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Mises Institute

Mises Institute

The Mises Institute, founded in 1982, is an educational institution devoted to advancing Austrian economics, freedom, and peace in the classical-liberal tradition. Our website offers many thousands of free books and thousands of hours of audio and video, along with the full run of rare journals, biographies, and bibliographies of great economists.
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Bienvenue dans notre série de balados sur le droit de l’emploi au Canada. Chaque épisode de courte durée porte sur un enjeu du droit de l'emploi qui préoccupe actuellement les entreprises au Canada. La série est produite par notre groupe Emploi et travail du bureau de Montréal, au Québec, et s'appuie sur l'expérience de Stikeman Elliott en tant que conseiller juridique de premier plan auprès de clients de toutes les régions du Canada et du monde entier. Cette série est principalement produit ...
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Mises Ljud

mises.se: österrikisk ekonomi, frihet, historia,

Läsande och berättande från landets frihetligaste tankesmedja, Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige. Centrum för sund filosofi och ekonomisk vetenskap.
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Mises Karma

Mises Karma

Lesungen und Gespräche zu freiheitlichen, ökonomischen und philosophischen Themen: Österreichische Schule der Nationalökonomie, Klassischer Liberalismus, Libertarismus, Anarchokapitalismus und Bitcoin.
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show series
Will Americans slay our Leviathan government and restore the American dream? Or, will we fail, and continue to allow cronies, fat-cat politicians, and bureaucrats to live off the fruits of our productive labor? Mark Thornton discusses some pertinent lessons from the French Revolution."The Brilliance of Turgot" by Murray N. Rothbard: https://Mises.o…
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This podcast – the second of a two-part series— discusses harassment in the workplace. Building on the earlier discussion of employer and employee obligations, presenters Patrick Essiminy and Camille Foczeny turn their attention to the investigation process. Key points include the importance of having a clear complaint process, conducting investiga…
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Keith Smith, MD is an anesthesiologist and founder of the cash-price Surgery Center of Oklahoma. In the wake of the shooting of UnitedHealth CEO Brian Thompson, Keith explains why US health care is so expensive and how to fix it.The Surgery Center of Oklahoma https://Mises.org/HAP479aThe Story of the $100 Hospital Aspirin: https://Mises.org/HAP479b…
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On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop are joined by Zachary Yost to discuss a new book, *The Source of Russian Aggression* by Sumantra Maitra. The three talk about the theory of international realism, its application to the military actions of the Russian state in Ukraine and Georgia, and what it means for better understand…
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As Joseph Schumpeter noted, markets need “creative destruction” to survive and advance. However, Europe‘s Digital Market Act (DMA)—while written to ostensibly protect competition—gives the digital economy uncreative destruction. Original article: Destroying Creative Destruction: The DMA against Innovation…
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Murray Rothbard wrote that egalitarianism is a “revolt against nature.” Progressives claim that inequality harms society and is morally unacceptable, but in reality, it is necessary for division of labor, which enables social cooperation. Original article: Wealth and Income Inequality Are Essential for Social Cooperation…
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The Biden administration, and the political establishment more broadly, is scrambling to ram through policies that a majority of voters just voted against. Their actions expose that their supposed commitment to democracy is a lie.Read the article here: https://mises.org/mises-wire/establishments-principles-are-fakeBe sure to follow the Guns and But…
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Murray Rothbard wrote that egalitarianism is a “revolt against nature.” Progressives claim that inequality harms society and is morally unacceptable, but in reality, it is necessary for division of labor, which enables social cooperation.Narrated by Millian Quinteros.Kirjoittanut Mises Institute
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As Joseph Schumpeter noted, markets need “creative destruction” to survive and advance. However, Europe‘s Digital Market Act (DMA)—while written to ostensibly protect competition—gives the digital economy uncreative destruction.Narrated by Millian Quinteros.Kirjoittanut Mises Institute
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