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Nisha George

Hello everyone. I'm Nisha George and this is my podcasting platform. PODCASTS BY NISHA GEORGE is a new beginning from my side to motivate myself through short 5 to 30-minute podcasts daily or whenever I can. I'm originally from Kerala, India and currently working and living in Melbourne, Australia. I will be doing podcasts in English and Malayalam. Kindly subscribe, support, and keep up-to-date. Thank you. Available now in Google and Apple podcasts. Instagram: ...
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Ni meje za dobre ideje

Radio Ognjišče

Prikazujemo realnejšo gospodarsko sliko v Sloveniji. Naša domovina ni samo prizorišče neuspelih podjetniških zgodb, ampak smo tudi dežela inovativnih in zelo sposobnih ljudi. To dokazujemo v pogovorih, v katerih predstavljamo dobre rešitve z različnih področij.
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The Score NI

The Score NI

The Score is Northern Ireland's #1 show for Irish League discussion, hosted by Michael Clarke. Each week we'll bring you an hour of top Irish League news, views and debate with the help of key figures from within NI football.
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National Museums NI

National Museums NI

It's #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek. Sit back and relax with our playlist featuring the sound of local waves. It’s important to take time to connect with nature and water. This connection can help shift our focus away from daily stresses and problems, allowing us to gain perspective and find a sense of calm.
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Ni tan bien

SER Podcast

El late night que la radio necesita. Actualidad contada con humor, colaboraciones, entrevistas y contacto directo con el público. Actual, desenfadado, buen rollero y un poco mamarracho. Un programa en el que hablar de las cosas que nos preocupan, de las cosas que no nos deberían preocupar y de las cosas que nos preocupan sin necesidad.
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This is a podcast about various purans (in Gujarati), that promote bhakti (devotion) to Krishna. It captures the essence of Vedas and knowledge within, in a manner that is easy to understand for everyone at any level of spirituality. This started as a wish from my mother asking me to read and interpret Bhagvat Puran through the lens of my own experiences in life. My recommendation: please listen to only one episode at a time and then reflect. Don't rush through it, neither you will miss the ...
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Maisha Ni Kuthubutu Podcast

Innocent Ngaoh

Podcast mahususi kujifunza mambo ya maendeleo binafsi (Personal development/Self-improvement), maisha, mahusiano, saikolojia na elimu ya fedha. Ni podcast ya kipekee ambayo utajifunza mambo mengi ambayo yanatokea kwenye maisha yetu ya kila siku, kila kitu kinachozungumzwa hapa kina uhalisia na siyo nadharia ya kusadikika. Kuwa sehemu ya familia hii na uhakika hautakuwa kama ulivyokuwa mwanzo, podcast ambayo itaboresha na kuongeza thamani ya maisha yako mara 10X au zaidi. Hakikisha unafollow ...
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Nisa Homsa Cendana

InsyaAllah energi yang digunakan untuk mendengar lebih sedikit dari energi yang digunakan untuk melihat, hehe.. Semoga podcast ini bermanfaat, untuk kritik dan saran boleh DM ig @nisa.hc Yuk Saling Mengingatkan
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UnCut Nishtha

Dr. Nishtha Tyagi Pachouri

Unlock Skills ! Unleashing the potential within by brushing and polishing soft skills & Corporate skills!! Support this podcast:
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Ni Muros Ni Rejas


Programa anticarcelario y antiautoritario. Todos los jueves a las 20:00 hrs. por Radio Última Frecuencia ( RSS:
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Ni Más Ni Menos


Ni Más Ni Menos ofrece diferentes segmentos para informar, enseñar y entretener con buena música. Apoya a la audiencia en diversos sectores de su vida Ni Más Ni Menos, ¡porque todo en exceso es malo!
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Päivittäin+ là website giáo dục, tổng hợp các kiến thức về du học. giải trí, tin tức mới, khám phá dành cho mọi lứa tuổi cần những thông tin bổ ích nhất. Được sáng lập bởi giám đốc Hoàng Thoại Nisshin, đã trở thành website thông tin hàng đầu Việt Nam hiện nay.
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Om det viktigaste som finns. Musik. Vilken är väldens bästa poplåt och vad är det som gör den bäst? Varje avsnitt behandlar en poplåt som på sitt sätt är världens bästa. Ingen genre är för smal eller för bred för att kunna ha resulterat i världens bästa poplåt. Här möts filosofi och populärmusikhistoria. Som de stora filosoferna och konstnärerna Simmons och Stanley en gång sa: I wanna rock and roll all nite. And party every day. Vi förenas i kärleken till musiken och lägger allt annat åt sid ...
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Nishmas: this powerful Tefila teaches us that gratitude is a most powerful key to unlocking the gates leading up to Hashem. Welcome to the Nishmas Army may Hashem answer your Tefillos L’tova.... & speedily! - Charlene Aminoff
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show series
In this inspiring and practical episode, I share how I made a long-time dream come true: leading fully funded, grant-supported wellness retreats for physicians—programs paid for by departments, organizations, and grants. I share with you how I helped make it happen and how you can too. This episode is a roadmap for those who want to bring truly imp…
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આ અધ્યાયમાં આપણે કોસલના રાજા ધ્રુવસંધિના મૃત્યુ પછી તેમના બે પુત્રો વચ્ચે ઉત્તરાધિકાર માટે થયેલા વિવાદની વાત કરીશું. રાજકુમારોના દાદાઓ વચ્ચેના ઝઘડાએ કેવી રીતે રાજ્યમાં અશાંતિ ફેલાવી અને સત્તા માટેની લડાઈએ કેવી રીતે રાજ્યની શાંતિ અને સમૃદ્ધિને જોખમમાં મૂક્યા તેની ચર્ચા કરીશું.
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Do you ever compare yourself to others? Comparison can undermine the real joy of motherhood. Yet how many of us live by the side glance of others? How do we find more joy in our own experience of motherhood instead of getting caught in the comparison trap? In this episode Carla talks about how motherhood isn’t about striving for perfection, but rat…
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¡En el programa de hoy nos visita la cantante Suu! Nos habla de su nuevo proyecto “Material sensible” y de toda su trayectoria que es tremenda para lo insultantemente joven que es. Hablamos también del síndrome del impostor y de cómo lidiar con él. No nos suelta el brazo el tío pesado. También de las señoras del gimnasio y de que el regalo por su 1…
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Darren Murphy joins Michael to reflect on Linfield's 57th title triumph, Dungannon Swifts pushing for European football and big games this weekend which will decide who finishes on the wrong side of the split. Plus we have an in-depth chat with Ballymena Utd striker Johnny McMurray about his serious knee injury, his decision to document his road to…
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Če imamo ljudje možnost ustvarjanja na področjih, ki so nam blizu, nas to lahko zelo osrečuje. Kreativnost je ena od pomembnih temeljev zadovoljstva. O tem smo na Mednarodni dan sreče, ki ga obeležujemo 20. marca, govorili z Nikom Škrlecem, enim od ambasadorjev projekta Andragoškega centra Republike Slovenije. Nik je znan po širini zaniman…
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En este primer capítulo de Demole' Play, analizamos la polémica película Emilia Pérez, dirigida por Jacques Audiard, que llegó a los Premios Óscar con 13 nominaciones, ¡pero solo ganó 2! Con un elenco que incluye a Zoe Saldaña,Selena Gómez y Carla Sofía Gascón, la película ha generado una gran controversia, especialmente en Latinoamérica, por su re…
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Ezekiel experiences a powerful vision while in exile, where God transports him to Jerusalem. There, he witnesses the corruption and idolatry among the people who remained. While the exiles in Babylon wonder where God is and if there is any hope, Ezekiel sees that even their own people are plotting to take their land, deepening their sense of loss a…
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En nuestra octava temporada, @vanderfondi @_cide y @e_a_e_e analizan un nuevo año de novedades nacionales, internacionales y deportivos. También el regreso de las secciones tradicionales como Calendario Electoral, Entrevista a Fondi y el inicio de una Sección de Cine. Además de el TOP 10 del No Somos Nada 2024…
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Visitor Guide Pamela Gunn has interpreted Mrs Mellon for multiple years at the Ulster American Folk Park. This International Women's Day, join her in conversation with Liam Campbell and Patrick Fitzgerald of the Mellon Centre for Migration Studies, as they discuss Rebecca Mellon and the power of interpreting women's stories.…
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Ett tvådelat avsnitt som är första delen av några om texterna i melodifestivalen. De är ju erbarmliga. Varför är det så? Det här avsnittet handlar om Eurovisions historia och varför vårt land verkligen gillar att vinna den där tävlingen. Andra halvan av avsnittet handlar om varför det här avsnittet dröjt. Andra halvan av avsnittet är lite mer perso…
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Today we explore the emotional toll of practicing medicine in a healthcare system that often feels like it’s working against us. Many physicians are feeling burnt out, unheard, and disrespected. If you feel exhausted by the weight of it all, this conversation is for you. This episode covers: Acknowledgment of the widespread sense of betrayal in hea…
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આ અધ્યાયમાં રાજા જનમેજય વ્યાસજીને પૂછે છે કે વિષ્ણુએ દેવી યજ્ઞ કેવી રીતે કર્યો, જેના જવાબમાં વ્યાસજી વિષ્ણુ દ્વારા દેવીની પૂજા અને યજ્ઞનું વિસ્તૃત વર્ણન કરે છે. દેવીની કૃપાથી વિષ્ણુને દેવોમાં સર્વશ્રેષ્ઠ સ્થાન પ્રાપ્ત થાય છે અને આકાશવાણી દ્વારા દેવી તેમના વિવિધ અવતારોમાં શક્તિ રૂપે વિષ્ણુની મદદ કરશે એવું વરદાન આપે છે.…
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Hoy viene a charlar con nosotras el cómico y presentador Ángel Martín. Hablamos con él de sus inicios en la tele y del mítico “Sé lo que hicisteis” (vuelve porque te echamos de menos). También nos ha contado cómo ha ido por la vida sin plan -pero funcionando- y de lo que significó su brote psicótico y cómo fue escribir sobre ello. Laura celebra la …
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V mariborskih prostorih Kulturnega inkubatorja na Koroški cesti je odprta vsako soboto trgovinica z oblačili na stojalih, z etiketami in simbolično blagajno, ki pa ne deluje. Trgovinica Iz roke v roko omogoča posameznikom, ki so finančno omejeni, brezplačno izbiro oblačil. Projekt je nastal v sklopu projekta Mladinskega kulturnega centra Maribor.…
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SEASON 5/E.2: UNCOMMON ADVICE Restarted my 2025 PODCAST season with some insights into myself and my life. Stay tuned for more contents that matter to me. Please don't copy my life😂. Thank you.
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What do you do when you feel stuck, unsure, or afraid to take the next step? This episode is for anyone who is standing at a crossroads in their career or life, feeling uncertain about what’s next. We are joined by Dr. Heather Fork, a former dermatologist who has now been a coach longer than she was in clinical practice. She shares her own journey …
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આ અધ્યાયમાં વ્યાસજી રાજા જનમેજયને યજ્ઞના ત્રણ પ્રકાર - સાત્વિક, રાજસિક અને તામસિક - વિશે સમજાવે છે અને કર્મ અને ભાવનાના મહત્વ પર ભાર મૂકે છે. અંતમાં, વ્યાસજી જનમેજયને તેમના પિતાને નરકમાંથી મુક્ત કરવા દેવી યજ્ઞ કરવાની સલાહ આપે છે.
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Speaker: David McBrideWe explore the true meaning of worship as described in Isaiah 58. Worship isn’t just about religious rituals — it’s about actively caring for others. Fasting shouldn’t be a hollow religious act but something that leads us to gratitude, self-reflection, and a real response to the needs of the world. True worship is about justic…
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¡Hoy charlamos con la artista y amiga María Peláe! Nos presenta su nuevo proyecto “El Evangelio”, un álbum en el que se ha metido en muchos fregados. Además tiene colaboraciones increíbles. ¡La semana que viene todos a escucharlo! También nos ha hablado de cómo fue estar en Tu cara me suena y de cómo sacó tiempo para seguir cumpliendo con el Invert…
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V Območni obrtno-podjetniški zbornici Maribor so se s partnerji odločili spodbuditi mlade, da bi se naučili veščin naredi sam. Kot pravijo, prepoznavajo vrzel med starejšimi in mladimi v kompetencah. Namen je, da bi se mladi naučili nekaj zašiti nazaj, izdelati kaj iz lesa ali si narediti kakšen izdelek iz odpadnega materiala. Temu pa so dodali še …
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Michael looks ahead to Sunday's League Cup final between Glentoran and Cliftonville with the help of key figures from both sides. The Glens perspective is provided by boss Declan Devine, skipper Marcus Kane and 'keeper Dan Gyollai. The Reds are represented by manager Jim Magilton, club captain Rory Hale and record goalscorer Joe Gormley.…
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In moments of chaos and uncertainty, mindfulness is more necessary than ever—yet it can feel harder to practice. If you’re struggling to sit still, focus, or even engage in the mindfulness practices that once felt easy, you’re not alone. In this episode, we share how we are personally practicing mindfulness in these tumultuous times—what’s working,…
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આ અધ્યાયમાં આપણે દેવદત્તના પુત્ર ઉતથ્યની કથા સાંભળીશું, જે વેદ અને શાસ્ત્રોના જ્ઞાન વિનાનો હતો, પરંતુ હંમેશા સત્ય બોલતો હોવાથી 'સત્યવ્રત' તરીકે ઓળખાયો. એક શિકારી દ્વારા પીછો કરાયેલ જંગલી ભૂંડ જ્યારે તેની પાસે આશ્રય માટે આવે છે ત્યારે સત્યવ્રત દેવી સરસ્વતીના મંત્રનો અજાણતા જાપ કરે છે અને દેવીની કૃપાથી તેને જ્ઞાન અને કવિતાની શક્તિ પ્રાપ્ત થાય છે.…
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We dive into Ezekiel 3 – 5, where we see the prophet wrestle with an intense and unexpected calling. Ezekiel thought he was preparing for a life as a priest, but God had other plans — calling him to be a prophet during the Babylonian exile. We talk about his emotional struggle, his raw honesty about feeling overwhelmed, and his heavy responsibility…
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Hoy han venido dos leyendas del pop electrónico: ¡Sandra y Sergio de Delaporte! Nos han hablado de su nuevo álbum “Déjate caer”. También hablamos de sus agujetas inguinales, de que no son nada rockstars y de buitres que comen personas. Hay que verlo para entenderlo. Laura está muy contenta por el día de Andalucía. Aunque tampoco te creas que le ha …
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Motherhood can be hard and happy all at the same time. Before I became a Mum, so many people told me that my life would change significantly. They told me how challenging it would be, how stressful it would be. However, no one talked about the great joy that we experience when we are lucky to have someone who calls us Mum. In this episode Carla tal…
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As we head into an Irish Cup quarter-final weekend, we are joined by two Championship managers hoping to claim scalps to seal their spot in the semi-finals. Bangor's Lee Feeney is preparing to welcome Irish League giants Glentoran to Clandeboye Park on Friday night, whilst John Bailie's Ards will be facing Premiership strugglers Loughgall on Saturd…
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V EY Slovenija že več kot deset let spremljajo in dokumentirajo zgodbe uspešnih družinskih podjetij, ki s svojo vztrajnostjo, inovativnostjo in predanostjo odločilno vplivajo na razvoj slovenskega gospodarstva. Z zadnjo izdano knjigo Družinsko podjetništvo Slovenija, v kateri je novih deset zgodb uspešnih družinskih podjetij, se je zbirka zaokrožil…
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A conversation about wellness, sustainability, and restoring your purpose in medicine. This episode is an invitation to reframe how we view our role in medicine. We emphasize long-term well-being over short-term fixes and prioritizing the human side of medicine. We share practical tools for rekindling your passion and calibrating your energy. Dr. L…
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