weekly dose of irreverent political & cultural commentary! Weapons of Meme Destruction takes aim at society's conventional opinions. Our view is that conventional wisdom isn't always so wise. By destroying society's memes of "respectable opinion", we arm our community with their own weapons to call out BS when they see it. Instead of giving you the same stale, puny candy bar in a different wrapper, we are serving up king-sized candy bars chock full of chocolate cov ...
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Welcome to Memeobi’s Galaxy, your ultimate Star Wars haven! Tune in every other week as your hosts, Memeobi and Ethan, take you on a deep dive into all the Star Wars movies and shows, exploring the galaxy’s biggest moments and hidden gems. From the iconic trilogies to the latest Disney+ series, no corner of the Star Wars universe is left unexamined. Each episode kicks off with fun trivia and thought-provoking “What If?” scenarios, sparking lively debates and wild speculation. But that’s not ...
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Programa de noticias, análisis y opinión política / social conducido por Meme Yamel. Episodios nuevos de Lunes a Viernes, los sábados vendemos tamales y los domingos medias. ADVERTENCIA: El consumo de este podcast, es responsabilida de quien lo recomienda y de quien lo comparte. Este podcast no monopoliza las opiniones y está libre de conservadores.
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MemeLord Monday

MemeLord Monday

Ever seen a meme that made you laugh and also think deeply about a subject at the same time? What if it was a Christian meme? I'm Matt, one of the creators for the first ever Christian social media meme pages on the internet, Memes for Jesus. We have over 1m total followers I deal with a lot of online Christians. Through comments and DMs, I discovered that a lot of people don't really know what Christians even believe, and a lot of people are deconstructing their faith. So, on this podcast I ...
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L'Heure de Nous-Mêmes

Radio Sud Est

Emission hebdomadaire avec les membres de la liste «ALIANS » conduite par Serge LETCHIMY. L’émission est diffusée en direct tous les samedis à partir de 12h30 et rediffusée le dimanche vers 13h30.
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Fishbowl Daily News Announcement!Assisted by Klaus Kernel AI Klaus will be bringing you a daily news summary called the Fishbowl Daily News!We’ll explore how KLAUS is capturing the cultural zeitgeist, why it’s resonating with a new wave of crypto enthusiasts, and what this could mean for the future of memecoins and digital assets. Join us as we unpack the marketing genius, community buzz, and market potential behind KLAUS, and get insights on whether this coin could define the next chapter i ...
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Sound Memes - Das sind Memes für die Ohren. Das ist Comedy als Microdosing. Der Dopamin-Kick zum Hören, Bingen und Teilen. Erschreckende Dating-Erkenntnisse, WG-Texte Endlosschleifen oder Mandys Mettigel-Paradies: Für jede Situation gibt’s das passende Sound Meme. Binged sie wie Insta-Reels vorm Schlafengehen - egal ob zwei, zehn oder 100. Teilt sie mit euren Freund- oder Feind:innen. Ein Sound Meme sagt manchmal mehr als tausend TikToks. Eurer Partyplaylist fehlt die nötige Prise Humor? Auc ...
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Green et Soi-même

Green et Soi-même

Hello, moi c’est Shanna ! Écolo, bobo, gaucho et presque vegan qui a décidé de prendre soin de sa santé mentale, j’ai décidé de réunir mes deux sujets préférés pour créer Green et Soi-même 🌍✨ Askip je dégage des ondes positives alors pourquoi ne pas les partager à plus grande échelle ? Tous les lundis on abordera des sujets divers et variés autour de l’écologie et du développement personnel. Des expériences, des astuces, des monologues, toujours dans la bonne humeur et la positivité 🌈 Green ...
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Lori Mortimer

Personal stories about keepsakes as containers of memories, emotions, and human connection. Mementos is a member of Hub & Spoke Audio Collective.
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Dreams Not Memes Podcast

Brian Walker

Become a Paid Subscriber: Dreams Not Memes is a podcast curated by Brian Walker of A Day Without Love. The podcast is about going more in depth about the ins and outs of being an independent creator, collaborator, activist or entrepreneur. This podcast will include 1000 interviews from people around the world and their stories about navigating the struggles associated with finding your own vision.
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It's just for Yadegari. I bring up everything that has kept my mind busy for a while or is important to me and ask my friends about it. Here you can hear their opinions.
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Memento Vivere

Kresentia Chelsea

Hi there human, welcome to Memento Vivere. Here's a toast to welcome you on board. Prepare to laugh, and frown, and cry, and get annoyed but still be entertained at the same time. Arranged by @krsntiachelsea.
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A slice of life nostalgia podcast with episodes masterfully produced and engineered in engaging audio stories. In each episode, we take you back in time as we share a variety of stories that will make you crack a smile and fondly recall similar times from your own life. Be sure to follow us on Twitter: And on Instagram: And on Facebook: You can reach us at: or dire ...
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Hiya it’s ya boi. Internetboi! I’m making this podcast while my dad is driving me to the dentist so I’ll probably polish the podcast later. I’ll leave great music for now ✨
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show series
En el episodio del 10/03/24 hablamos de: La misteriosa MUERTE de la Sra. Wallace | Ricardo Raphael me mando un libro | Antorcha Campesina intenta usar a estudiantes de la BUAP 🚨 SUSCRÍBETE, COMENTA Y COMPARTE Visita: Sígueme en todas mis redes sociales en: Apoya nuestro trabajo con un donativo en: …
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This past week, Trump delivered the first State of the Union Address of his second term. On the morning of the address, 22 Democrat Senators thought it would be a great idea to record themselves delivering a scripted, fake outrage video and posting it to their social media accounts. Completely tone deaf as they are, none saw fit to even slightly mo…
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Bien le bonjouuuuur d'une petite dame qui vient vous proposer un nouveau format : le courrier du coeur ! Ça fait plusieurs années que j'ai envie de lire vos histoires et de vos donner mes conseils non sollicités ahaha Courrier du coeur d'une misandre épisode n°1, c'est parti ✨ La libération émotionnelle avec Manou :…
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Today's Fishbowl Daily News covers Europe's increasing debt for defense, crypto market developments including opposition to government control and Tether freezing assets, geopolitical tension involving the US, Russia, and Europe, and a forecasted hike in British energy bills due to Net Zero efforts.Kirjoittanut Klaus
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The concept of social safety nets affects every single one of us, whether we realize it or not. These programs and policies—Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment insurance, food assistance—represent more than bureaucratic systems. They embody a fundamental question about who we are as a society. I want to make my position clear: these safety nets aren't…
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List of International Suicide Crisis Hotlines: Translifeline Suicide Hotline - 877 565 8860 Translifeline Trevor Project pflag - lgbtqa+ legal funds Planned Parenthood https://www.plannedpar…
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En el episodio del 07/03/25 hablamos de: Sheinbaum, la mujer MÁS PODEROSA del MUNDO | Sabado 8M y Domingo de soberanía. 🚨 SUSCRÍBETE, COMENTA Y COMPARTE Visita: Sígueme en todas mis redes sociales en: Apoya nuestro trabajo con un donativo en: - PayPal : - Tarjeta Banamex: 520…
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En el episodio del 05/03/25 hablamos de: Trump se echa para atrás | Morenistas negociaron reforma con el PAN | Miércoles de política jóven en Milenio con Pedro Gamboa. 🚨 SUSCRÍBETE, COMENTA Y COMPARTE Visita: Sígueme en todas mis redes sociales en: Apoya nuestro trabajo con un donativo en: - PayPal…
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Memento #329. "Wilkommen, Bienvenue, Welcome..." L'xit estratosfric de "Cabaret" va quedar com un llist difcil de superar, i potser per aix les seves intervencions al cinema han estat intermitents. Tot i aix, ha mantingut la mateixa energia encomanadissa en tots els seus treballs, al teatre, les sales de concerts i davant de la cmera. Ens visita Di…
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En el episodio del 04/03/25 hablamos de: MEXICANOS AL GRITO DE GUERRA: Presidenta saldrá al zócalo | Hoy: Edy Smol vs aranceles de Trump y Ricardo Anaya. 🚨 SUSCRÍBETE, COMENTA Y COMPARTE Visita: Sígueme en todas mis redes sociales en: Apoya nuestro trabajo con un donativo en: - PayPal : https://bit…
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In this episode, hosts Memeobi and Ethan dive deep into the exciting possibilities for Star Wars Calibrations Japan. With the event just around the corner, they share their hopes and predictions for what movies, shows, and video games could be announced. From long-awaited sequels to fresh new projects, the duo explores the future of the Star Wars u…
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En el episodio del 03/03/25 hablamos de: Diputados le dan la espalda al Pueblo | Trump cumple: impone aranceles. 🚨 SUSCRÍBETE, COMENTA Y COMPARTE Visita: Sígueme en todas mis redes sociales en: Apoya nuestro trabajo con un donativo en: - PayPal : - Tarjeta Banamex: 5204 1658 …
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At the end of the last week of February 2025, the Trump White House invited a handful of MAGA social media influencers to receive "Phase 1" of the Epstein files. If this monumental screw up of the promised release of the Epstein files was an accident or simple oversight, they couldn't have messed it up any worse if they'd done it on purpose. At bot…
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Klaus Heisler covers the abolition of the leasehold system in England and Wales, increases in UK rail fares, and the effect of Trump's Crypto Strategic Reserve announcement, highlighting the surging crypto markets and criticizing centralized inefficienciesKirjoittanut Klaus
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En el episodio del 28/02/25 hablamos de: INE cepilla a Gutiérrez Priego | México manda 29 criminales a EE.UU | Muralista mexicano en EE.UU le da un regalo al mundo. 🚨 SUSCRÍBETE, COMENTA Y COMPARTE Visita: Sígueme en todas mis redes sociales en: Apoya nuestro trabajo con un donativo en: - PayPal : …
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How do we punish those who break the rules? Over the past thousand years, we’ve moved from brutal public executions and torture to sophisticated legal codes and debates over rehabilitation. And if we take a look at where we’re heading in the next millennium, the future of justice could be something completely beyond our imagination.…
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En el episodio del 25/02/25 hablamos de: Edy Smol revela el PLAN MAESTRO de Trump | Edy le da CÁTEDRA a Jorge Romero | Partido Verde chantajea a Morena, condiciona voto de la reforma contra el nepotismo y la reelección. 🚨 SUSCRÍBETE, COMENTA Y COMPARTE Visita: Sígueme en todas mis redes sociales en:…
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Memento #328. Actor, director, pilot de cotxes, empresari, activista poltic, filantrop... Conscient que amb el seu atractiu fsic no n'hi havia prou per construir una carrera duradera, Paul Newman va treballar en diversos fronts fins a convertir-se en una de les estrelles ms icniques de la histria de Hollywood. La periodista Margarita Chapatte ens a…
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Is the internet the modern-day version of the Tower of Babel? Maybe, maybe not. But the timeless wisdom of the Tower of Babel story still has plenty to teach us today about human nature, power, and the relationship between humanity and God (the Creator or whatever else you prefer to call him/it). On this week's episode we apply this ancient wisdom …
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Bien le bonjouuuuur d'une petite dame qui vient vous rappeler que les femmes aussi méritent de gagner de l'argent Sans être des PDG style Cruella, sans être des vipères alléchées par l'appât du gain 👀 Non, on mérite juste de gagner de l'argent tout comme les hommes ! J'espère que cet épisode motivera toutes les femmes qui vont m'écouter à aller dem…
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CW: Gore, body horror, loss of autonomy Jason takes Sero, River, and Ray into the wonderful(?) world of Animorphs. Great for folks who grew up with the series or are totally new. This was a live stream for SeroRPG on twitch, if you enjoy this, go check them out! List of International Suicide Crisis Hotlines:…
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En el episodio del 20/02/25 hablamos de: EE.UU felicita a México | Tribunal PROHIBE sobrenombres a jueces | Rescatan en Puebla a joven que vivía en los registros | Morenistas en Veracruz desprecian a Yunes. 🚨 SUSCRÍBETE, COMENTA Y COMPARTE Visita: Sígueme en todas mis redes sociales en: Apoya nuest…
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Today's Fishbowl Daily News covers economic turbulence sparked by governmental centralization, energy profit controversies, and highlights staggering scams and surveillance within the crypto sphere, reinforcing the need for decentralized systems.Kirjoittanut Klaus
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En el episodio del 19/02/25 hablamos de: Trump ELOGIA a Sheinbaum | Morena se enfrenta por Yunes | Duro golpe contra el narco, cae operador financiero de los chapitos. 🚨 SUSCRÍBETE, COMENTA Y COMPARTE Visita: Sígueme en todas mis redes sociales en: Apoya nuestro trabajo con un donativo en: - PayPal…
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Regret, in its multifaceted complexity, is an embedded facet of the human condition—a reflective, often painful acknowledgement of choices that have led us astray from our idealized paths. It emerges from the interplay of memory, expectation, and self-assessment, functioning as both a mirror and a guide. The emotion of regret is not simply a byprod…
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Memento #327. s un dels cineastes catalans ms internacionals, tan conegut per les seves declaracions provocadores com per un cinema exigent amb l'espectador, que sol renunciar a la narrativa i la posada en escena convencionals. El crtic de cinema Agus Izquierdo ens proposa repassar la filmografia de l'autor de pellcules com "Honor de cavalleria" i …
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Das Wichtigste aus 20 Staffeln GNTM in 30 Sekunden.Sound Memes - Das sind Memes für die Ohren. Das ist Comedy als Microdosing. Der Dopamin-Kick zum Hören, Bingen und Teilen. Erschreckende Dating-Erkenntnisse, WG-Texte Endlosschleifen oder Mandys Mettigel-Paradies: Für jede Situation gibt’s das passende Sound Meme. Binged sie wie Insta-Reels vorm Sc…
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En el episodio del 18/02/25: Los Yunes se afilian a Morena, Nahle los frena | Martes de Edy Smol | Agaveros exhiben a transnacionales | Vecinos de CDMX piden ayuda contra la gentrificación. 🚨 SUSCRÍBETE, COMENTA Y COMPARTE Visita: Sígueme en todas mis redes sociales en: Apoya nuestro trabajo con un…
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Join, Memeobi, and special guest Ben as they dive deep into the galaxy far, far away in this love letter to Return of the Jedi. Often overshadowed by its predecessors, Jedi deserves a second look, and we’re here to give it one. From the misunderstood charm of the Ewoks to the emotional power of Luke's journey, we explore how Return of the Jedi is f…
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En el episodio del 17/02/25 hablamos de: Milei censura y estafa, 75 mil personas pierden TODO | Estados Unidos deja libre al "Diablo" | Foro migrante en Los Ángeles | Cabeza de Vaca sale de la lista de la Interpol. 🚨 SUSCRÍBETE, COMENTA Y COMPARTE Visita: Sígueme en todas mis redes sociales en: Apo…
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A new talking point has hit the establishment media's desks: that the U.S. is experiencing a "Constitutional crisis." As usual, the thing they've identified as the source of the crisis is the exact wrong thing. Rather than President Trump and DOGE being the problem, their executive agency-confined actions are RESOLVING existing Constitutional crise…
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En el episodio del 14/02/25 hablamos de: Sheinbaum pone a EE.UU sobre las cuerdas | Round MIL: SCJN vs TEPJF | Detienen a dos por abandono de un recién nacido en el Edomex. 🚨 SUSCRÍBETE, COMENTA Y COMPARTE Visita: Sígueme en todas mis redes sociales en: Apoya nuestro trabajo con un donativo en: - P…
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The late nineteenth century marked a pivotal shift in how “the uncanny” was understood in art and literature, though the roots of eerie resemblance and disquieting near-human forms reach back further. By the 1870s, a transitional period was well underway in Europe, shaped by industrialization and the popularization of automata exhibitions. The publ…
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Memento #326. N'ha tingut prou amb deu anys, tres pellcules i dues Palmes d'Or per convertir-se en un autor fonamental del cinema europeu, l'assot de la burgesia i les classes benestants, amb unes trames destinades a posar de manifest la hipocresia ridcula que presideix les relacions socials. L'escriptora Carlota Gurt ens proposa revisar la filmogr…
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En el episodio del 11/02/24 hablamos de: Golpes al NARCO en 4 meses | Edy Smol vs Trump y Musk | FUEGOS, por Cienfuegos. 🚨 SUSCRÍBETE, COMENTA Y COMPARTE Visita: Sígueme en todas mis redes sociales en: Apoya nuestro trabajo con un donativo en: - PayPal : - Tarjeta Banamex: 52…
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En el episodio del 10/02/25 hablamos de: Destapan CLOACA entre "morenistas" de Coahuila | Lenia Batres y la venganza de la SCJN | Panistas ruegan por espacio en la mañanera. 🚨 SUSCRÍBETE, COMENTA Y COMPARTE Visita: Sígueme en todas mis redes sociales en: Apoya nuestro trabajo con un donativo en: - …
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The Regime, Deep State, Shadow Government, Cathedral, whatever you want to call them, absolutely lost its collective mind this week over the exposure of 1% of its total corruption and grift, facilitated by USAID. In reality, what DOGE accomplished this week is waking up normies on a scale previously unimaginable. Now and forevermore, John Q. Public…
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Wählen ist Pflichtprogramm! Da gibt's auch keine Ausreden. Oder...?Sound Memes - Das sind Memes für die Ohren. Das ist Comedy als Microdosing. Der Dopamin-Kick zum Hören, Bingen und Teilen. Erschreckende Dating-Erkenntnisse, WG-Texte Endlosschleifen oder Mandys Mettigel-Paradies: Für jede Situation gibt’s das passende Sound Meme. Binged sie wie Ins…
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Bien le bonjouuuuuur d'une petite dame qui va vous parler aujourd’hui d’un sujet qu’elle adore : la SO LI TUDE Et là vous vous dites peut être que je suis la folle aux chats et vous avez totalement raison ! Bon pas vraiment j'ai quand même une vie sociale mais ça a pas toujours été le cas 👀 Et c'est ce dont on va parler aujourd'hui, la solitude en …
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