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Puhetta jokerifaneilta, jokerifaneille. Ikuisesti kokeellinen podcast, jossa katsotaan maailmaa punakeltaisten lasien läpi. Laittakaa palautetta täällä, twitterissä tai instagramissa @narriradio tai sähköpostilla
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MIT Technology Review Narrated

MIT Technology Review

Welcome to MIT Technology Review Narrated, the home for the very best of our journalism in audio. Each week we will share one of our most ambitious stories, from print and online, narrated for us by real voice actors. Expect big themes, thought-provoking topics, and sharp analysis, all backed by our trusted reporting.
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On n'arrête pas l'éco

France Inter

Expliquer au plus grand nombre les changements du quotidien et mettre en lumière les phénomènes plus silencieux de l’économie. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Welcome to the Mark Narrations Reddit Podcast where we cover a whole host of reddit stories. From AITA stories, Revenge stories and Relationship stories. With 2 episodes posted daily weekdays you'll find plenty to listen to. I hope you enjoy your stay! Become a member at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Working Preacher's Narrative Lectionary

Working Preacher from Luther Seminary

Working Preacher hosts "I Love to Tell the Story," an engaging conversation on upcoming Narrative Lectionary readings. Each episode is fun, informative, and creative—and will help you and your congregation become fluent in the first language of faith.
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N.A.R.C. provides information to facilitate learning and healing from abuse betrayal following relationships with cluster B disordered individuals (narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths as well as comorbidities like addiction). Content will cover carefully researched material, collaboration with mental health professionals, and interviews with both victim-survivors and experts in the field of NPD. There is a lack of information and a lot of misinformation, so our task is to shine a light on t ...
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När man talar om trollen

Oknytt - Nordisk folktro & mytologi

Vår podcast När man talar om trollen, är ett program om folktro, mytologi och traditioner. På ett lättsamt sätt diskuterar Oknytts Lars Wahlström tillsammans med Tommy Kuusela, doktor i religionshistoria, om nordiska väsen, myter och sägner.
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Nutrição Narrada

O Nutrição Narrada é uma forma simples e rápida que encontrei de estar em conexão com você que precisa se atualizar em Nutrição Esportiva, mas não tem tempo para fazer um curso ou para estudar sozinho. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Lost In Narration

Erik Crust & Matthew Gowans

In a vast, abandoned library on the borders of civilisation, Matthew and Erik find themselves trapped and lost with little hope of escape. Surrounded by nothing but the esoteric books of definitely real authors, they resolve to do all that they can do: read. This is Lost in Narration.
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Når et træ falder, opstår der muligheder for at fortrænge materialer som stål, beton og plast. Og hos træ.dk tror vi på, at alt, vi i dag laver af fossile materialer, i fremtiden kan laves af træ. Men er det for godt til at være sandt, og hvor er faldgruberne? Det dykker vi ned i sammen med gæster, der ved noget om træ, skov og natur.
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Når snakken går

Anders Landkildehus

At gå ture og at snakke med folk er noget af det bedste, jeg ved. I podcasten kombinerer jeg begge dele - og sætter mikrofon på! Du kan i hvert afsnit komme med på en gåtur med mig og et andet menneske. Mens vi vandrer afsted, lader vi snakken gå. Intet er forberedt, men det handler trods alt mest om tro og liv. Og hver gæst sætter sit eget særpræg på snakken. Udgives af og Norea Mediemission.
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Grow Your Story, Grow Your Self! The Self Narrate Podcast tells the stories of residents of Gainesville Florida and beyond! Self Narrate's mission is to teach people how to develop their stories and provide a safe space to share those stories. Full Podcast Archive at Grow Radio:
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Climate change narratives are everywhere! But what's the deal with it? Shifting the Narrative is a podcast by Enviral exploring the importance of communications and the shifting narrative needed to solve our global challenges. We'll talk to business leaders about their journeys, and how the organisations they work for are leading the sustainability conversation.
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Narrative Edge

Georgia Public Broadcasting

Narrative Edge from Georgia Public Broadcasting highlights books with Georgia connections. Hosted by two of your favorite public radio book nerds who also happen to be your hosts of All Things Considered on GPB radio, Peter Biello and Orlando Montoya . In this podcast Peter and Orlando will introduce you to authors, their writings, and the insights behind their stories mixed with their own thoughts and ideas on just what gives these works the Narrative Edge.
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BievCast - Cidades Narradas é um podcast que divulga a pesquisa do projeto Banco de Imagens e Efeitos Visuais da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Somos um grupo de pesquisadores em Antropologia e há mais de 20 anos disponibilizamos conteúdo em no nosso site ( de diversas formas: blogs, vídeos, ensaios fotográficos, ensaios sonoros, revistas, livros e diários de campo. Não raro, ouvimos comentários sobre serem as pesquisas nas universidades muito pouco divu ...
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Creative Narratives

Creative Narratives Podcast

Creative Narratives takes you behind-the-scenes with emerging-and-established artists on their processes, their inspirations, and how they navigate challenges while sustaining their art practice and businesses. Co-hosts Valeria Ortiz and Nalisha Estrellas, two Seattle-based artists, share first-hand accounts about the unique lives of artists around the world and how they each impact their communities - local, national and global. Episodes drop monthly with early access and exclusive content ...
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Narrative Podcast

Tim Croll and Steve Gohl

A new community where real stories matter. We are looking to encourage people to know, share, and live their best narrative. These stories shape our journey and inspire us to live out our best stories. Because real stories matter.
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Taking Back the Narrative

Laureen Lipsky

Taking Back the Narrative is a Zionism education initiative (, which aims to fill in the historical 2,000 'gap' proving Jews have had a continuous presence in Israel. This podcast delves deeper into topics relating to Israel, Jews as a people, and current events relating to Taking Back the Narrative.
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An Ogryn, Rogue Trader, Aeldari, and an Inquisitor walk into a Warhammer 40,000 TTRPG campaign, and it’s everything you expect it to be! Listen in to Narrative Declaration’s run of WH40K: Wrath & Glory! You’ll laugh, cry, and scream “heresy!” as our party journeys through the “Litanies of the Lost” adventures.
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Narratrice Nomade

Valentina Ferraro "La Musifavolista"

Se ti stai chiedendo come diventare narratore di audiolibri sei quasi nel posto giusto. Qui si parla di come diventare un narratore indipendente -narratrice, nel mio caso- quindi chiacchieriamo di audiolibri, di voce, di lettura espressiva e all’impronta, di trucchi del mestiere, di audio, di editing, di psicoacustica…e si finisce inevitabilmente per divagare nei territori dell’ascolto e della relazione. Ti porto in viaggio con me, con i microfoni da valigia e le cuffie alle orecchie, in tut ...
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The Global Narratives Podcast

Hussein El Hajj Hassan

🌍 The Global Narratives Podcast is broadcast from Canada to the world, bringing a fresh perspective on global affairs, news, and untold stories. Beyond the headlines, we explore international events, personal narratives, and social issues—offering insightful commentary with a unique tone and flavour. 🎙️ Join us as we dive deep into the stories that shape our world, spark meaningful conversations, and challenge perspectives. New episodes every week (with more to come!). Listen now on Spotify, ...
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Clear Tales offers hand crafted, narrated stories for individuals with mild to moderate dementia. If your loved one is unable to focus on reading or following an audiobook, we are here to provide an entertainment resource for adults with moderate cognitive decline. Each episode is short and the stories are straightforward, with summaries provided and familiar music playing intermittently for the listener’s enjoyment. For best results, listeners can follow along with the book chapters in this ...
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Change the Narrative

Michael Hernandez

Travel with award-winning educator, author, and international speaker, Michael Hernandez, as he interviews innovation leaders and searches for answers about how to innovate in work, life, and culture. Find out more about Producer and Host, Michael Hernandez on Linked In: and on Instagram: @Changing.The.Narrative Get more inspiring ideas every month--sign up for our free email newsletter:
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The Narrator Roundtable

The Narrator Roundtable

The audiobook industry is full of voices, and we're bringing them to the table. Hosted by a core coterie of narrators and featuring a variety of trade professionals, The Narrator Roundtable shares the intricate stories, challenges, and ideas that make up the audiobook industry. From craft to business and beyond, the roundtable turns "chatting with a friend over coffee" from an acting technique into an opportunity for gathering and growth. Join narrators Deanna Anthony, Lindsey Dorcus, Kirt G ...
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Klaus Werner-Lobo

Ein Podcast über Träume und Sehnsüchte, über Humor, Mitgefühl und Scheitern, über Politik und die größte aller Freiheiten: Die Narrenfreiheit.
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Seksualitet og krop bliver påvirket og kan ændre sig under et kræftforløb. Det betyder noget for de flestes livskvalitet. Er du sygeplejerske og har du mod på at udvikle dig fagligt, så lyt til “Når kræft rammer seksualiteten”, og få inspiration til hvordan du kan italesætte patientens seksualitet OG gøre det til en naturlig prioritet i dit arbejde. Det behøver ikke være svært. SIG seksualitet har eksisteret siden 2014 og er en speciel interessegruppe under Dansk sygeplejeråd (DSR) og Faglig ...
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show series
Det er første gang, jeg nogensinde møder Anna, og det var spændende. Anna er ikke vokset op som kristen, men en tur på High School i USA viste sig at starte rejsen mod troen. Vi taler om Annas USA- og trosrejser, om håbløshed i verden, om fortabelse og andre store ting. Podcasten produceres for og Norea Mediemission. Redigeret af Jens Mou…
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Når en skovarbejder starter sin sav og fælder et træ, bliver de fleste danskere kede af det. Helt nede i mavsen. Det er skov- og træindustriens største kommunikationsproblem, mener journalist Martin Einfeldt. Han ved både noget om kommunikation og træer, og taler i dagens afsnit om dokumentarer fra både DR og TV2 om træ og træprodukter. Til sidst r…
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I denne episode, kan du høre om kemoterapi, de akutte bivirkninger og senfølger, som kendetegner de forskellige grupper af kemoterapi og du kan høre, hvordan kemoterapi påvirker krop og seksualitet. Afsnittet er mest tænkt til sygeplejersker, der er nye i onkologien eller ikke administrerer kemoterapi til dagligt. Kilde:…
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Relationship Reddit Stories, OP has been trying to help his girlfriend with her weight and things seem to be going well. However, when things start to go backwards it all gets turned around back on OP. 0:00 Intro 5:01 Story 1 Comments / OP's Replies 7:32 Story 1 Update 10:05 Story 1 Comments / OP's Replies 12:11 Story 2 17:22 Story 2 Comments / OP'…
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Big Shifts This Week! The Sun is moving into bold, action-oriented Aries, lighting up major cosmic connections—including the North Node, Neptune, and Venus Retrograde—that are guiding us toward a deeper understanding of who we are and what we truly desire. Register for my free Season by Season: Equinox Vision Here As this fiery solar energy ignites…
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Relationship Reddit Stories, OP tells us about her life as her family is one of those that travel in an RV and post everything to social media and she's had enough of it! 0:00 Intro 0:19 Story 1 2:24 Story 1 Update 1 7:36 Story 1 Update 2 11:53 Story 2 14:08 Story 2 Comments / OP's Replies 16:25 Story 2 Update 20:00 Story 2 Comment #redditupdate #r…
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Relationship Reddit Stories, OP's girlfriend gets a gift of a dummy from a childhood show that she loved but OP finds it creepy and demands she get rid of it. 0:00 Intro 0:19 Story 1 2:02 Story 1Comments 6:53 Story 2 Update 1 11:16 Story 2 Comments 13:49 Story 2 Update 2 17:41 Story 2 Comments #redditupdate #redditrelationship #redditstories Become…
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Narriradio #70: Fanipaneeli & Teppo LaaksonenKevät on alkanut ja välieriä pelataan! Miltä ovat näyttäneet Playoff-kevään kaksi ensimmäistä kierrosta? Miellyttääkö nähty tuomaritoiminta? Host: Johannes VuoksivirtaVieras: Teppo LaaksonenPaneeli: Roope Räty, Ville Pyöttilä & Akseli TasaKirjoittanut Narriradio
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This week's scriptures: Psalm 27 & 2 Corinthians 12v7b-10 This week Kimberly Collins joins us to talk about the Enneagram! The Enneagram is an ancient personality test that talks about how we view the world. The season of Lent can be a wonderful time to take stock of your relationships and how you show up in the world. Kimberly is an expert in her …
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Relationship Reddit Stories, OP explains their scary situation where she woke up to her hair had been cut during her sleep. 0:00 Intro 0:18 Story 1 2:14 Story 1 Comments 5:14 Story 1 Update 1 8:36 Story 1 Update 2 10:02 Story 1 Comments / OP's Reply 13:33 Story 1 Update 3 16:23 Story 1 Comments 17:50 Story 2 19:45 Story 2 Comments #redditupdate #re…
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Man's natural blindness appears in the grossness of that ignorance and those delusions, which have appeared among mankind. Man has faculties given him whereby he is well capable of inferring the being of the Creator from the creatures. The invisible things of God are very plainly and clearly to be seen by the things that are made; and the perfectio…
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I am very fearful that many so-called "revivals" have, in the long run, wrought more harm than good. Places which have had the most of religious excitement are frequently the most difficult to move.Men's minds have been baked hard in the oven of fanaticism. A species of religious gambling has fascinated many men, and given them a distaste for the s…
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The Mortification of Sin - Simplified and Abridged:Mortification Is a Continual, Lifelong WorkTo mortify sin is to weaken it daily. It is not a one-time event but a lifelong battle. Paul says, "Put to death therefore what is earthly in you" (Col. 3:5), using a present-tense verb that implies ongoing action.Sin must be put to death daily, because it…
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In this episode, we talk about the importance of taking a principled stance. Just a few years ago, individuals and corporations alike proclaimed racism a public health issue. What's the difference between then and now? The society hasn't changed. The policies haven't changed for the better? In fact, millions of people are wanting to see us step bac…
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Releasing Whiteness is back! In this episode, we explore the ways whiteness is really a product of fear, particularly for those who experience whiteness as a place of belonging. We talk candidly about the ways othering can be used to keep individuals and groups in check (too afraid to rock the boat, too afraid to speak their truth, too afraid to st…
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Relationship Reddit Stories, OP is shocked when his brother phoned him to invite him to his wedding and then disinvited him in the same breath and the family wants OP to make it up. 0:00 Intro 0:19 Story 1 3:39 Story 1 Comments 6:23 Story 1 Update 9:29 Story 2 11:35 Story 2 Comments 13:12 Story 2 Updates 14:33 Story 2 Comments 2 15:27 Story 3 #redd…
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Many who attempt to battle sin through their own strength experience a cycle of temporary victory followed by deeper failure. They struggle, make resolutions, strive, and yet fall back into sin again and again. They engage in warfare but never win the battle.They lack the power of the SpiritKirjoittanut John Owen
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There are multitudes of sinners today, millions in Christendom who persuade themselves that they truly love God, when in reality they hate Him; and the hardest of all tasks confronting the ministers of Christ is to shatter this cherished delusion and bring their unsaved hearers face to face with the horrible reality of their unspeakably vile condit…
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durée : 00:45:04 - On n'arrête pas l'éco - par : Alexandra Bensaid, Valentin Pérez - Financer les dépenses militaires et faire baisser le déficit, avec une croissance revue à la baisse et sous le regard des agences de notation... Comment résoudre une équation budgétaire de plus en plus acrobatique ? Ce samedi, débat, reportage et entretien avec la …
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durée : 00:02:53 - Ma vie au boulot - par : Sandrine Foulon - Jérôme est correcteur dans une maison d’édition. Il écoute de la musique en travaillant. Son employeur dit que ce n’est pas bon pour la concentration. A-t-il le droit de lui couper le son ? Sandrine Foulon lui répond ainsi qu'à Ambre qui se demande si l'on doit ou non vouvoyer ChatGPT.…
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Is your wealth a blessing or a barrier? In this episode, Profs. Rolf Jacobson, Alan Padgett, and Jennifer Pietz dive deep into Luke 16:19-31—the rich man and Lazarus parable. What does Jesus' story reveal about judgment, compassion, and discipleship? Are we using our resources to help others, or have we allowed wealth to become an idol? Join us as …
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Hezbollah—a name often associated with the Middle East—has had a discreet yet significant presence in Canada for decades. From fundraising operations to organized crime and even potential ties to international drug cartels, Hezbollah's activities on Canadian soil raise important security questions. In this episode of The Global Narratives Podcast, …
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"The History of the Intelligence State" - Mike Benz lecture at Hillsdale College (Sept 2024) MikeBenzCyber / Rumble FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: @jeffreyklyons GETTR TRUTH SOCIAL http…
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Relationship Reddit Stories, OP's was being taken advantage of by his brother and friends within his business so when OP tried to get another job, they ruined his chances so OP took action. 0:00 Intro 0:18 Story 1 6:36 Story 1 Comments / OP's Replies 22:44 Story 1 Update from OP's Girlfriend 27:54 Story 1 Comments / Replies from OP's Girlfriend #re…
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"Beyond Sunday" are episodes from Adam and Narrate staff that dive deeper into our life with Christ. Scattering to serve our community is one of Narrate's core values. One of our main scattering events each year is Helena Ales for Trails which raises money to build new trails. Adam sits down with Chase Krywaruchka & Chris Charlton of Phat Tracks Tr…
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The story takes an intriguing turn with the arrival of Miss Maggie Colchester, a spirited young woman with a zest for life. Her presence brings a new dynamic to the voyage, creating both tension and laughter among the crew. As the narrative unfolds, we witness the brothers navigating the complexities of relationships and the unpredictable nature of…
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Relationship Reddit Stories, OP reveals that Santa isn't real in a facebook post and apparently her nieces saw it and are now devastated. 0:00 Intro 0:17 Story 1 2:19 Story 1 Comment / OP's Reply 3:25 Story 1 Edits 5:40 Story 1 Update 8:38 Story 1 Edit 9:00 Story 1 Comment / OP's Reply 9:45 Story 2 15:35 Story 2 Edit 17:12 Story 2 Comments 20:05 St…
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The best believers, who are certainly freed from the condemning Power of sin, still need to make it their business to mortify the indwelling power of sin all theirlife. So the apostle Paul writes, "Therefore mortify the parts of your body that belong to the earth." To whom does he speak? Those who were "risen with Christ," verse 1; those who were "…
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The next thing will be that the books shall be opened. Rev. 20:12, "I saw the dead, great and small, stand before God; and the books were opened." Which books seem to be these two, the book of God's remembrance, and the book of Scripture. The former as the evidence of their deeds which are to be judged, the latter as the rule of judgment.…
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Markets are bleeding, Bitcoin is down 30%, and fear is setting in—but is this just short-term pain before a historic rally? The Token Narratives team dives into the $5.5 trillion TradFi crash, Trump’s economic shift, and whether Bitcoin can decouple from equities. Plus, Arthur Hayes weighs in on what’s next, Ethereum’s identity crisis, and the futu…
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Could you be using the term "trauma bond" totally wrong? In this episode I explain what a trauma bond really is, and what it's not, and I offer an alternative term that you can start using that will actually mean what you think it means. Also, I delve into the cycle of abuse as it relates to the narcissist's playbook and how that relates to the rea…
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Relationship Reddit Stories, OP's Sister is trying to help a "troubled teen" who is also OP's daughter's bully. She wants him to attend their family vacation and OP is against it. 0:00 Intro 0:20 Story 1 3:44 Story 1 Comments / OP's Reply 6:03 Story 1 Update 13:56 Story 2 15:49 Story 2 Comments 16:27 Story 2 Update #redditupdate #redditrelationship…
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