Il podcast quotidiano sui fatti più importanti per orientarsi nel mondo, con le voci dei giornalisti del Corriere della Sera.
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Four nerds. Four microphones. Zero clue what we're talking about.
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Gereimte Filmkritiken
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Hva er de 5 største spørsmålene vi trenger å stille oss denne uken? Uansett hvilke spørsmål det er - i denne podkasten vil Alex Rosén og Per Hustad ha svarene. Hver uke.
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A flawless call-in advice show in which Miles Bonsignore answers your calls, solves your problems, and helps you achieve perfection.
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Hörspiel-Klassiker aus 1981 in 6 Folgen: Die Kult-Geschichte von Douglas Adams ist zurück - und zwar als Hörspiel-Serie! Dort reisen die Freunde Ford Prefect und Arthur Dent nicht nur per Anhalter durch die Galaxis und entdecken skurrile Geheimnisse, wir erhalten auch die Antwort auf die Frage aller Fragen! Mehr Infos unter Schickt uns eure Meinungen an
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Un dizionario di base per spiegare alcuni temi di attualità: dalla ripresa all'antropologia, dall'educazione finanziaria alle parole della politica internazionale
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Get your movie news, reviews, Box Office, and what's coming to Streaming, VOD and Theatres all with The Hollywood Persona Podcast with Mitch and Ant
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88 Miles Per Hour Podcast: The Podcast that travels Back in Time to revisit the movies & music we grew up with.
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Persona Diário é um podcast com episódios todos os dias, acompanhando o calendário de Persona 3 Reload. Viva junto com a gente o dia-a-dia desse RPG incrível, e ouça as análises, comentários e histórias de Leon Cleveland e Samuel R. Auras sobre a mitologia, a filosofia, o gameplay, as músicas, as simbologias e os personagens apaixonantes. Uma produção Galinha Viajante.
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Personal Landscapes: Conversations on Books About Place
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This is a show on the science of how people are different from one another, where these differences come from, how they develop, and why they matter. The podcast’s hosts are Lisanne de Moor, PhD, René Mõttus, PhD, and Rebekka Weidmann, PhD, three personality researchers. It is a collaboration of the European Journal of Personality and the European Association of Personality Psychology (EAPP), and sponsored by EAPP.
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Il nuovo servizio di rassegna stampa audio di, curato dal giornalista Federico Pizzinelli, presenta, da lunedi al sabato, in modo semplice, essenziale e completo, una sintesi dei pi interessanti articoli sul mondo del vino.
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Frames Per Second Podcast covers all the hot topics and issues related to cinema with in-depth discussions and reviews of the films and television shows we watch today.
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Podcast "Capire per conoscere", Lunedì 10:35. Radio Radicale
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The unsanitized truth of what we have asked of those who defend this nation. From archived tapes of WWI veterans, to conversations with modern-day warriors, these are their stories, in their own words.
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wI MP3
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Hablemos de dinero, hablemos de inversión pero desde la perspectiva de las Finanzas Personales, con las personas en el centro y no el dinero. Un podcast que busca ayudar a dejar de sufrir stress por lo material, a usar el dinero como lo que es: una herramienta
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Podcast del Instituto de Finanzas Personales sobre la educación financiera y el dinero para divulgar y fomentar prácticas y hábitos que contribuyan a mejorar tu vida económica.
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Podcast by Ad Jesum per Mariam
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Hear real, credentialed Financial Advisors discuss different aspects of personal finance in a no-nonsense, unfiltered, down-to-Earth style.
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This podcast is about the wild world of cookies and their growing popularity. Learn about custom personalized cookies, cookies with logos and the coveted gourmet cookie!
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All Personalization is an e-commerce website focused on personalized party products. Come check out our personalized cardboard cut out custom-made from your photo is perfect for every occasion.
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Una buena historia puede cambiar tu vida. Cada semana, te traemos una entrevista exclusiva con un mentor latinoamericano destacado. A través de sus historias personales, descubrirás cómo lideran sus respectivas industrias, compartiendo sus éxitos, errores, estrategias y experiencias que los han llevado al éxito personal y profesional.
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Per Capita is the independent, progressive think tank, dedicated to fighting inequality in Australia. Join us each week as we share our research and insights into some of Australia’s most prevalent issues. Home of Re:Cap, Per Capita’s research and analysis podcast, our JCL and Webinar series, and Homes Not Houses - the series where we dive into the Australian housing crisis. To learn more about our research, events, or content, please visit
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Conversazioni inclinate tra la Terra e Marte. Con Alexandra Nistor e l'Alieno Gentile, si parla di economia con un linguaggio chiaro e senza tecnicismi perché l'economia è di tutti. Newsletter del podcast disponibile qui: Newsletter di Alieno Gentile: il nostro sito: email:
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Primera AudioRevista en Latinoamérica en español sobre temas de Desarrollo Personal.
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Ready to learn about personalization in marketing? Where first season was based on the book ’Hello $FirstName - Profiting from Personalization’ - Season 2 takes it further to explore the Content Crisis of Personalization - and the roles that the Content Layer (hint: a parallel to the Data Layer but with... well Content) and GenAI play in truly making personalization scale. The book is available in print and kindle and can be bought here: (or your local .com,, ...
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Make better decisions based on how your mind works. Personality Hacker teaches you the coding language of your mind and how to use it to create great relationships - a fulfilling career and happiness. Are you born with your personality, or does it develop over time? What is intuition? What's the fastest way to use your natural gifts to improve overall happiness? Join Joel Mark Witt and Antonia Dodge as they discuss small changes in your personality and relationships that have big impact.
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Join Jonathon Dornbush and Tom Marks on their podcast Take Your Time, a series in which the duo plays the Persona franchise over an extremely long period of time. Currently, the two are playing through Persona 3 Reload week by week along with the in-game calendar. This feed also includes our full Persona 5 Royal and Persona 5 Strikers playthroughs.
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The Person-Centred Conversations: Podcast is published by the Person-Centred Practice Community (PCPC) in the UK. PCPC is committed to exploring person-centred theory and practice in a contemporary way.
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Stories of Fascinating People.
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Fast food reviews, movie reviews, & my wife n keeeds
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Miami Dolphins, and the NFL as discussed by Simon Clancy, Chris Kouffman, and Alf Arteaga . Official Miami Dolphins Podcast (@3YardsPerCarry on Twitter) of the Five Reasons Sports Network.
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We all encounter personality conflict on a regular basis, whether we know it or not. From funky, can’t-quite-put-my-finger-on-it dynamics with that one friend or family member, to the big blowup drama at work with the last person you’d expect, it all comes down to personality. Join clinical psychologists, Dr. Rebecca Houvener, Psy.D, (“Doc Bok”) and Dr. Cheyenne Fisher, Psy.D., (“Doc Fish”) biweekly as they unpack the most complex topics like personality disorders and psychopathic behavior, ...
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Information to inspire and help with personal and business development.
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Non soltanto imitazioni per la nostra Rossella Brescia. Infatti, tra gli scherzi più riusciti di Tutti pazzi per RDS c'è la sua "Chu-Lin Mani di fata", la massaggiatrice cinese più temuta dalle mogli gelose.
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Bringing awareness to the power of Personal Development & showing you that inner work creates outer reality.
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Why is personal finance so complicated? The internet is flooded with personal finance “experts” sharing short-sighted, error-prone advice. But long-term financial success requires thoughtful, patient, and well-researched strategies. Hosted by Jesse Cramer, a former aerospace engineer turned fiduciary financial advisor in Rochester, NY, Personal Finance for Long-Term Investors simplifies complex financial topics. With relatable stories, in-depth research, and practical tips, Jesse helps you m ...
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There is no personalized medicine without a diagnostic test to help in the process. The Promise of Personalized Medicine is a podcast that explores the process of creating more personalized medicine and the Medical Directors who ensure that the right care is being delivered to us all. Season 1 will focus on understanding best practices by using the Blueprint of Success format as a template for labs to use when trying to get their novel diagnostic test approved by health plans. This is The Pr ...
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Intelligenza artificiale e deep learning, realtà virtuale, social network, bitcoin e criptovalute, capitalismo della sorveglianza: le nuove tecnologie digitali stanno cambiando il mondo in cui viviamo a velocità sempre crescente, lasciandoci spesso pieni di domande senza risposta. Ogni settimana faremo chiarezza e approfondiremo i temi più inquietanti e affascinanti del mondo digitale, cercando di capire qual è il futuro che ci attende. Sono Andrea Daniele Signorelli, da anni racconto i risc ...
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Is it okay to ask your coworker how much they make? Is Gen Z set up for failure in the workplace? Should you really bring your whole self to work? Each week on Per My Last Email, Morning Brew's resident career experts Kaila and Kyle—whose careers have collectively spanned the corporate, government, nonprofit, and startup sectors—debate the trickiest challenges in work life, and share tactics on how to overcome them.
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There are skills in life, which are so important to each and every one of us no matter what our field of work or study is. This Podcast focuses on those personality skills which are important to you, me, and every one of us. So do listen and learn the all-pervasive skills of life. Also if you think this podcast adds values to your life, do review it on Apple Podcasts: and do share with your loved ones.
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Bernard Kelvin Clive brings you Personal Branding daily, tips, tricks and strategies to build your personal brand. Uncut, unedited, solutions to your branding needs.
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Learn Italian with Teacher Stefano and Prof. Mascia! | Impara l'italiano con Teacher Stefano e Prof. Mascia! | Download transcripts here - Scarica qui le trascrizioni:
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Comunicare per essere®, la comunicazione valoriale che ti permette di manifestarti, di essere, di relazionarti, seguendo sempre i massimi valori che ispirano la tua vita. Un approccio dialogico, relazionale, generativo, applicato alla vita quotidiana, che accompagna e sostiene la tua evoluzione e la strada della massima espressione di te. Pensare bene per vivere bene. Agire bene per creare valore. Fare le scelte giuste, capire quali siano, impegnarti per raggiungerle. Come dare il meglio di ...
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L’Ue e il riarmo. Greenpeace condannata. Insegnanti su OnlyFans
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
20:47Francesca Basso analizza le decisioni in materia di difesa prese dal Consiglio europeo a Bruxelles. Sara Gandolfi racconta la sentenza di un tribunale del Nord Dakota che condanna l’organizzazione a pagare 660 milioni di dollari per il sostegno alle battaglie dei nativi americani contro la costruzione di un oleodotto. Valentina Santarpia parla dell…
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Un dizionario di base per spiegare alcuni temi di attualità: dalla ripresa all'antropologia, dall'educazione finanziaria alle parole della politica internazionale
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Kirjoittanut RDS 100% Grandi Successi
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Kirjoittanut WineNews
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Ep. 8 | La casa dei nostri sogni 🏠
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Toista myöhemmin
12:35Scarica la trascrizione qui: Scopri miei corsi: Teacher Stefano
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Episode 10 - Boikott og esel
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Toista myöhemmin
34:11Boikott meg her, og boikott meg der. Skal man gi etter? Eller kan man bare gjøre som man vil? Ikke boikott det å spille instrumenter da, det er tydeligvis mangelvare.
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THE OFFSEASON w/Alf Arteaga & Marek Brave March 19, 2025 JOIN US ON OUR @Discord : (Only $4.99 a month!) STORE: Go to, sign up with promo code 3YARDS , and Underdog will give you a FREE PICK to use on your first cash Pick’em entry PLUS up to $1,000 in bonus cash w…
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Loving Like God: The True Challenge of Lent
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
12:50Loving Like God: The True Challenge of Lent During this season we are faced with the key challenges Christians are called to embrace during Lent— . . .. . . deepening our relationship with God through prayer, detaching from worldly comforts through fasting, and extending love to others through almsgiving. The scripture readings emphasize obedience …
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Il potere di affermare te stesso
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
18:54Affermare te stesso significa essere. Riconoscerti, manifestarti, consolidarti. Non esiste vera affermazione di sé senza il pieno rispetto della persona che sei, la scelta consapevole della persona che diventi. Ma se non ti impegni, nel tuo vivere quotidiano, ad affermarti, cioè a renderti manifesto, ti accorgerai che, passo dopo passo, ti sembrerà…
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Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Dead End Media Group
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Fusione nucleare, con Marco Locatelli - EpT S05E25
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
31:34Quando il governo italiano dice che siamo all'avanguardia per la fusione nucleare sta prendendo tempo con delle chiacchiere o c'è della sostanza? Ne parliamo con Marco Locatelli, un fisico nucleare in collegamento dagli USA, per comprendere quale sia il futuro dell'energia nucleare e quanto sia prossimo. Per comprendere l'economia, bisogna comprend…
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L'oracolo di Google e i rischi della macchina delle risposte
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Toista myöhemmin
16:27L’utilizzo dei modelli linguistici al posto dei motori di ricerca è sempre più diffuso: tra cannibalizzazione del web, eccessivo potere nelle mani dei colossi della AI e allucinazioni, i pericoli non vanno sottovalutati Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Andrea Daniele Signorelli & VOIS
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wI MP3 Giugno 2025 - 01
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Interview: Joseph Fares reacts to Split Fiction's GOTY-level review scores | Friends Per Second #64
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Toista myöhemmin
3:05:31Eat smart with Factor. Get started at FACTOR MEALS dot com slash fps50off and use code fps50off to get 50% off your first box plus free shipping. That’s code fps50off at FACTOR MEALS dot com slash fps50off to get 50% off plus free shipping on your first box. Link is in our description! -- Go to BUY RAYCON dot com slash friends to get 20% off the be…
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Capire per conoscere - Conversazione con il prof. Mario Baldassarri - Puntata del 17/03/2025
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Toista myöhemmin
22:34Oggi siamo tornati a parlare del piano ReArm Europe della Presidente della Commissione Europea, Ursula Von Der Leyen e di difesa europea, poi abbiamo parlato del rapporto Musk-Trump, dell'economia americana che inizia ad accusare le scelte di Donald Trump e dei tagli all'istruzione e alla ricerca voluti dal Presidente degli Stati Uniti…
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Are You a Bad Person If Your Job Doesn't Align With Your Values?
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
32:49In this episode, Kaila and Kyle get philosophical and discuss the ethics of working for a company that doesn’t align with your values. Is it ever acceptable to work at a job that you perceive as immoral? And what can you do if you have to work at such a place? 00:00 Intro 05:30 Whether or it’s morally okay to work somewhere that goes against your v…
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Wenn Jugend und Schönheit Vergangenheit sind...Kirjoittanut peeweeski
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Re:CAP - Post Community Tax Summit Chats with Miranda Stewart
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Toista myöhemmin
32:13In the latest episode of Re:CAP, Emma Dawson is joined by professor Miranda Stewart to unpack her keynote address from the Community Tax Summit, as well as discuss some of the other takeaways from the summit. Join our new early career policy network for policy professionals, students and anyone interested in learning more about how they can influen…
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This is the End (2013) with Julia Diaz
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Toista myöhemmin
1:28:59Where does our DeLorean take us this week? Since the original episode was taken down, we decided to re-upload it but removed all the movie soundbites. Enjoy this extra long episode about the end of the world. All this and more before heading Back to the Future. 88 Miles Per Hour Podcast: The Podcast that travels Back in Time to revisit the movies &…
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Steig ein ins Neurosubstrat mit Go Stuntboi Kazumi: Im Hamburg des Jahres 2112 herrschen Cyberdrogen, illegale VR-Wettkämpfe und Machtmissbrauch vor. Die Menschen überleben in schwimmenden Containern. Kann Go Stuntboi Kazumi in dieser dystopischen Zukunft herausfinden, wer sie wirklich ist? Ab 26.2. in der ARD Audiothek erleben.…
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