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Jasné otázky – priame odpovede. Braňo Závodský a jeho hosť každý pracovný deň 10 minút po 12-tej naživo v Rádiu Expres na aktuálnu tému o veciach, o ktorých sa budete baviť pri obede. Všetky diskusie nájdete aj na YouTube:
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The Laughter for All Podcast is for people who appreciate funny clean comedy. It’s for those who want some Good Medicine, encouragement and inspiration. You will Laugh, be Entertained and Encouraged Each Monday, Join Comedian Nazareth as he welcomes Comedians, Artists, Musicians, Pastors, Leaders and other interesting people to entertain and encourage you.
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The Naz & Wally Sports Hour

Zoomer Podcast Network

The Naz and Wally Sports Hour isn’t just about box-scores, draft picks, playoffs or locker-room jock-talk. It’s about memories and the sports moments that entertain. It’s about the opinions that make up our inner “Real Joe” feelings. And humour. Lots of it. Real humor…not precious, indie nonsense that only appeals to those inside the sound-booth! Naz and Wally is a sports show with a twist. They’re totally interactive and want your input. You can look forward to guests like Russ Jackson, Pin ...
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Man van Nazaret

NPO Luister / EO

De Man van Nazaret vertelt je het meeslepende en aangrijpende verhaal van Salomé. Ze is een joodse vrouw die woont in Jeruzalem, in het jaar 70. De stad wordt belegerd door de Romeinen en dreigt vernietigd te worden. In de stad is ook een kleine gemeenschap van volgers van Jezus. Jezus, die 70 jaar daarvoor was geboren. Je hoort ook het verhaal van zijn geboorte. Twee verhalen die op het eerste gezicht los van elkaar lijken te staan. Maar het leven van Jezus kan niet los gezien worden van de ...
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Ridgefield Church of the Nazarene

Ridgefield Church of the Nazarene

God wants you to live your full potential and we would love to help! This podcast features the weekend messages from Ridgefield Church of the Nazarene. These inspiring talks not only teach Bible truths, but they also help you to apply them to your life at home and at work. For more information about the church, visit
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Litchfield Church of the Nazarene Podcast

Litchfield Church of the Nazarene

Welcome to the Litchfield Church of the Nazarene Podcast! Tune in weekly to listen to our latest messages. As a Protestant Christian church rooted in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition, we’re dedicated to producing fruitful disciples of Jesus Christ. We invite you to join our community where warmth and welcome await you.
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Napoleon Church of the Nazarene

Napoleon Church of the Nazarene

We exist to see people come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. The church is so much more than a building. It is a body of believers called by our Lord Jesus Christ to share the Gospel with those who do not yet know who Jesus is. As the church, we gather together regularly through Sunday Morning Worship, activities, groups, and much more. SUNDAY SERVICE TIMES 9:00AM & 10:30 PM 630 Appian Ave Napoleon, OH 43545 419.592.1586
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Hope Church of the Nazarene's Podcast

Hope Church of the Nazarene

A broadcast ministry of Hope Church of the Nazarene located in Marshfield, Missouri. Pastor Fred Morrison brings scripture-based messages that apply God's Word to everyday life. For more information on the ministries and programs offered here at HCON, please see us on the web at
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show series
Vládna, po novom už štvorkoalícia, pravdepodobne načas opäť stratila väčšinu v parlamente. Chýba podpis pre prezidenta republiky a potom aj zloženie poslaneckého sľubu náhradníka za Rudolfa Huliaka. To je pán Miroslav Radačovský, síce zvolený na kandidátke SNS, no v skutočnosti predseda strany Patrioti. Ako to vyrieši Robert Fico od ktorého to čaka…
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Prezident vymenoval Rudolfa Huliaka za ministra športu a cestovného ruchu. Opozícia to považuje za zlý vtip a koalícia má razom v parlamente opäť len 75 poslancov. A to šéf Hlasu Matúš Šutaj Eštok sebavedome vyhlasoval, že koalícia v utorok zvolí Richarda Rašiho za šéfa parlamentu. Nič také sa nestalo a koalícia stále nemá v parlamente potrebnú väč…
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Politika ako z nejakého zlého a nepodareného politického thrilleru. Americký prezident najprv na svojich sociálnych sieťach svet varuje v tajomnom príspevku, pred svojou veľkou nocou. Ráno sa dozvieme, že zastavil pomoc Ukrajine. Ešte pred tým sa s asistenciou svojho viceprezidenta poháda s prezidentom Zelenským priamo v oválnej pracovni Bieleho do…
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Pastor Ron Hindt is the senior pastor at Calvary Houston. Born and raised in southern California, he spent several years as a rock musician in the Hollywood/LA area. In 1980, Pastor Ron joined Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa under Pastor Chuck Smith. He later served as an assistant pastor at Calvary Chapel Pacific Hills, California for several years. Pas…
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Melissa Radke is a best-selling author, speaker, and television personality who has charmed audiences worldwide with her hilarious and candid insights on life, love, and the complexities of the modern world. Known as the HGIC—Head Girlfriend in Charge—Melissa has been cheering women on since 2016 and sharing tips on what to buy, what to wear, how t…
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Barry H. Corey is the eighth president of Biola University. Since assuming the role in 2007, Corey has led Biola into its second century with the launch of an ambitious 10‐year university plan, completing the largest fundraising campaign in Biola’s history by exceeding its $180 million goal, creating four new academic schools and embarking on a maj…
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In this compelling episode of The Sermon, Pastor Michael Lowenberg dives into Matthew 5:11-16, uncovering the surprising blessing hidden within persecution and the transformative calling to be salt and light. Drawing from a heart-wrenching story of Christians martyred in the Democratic Republic of Congo, he reveals how following Jesus comes with a …
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Naše mestá a obce hlásia, že sú pred finančným kolapsom. Žiadajú spravodlivé rozdelenie daní a vrátanie toho čo im štát dlží. A popritom sa niektoré sťažujú, že musia namiesto ministerstva školstva financovať aj škôlky. Minister financií ale medzitým chystá novú dvojmiliardovú konsolidáciu. A aby toho nebolo málo, obce bojujú so štátom, ktorý chce …
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We are back with our Gospel of John series, His finest hour. Pastor Ben teaches from John 14:12-23. Jesus talks to the disciples about them doing a greater work beyond Jesus' ministry here on earth. He promises them empowerment and authority through work of the Holy Spirit. What is the greater work the Lord is trying to do in you?…
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“Image of God: Part 1” Text: James 3:9, Genesis 1:24-31;5:1,9:6 Scripture tells us again and again that humanity was created in the image of God. Over the next two weeks, Pastor Tim will be talking about this and what it means for us. We have a natural tendency to apply this inwardly to ourselves, but the image of God is not just something that we …
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Morning Worship Sermon with Rev. Bud Hance Scripture reference Mark 9:49-50 49 “For everyone will be seasoned with fire, and every sacrifice will be seasoned with salt. 50 Salt is good, but if the salt loses its flavor, how will you season it? Have salt in yourselves, and have peace with one another.”…
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Pastor Jim explores Solomon’s downfall in 1 Kings 11, where his idolatry leads to God’s judgment and the division of the kingdom. Despite Solomon’s wisdom and success, his disobedience brings adversaries and consequences, yet God remains in control. Jim highlights the dangers of idolatry, the necessity of judgment for restoration, and Jesus as the …
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Is he pulling away? Acting distant? Losing interest? In this Q&A, we’re breaking down why men lose interest and, more importantly, how to get your power back. If you’ve ever felt like you’re giving too much, waiting for a text, or wondering where you stand—this is for you. 💌 Join my private community, House of Her for exclusive Q&As, live sessions,…
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Jesus had a unique ability to see people wherever life had taken them, and to call them Forward. Whether you’re stuck or stalled, in life or in faith, Jesus will lead you Forward. If you want to make better decisions, Jesus calls you to look and move Forward. In this series of teachings inspired by chapters 16-19 in the gospel of Luke, you will fin…
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Vyšetrovanie atentátu na premiéra je ukončené, čaká sa na obžalobu. Premiér chce medzi tým presadiť do ústavy dve pohlavia, či prednosť našich zákonov pred právom Európskej únie. Minister spravodlivosti zas chystá sudcovskú novelu, ktorú opozícia nazvala rozvracaním spravodlivosti. Prečo mať byť atentát na premiéra teroristickým činom a čo sa stane…
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