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Rappernes Bogklub


I podcasten Rappernes Bogklub tager Sean Lightfoot (Sean-Poul de Fré Gress), Søren Karim (Søren Karim Bech også kendt fra Bogfinkevej) og Aalen (Chr. I Mølgaard) livtag med skønlitteraturens klassikere – digtningens monumenter, det skrevne ords katedraler – med henblik på at undersøge forholdet mellem rap- og prosatekster, at afstigmatisere rapperen i det senmoderne samfund og, ganske enkelt, at demokratisere fiktionslæsning. I selskab med en skiftende, prominent gæst fra det danske hiphop-m ...
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Deso – Der Rapper, der zum IS ging

funk - von ARD und ZDF

Ein Gangstarapper aus Berlin-Kreuzberg radikalisiert sich, erklärt Musik zur Sünde und zieht für den IS in den Krieg. Wie konnte das passieren? In sechs Folgen erzählt „Deso – Der Rapper, der zum IS ging“ die Geschichte eines Menschen, den die deutsche Gesellschaft verloren hat: Denis Cuspert alias Deso Dogg. Host und Journalist:in Azadê Peşmen nimmt euch mit ins Berliner Gang-Milieu der 90er, in die Deutschrap-Szene der Nuller Jahre, in deutschlandweite salafistische Netzwerke und in die Pr ...
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The Learn As You GROW ShoW With Rapper / Music Producer M-I-Corleone + "Incorrectly Facilitated"

Michael Curran aka M-I-Corleone @BeatsByTheKilo Kontent By The Kilo Podcasts

There's no manual for how to live life, at least not for people like Host Michael Curran. Rapper / Music Producer M-i-Corleone tells you his story of LEARNING to LIVE and GROW. Listen to his story of being locked up for most of his teens and early 20s, addiction, homelessness etc., and how MUSIC kept him going through it all. New Episodes Tuesday Thursday ! SUBSCRIBE FOR "Incorrectly " A BONUS SHOW Every Other SATURDAY+ More Exclusive Content! (It Cost Time And Money To CREATE This! ALL DONA ...
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This is about getting my music known and be out their. I'm always looking for collaborations and i want to do hooks for producers. Not a singer, a rapper. My rapper name on YouTube is L.C.T.R/Yung Twizted or L.C.T.R or Yung Twizted. I go by both names. L.C.T.R was my born rapper name. Now im Yung Twizted. 💯 search me up!
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The Rappers Guide

The Rappers Guide

The Rappers Guide is a Music Business Podcast that intends to bring independent artists up to speed on the current climate of the music industry. Hosted by Bailz Pagliacci & Diggy Metro, RGP is a show that is set up to build a community in the music scene. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-rappers-guide/support
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show series
Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit - ohne Konsequenzen? "Amnestie Deutschland" erzählt von fünf Fällen, in denen im Ausland Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit begangen wurden und deren (teilweise mutmaßlichen) Täter sich nach Deutschland absetzen konnten.Host Azadê Peşmen spricht mit Betroffenen, Angehörigen und Expert*innen und fragt: Ist Deutsc…
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Du gør klogt i at lytte til denne poesiepisode hvor vi snakker om den nobelpristagende svenske digter (hjemmebanefordel!) Tomas Tranströmers heftige digt Minusgrader fra digtsamlingen Sanningsbarriären (1978). Vi læser digtet på tre forskellige sprog, og vi har været så geniale (læs: opportunistiske) at få den sindssygt dygtige svenske Aarhus-rappe…
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I afsnit 14 tager vi hul på Albert Camus’ sidste roman, Faldet, fra 1956. I selskab med Loke Deph aka Deffy bevæger vi os ud på den tyndeste is med vores tilgang til at behandle løgets filosofiske lag med vores pseudo-wisdom og hustler-knowledge! Var Camus pyskopat? Eller er Karim bare sur over hans modstand mod algiersk selvstændighed? Falder vi i…
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The Learn As You GROW Podcast The RiP Irv Gotti Episode "The Early Years" MIC GERONIMO Ja Rule 28/100 On Billboard DMX Jay-Z Def Jam Dame Dash Murder Inc. Preme Ashanti Memory Lane
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The Lost Episode 6 Of The Learn As You GROW ShoW With M-i-Corleone - DONT LET THEM DIVIDE US! Its Not About Black Or White, If Your BANK AINT RIGHT! Rich Verse Poor! RACIST Media Dividing Races, CLASS
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The Lost Episode 5 The learn As You GROW ShoW Hosted By M-i-Corleone Jan. 19 2022 ... Learn, Go & GROW , Driving Through Philly Live NEW Beats FOR $25 Lease ! Help Me Help You! Music Therapy NEW BEAT! https://www.Beacons.ai/BeatsbyTheKilo
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The Lost Episode 4 With Philly MC , Griddy City's Vinne Raw - Hard Work & Dedication , Investing In Our Own Music , Music Is Our Therapy ! In The Whip Smoking Hot Boxin', Would You Move From The Hood! Vinne Is A Philly Bol At HEART, Would He Leave philly if Given The Chance? Thank You To @VinneRaw For His Time! Check out His new Music!…
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Lost Episode 2 - The Learn As You GROW ShOw Live From RECPhilly "InCorrectly Facilitated" Learning As I Go With No Manual Drugs, Money, Lock Up, Addiction, Rap, Percocet, Opiates Finding Out To Late !
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Intro - Learn As You GROW Show RiP Irv Gotti Episode Season 2025 From Mic Geronimo To 50 Cent To Selling His Catalogue For $300 Million Before His Death, Listen As We Salute A Hip Hop Legend! PodcastBeats For Lease! $25 ! Uploaded Daily At https://www.beacons.ai/BeatsBythekiloSubscribe To Beats By The kilo's Youtube page https://www.Youtube.com/@Be…
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#subscribe now at ‎@beatsbythekilo With Over 25 Years Of Music Industry Hands On Experience Equating Michael Curran Jr.s Music Industry Expertise! From Demo Tapes To Myspace To YouTube & Facebook, Instagram, tik tok, LinkedIn, Threads, Google My Business, X (Twitter), Shopify, WordPress Website Creator, Filmora & Adobe Film Editor, Film Producer, F…
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In this episode of the Learn As You Grow Show, the hosts delve into the dynamics of the hip-hop industry, focusing on key figures like DMX, Jay-Z, and Dame Dash. They explore the rivalries, the impact of DMX's rise to fame, and the importance of owning music rights. The conversation highlights the challenges and intricacies of the music business, e…
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The Impact of Loss and Grief , Life Lessons from Death and Legacy , Investing in Yourself and Your Career RIP Irv Gotti The Man Who EXPOSED Mobb Deep's Prodigy's Ballerina Past To Jay-z During Their Beef! But KARMA Was Around The Corner!$25 beats for lease https://www.beacons.ai/beatsbythekilo With Over 25 Years Of Music Industry Hands On Experienc…
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RIP Irv Gotti The Man Who EXPOSED Mobb Deep'sProdigy's Tap Dance Past To Jay-z During Their Beef! But KARMA Was Around The Corner!With Over 25 Years Of Music Industry Hands On Experience Equating Michael Curran Jr.s Music Industry Expertise! From Demo Tapes To Myspace To YouTube & Facebook, Instagram, tik tok, LinkedIn, Threads, Google My Business,…
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Hærværk er ikke en ulykke, men et aktivt valg. Vi valgte at kaste os ud i dansk litteraturs mest brusende selvdestruktionstestamente, Hærværk (1930) af legenden Tom Kristensen. En fucking lang bog hvis du spørger Sean-Poul, men nemt læst på 2 dage hvis du spørger Ålen. Vores gæst er ingen ringere end selveste Kasper Spez som selv har haft Tom K og …
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Med lette tømmermænd efter gårsdagens besøg i Go Aften Live, tager drengene Gå - eller kunsten at leve et vildt og poetisk liv (2006) af norske Tomas Espedal, under mere eller mindre kyndig behandling. Der bliver lavet Jørgen Leth imitationer og reflekteret over det at gå. Hvis du er nede med hvad du hører, må du gerne rate os og kommentere afsnitt…
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Det er fucking Jul, og Karim mente at den bedste måde at fejre Jesus' fødselsdag, var at læse A Christmas Carol (1843) af Charles Dickens. Vi havde rapper, forfatter, foredragsholder, Host with the Most og underviser, Fabeldyret aka Shahin Aakjær i studiet. Hvis du er nede med hvad du hører, må du gerne rate os og kommentere afsnittet og del det i …
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Freestyle rapper og debattør mm. Ham Den Lange gæster dette afsnit hvor bogklubben har læst verdens måske, "første krimi", nemlig vores helt egen St. St. Blichers Præsten i Vejlbye (1829). Hvis du er nede med hvad du hører, må du gerne rate os og kommentere afsnittet og del det i dit netværk, hvis du tænker andre kunne få sin optur på! #kunlove…
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I dette afsnit får bogklubben besøg af NichoEn til en snak om Knut Hamsuns klassiske værk Sult (1890). Der følger bl.a. en top 5 guide til at være broke i Oslo. Hvis du er nede med hvad du hører, må du gerne rate os og kommentere afsnittet og del det i dit netværk, hvis du tænker andre kunne få sin optur på! #kunlove…
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I dette første afsnit af Rappernes Bogklub har drengene læst Kilimanjaros Sne (1936) af Ernest Hemingway og kommer ind på alt fra macholitteratur og small-dick-energy til originalsprog og oversættelser. Aalen sejler rundt i ’den intentionelle fejlslutning’ og til sidst løftes sløret for et live-event d. 19. juni med en meget særlig gæst. Hvis du er…
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The Learn As You GROW ShoW- War on OUR Streets:: Hip Hop & NOT DRAKE The Cops Running Under Philly?Whats the solution."War Storiez" (Experience, Strength & Growth) Episode 1 - How Did I Get This Scar On My Arm? PART 1 OF 2 Music - M-i-Corleone Beats By The Kilo , Content - Kontent By The Kilo , Clothing - Ca$h Buy The Kilo#Donate To My Channel www.…
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"War Storiez" (Experience, Strength & Growth) Episode 1 - How Did I Get This Scar On My Arm? PART 1 OF 2 Music - M-i-Corleone Beats By The Kilo , Content - Kontent By The Kilo , Clothing - Ca$h Buy The Kilo#Donate To My Channel www.KontentByTheKilo.Live/tips#REAL #realcomedy #comedy #comedyvideo #hiphop #music #subscribe #exclusive #musicindustryti…
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Founder Of Beats By The Kilo Music & Podcasts, Kontent By The Kilo Media, News, Tutorials etc. CA$H Buy The KiLo Clothing & Merch, KontentByTheKilo.LiVe (Media Network, 24/7, CA$H Buy The KILO Clothing and A ShortCut To Success Consultant Agency (Brand Yourself, invest in yourself without wasting money, Branding 101 on a budget, Marketing and Adver…
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For Subscribers only! 🫡Mandatory Yard Out Episode 2 *Bonus Episode* The Learn As You GROW ShoW With M-i-Corleone 4.21.2024#KiloCartel#SUBSCRIBE - @beatsbythekilo#LIKE #COMMENT #SHAREBeats By The Kilo Producer Rapper M-I-Corleone Creates New Beat & Song LIVE Philly Studio Rap #MusicHire Me & Content By The Kilo For Marketing, Social Media Management…
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The Learn As You GROW Podcast #420 #2024 Joe Budden Wack100 Diddy Jay-Z DONT REP #HIPHOP 50 Cent Nas Styles P Jadakiss Fabolous T.I. We Need Your VOICES MORE THAN EVER!YALL LETTING CANADA TAKE #Rap #Music and Got Drake Playing "Keep Away" With The Ball over in Toronto while we WAIT FOR KANYE WEST (Didn't YALL CANCEL HIM?) SUGE KNIGHT RUSSELL SIMMON…
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In Miami With Pitbull, Source Awards With Jeezy & B.M.F. Rapping For UGK & The Ups & Downs of Life !For more exclusive episodes subscribe to my channel monthly for $5.99In Miami With Pitbull, Source Awards With Jeezy & B.M.F. Rapping For UGK & The Ups & Downs of Life !- Patreon - The Learn As You GROW ShOw Tony Robbins Live Madison Square GarEarn Y…
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Rapper Gunna ALLEDGEDLY Had A Nurse @ Jail Bringing Cocaine & Marijuana & SHE GOT CAUGHT ALLEDGEDLY #Subscribe to our #YouTube https://youtube.com/c/BeatsByTheKILOMusicPodcastProductions For New Beats SIGN UP TO MY EMAIL LIST www.BeatsByTheKilo.com & for my Unreleased Music go to www.beacons.ai/BeatsByTheKilo…
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On this week's episode, Diggy and Bailz talk with Brianna DeMayo the founder and CEO of Taste Creators. We discuss the importance of rollouts, artists being coachable, finding different ways to obtain revenue besides music, and what Brianna has been working on in her hometown in Philly. Rappers Guide Podcast is a Music Business podcast that intends…
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Happy Thanksgiving! On Episode 68, Diggy & Bailz talk about being thankful for what you have achieved to this point. Rappers Guide Podcast is a Music Business podcast that intends to bring independent artists up to speed on the current climate of the music industry. Our goal is to build a community of artists with each and every episode we drop! --…
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On Episode 67, Diggy & Bailz talk about Spotify finally reaching 100,000 songs a day and what that means for the music business.Rappers Guide Podcast is a Music Business podcast that intends to bring independent artists up to speed on the current climate of the music industry. Our goal is to build a community of artists with each and every episode …
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On Episode 66, Diggy & Bailz are joined by Booking Agent, Erik Abel. The conversation delves into all aspects of touring, including what an up and coming artist needs to do in order to accomplish their first tour.Rappers Guide Podcast is a Music Business podcast that intends to bring independent artists up to speed on the current climate of the mus…
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On Episode 65, Diggy & Bailz are joined by Kohrey of Contrabrand to talk about TikTok and what it's doing for the independent musician. They also go over marketing strategy & much more. Rappers Guide Podcast is a Music Business podcast that intends to bring independent artists up to speed on the current climate of the music industry. Our goal is to…
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On Episode 64, Diggy & Bailz talk about making music that feeds your soul instead of appeasing the timeline.Rappers Guide Podcast is a Music Business podcast that intends to bring independent artists up to speed on the current climate of the music industry. Our goal is to build a community of artists with each and every episode we drop!--- Support …
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On Episode 63, Diggy & Bailz talk about the world of songwriting. Rappers Guide Podcast is a Music Business podcast that intends to bring independent artists up to speed on the current climate of the music industry. Our goal is to build a community of artists with each and every episode we drop!--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.c…
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On Episode 62, Diggy & Bailz talk about finding creative ways to get your audience involved. Rappers Guide Podcast is a Music Business podcast that intends to bring independent artists up to speed on the current climate of the music industry. Our goal is to build a community of artists with each and every episode we drop!--- Support this podcast: h…
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On Episode 61, Diggy & Bailz talk about understanding the labels point of view in order to have a better approach to your career in music.Rappers Guide Podcast is a Music Business podcast that intends to bring independent artists up to speed on the current climate of the music industry. Our goal is to build a community of artists with each and ever…
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In this episode we go down the path of some of Mi corleones ancestors and we come to realize that not too much has changed when it comes to dealing with trauma. From as far back as I can trace they're always been problem with alcohol and Drugs in my family as well as poverty. While it's too late to break the first one I'm working overtime to make s…
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Download this new song for $1 !!! ONLY AT www.BeatsByTheKilo.Bio M-I is back with a new song called Tears In The Dark this song is a personal song that HE didn't fully Mix & Master the song because the feeling was just so Rawww &;right that you can hear that hes feeling the emotions in what hes saying just through his voice so I decided to keep it …
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On Episode 60, Diggy & Bailz talk about matching your look to your sound.Rappers Guide Podcast is a Music Business podcast that intends to bring independent artists up to speed on the current climate of the music industry. Our goal is to build a community of artists with each and every episode we drop!--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.sp…
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The Learn As You GROW Show With Beats By The Kilo Music and Podcast Productions Founder & Veteran Philly Rapper , Songwriting Guru / Hip Hop Music Producer / Beat Maker M-I-Corleone Podcast www.BeatsByTheKilo.com or for ALL SOCIAL MEDIAS & Merch Store GO To www,beacons.ai/BeatsByTheKilo Subscribe to Our YouTube https://youtube.com/c/BeatsByTheKILOM…
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On Episode 59, Diggy & Bailz talk about the balance between making social media content and creating new music.Rappers Guide Podcast is a Music Business podcast that intends to bring independent artists up to speed on the current climate of the music industry. Our goal is to build a community of artists with each and every episode we drop!--- Suppo…
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On Episode 58, Diggy & Bailz talk about being embarrassed by your art. Is this a normal feeling? How do you get around that? Tune in to hear RGP's thoughts!Rappers Guide Podcast is a Music Business podcast that intends to bring independent artists up to speed on the current climate of the music industry. Our goal is to build a community of artists …
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On Episode 57, Diggy & Bailz talk about aging in music. How important is it to blow up when you're young? What are the benefits of being older in music? Tune in!Rappers Guide Podcast is a Music Business podcast that intends to bring independent artists up to speed on the current climate of the music industry. Our goal is to build a community of art…
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On Episode 56, Diggy & Bailz talk merch. What are the most effective ways to sell merchandise? What doesn't work? Tune in and find out.Rappers Guide Podcast is a Music Business podcast that intends to bring independent artists up to speed on the current climate of the music industry. Our goal is to build a community of artists with each and every e…
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On Episode 55, Diggy & Bailz talk about the trend of artist selling their masters and the benefits of doing it right now. Why would artists do something that was spoken down on at one point? Tune in and find out.Rappers Guide Podcast is a Music Business podcast that intends to bring independent artists up to speed on the current climate of the musi…
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On Episode 54, Diggy & Bailz talk about what it means to get a million dollar deal from a record label. Using a great article from DJ Booth, the guys break down what and who must be paid out in the process of getting a million dollar recording contract.Rappers Guide Podcast is a Music Business podcast that intends to bring independent artists up to…
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On Episode 53, Diggy & Bailz talk more spotify numbers. How many monthly listeners do majority of artists have? How many songs does the average artist on Spotify put out? Tune in and find out.Rappers Guide Podcast is a Music Business podcast that intends to bring independent artists up to speed on the current climate of the music industry. Our goal…
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On Episode 52, Diggy & Bailz talk about how to capitalize on your moment, once you get there.Rappers Guide Podcast is a Music Business podcast that intends to bring independent artists up to speed on the current climate of the music industry. Our goal is to build a community of artists with each and every episode we drop!--- Support this podcast: h…
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Anfang 2018 macht eine Nachrichtenmeldung die Runde: Denis Cuspert soll “wahrscheinlich wirklich” gestorben sein - bei einem Luftangriff in Syrien. Doch nach den vielen falschen Todesmeldungen der letzten Jahre wollen das viele erstmal nicht so richtig glauben. So oder so ist das Kapitel Denis Cuspert bis heute nicht abgeschlossen. Immer noch tauch…
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