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Narcissist Apocalypse: Patterns of Abuse

Abuse Survivor Network

Narcissist Apocalypse is a Purple Ribbon Award-winning storytelling podcast that amplifies the voices of those who have experienced narcissistic abuse, coercive control, emotional abuse, domestic violence, family relationship abuse, and relationship trauma. Our guests share their stories of abuse survival, providing a source of validation, education, inspiration, and hope for those going through similar experiences. Join us and discover how you, too, can overcome the narcissist apocalypse.
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La periodista de investigación Anabel Hernández habla sobre el crimen organizado, los cárteles y su conexión con el más alto nivel de la política mexicana, empresarios y personalidades de todos los ámbitos de la vida pública de México. En Narcosistema, Anabel nos presenta semanalmente los detalles más profundos de ese sistema que poco a poco ha ido erosionando nuestro país.
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Narcotica Podcast

Christopher Moraff, Troy Farah, Zachary Seigel

A podcast about the war on drugs and the people caught in the middle, brought to you by dedicated science and drug policy journalists Christopher Moraff, Zachary Siegel, and Troy Farah.
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Narcissists Talking

Alaina and Jason

Calling all legends! Local narcissists, Jason and Alaina, provide colorful commentary on the cultural zeitgeist, including, but not limited to, pop culture, film, tv, music, theater, and MUCH more-TRUST! Rate us five stars or don’t listen!!! Xoxo
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Working Preacher's Narrative Lectionary

Working Preacher from Luther Seminary

Working Preacher hosts "I Love to Tell the Story," an engaging conversation on upcoming Narrative Lectionary readings. Each episode is fun, informative, and creative—and will help you and your congregation become fluent in the first language of faith.
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Next Up: Narcissism

Dr. Jaime Zuckerman

With a real, raw, and relatable approach, clinical psychologist and narcissism expert, Dr. Jaime Zuckerman, takes a hard look at narcissistic abuse and its devastating effects across relationships of all types. Next Up: Narcissism explores all things narcissism and mental health; educating listeners on the patterns of narcissistic abuse, including gaslighting, love bombing, and coercive control. Listen in each week as we breakdown these toxic behaviors, and offer concrete strategies and acti ...
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In the not-so-distant future, mind readers are outlawed in Los Angeles. Sid (Dianna Agron) and her family have spent years fighting to protect her true identity as a reader, but her life quickly starts to unravel when a string of gruesome murders are suspected to have been committed by a mind reader. Sid’s true identity risks exposure when she becomes entangled in a romantic affair with a mysterious woman named Andie (Maria Sten), who seems to be involved in a sinister underworld. But after ...
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N.A.R.C. provides information to facilitate learning and healing from abuse betrayal following relationships with cluster B disordered individuals (narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths as well as comorbidities like addiction). Content will cover carefully researched material, collaboration with mental health professionals, and interviews with both victim-survivors and experts in the field of NPD. There is a lack of information and a lot of misinformation, so our task is to shine a light on t ...
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The Narcissism Decoder

Dr. Anthony Mazzella

The Narcissism Decoder is a podcast dedicated to exploring the many dimensions of narcissism through a psychoanalytic lens. Each episode unpacks the intricate factors and behaviors that shape narcissistic traits, offering a deeper understanding of what lies beneath the surface. Together, we navigate the tools and strategies essential for recognizing, understanding, and effectively engaging with narcissistic individuals. With a blend of compassionate insight, expert guidance, and compelling s ...
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Narcissism Recovery Podcast

Yitz Epstein

Welcome to Narcissism Recovery Podcast produced by the Magnolia Healing Center! I am Yitz Epstein. I am a narcissistic abuse and relationship life coach. In this podcast, I offer insights on narcissism and techniques on how to heal after narcissistic abuse. If you are looking to heal from past trauma, sexual abuse, and narcissistic abuse, feel free to contact me at or by phone (818) 210-6049. You are also welcome to set up a time to chat using my calendar below ...
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Helping people to admit what they feel in order to heal from the effects of Narcissistic Abuse from a Biblical and Psychological perspective. Become a supporter of this podcast:
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När man talar om trollen

Oknytt - Nordisk folktro & mytologi

Vår podcast När man talar om trollen, är ett program om folktro, mytologi och traditioner. På ett lättsamt sätt diskuterar Oknytts Lars Wahlström tillsammans med Tommy Kuusela, doktor i religionshistoria, om nordiska väsen, myter och sägner.
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The Narcissists' Code

Lee Hammock

Welcome to my podcast. I am Lee Hammock a self aware narcissist and I'm known as Mental Healness all over social media. I have NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) and I've been dealing with this personality disorder for as long as I can remember. I have been in psychotherapy for the last 4 years and Therapy has helped me to figure out exactly why I do what I do and it has allowed me to get to this point where I can offer you the perspective inside the head of a person battling this perso ...
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The Narcissist in Your Life Podcast

Linda Martinez-Lewi, Ph.D.

The Narcissist in Your Life Podcast is hosted by Linda Martinez-Lewi, Ph.D.,, LMFT, specializing in the narcissistic personality, She offers in-depth information about the origins and psychodynamics of the narcissistic personality and strategies and practices for those psychologically and emotionally abused by narcissistic personalities through her global podcasts (The Narcissist in Your Life Podcast) her books:: Recovering and Healing After the Narcissist and Freeing Yourself from the Narci ...
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Når et træ falder, opstår der muligheder for at fortrænge materialer som stål, beton og plast. Og hos træ.dk tror vi på, at alt, vi i dag laver af fossile materialer, i fremtiden kan laves af træ. Men er det for godt til at være sandt, og hvor er faldgruberne? Det dykker vi ned i sammen med gæster, der ved noget om træ, skov og natur.
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Når snakken går

Anders Landkildehus

At gå ture og at snakke med folk er noget af det bedste, jeg ved. I podcasten kombinerer jeg begge dele - og sætter mikrofon på! Du kan i hvert afsnit komme med på en gåtur med mig og et andet menneske. Mens vi vandrer afsted, lader vi snakken gå. Intet er forberedt, men det handler trods alt mest om tro og liv. Og hver gæst sætter sit eget særpræg på snakken. Udgives af og Norea Mediemission.
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Hot Money: The New Narcos

Pushkin Industries & Financial Times

Hot Money is back. In this series, Financial Times reporter Miles Johnson investigates a mysterious murder in a small town that leads to a web of drugs, money laundering and state-sponsored assassinations stretching from Dublin to Dubai. At the centre is a cocaine super cartel that is revolutionising the global drugs market. This eight-part investigative podcast, published twice-weekly, probes the links between criminals and legitimate businesses, and between governments and gangsters.
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Narrative Edge

Georgia Public Broadcasting

Narrative Edge from Georgia Public Broadcasting highlights books with Georgia connections. Hosted by two of your favorite public radio book nerds who also happen to be your hosts of All Things Considered on GPB radio, Peter Biello and Orlando Montoya . In this podcast Peter and Orlando will introduce you to authors, their writings, and the insights behind their stories mixed with their own thoughts and ideas on just what gives these works the Narrative Edge.
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Narrative Podcast

Tim Croll and Steve Gohl

A new community where real stories matter. We are looking to encourage people to know, share, and live their best narrative. These stories shape our journey and inspire us to live out our best stories. Because real stories matter.
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We all have to deal with narcissists. Now, it’s time to heal from them. In this groundbreaking series, clinical psychologist and world’s leading expert on narcissism Dr. Ramani Durvasula talks to survivors and experts to help millions left reeling from narcissistic abuse. The powerful, transformative conversations on Navigating Narcissism break down classic narcissistic patterns like manipulation, control, gaslighting, and love bombing and help unpack feelings of betrayal, shame, confusion, ...
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Want to heal and thrive for real after Narcissistic Abuse? Well, you have come to the right place. With every episode, I will be sharing information to help you to understand how to navigate the world of narcissism, how to make sense of what they do and how to move on, recover and heal from Narcissistic abuse. Being a Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Professional and a Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist, I have created this Podcast Channel as your Ultimate go-to solution for Narcissistic Abuse ...
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Wrath & Glory | Narrative Declaration

Narrative Declaration

An Ogryn, Rogue Trader, Aeldari, and an Inquisitor walk into a Warhammer 40,000 TTRPG campaign, and it’s everything you expect it to be! Listen in to Narrative Declaration’s run of WH40K: Wrath & Glory! You’ll laugh, cry, and scream “heresy!” as our party journeys through the “Litanies of the Lost” adventures.
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Creative Narratives

Creative Narratives Podcast

Creative Narratives takes you behind-the-scenes with emerging-and-established artists on their processes, their inspirations, and how they navigate challenges while sustaining their art practice and businesses. Co-hosts Valeria Ortiz and Nalisha Estrellas, two Seattle-based artists, share first-hand accounts about the unique lives of artists around the world and how they each impact their communities - local, national and global. Episodes drop monthly with early access and exclusive content ...
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Climate change narratives are everywhere! But what's the deal with it? Shifting the Narrative is a podcast by Enviral exploring the importance of communications and the shifting narrative needed to solve our global challenges. We'll talk to business leaders about their journeys, and how the organisations they work for are leading the sustainability conversation.
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Visit my website for coaching & support | My name is Tracy Malone and I am a surTHRIVER of Narcissistic Abuse. I am an internationally recognized expert on emotional abuse and narcissistic personality disorder, a narcissist abuse survival coach, author, and founder of, a global resource to empower victims of emotional abuse. A frequent participant at summits and on podcasts, I speak on DV, narcissistic abuse, financial abuse, as well as m ...
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The Global Narratives Podcast

Hussein El Hajj Hassan

🌍 The Global Narratives Podcast is broadcast from Canada to the world, bringing a fresh perspective on global affairs, news, and untold stories. Beyond the headlines, we explore international events, personal narratives, and social issues—offering insightful commentary with a unique tone and flavour. 🎙️ Join us as we dive deep into the stories that shape our world, spark meaningful conversations, and challenge perspectives. New episodes every week (with more to come!). Listen now on Spotify, ...
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Maternal Narcissism Unmasked

Cristy Murray MSN, Certified Neuro Coach

"Maternal Narcissism Unmasked: How Daughters Can Heal and Thrive" is a transformative podcast dedicated to providing support, validation, and guidance for daughters who have experienced the painful reality of growing up with a narcissistic mother. Through raw and honest conversations, expert insights, and real-life stories, this podcast aims to shed light on the often-invisible wounds inflicted by maternal narcissism and empower daughters to break free from the cycle of abuse. Each episode d ...
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Change the Narrative

Michael Hernandez

Travel with award-winning educator, author, and international speaker, Michael Hernandez, as he interviews innovation leaders and searches for answers about how to innovate in work, life, and culture. Find out more about Producer and Host, Michael Hernandez on Linked In: and on Instagram: @Changing.The.Narrative Get more inspiring ideas every month--sign up for our free email newsletter:
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Taking Back the Narrative

Laureen Lipsky

Taking Back the Narrative is a Zionism education initiative (, which aims to fill in the historical 2,000 'gap' proving Jews have had a continuous presence in Israel. This podcast delves deeper into topics relating to Israel, Jews as a people, and current events relating to Taking Back the Narrative.
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show series
Det er første gang, jeg nogensinde møder Anna, og det var spændende. Anna er ikke vokset op som kristen, men en tur på High School i USA viste sig at starte rejsen mod troen. Vi taler om Annas USA- og trosrejser, om håbløshed i verden, om fortabelse og andre store ting. Podcasten produceres for og Norea Mediemission. Redigeret af Jens Mou…
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Når en skovarbejder starter sin sav og fælder et træ, bliver de fleste danskere kede af det. Helt nede i mavsen. Det er skov- og træindustriens største kommunikationsproblem, mener journalist Martin Einfeldt. Han ved både noget om kommunikation og træer, og taler i dagens afsnit om dokumentarer fra både DR og TV2 om træ og træprodukter. Til sidst r…
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What's The Cure For Narcissism? What is the solution to it? Is there one at all? I'm Lee & I've been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder ( NPD ). I've been in therapy since 2017 & It has definitely changed my life because without it, I would have lost everything. My platform is dedicated to giving you the WHYs behind the things that Na…
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Inspired by a real-life scandal that was shocking even for the tumultuous Roaring Twenties, this captivating novel tells the story of a pioneering Black journalist, a secret interracial marriage among the New York elite, and the sensational divorce case that ignited an explosive battle over race and class. Join Peter and Orlando as they dive into t…
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The Path Ahead: This week brings one of the most potent energetic shifts of the year: a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries alongside Neptune entering Aries for the first time since 1861. We’re being asked to walk the razor’s edge between trust and action, flow and fire. Register for my new class- Wired for Emotion: The Astrology of your Stress Respons…
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Helping people admit what they feel in order to heal from the effects of narcissism from a Biblical and Psychological perspective. Website: Email: Donate via PayPal: CASH APP - $evangelistklrch1975 IT Iz FINISHED End Times’ Ministries Webs…
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Subscribe in a reader In this episode, Anne Wintemute, founder of Amy Says, joins us to explore how AI mee…
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Who truly sees Jesus? In this episode of the Narrative Lectionary Podcast from Working Preacher, Profs. Rolf Jacobson, Alan Padgett, and Jennifer Pietz unpack Luke 18:31–19:10, exploring the powerful stories of Zacchaeus and the blind man. As Jesus journeys toward Jerusalem, he encounters a blind man seeking sight and a tax collector seeking transf…
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Find out Why Doesn't the Narcissist Want You to Succeed? I'm Lee & I've been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder ( NPD ). I've been in therapy since 2017 & It has definitely changed my life because without it, I would have lost everything. My platform is dedicated to giving you the WHYs behind the things that Narcissistic people do. I'…
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In this episode of Narcissist Apocalypse, Brandon talks with Addison about her controlling abusive relationship. Addison shares her experience of being manipulated through her religious beliefs, coerced into sexual acts, and physical abuse. After breaking up, Addison faced stalking and further abuse. It took her years to process and seek therapy, f…
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What is A Narcissists Favorite Tactic To Control You. ISOLATION. They love to isolate you and get you away from all your friends and family. I'm Lee & I've been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder ( NPD ). I've been in therapy since 2017 & It has definitely changed my life because without it, I would have lost everything. My platform i…
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Have you ever tried to Grey Rock a covert narcissist—only to watch it completely blow up in your face? You stayed neutral, kept your answers short, and avoided reacting… but somehow, things escalated anyway. In this episode, we dive deep into why Grey Rocking often backfires with a covert narcissist, and how to use it in a smarter, safer, and more …
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22 MAR 2025 BREAKING NEWS: Sparks Fly As Jim Jordan Ruthlessly Confronts Dr. Fauci About Lab-Leak Theory Forbes Breaking News / Jun 3, 2024 The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2 Nature Medicine / 17 Mar 2020…
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Helping people admit what they feel in order to heal from the effects of narcissism from a Biblical and Psychological perspective. Website: Email: Donate via PayPal: CASH APP - $evangelistklrch1975 IT Iz FINISHED End Times’ Ministries Webs…
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The New Detachments are in folk’s hands now and people seem to really like them. Factions have a whole lot of new life breathed into them. The Detachments are real elegantly designed way to plug and play new design concepts and give armies a face lift to use more of the existing ranges. Hey folks, Please consider grabbing an FTN T-shirt to help us …
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Do Narcissists Ever Stop reaching out and Go NO CONTACT with their victims I'm Lee & I've been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder ( NPD ). I've been in therapy since 2017 & It has definitely changed my life because without it, I would have lost everything. My platform is dedicated to giving you the WHYs behind the things that Narcissi…
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What is a narcissist's worst nightmare? Is it an educated empath? Another narcissist? What is it? I'm Lee & I've been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder ( NPD ). I've been in therapy since 2017 & It has definitely changed my life because without it, I would have lost everything. My platform is dedicated to giving you the WHYs behind t…
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When Did You Know That Your Relationship With a Narcissist Was Over and that you needed to leave it? In this video I read survivor responses to this question. DOing it a little different today. I'm Lee & I've been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder ( NPD ). I've been in therapy since 2017 & It has definitely changed my life because wi…
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Helping people admit what they feel in order to heal from the effects of narcissism from a Biblical and Psychological perspective. Website: Email: Donate via PayPal: CASH APP - $evangelistklrch1975 IT Iz FINISHED End Times’ Ministries Webs…
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Is a peaceful divorce possible when dealing with a covert narcissist? In this eye-opening episode, I sit down with high-conflict divorce coach Eleanor Marks to unpack the complexities of separation from a covert narcissist. We dive into the concept of radical acceptance—understanding the reality of your situation and adjusting your expectations acc…
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This week on Token Narratives, Graham, David, and Andrei unpack the macro shifts steering both traditional markets and crypto. The Federal Reserve’s quiet pivot on balance sheet tightening signals tides turning — but does more liquidity mean a bull run is back on?David breaks down the mechanics and implications of the Fed’s balance sheet adjustment…
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Some betrayals do more than take money. They shatter trust in ways that can never fully be repaired. I sat down with Charlie Webster, the host, producer and writer of the top international podcast, Scamanda, to break down the shocking deception behind the story and the emotional damage it left behind. Amanda Riley didn’t just lie about having cance…
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In this episode of Narcissist Apocalypse, Rhea talks about being raised and betrayed by her narcissistic father. It’s a story of dark family secrets, conditional affection, witnessing abuse, perfectionism, infidelity, and survival mode. Plus they discuss, people pleasing, anxiety, vanity, neglect, child sexual abuse, intimidation, internalized rage…
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This is Why Your Calmness Rattles A Narcissist and throws them off of their game. I'm Lee & I've been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder ( NPD ). I've been in therapy since 2017 & It has definitely changed my life because without it, I would have lost everything. My platform is dedicated to giving you the WHYs behind the things that N…
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Únete a nuestra comunidad de Patreon Anabel investiga sobre las declaraciones de Horacio García Rojas, quien argumenta que ayudó a financiar las campañas del partido MORENA. Al igual que las declaraciones de Jocelyn Hernández Jimenez estas acusaciones implican a los actuales gobernadores de Sinaloa y Tamaulipa…
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In this heartfelt episode of the Maternal Narcissism: Unmasked Podcast, Thriving Together: The Secrets to a Strong & Healthy Mother-Daughter Relationship," we delve into the inspiring journey of Kylie and Christie Hartigan, a dynamic mother-daughter duo who have transformed their once conventional relationship into a thriving partnership both perso…
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Helping people admit what they feel in order to heal from the effects of narcissism from a Biblical and Psychological perspective. Website: Email: Donate via PayPal: CASH APP - $evangelistklrch1975 IT Iz FINISHED End Times’ Ministries Webs…
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Ever wonder What Happens When You Fall In Love With A Narcissist? This is the video for you. You get the perspective of a diagnosed narcissist. I'm Lee & I've been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder ( NPD ). I've been in therapy since 2017 & It has definitely changed my life because without it, I would have lost everything. My platfor…
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Subscribe in a reader The hidden weapon in divorce is having the right guidance…
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Why do we attract relationships that mirror our deepest wounds? Chiron, the ‘Wounded Healer,’ plays a powerful role in love and connection, drawing in people who reflect our unhealed pain—until we break the cycle. In this episode, I explore how Chiron influences relationships, why we keep repeating patterns, and how healing can transform the love w…
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In this episode, The Little Shaman discusses pain in relationships with pathologically narcissistic personalities. Appointments, Workshops & Free Tools: Books by The Little Shaman: Support the show: Articles by The Little Shaman: https://hubpages.c…
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Book Authoring Webinar mentioned in this episode: WATCH this episode on YouTube: In this episode, author and speaker Michael Hernandez talks with book editor Stephanie Argy about what new writers need to know about working with an editor, the intricacies of the pub…
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In this episode, I sit down with Jin from Narc Troopers—a writer, educator, podcaster, and narcissistic abuse recovery facilitator— to explore the psychological dynamics that keep people stuck in toxic narcissistic relationships and why breaking free can feel impossible. We discuss the fantasy that keeps people trapped, the impact of early childhoo…
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Send us a text Scott and John talk about some of their favorite songs that clock in past the 6 minute mark. Youtube: Join us on Facebook at NMD podcast group. to contact us. Tell your friends!! Be sure to Like and Subscribe. Thanks for listening!…
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Helping people admit what they feel in order to heal from the effects of narcissism from a Biblical and Psychological perspective. Website: Email: Donate via PayPal: CASH APP - $evangelistklrch1975 IT Iz FINISHED End Times’ Ministries Webs…
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This story was written and narrated by Seth Lorinczi. It was edited by Jesse Sposato, Narratively's executive editor. All the music in this episode was performed by Golden Bears and Seth Lorinczi. This episode of Narratively Out Loud was produced and sound deigned by Matthew Nelson, and executive produced by Noah Rosenberg, Narratively's founder. T…
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