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Beginner friendly if listened to in order! For anyone interested in an educational podcast about philosophy where you don't need to be a graduate-level philosopher to understand it. In chronological order, the thinkers and ideas that forged the world we live in are broken down and explained.
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Avec philosophie

France Culture

Une rencontre quotidienne entre philosophie et monde contemporain. Du lundi au vendredi de 10h00 à 10h55 avec Géraldine Muhlmann. (Ancien fil des "Chemins de la philosophie") Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Sternstunde Philosophie

Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF)

Information: Dieser Video Podcast wird per Ende Juli 2021 eingestellt. Künftige und bisherige Episoden finden Sie auf unserem Play SRF Portal ( Vertiefende Gespräche mit herausragenden Persönlichkeiten aus Kultur, Wissenschaft und Politik. Die Sternstunde Philosophie vermittelt lebensnahe Denkanstösse zu zentralen Fragen unserer Zeit.
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Bold Unedited Discussions on Psychology, Philosophy, Therapy, and Change. Entertaining and informative talks explore psychology and philosophy with a variety of guests including authors, doctors, healers, professors, therapists, scientists and more. We delve into everything from modern therapeutic techniques to ancient wisdom practices, offering practical and unique approaches to living a vibrant life. Host Paul Krauss, MA LPC, draws on his unique background – from a rural motel childhood to ...
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Ever wanted to know how music affects your brain, what quantum mechanics really is, or how black holes work? Do you wonder why you get emotional each time you see a certain movie, or how on earth video games are designed? Then you’ve come to the right place. Each week, Sean Carroll will host conversations with some of the most interesting thinkers in the world. From neuroscientists and engineers to authors and television producers, Sean and his guests talk about the biggest ideas in science, ...
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Philosophers In Space

Aaron Rabinowitz and Callie Wright

Welcome to Philosophers In Space, where the intrepid trekker captain Callie Wright and their questionable Chief Ethics Officer Aaron Rabinowitz explore the weird, gooey world of sci-fi, searching for tantalizing hypotheticals and gear-stripping questions in a space odyssey of meaning and amusement.
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Philosophieren ist eine Tätigkeit. Deshalb nehmen wir das Verb als Titel. Matthias Burchardt und Alexander Christ philosophieren am besten zusammen. Man kann ihnen dabei zuhören und darf sich auch noch selber etwas denken.
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Theory & Philosophy

David Guignion

Theory & Philosophy is a multi-disciplinary podcast offering you succinct breakdowns of key philosophical and theoretical texts to help you better understand the world we all live in. New episodes every second Saturday at 4am EST. Patreon: Youtube:
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Phil in the Blanks

Dr. Phil McGraw

Gain valuable insights for growth and learn practical tools to navigate the complexities of modern life. Experience an unfiltered Dr. Phil McGraw as he delves into the minds of the most exciting and accomplished people. From celebrities to ordinary individuals in extraordinary circumstances, to the world’s leading experts, every guest and topic is provocative, informative, and relevant. Dr. Phil addresses the collective psychology of different communities and regions by offering diverse pers ...
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L'heure Philo

France Inter

Un nouveau rendez-vous proposé par Patricia Martin pour (re)découvrir des auteurs et des textes, mieux lire et décrypter notre époque, prendre du champ et laisser parler l’universel. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Philotimo Life

Philotimo Life

”A podcast about death? That‘s kinda morbid.” - You, probably. But it doesn‘t have to be. Come breathe life into the conversation around death, grief, & bereavement.
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Philosophy Bites

Edmonds and Warburton

David Edmonds (Uehiro Centre, Oxford University) and Nigel Warburton (freelance philosopher/writer) interview top philosophers on a wide range of topics. Two books based on the series have been published by Oxford University Press. We are currently self-funding - donations very welcome via our website
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Philosophy for our Times is a free philosophy podcast bringing you the latest talks and debates from the world’s leading thinkers. We host weekly episodes on today’s biggest ideas in news, society, culture, politics, science and arts. Subscribe today to never miss an episode.
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Best Of Dr. Phil

Dr. Phil McGraw

Full episodes of Dr. Phil with intriguing guests presenting compelling yet relatable stories from the real world and Dr. Phil's down to earth, common sense, usable advice for the challenges of life. Hear America's doctor talk about things that matter to people who care.
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Parlons Philo

Radio Campus Orléans 88.3 FM

Parlons Philo est une émission de Radio Campus Orléans 88.3 FM. Retrouvez toutes les informations autour de ce programme à l'adresse suivante :
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Mindmaps: der Philosophiepodcast

Manuel Schmid & Heinzpeter Hempelmann

Was wir über Gott und die Welt denken, hat nicht bei uns angefangen. Unsere weltanschaulichen und ethischen Überzeugungen stehen auf den Schultern großer Vordenker vergangener Jahrhunderte. Wir verdanken ihnen viel, dürfen ihre Vorgaben aber auch kritisch hinterfragen. In diesem Podcast nehmen Manuel Schmid und Heinzpeter Hempelmann ihre Hörer:innen mit auf eine faszinierende Zeitreise zu den Wurzeln unseres Denkens. Immer wieder werfen sie auch einen spezifisch theologischen Blick auf einfl ...
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In jedem Leben gibt es einen Moment, der alles verändert. Wahrscheinlich weißt du in dem Augenblick gar nicht nicht, wie sehr diese Entscheidung oder diese Erfahrung deinen weiteren Weg beeinflusst: Vielleicht bist du gerade in einer schweren Krise, du erlebst plötzlich und völlig unvorbereitet einen Schicksalsschlag oder du triffst endlich die Entscheidung, über die du schon seit Monaten nachdenkst. Um genau diesen Augenblick geht es in “Dieser eine Moment – Der Podcast mit Philipp Fleiter” ...
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What's Left of Philosophy

Lillian Cicerchia, Owen Glyn-Williams, Gil Morejón, and William Paris

In What’s Left of Philosophy Gil Morejón (@gdmorejon), Lillian Cicerchia (@lilcicerch), Owen Glyn-Williams (@oglynwil), and William Paris (@williammparis) discuss philosophy’s radical histories and contemporary political theory. Philosophy isn't dead, but what's left? Support us at
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Dateline Philippines is ANC’s longest running newscast and it focuses on news from the country's more than 7,000 islands gathered by ABS-CBN's 18 regional stations, the most extensive news gathering group nationwide. It tackles the major stories of the day from politics, business, sports and entertainment.
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Jan Philipp Fredebeul

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show series
Melissa says Destoni, 14, is an aggressive, violent bully. She's chased her sister with a butcher knife, yells at teachers in the hallways but Destoni crossed a line when she threatened to shoot her teacher and other students causing suspension. Part 1 More information: Thank you to our sponsor: Start taking charge of your health…
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We’re leaving behind organized religion in shocking numbers. In 1988, 17% of Americans said they never attended religious services. By 2021, this almost doubled to 31%. Church membership in the US has dropped below 50% for the first time in history. Even as the population grows, somewhere between 6,000 & 10,000 churches close down every year. Liste…
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Direct link to DePaul University Political Scientist Dr. David Lay William’s book and e-book, The Greatest of All Plagues: How Economic Inequality Shaped Political Thought from Plato to Marx: Join La…
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Maggie Schauer ist Psychologin und eine ausgewiesene Expertin zur Behandlung von Traumafolgestörungen. Ihre Expertise führt sie rund um den Globus in Kriegsgebiete und Krisenregionen, zu Menschen, die Naturkatastrophen erlebten, und zu ehemaligen Kindersoldaten. Sie sagt: Trauma geht alle an. Traumatisierungen sind keineswegs selten. Denn traumatis…
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In this episode, I cover the first chapter of Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o "Decolonising the Mind." Part two will cover chapters 2, 3, and 4. Please consider donating to one of the following organizations: Palestinian Children's Relief Fund: United Nations Relief and Works Agency:…
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::sends show notes psychically through the spore mind:: Alien Clay: Support us at Patreon: Join our Facebook discussion group (make sure to answer the questions to join): Email us at: philosophersinspace@gma…
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durée : 00:58:35 - Le Souffle de la pensée - par : Géraldine Mosna-Savoye - L'historienne et écrivaine Laure Murat est née dans le milieu que Marcel Proust décrit dans "A la recherche du temps perdu" : comment ce monument de la littérature française, aussi intimidant que drôle et palpitant, a-t-il changé sa vie intimement ? - réalisation : Nicolas …
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durée : 00:03:56 - Philosophie - par : Thibaut de Saint-Maurice - Dans la lacune, il y a ce côté inavouable. C’est qu’elle n’est pas seulement une ignorance, mais une ignorance coupable. A tort ou à raison, on se dit, où l’on nous fait sentir que ce manque ou ce vide n’est pas tout à fait digne de nous.…
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Is freedom the primary goal of feminism? It's popular these days to define feminism as something that frees women - from traditional gender roles, from social expectations and other restrictions. But the question remains as to whether or not "freedom feminism" is up to the task of helping - or even noticing - the most vulnerable and oppressed.…
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Limited "Politics Will F With You" Drop: PDS Debt is offering a free debt analysis. It only takes thirty seconds. Get yours at Go to to get 50% off your first order of Sundays for Dogs! Be a part of the DeFranco Book Club! My Oct…
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Subscribe to get Part 3 of this episode in its entirety, along with tons of other supporter-exclusive content. You can alternately choose to make a one-time purchase at The post PREVIEW-Ep. 351: Sophie Grace Chappell on Transgender (Part Two) first appeared on The Partially Examined Life Philosophy Podcast.…
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Heaven in disorder What is the relationship between atheism and faith? How do we relate to 'the big other', and how does this influence how we think about God, nature and ourselves. Join Slavoj Žižek for his glorious finish to a fantastic talk. Slavoj is a Slovenian Marxist-Lacanian philosopher and author, known for his incisive, radical, and humou…
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Originally released Feb. 18, 2021 [edit recast settings] Jacques Derrida was a controversial philosopher whose writing could be fiendishly difficult to read. Nevertheless he had many followers. Here Pete Salmon, author of a recent biography of Derrida, manages to give a clear account of what Derrida meant by deconstruction. This episode was sponsor…
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durée : 00:03:50 - Le Pourquoi du comment : philo - par : Frédéric Worms - Sans tolérance, le vivre-ensemble serait en danger. Selon Voltaire, 'La tolérance, c'est l'apanage de l'humanité.' Nous allons voir comment cette notion essentielle, reflet de la fragilité humaine, nous pousse à accepter les différences tout en naviguant entre l'inacceptable…
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durée : 00:58:34 - Avec philosophie - par : Géraldine Muhlmann, Antoine Ravon - Richard Rorty remet le pragmatisme en avant lors des années 1960 et tente de l'adapter aux avancées récentes de la philosophie contemporaine. Quel rapport l'ironiste entretient-il à la vérité ? - réalisation : Nicolas Berger - invités : Olivier Tinland Professeur de phi…
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In this episode, Maria chats with Stacey Brown, Director of Soaring Spirits Canada, about her journey through widowhood and the incredible work her organization is doing to support those experiencing grief. They dive into the challenges faced by widowed individuals, the need for improved bereavement policies, and the importance of peer support in f…
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Just go to and download the Zocdoc app for FREE. Then find and book a top-rated doctor today! Use code “PHIL” for $20 OFF your first SeatGeek order & returning buyers use code “PDS” for $10 off AND your chance at weekly $500 prizes! Daily Dip newsletter subscribers can win up to $1,0…
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In this episode, I explain phenomenology through the work of Immanuel Kant, Martin Heidegger, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, and Sara Ahmed. Please consider donating to one of the following organizations: Palestinian Children's Relief Fund: United Nations Relief and Works Agency:…
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durée : 00:58:33 - Avec philosophie - par : Géraldine Muhlmann, Antoine Ravon - Dans le cadre d'un 19ᵉ siècle marqué par la crise des idéaux traditionnels, suite à la publication de L'origine des espèces de Darwin (1859), John Dewey élabore une pensée du dynamisme, de l’évolution et de l’interaction. Quel est le sens du concept de croissance pour D…
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durée : 00:03:37 - Le Pourquoi du comment : philo - par : Frédéric Worms - Quand la tolérance révèle ses limites, il devient crucial de définir l'intolérable absolu, là où la coexistence même est menacée. Faut-il être intolérant face à l'intolérance ? - réalisation : Riyad CairatKirjoittanut Frédéric WORMS
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Use code “PHIL” for $20 OFF your first SeatGeek order & returning buyers use code “PDS” for $10 off AND your chance at weekly $500 prizes! Get an exclusive NordVPN deal here It's risk-free with Nord's 30-day money-back guarantee! Be a part of the DeFranco Book Club! My October Book Reco…
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Roderich Kiesewetter ist ein deutscher Politiker (CDU) und Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages. Seit 2009 ist Kiesewetter direkt gewählter Abgeordneter für den Bundestagswahlkreis Aalen-Heidenheim. Seit März 2022 ist Kieswetter stellvertretender Vorsitzender des parlamentarischen Kontrollgremiums (PKGr), sowie Mitglied im gemeinsamen Ausschuss und i…
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