Nihal Arthanayake presents in-depth interviews with headline guests across entertainment, sport, culture and politics.
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Japanese podcast for beginners (Nihongo con Teppei)
Japanese podcast for beginners (Nihongo con Teppei)
“AI Transcripts are now available on my Patreon! Japanese podcast for beginners,Nihongo con Teppei,The best way to learn how to speak Japanese naturally!,is a podcast for learners of Japanese language. Listen,learn and have fun while picking up natural Japanese as it really is spoken.Let’s study Japanese with me! If you like this podcast, and you have the means, please consider making a donation. サポーターをどんどん募集中!! https://www.ital ...
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自然な日本語を聞きたい人へ!N3~N1の日本語勉強PODCASTです😺 🎙️Normal Episode➡️N3~N1 ⭐️OYASUMI PODCAST➡️N3~N1 🌱Daily Japanese Talk➡️N4~N3 Podcast Transcripts Sunny Side Japanese Speaking Class Youtube @harunonihongo Patreon Instagram: @haru_no_nihongo
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NIH-podden er for deg som er opptatt av trening, idrett og folkehelse, og kanskje du også jobber med et av feltene? Her hører du de fremste ekspertene og får siste nytt fra forskninga NIH gjør på alt fra utholdenhetstrening, barne- og ungdomsidrett, kroppsøvingsfaget til idrettsmedisin. Programledere er førsteamanuensis Christina Gjestvang og innholdsprodusent Gjermund Erikstein-Midtbø.
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Online Japanese school Nihongo Picnic's Podcast for learners of Japanese! We pick up a topic for each episode and talk about it in Japanese. Here's the transcript of each episode: 🚲:A little easier than other episodes. Most grammar I use in the episodes are N4 level. 🚃:About N3 level 🚀:For advanced learners 👥:Interview 🖥 Website: 🐦 Twitter: ...
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こんにちは!このポッドキャストでは、仲良し夫婦のたつやとちよしの日々の何気ない会話(雑談)から自然な会話表現をたくさん聞くことができます☻ 楽しんでもらえると嬉しいです! Hi guys! We’re NAKAYOSHI Japanese couple. You can hear supernatural conversational expressions through our chats! Hope you enjoy listening to our podcasts! / non-scripted Japanese conversation 日本語の中・上級学習者にオススメです。 This channel is suitable for intermediate and advanced Japanese learners. Transcripts: Instagram: YouTube: ...
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Christo Nihil Praeponere (do latim: “Nada antepor a Cristo”) é o podcast do Padre Paulo Ricardo, com homilias todos os dias sobre os Evangelhos proclamados nas Missas e os santos celebrados pela liturgia católica.
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This is a podcast for Japanese learners. Full transcripts with Furigana and English versions are on my website:
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Learn Japanese with stories! This is a podcast for intermediate Japanese learner and above. If you are a beginner Japanese learner, please check the words on the transcript first before listening. There is also transcripts so you can check if you heard it correctly. I talk about various topics in Japanese. **I teach Japanese online. If you are interested in my lesson, contact me from the link below!** **Buy me a cof ...
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A weekly podcast for upper beginner to intermediate learners of Japanese. Listen to Yumi talk about... whatever she wants to talk about. Practice your listening comprehension with natural (howbeit slightly slowed down) Japanese on various topics such as Japanese culture, fun idioms, and, of course, cats. The episodes can be enjoyed in any order. -- Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with a complete transcript and a list of key vocabulary.
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Nothing is off limits. Question everything, including your own beliefs. Laugh.
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Are you eager to learn how native Japanese speakers converse? Tired of listening to slow-paced Japanese sentences in class? Our podcast is the answer to your requests. Join Makiko, a Japanese teacher, and her son Tora as they engage in lively, real-life conversations at a native speed. It might be challenging, but we're here to help you learn and speak natural, conversational Japanese. Join this mother-and-son duo and become a fan of our fun talks! よろしくね! The script is available here: https: ...
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Deus colocou vc na minha vida pessoal, para que podemos escrever nossa história
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Japanese music for an English-speaking audience.
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NihilaLuLu hates you
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Un programa sobre Anime, Manga, entretenimiento, tecnología y cultura japonesa
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"AI Transcripts are now available on my Patreon! Japanese podcast for intermadiate,Nihongo con Teppei Z,The best way to learn how to speak Japanese naturally!,is a podcast for learners of Japanese language. Listen,learn and have fun while picking up natural Japanese as it really is spoken.Let’s study Japanese with me!
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Podcast ที่อยากชวนคุณมาเรียนภาษาญี่ปุ่นไปด้วยกัน เรียนคำศัพท์วันละนิด เรียนไวยากรณ์วันหน่อย แล้วจะค่อยๆเก่งไปเอง
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Learn Japanese language
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Aqui você aprende Japonês de um jeito Incrível! Apresentação: Nanda e Rogério.
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In dieser Podcast-Serie werde ich mit verschiedenen Leuten und Wissenschaftlern über Japan sprechen.
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Nihotaku, c'est le podcast mensuel sur la culture geek japonaise ou l'on parle de jeux vidéo, mangas et anime ! Asa et Nemi, dans la bonne humeur et sans prise de tête décortiquent les différentes annonces du moment. Pour nous rejoindre : Site internet : Twitter : Page Youtube "quelques jours après sur la chaîne" :
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I am Nihaldinho - A Youtuber / Content Creator / Film-maker / Editor / Designer / Artist. This is my podcast. Here, I talk about Life, Entrepreneurship, Motivation and my fields of interests. Also, you can DM me on instagram (@nihaldinho) or tweet me (@nihaldinho) if you want me to talk about a specific topic. My Youtube channel:
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Nihizhí, Our Voices: An Indigenous Solutions Podcast is dedicated to providing listeners with recorded conversations on a variety of topics that center Indigenous voices across Turtle Island, with host Lyla June Johnston.
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Minna no Nihongo Myanmar အားလံုးအတြက္ ဂ်ပန္စာ
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All the meaninglessness you want to hear.
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日本語の先生、かおりです。 日本のこと、日本語のこと、日々の生活のことなど、お話していきます。 TwitterとInstagramはこちらから! ↓
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It's about the hidden stories behind the lives of celebrities in India. Freshly baked hot gossips delivering to you. Entertaining and enriching our listeners. DO ENJOY!
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Philosophy and theology, in layman's terms.
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A guy who knows how to speak Japanese tries to teach it to an idiot.
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Tumpukan podcast seputar keseharian dan hal-hal yang dirasa nihil makna, disajikan secara subjective dan judgemental dengan harapan tak ada yang mendengarkan.
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This podcast covers topics from the NIH Collaboratory Grand Rounds series related to advances in clinical research, particularly pragmatic clinical trials and clinical research that engages healthcare delivery systems as partners. Visit to learn more.
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Predavanja iz OMLADINSKOG UDRUŽENJA ŠEHER sa prof. Nihadom Džihićem. Podržite rad našeg udruženja
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Sakura no Nihongo (Japanese Lesson)- Let’s study Japanese with Sakura! -
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Belajar simple bahasa Jepang Budaya Jepang Update Indonesia Membahas topik lain selain belajar bahasa jepang
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tidak menggiring opini, hanya diskusi dan berbicara sewajarnya saja siapa tau bisa mewakili perasaan yang lainnya. @christasry & @r.natasyajeng
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Ex Nihilo is a philosophy podcast hosted by two students earning PhDs in philosophy. It's like a conversation at your local bar, only with more references to Plato. Topics range from philosophical issues involved in current events and pop culture to perennial questions or classic texts.
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Two teenage boys discuss real-world issues that everyday people are facing, and their views on these problems that they don't have to deal with yet. Because they're just kids. Cover art photo provided by Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash:
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What is consciousness? What is love? Boobs or Butt? A podcast for youngsters who think they are misfits but refuse to settle, who doubt everything, who search for meaning, purpose -if there is one after all, who struggle to understand and enjoy life.
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In this podcast we will talk about life in Japan as foreign residents, sharing our experiences about learning Japanese, traveling, working, visas, Japanese culture and everything else we encounter in our day to day lives! For any questions or feedback, email
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Motivation, Reaching and Achieving Goals, Inspiration, Law of Attraction, Success Stories, Sales, Marketing, Mindset
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Can emptiness be unlearned? I was raised in a Christian home. And no, I’m not about to tell you how I “outgrew” it or “evolved” past it. But I went through a season of depression that exposed the truth. Deep down I thought God hated me. This podcast is a documentation of the years I’ve spent unlearning half truths and digging for deeper ones. It’s a podcast about the journey out of Victimhood, Cowardice & Self Obsession and into; The Good, The True, & The Beautiful.
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Regular Podcast: Asaradio Website (Scripts are here) Patreon Facebook Page Youtube Topic request Twitter
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This podcast is a platform for my thoughts, opinions, & learning. A millennial-friendly podcast that covers stories, interviews, & discussions around career, motivation, self-help, reading, researching, news analysis, current affairs, and most importantly : development and growth. #NotAPodcast is a brainchild of Nihit Parikh, who is a budding writer, poet, thinker, blogger, conversationalist, marketing enthusiast and founder of "Read Think & Discuss". 'Not A Podcast' is going to be a journey ...
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Prestasjonsfremmende midler, doping, ungdom og TikTok
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
29:11Hva er det som faktisk gir prestasjonsfremmende effekt på trening? Mange ungdommer bruker preworkout, kreatin og andre kosttilskudd for å få bedre treningseffekt, ofte etter å ha sett profiler på TikTok anbefale det. Men er det nødvendig og kan det også være skadelig for kroppen? Og hva er egentlig SARM og anabole steroider? NIH-professor Truls Raa…
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Homilia Dominical | Na bênção ou na desgraça, converta-se! (3º Domingo da Quaresma)
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
22:57As palavras de Nosso Senhor no Evangelho deste 3º Domingo da Quaresma contrariam tanto a teologia da retribuição, muito presente no Antigo Testamento, quanto a teologia da prosperidade, bastante difundida entre o protestantismo. Mas, além disso, Jesus também nos deixa uma mensagem contundente: não importa se estamos sendo agraciados ou se enfrentam…
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Um pai tinha dois filhos, conta-nos hoje Nosso Senhor: o primeiro, pródigo e esbanjador, quis gozar a fortuna paterna longe do pai, como se ele já estivesse morto; o segundo, obediente mas ingrato, jamais se afastou de casa, embora nunca tenha dado valor ao carinho que recebia do pai. Somos nós esses dois filhos, porque cada um expressa as duas for…
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Kirjoittanut Japanese podcast for beginners (Nihongo con Teppei)
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Writer, editor, and presenter, Shon Faye, joins Nihal for an in-depth conversation. They discuss addiction, upbringing and sexuality. Nihal Arthanayake presents his Sunday evening show and podcast, featuring exclusive in-depth interviews with headline guests across entertainment, sport, culture and politics. This programme was edited following its …
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Costumamos ler o relato da Paixão a certa distância, como se nada daquilo tivesse a ver conosco. Todas aquelas barbaridades cometidas contra Jesus, tantos flagelos, tantas cusparadas, tantas ofensas e blasfêmias, e por fim as marteladas na Cruz, parecem pecados de outros, que nós, discípulos tão bons e tão fiéis, seríamos incapazes de perpetrar. Ma…
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Former Lioness midfielder turned presenter, Jill Scott, joins Nihal for an in-depth chat. They discuss the changes she's seen in the industry, and misogyny that endures. Nihal Arthanayake presents his Sunday evening show and podcast, featuring exclusive in-depth interviews with headline guests across entertainment, sport, culture and politics.…
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Homilia Diária | Querem decretar a extinção do Inferno (Quinta-feira da 2.ª Semana da Quaresma)
É de fé que existe o Inferno, ao qual são condenados e no qual são justamente punidos os que morrem em pecado mortal, mesmo que seja com um só. Não se trata de “invenção” da Igreja nem de rigorismo “medieval”. As Escrituras atestam essa verdade, ensinada e confirmada em inúmeras ocasiões por ninguém menos que Jesus Cristo, cujo Coração manso, de ta…
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Kirjoittanut Japanese podcast for beginners (Nihongo con Teppei)
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Homilia Diária | De onde vem a glória de São José? (Solenidade de São José, Esposo da Virgem Maria)
Nestes tempos de tribulação, estende-nos a mão neste dia o Pai das misericórdias, oferecendo-nos o mais doce consolo, a mais firme proteção e a mais fundada razão de esperança que poderíamos pedir: o nosso amorosíssimo São José, escolhido desde toda a eternidade para ser chefe da Sagrada Família e pai espiritual de toda a santa Igreja Católica. Ouç…
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Deus nos fez para a glória do Céu. Esse fim para o qual fomos criados está de tal modo impresso em nosso coração que nós, marcados pelo pecado, tendemos a querer desfrutar desta glória já nesta vida. Daí provêm a vaidade e a hipocrisia, que nos levam ao fingimento, a querer forjar um brilho que só teremos se, com verdadeira humildade, reconhecermos…
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Kirjoittanut Japanese podcast for beginners (Nihongo con Teppei)
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Nihongo Picnic New JLPT Prep Group Lessons JLPT Official Website This podcast episode talks about Ako talks about her son's high school entrance exams and their experience with it. ----- 🚲:A little easier than other episodes. Most grammar I use in the episodes are N4 level. Ako talks about her weekend trip to Izu with her family and her brother’s f…
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O Evangelho de hoje é um apelo a que abandonemos a mesquinhez, a mediocridade, a estrita e cômoda “justiça” em nosso relacionamento seja com Deus, seja com o irmão, e adotemos uma “boa medida, calcada, sacudida”, quer dizer, abundante, generosa, transbordante. Pois é assim que o Senhor mesmo nos trata; Ele não se deixa vencer em generosidade: está …
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173. 世界の人々は何を話している?心理テストも試してみた!What Do People Around the World Talk About? We Tried a Psychological Test Too!
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
30:20日本(にほん)のテレビ番組(ばんぐみ)で「月曜(げつよう)から夜更(よふ)かし」という番組(ばんぐみ)があるのですが、そこで取(と)り上(あ)げられていた、心理(しんり)テストが面白(おもしろ)かったので試(ため)してみました。皆(みな)さんも一緒(いっしょ)に試(ため)してみてください。 また、その番組(ばんぐみ)内(ない)で「世界(せかい)の人々(ひとびと)はどんなことを話(はな)して盛(も)り上(あ)がっているのか」というインタビューも面白(おもしろ)かったので、そのことについても話(はな)しました。 皆(みな)さんの国(くに)では日頃(ひごろ)どんな話題(わだい)で盛(も)り上(あ)がっていますか。もちろん個人(こじん)によって趣味(しゅみ)の話(はなし)など、盛(も)り上(あ)がる…
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Kirjoittanut Japanese podcast for beginners (Nihongo con Teppei)
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Homilia Dominical | Não esqueça que nossa meta é o Céu (2º Domingo da Quaresma)
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
24:22Neste 2º Domingo da Quaresma, como ocorre em todos os anos, lemos o Evangelho da Transfiguração. Na versão do evangelista São Lucas, porém, esse episódio em que o Senhor manifesta a sua glória está situado como uma verdadeira preparação para o Calvário, como se Jesus lembrasse aos discípulos, e a cada um de nós, que, apesar das tribulações e cruzes…
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No Evangelho de hoje, Jesus pede que amemos os nossos inimigos. Este preceito do Senhor, que evidentemente supera as limitações de nossa natureza decaída, só pode ser bem entendido se considerarmos que fomos nós, por causa de nossos pecados, os verdadeiros inimigos de Deus, escarnecido, humilhado e crucificado por nossas culpas, a fim de nos mostra…
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Querer bem ao próximo é parte integrante da vida cristã. De fato, o amor que leva Deus a se entregar como propiciação pelos nossos pecados nos estimula a ver no próximo, seja ele justo ou pecador, um verdadeiro tesouro pelo qual Cristo, cheio de misericórdia, derramou o próprio sangue. Ouça a homilia do Padre Paulo Ricardo para esta sexta-feira, di…
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Homilia Diária | Por que Deus parece não escutar nossa oração? (Quinta-feira da 1ª Sem. da Quaresma)
Jesus nos faz hoje uma promessa que, embora nos encha de confiança, parece ser desmentida todos os dias em nossas preces habituais: “Pedi e vos será dado”. Quantas e quantas vezes, porém, já procuramos, e não encontramos; batemos, e não nos foi aberto! Afinal, por que não recebemos de Deus aquilo que tanto lhe pedimos? Acaso estaremos fazendo algo …
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Kirjoittanut Japanese podcast for beginners (Nihongo con Teppei)
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Look at the Transcript below!! Everyday Story Podcast for Japanese Learner!!! Learn Japanese with stories! Let's go! **I teach Japanese online. If you are interested in my lesson, please book a lesson from the link below!!** If you hav…
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Lionesses' sport psychologist Kate Hays joins Nihal for an in-depth conversation. They discuss navigating toxic team environments and what it takes to win. Nihal Arthanayake presents his Sunday evening show and podcast, featuring exclusive in-depth interviews with headline guests across entertainment, sport, culture and politics.…
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Os milagres de Deus, que podem ser conhecidos com certeza pela autenticidade de suas testemunhas e pelas maravilhas que ainda hoje acontecem em vários lugares do mundo, são um argumento luminoso da verdade da religião católica e um critério suficiente para aceitarmos a revelação que nos é proposta pela Igreja. No entanto, apesar de sua força intrín…
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O Evangelho de hoje nos oferece à meditação a belíssima oração do “Pai-Nosso”. Ensinada pelo próprio Deus feito homem, a oração do Senhor contém tudo quanto devemos pedir ao nosso querido Pai, que está nos céus. Ouça a homilia do Padre Paulo Ricardo para esta terça-feira, dia 11 de março, e conheça os tesouros encerrados na mais perfeita oração que…
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Kirjoittanut Japanese podcast for beginners (Nihongo con Teppei)
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O Evangelho de hoje nos faz meditar profundamente sobre a caridade que devemos exercer para com os mais necessitados. Não basta apenas acreditarmos em Deus e professar a fé: devemos enxergar Jesus naqueles que mais precisam de nossa ajuda, pois todas as vezes que servimos aos nossos irmãos, é também a Cristo que estamos servindo. Ouça a homilia do …
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Snow Patrol's Gary Lightbody joins Nihal for an in-depth conversation. They discuss his career, parents and writing his new book and album. Nihal Arthanayake presents his Sunday evening show and podcast, featuring exclusive in-depth interviews with headline guests across entertainment, sport, culture and politics.…
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223. 珍しくアクティブだった冬【全話日本語トランスクリプト付き】
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
11:42◼︎Transcripts: ◼︎Instagram: ◼︎YouTube:
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【Advanced】ネットショッピングにご注意ください!🛍️ Be careful with online shopping! 【EP-263】
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
26:03Transcript KANJI&KOTOBA Course Japanese Speaking Class Shadowing Coursehttps://www.haru-no-ni…
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173. もう10年!?過去をさかのぼって日本の出来事を振り返る。Already 10 Years!? Looking Back on Japan’s Events Over the Past Decade.
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
33:272025年(ねん)が始(はじ)まってもう既(すで)に2ヶ月半(にかげつはん)ですが、10年前(ねんまえ)の2015年(ねん)でもついこの前(まえ)の気(き)がします。そこで今回(こんかい)は2024年(にせんにじゅうよねん)から順(じゅん)に過去(かこ)をさかのぼってみました。どの出来事(できごと)もついこの間(あいだ)のことのように思(おも)えます。皆(みな)さんはどれくらい覚(おぼ)えていますか?日本(にほん)の出来事(できごと)を中心(ちゅうしん)に振(ふ)り返(かえ)りますが、一緒(いっしょ)に思(おも)い出(だ)してみてください。 The year 2025 has already begun, and two and a half months have passed. Even…
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Kirjoittanut Japanese podcast for beginners (Nihongo con Teppei)
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