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Speaking of Psychology

American Psychological Association

"Speaking of Psychology" is an audio podcast series highlighting some of the latest, most important and relevant psychological research being conducted today. Produced by the American Psychological Association, these podcasts will help listeners apply the science of psychology to their everyday lives.
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In each episode, we talk with inspiring scientists, thinkers, and other self-actualized individuals who will give you a greater understanding of yourself, others, and the world we live in. Scott Barry Kaufman explores the depths of human potential and tries to get a glimpse into human possibility in every episode.
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Podcast o psychologii to cotygodniowe rozmowy o rozwoju osobistym i dbaniu o swoją odporność psychiczną. Edyta Zając, psycholog, trenerka i autorka warsztatów psychologicznych oraz kursów online, szuka odpowiedzi na ważne psychologiczne pytania. • Co zrobić, aby nie wpaść w sidła wypalenia życiowego? • Jak zadbać o swoje zdrowie psychiczne? • Jak stawiać na swój rozwój, ale nie pozwolić sobie na przeciążenie rozwojowe? W odcinkach podcastu znajdziesz informacje o tym, jak wyznaczać granice w ...
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Psychologia. Terapia. Zdrowie psychiczne. Dbanie o siebie. Monika Kotlarek - psycholog, terapeutka, autorka książek. Dzielę się wiedzą i doświadczeniem. Psychoedukuję. Łamię tabu. Walczę ze stygmatyzacją.
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Bold Unedited Discussions on Psychology, Philosophy, Therapy, and Change. Entertaining and informative talks explore psychology and philosophy with a variety of guests including authors, doctors, healers, professors, therapists, scientists and more. We delve into everything from modern therapeutic techniques to ancient wisdom practices, offering practical and unique approaches to living a vibrant life. Host Paul Krauss, MA LPC, draws on his unique background – from a rural motel childhood to ...
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Forensic Psychology

Circle Of Insight Productions

Dr. Carlos is an adjunct Professor in Forensic Psychology and Criminal psychopathology. He discusses concepts in the world of forensic psychology. He discusses legal issues pertaining to forensic psychology, psychology disorders, the criminal justice system and more
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Psychology in 10 Minutes

David B. Feldman - psychology | social science | politics | mental health

Find out something new about psychology while you sip your morning coffee. Get the ’Psychology in 10 Minutes’ book!
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Unterstütze unseren Podcast und erhalte mehr als 60 zusätzliche Bonusfolgen, Autorengespräche und Vertiefungen: Wir widmen uns der Erforschung des Unbewussten, der modernen Psychoanalyse, Tiefenpsychologie und den Verfahren der Psychotherapie. Zudem erzählen wir Fallgeschichten aus der Praxis in unserer Reihe "Tales of Therapy". Unser Buch mit neuen Fallgeschichten: "Mein größtes Rätsel bin ich selbst" (erscheint im Hanser Verlag) -- überall, wo es Bücher gibt. ...
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Psychology Unplugged

Dr. Corey J. Nigro

Weekly discussions and perspectives on all aspects of psychology, neuropsychology, psychopharmacology, and mental health topics. Psychoeducation, information, misinformation, controversy, and passion about an incredibly relevant and misunderstood medical field.
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Psychoterapia i Hipnoza

Polski Instytut Ericksonowski

Kanał prowadzony przez Polski Instytut Ericksonowski oraz Fundację PIE. Naszym celem jest propagowanie i rozwijanie terapeutycznych idei Miltona H. Ericksona przez prowadzenie warsztatów, treningów, spotkań superwizyjnych, publikacje, seminaria i wykłady. Jesteśmy przekonani, że psychoterapia i związane z psychoterapią wartości humanizują przestrzeń w jakiej żyjemy.
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Join David Puder as he covers different topics on psychiatry and psychotherapy. He will draw from the wisdom of his mentors, research, in-session therapy and psychiatry experience, and his own journey through mental health to discuss topics that affect mental health professionals and popsychology enthusiasts alike. Through interviews, he will dialogue with both medical students, residents and expert psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and even with people who have been through their own ment ...
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Vous vous posez des questions sur la psychologie et le bien-être ? Découvrez le podcast de, le portail leader en psychologie qui vous permet de vous sentir mieux quand vous en avez besoin. Retrouvez Psychologuenet sur internet et les réseaux : 👍Instagram: 👍Facebook : 👍Notre site : 🔎Pour lire nos articles : ❓Pour poser vos question ...
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De Podcast Psycholoog

De Podcast Psycholoog / De Stroom

Waarom leerde niemand je ooit hoe je moet omgaan met stress, hoe je een vriend kunt troosten, of hoe je stopt met het continu checken van je Instagram? De Podcast Psycholoog bespreekt elke aflevering een belangrijk psychologisch thema en geeft tips die je meteen kunt toepassen in je dagelijks leven. In de serie Hoofdverhalen gaat Marissa in gesprek met mensen die een fikse tegenslag voor hun kiezen kregen die hun leven (tijdelijk) op z’n kop zette. In elke aflevering blikken zij terug op hun ...
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Yves Dalpé & Johanne Côté, psychologues

Les psychologues canadiens Yves Dalpé et Johanne Côté, associés et mariés, offrent un podcast permettant aux auditeurs d'être à la fine pointe des connaissances en psychologie et en communication interpersonnelle.
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Sex and Psychology Podcast

Dr. Justin Lehmiller

The Sex and Psychology Podcast is the sex ed you never got in school—and won’t find anywhere else. Kinsey Institute researcher Dr. Justin Lehmiller takes you on a journey through the psychology of sex and relationships, offering practical tips along the way that can help you take your intimate life to the next level. Learn more on Dr. Lehmiller’s blog at
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Savvy Psychologist

Seeking a healthier emotional life? It’s time to bring a trained psychologist and mental health expert along for the ride. Dr. Monica Johnson explains the why behind complex emotions, helps you form better relationships, and guides you down the path of self-understanding.
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Willkommen beim Podcast "Klinische Psychologie", dem Podcast, der die bedeutsamsten und neuesten Forschungsergebnisse zur Psychotherapie beleuchtet. Nicht nur Fachleute können von diesem Podcast profitieren: Auch Betroffene oder Angehörige erfahren, welche Therapieformen bei Angststörungen, Depressionen, Zwangsstörungen etc. besonders wirksam sind. NEU: Zu allen Episoden gibt es jetzt Video-Versionen auf YouTube! (Kanalname:
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Verband Freier Psychotherapeuten, Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie und Psychologischer Berater e.V.

PSYCHO, LOGISCH! Der Podcast des Verbandes Freier Psychotherapeuten, Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie und Psychologischer Berater. In unseren Folgen erwarten Sie spannende Interviews, Fachgespräche und jede Menge Wissen rund um Psychologie und Psychotherapie. Mit dem 14-tägigen Rhythmus der Veröffentlichung neuer Ausgaben haben wir die Möglichkeit, auf brandaktuelle Themen einzugehen. Wir freuen uns auf zahlreiche VFP-Mitglieder und Gäste, die ihr Wissen mit uns teilen. Jetzt reinhören!
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This is a podcast about deciphering human behavior and understanding why people do the things they do. I, Zach Elwood, talk with people from a wide range of fields about how they make sense of human behavior and psychology. I've talked to jury consultants, interrogation professionals, behavior researchers, sports analysts, professional poker players, to name a few. There are more than 135 episodes, many of them quite good (although some say I'm biased). To learn more, go to PeopleWhoReadPeop ...
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Psychologie: Wissensproviant

Psychologin M.Sc. C. Prochnow

Wissensproviant: Der kompakte Proviant mit Beiträgen aus der Psychologie für Wissbegierige. ;) Episoden bis einschließlich Folge 73 sind seit Ende 2023 nicht mehr verfügbar. Weitere Infos unter: - Quelle Intro/Outro Melodie-Ausschnitt: von Draganov89 bei Pixabay.
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A podcast that explains how everything is psychology. Even your 20s. Hosted by Jemma Sbeg, each Tuesday and Friday we deep dive into the science and psychology behind a topic, concept or universal experience that defines our 20s - from dating, to mental health, career anxiety, friendship, finances and all the growing pains associated with this decade. Listen now. For business enquires please email New merchandise here: https://the-psychology-of-your-20s.myshopif ...
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Social Psycho

Ben & Mr. A

Two brothers, Ben and Mr. A, discuss the big questions in life. Who are we? What the f*** is going on? What’s meaningful? What do now? We discuss psychology, philosophy, conspiracies, business, technology, AI, and more. New episodes every Monday and Friday.
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Topics on the science of psychotherapy and psychology hosted by the editors of The Science of Psychotherapy magazine. This podcast covers the neuroscience, neurobiology, biology, sociology, brain science, and even the quantum and metaphysical elements that affect our mental well being and how understanding these elements informs the psychotherapist and psychologist.
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Podcast o tym, jak wykorzystać odkrycia psychologii w swoim codziennym życiu, zarówno osobistym jak i zawodowym. Będziemy koncentrowali się przede wszystkim na praktycznych aspektach psychologii, ale nie zabraknie też ciekawostek oraz odpowiedzi na wasze pytania.
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My Pocket Psych is all about the psychology of the workplace. Each episode, we'll examine the world of work and explore a topic through the lens of psychology. We'll aim to give listeners tips to help improve their experience of work - moving from surviving to thriving! My Pocket Psych is brought to you by WorkLifePsych Ltd and hosted by Dr. Richard MacKinnon and Pilar Orti.
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Psychologický podcast

Psychologický Podcast

Vítejte u Psychologického Podcastu. Jmenuji se Eva a jsem vězeňská psycholožka. Tento podcast zahrnuje jak obecná témata z psychologie, tak i zajímavosti z praxe. A občas se tu objeví i jako hosté i mí kolegové, kteří vám přiblíží některou z psychologických specializací. Podcast tvořím pro všechny, kdo mají zájem dozvědět se více o lidském chování, myšlení a prožívání. Další díly psychologického podcastu najdete na
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Psychologen beim Frühstück

Annika Lohstroh, Michael Thiel

Psychologen beim Frühstück belauschen, wie sie über die Themen reden, die sie gerade beschäftigen: Von der "Psychologie des Lügens", über "Energievampire" und das Streitthema "Ordnung" bis hin zur "Macht des Vergebens". Immer persönlich, immer menschlich aber mit psychologischen Erklärungsversuchen, warum wir uns wie verhalten. Unsere Zuhörer lieben es, mit uns auf den Ohren zusammen zu frühstücken: "Danke für die Sendung ! Ich habe ein neues Hobby am Sonntagmorgen: Bügeln und Eure Sendung h ...
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Der Podcast direkt von der Therapie-Couch. Ob Beziehungsfragen, Selbstzweifel oder Bindungsangst: In jeder Folge behandelt die Bestsellerautorin und Psychologin Stefanie Stahl ein spezifisches Problem mit echten Klient*innen – darunter Prominente, Paare und ganz "Normalgestörte". Mit ihrer 30-jährigen Therapieerfahrung erkennt sie rasch das zugrundeliegende Problem und zeigt Lösungswege auf, die auch dir helfen werden, dich selbst und andere besser zu verstehen. Komm mit auf Steffis Couch! S ...
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show series
Comment se comportent les gens ayant les styles de personnalité évitantes et déprimées, et particulièrement face à l’infidélité:? Extra it du livre intitulé « L’Infidélité n’est pas banale » par Yves Dalpé, psychologue.Kirjoittanut Yves Dalpé & Johanne Côté, psychologues
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In dieser Folge von PSYCHO LOGISCH! spricht Ilona Bring mit Michael Zellerer von der Continentale Versicherung. Die Continentale bringt langjährige Erfahrung im Umgang mit den speziellen Anforderungen und Risiken im Berufsfeld der Heilpraktikerinnen mit. Gemeinsam beleuchten sie, welche Versicherungen für Heilpraktikerinnen in der Psychotherapie, p…
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"I think I'm just a temporary person," Michee told Renée, explaining that she has never felt prioritized by friends or family. She describes her childhood as "toxic and abusive," with a controlling, unpredictable father and a loving but absent mother. She has struggled with all of her relationships, whether platonic, familial, or romantic, and insi…
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Do we really need AI? Why is it being pushed so hard? What really is it, and what is it good for? Does AI have a concept of truth, moral or otherwise? How has the desacralization of the human lead to the state of society today? Also, why is Bill Gates producing documentaries about himself? That and more in this reboot episode. We're back baby.…
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+++ !Wichtige Info: Stahl aber Herzlich könnt ihr ab nun kostenfrei bei RTL+ hören. Dort hört ihr neue Folgen exklusiv bereits eine Woche früher. Alle Folgen sind aber auch weiterhin auf allen anderen Plattformen verfügbar! +++ Weitere Infos zu mir und meinen Werbepartnern findet ihr hier: +++ Mark und Patricia s…
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Generalisierte Angststörung: Medikamente oder Psychotherapie? Welcher Behandlungsansatz verspricht bessere Therapieergebnisse?Eine brandneue Meta-Analyse soll Antworten liefern:Studie:Emily Carl, Sara M. Witcraft, Brooke Y. Kauffman, Eilis M. Gillespie, Eni S. Becker, Pim Cuijpers, Michael Van Ameringen, Jasper A. J. Smits und Mark B. Powers (2019)…
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TALES OF THERAPY Warum geht Anna eine solch destruktive Bindung ein und kann sich selbst kaum schützen? Die Therapeutin gewinnt im ersten Behandlungsabschnitt eine erste Vorstellung von Annas innerer Welt. Nachbesprechung / Vertiefung der Folge auf Patreon. Hier findet ihr auch das Skript zur Folge: Studie zu psychodynamischer Behandlung von Border…
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Dr Kirk and Humberto answer patron emails. This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at to get 10% off your first month. Become a member: Become a patron: Email:…
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Dans cet épisode numéro 207, la psychologue pour enfants Ségolène Hartz vient nous expliquer comment réguler les émotions des enfants. Sur le podcast de, nous nous dédions à donner des pistes et à résoudre des problèmes du quotidien pour améliorer votre bien-être et votre santé mentale. 🔎Pour contacter Ségolène Hartz, cliquez ici : …
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One of the most common sex problems people report today is that they can’t seem to clear their mind during sex. They find themselves distracted or they’re multi-tasking, and this is getting in the way of their pleasure. In today’s show, we’re going to discuss why this problem is on the rise and what we can do about it. Specifically, we’re going to …
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The idea of a 'soft life' originated from a group of Nigerian influencers who chose the term to describe a way of living that was comfortable, joyful, minimised stress whilst prioritised self care and simple beauty, in comparison to hustle culture, burnout and urgency. In today's episode we are going to go through 5 practical tips to make this gent…
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In this latest episode of our 'Thriving at Work' series, Richard takes a fresh look at the concept of self-care. While it may conjure up images of bubble baths and cups or tea, there's a lot more to it than that. Richard outlines some quality markers to bear in mind when selecting self-care activities and flags some common pitfalls to avoid. Full s…
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This week, Maggie & Tim are back answering more of your ATA questions. Grab your tissues for this one! Sponsors: BetterHelp - Visit today to get 10% off your first month. Acorns - Head to or download the Acorns app to start saving and investing for your future today! Quince - That’s…
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[Rerun] Dr Kirk Honda and Humberto analyze the main character in Nightcrawler regarding psychopathic and sadistic personality. This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at to get 10% off your first month. Become a member: Become a patron: http…
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This week Scott is joined by Jodi Wellman. Jodi is an author, executive coach, and expert on resiliency. Scott and Jodi discuss living well with no regrets, and learning to embrace the bright side of your limited time on Earth. See for privacy information.Kirjoittanut iHeartPodcasts
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October 30, 2024: CALM DOWN-DJ ROME provides a short take and then what follows are segments featuring political strategists/influencers JOE TRIPPI from THAT TRIPPI SHOW as well as LEIGH McGOWAN a/k/a POLITICS GIRL to help explain early voting results, polls, and who is really leading in the race to the white house.…
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Dr Kirk and Humberto discuss the psychological model proposed in Inside Out 2. This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at to get 10% off your first month. 00:00 Witnessing childhood 10:06 Transitionary periods 24:18 Stable personality points 36:17 Anxiety vs. Fear 1:03:01 Sense of self & schemas 1:39:4…
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Stuck in the never-ending grind but still feel like it’s not enough? Paula Freedman-Diamond, Psy.D., a clinical psychologist and author of Toxic Striving: Why Hustle and Wellness Cultures are Leaving Us Anxious, Stressed, and Burned Out-- and How to Break Free breaks down how hustle culture and wellness fads can mess with our sense of self-worth an…
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Is having too many options a problem? Most of us see choice as a hallmark of freedom, but in today’s world, too many choices can lead to stress, anxiety, and even decision paralysis. In this episode, Monica explores the paradox of choice—the surprising downsides of endless options—and why more choices might mean less satisfaction. Savvy Psychologis…
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From the surgical suite to the battlefield to the driver’s seat of a car, robots and other autonomous systems are increasingly part of people’s workplaces and their daily lives. Ericka Rovira, PhD, a professor of engineering psychology at the United States Military Academy West Point, talks about how robots are being used in the military, in medici…
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Będę wdzięczny, jeśli wyrazisz swoją opinię o podcaście i podzielisz się swoimi pomysłami na jego rozwój: Stało się! "Psychologia, którą warto znać" dobiła właśnie do setnego odcinka. Pomyślałem, że jest to doskonała okazja, żeby zebrać główne wnioski. Skupiłem się na czterech, które często przewijają się przez o…
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[Rerun] What do you do when you have feelings for your therapist? Falling in love? Wanting to be adopted? Dr. Kirk Honda answers a number of emails on this topic. This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at to get 10% off your first month. Become a member:…
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Today I talked with Stijn Vanheule about Why Psychosis Is Not So Crazy: A Road Map to Hope and Recovery for Families and Caregivers (Other Press, 2024). Are we all a little crazy? Roughly 15 percent of the population will have a psychotic experience, in which they lose contact with reality. Yet we often struggle to understand and talk about psychos…
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Social media has permeated many aspects of our lives, including our intimate lives. In today’s show, we’re going to discuss the good, bad, and ugly of how social media has changed dating. Some of the topics we explore include how social media can stoke relationship insecurity and undermine authentic connection, as well as why social media is increa…
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Your hobbies may be just as important as your friendships in your 20s. But whilst you may dedicate 10-15 hours a week to your friends, most of us can go a week or two without actually performing our hobbies. Why is that, and what is the consequence?In today's episode we break down the psychology of why our hobbies are so important, including: The d…
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Join LIVE Monk-Mode SUMMIT, ask your problems directly to Saurabh & interact with other members of our community: get 10% off and participate in the Monk-Mode Summit, use code: "MMS"Overcome all obstacles related to discipline, focus and laziness: Tumhare dost…
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October 28, 2024: On this very special edition of PSYCHOTIC BUMP SCHOOL, DJ ROME puts the spotlight on calming the frenzy tour after a lap around the POLL-A-COASTER + a heartwarming story of a little girl's dream to impact the world around her. PARTS 1 & 2 ROME welcomes PENELOPE CROOKS-a 7th grade student out of Northern California who shares her h…
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Poniedziałki z Psychoterapią - Kto poniesie ten świat - Rozmowa z Piotrem Wieczorkowskim o współuzależnieniach. Piotr Wieczorkowski - specjalista psychologii klinicznej, psychoterapii uzależnień i psychoterapii dzieci i młodzieży. Ukończył kurs psychoterapii w PIE oraz liczne szkolenia z zakresu psychoterapii ericksonowskiej, w tym prowadzone przez…
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Kids or no kids? How do we decide? Dr Kirk interviews fellow therapist Jess Flynn about her decision to not have children. Jess Flynn can be found at: This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at to get 10% off your first month. 00:00 Introducing Jesamie & mort…
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Folge 273: Wieviel Eskapismus ist gut? Stundenlanges Computerspielen, Abtauchen in Phantasiewelten, Bücher inhalieren oder einen Rosamunde-Pilcher-Marathon: Egal, ob mit Binge-Watching, Koma-Saufen oder beim Sport rund um die Uhr, viele Menschen versuchen im Eskapismus, also dem temporären Entfliehen aus der realen Welt in Fantasien und alternative…
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The Ideas That Rule Us: How Other People's Ideas Rule Our Lives and How to Change it (Prepolitica, 2024), political theory researcher, author, and entrepreneur Nathan J. Murphy takes an eye-opening, multi-disciplinary deep dive into how others’ ideologies, perceived societal norms, and pop culture influences shape our lives, through our decision-ma…
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In this episode, Dr. David Puder, alongside guests Rachel Blackston and Dr. Eric Bender, dives into the psychological insights presented in Pixar's Inside Out 2. Together, they explore the complex emotional world of adolescence, focusing on the challenges Riley faces as she navigates new emotions—like Anxiety, Envy, and Embarrassment—that reflect c…
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Bobcast! Dr Kirk and Bob review a case in which a therapist was convicted of fraud. This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at to get 10% off your first month. 00:00 Relational therapist fraud 06:43 Bob's bathroom remodel 08:35 Moving from therapy to coaching 28:01 "Misleading wording" 34:57 Conviction…
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How can Bill Clinton’s “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” shed light on Lacan’s maxim, “The unconscious is structured like a language?” In Six Moments in Lacan: Communication and Identification in Psychology and Psychoanalysis (Routledge, 2018), professor Derek Hook thoroughly investigates and explains a number of Lacan’s major conce…
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