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show episodes
The American Reformer Podcast’s mission is to promote a vigorous Christian approach to the cultural challenges of our day, rooted in the rich tradition of Protestant social and political thought. Focusing particularly on issues facing American Christians, we will seek to contribute to the reformation of Christian institutions that have become corrupted by false ideologies and practices.
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Agenda Reforma


De lunes a viernes, te llevamos las información nacional e internacional más relevante del día. Los sábados y los domingos no te pierdas nuestras recomendaciones deportivas.
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The Reformanda Initiative

Leonardo De Chirico, Reid Karr, Clay Kannard

The Reformanda Initiative Podcast. Listen as we analyze and discuss Roman Catholic theology and practice from an Evangelical perspective. | X: @ReformandaRome | Facebook: @ReformandaInitiative | Online: |
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Ob Fasten oder Fitness, Pflanzenheilkunde oder natürliche Pflegetipps - sei ganz Ohr, wenn unsere renommierten Reformhaus® Expert:innen wie Prof. Andreas Michalsen, Prof. Ingo Froböse, Prof. Dietrich Grönemeyer, Dr. Franziska Rubin und andere von neuen Erkenntnissen aus der Naturheilkunde, Ernährungs- und Sportmedizin berichten und ihre wertvollen Tipps für ein langes, vitales Leben mit uns teilen.
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Reformed Rakes


Reformed Rakes is a historical romance novel podcast steeped in dissipation. Hosted by Beth, Emma, and Chels, this podcast is perfect for every pirate, second son, bluestocking, and viking who wants to hear more about the kissing books we love. We update every other Tuesday.
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Reformasi Dispatch

On The Level Media

Independent and lucid analysis of Indonesian politics, policymaking, justice, and economics featuring Kevin O’Rourke and Erin Cook. The podcasts incorporate exclusive interviews with experts and draws on content from the Reformasi Weekly reports, produced for subscribers since 2003.
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We love the Christian Reformed Church; we want to see reformation in our denomination; and we recognize that reformation is typically messy. So, we’re having conversations with pastors throughout the CRC about what reformation might look like.
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show series
In this episode: Verbal brawls in Manila escalate between Marcos and VP Duterte, preliminary results of Pilkada in Indonesia. Plus, an interview with the economic analyst Bert Gochet on the interactions between geopolitical uncertainties and Indonesia's approach to development. For a free trial of Reformasi newsletter, go to Read Eri…
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Ps. Jimmy Roblero - Serie: El Evangelio de Mateo, El Rey Mesías Prometido Desde la caída de la humanidad (Gn. 3), el mundo ha estado en tinieblas. Pero en el Nuevo Testamento, la luz resplandeció en las tinieblas. Jesús es la luz porque vino a iluminar al mundo con la verdad de Dios y a exponer el pecado.…
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On this week’s Centre for European Reform podcast, director Charles Grant sits down with Labour MP for Walthamstow and chair of the Labour Movement for Europe Stella Creasy, to discuss Labour's plan for forging closer ties with the EU. Stella explains the role of the Labour Movement for Europe, while Charles examines how weakened governments in Fra…
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What is an indicator of spiritual life? Matthew 13:1–23 prepares us for the sermon in the morning public worship on the coming Lord's Day. In these twenty-three verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that spiritual life responds to the Word by hearing it, taking it in, prioritizing it, and multiplying it.…
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What should the gladness and prayer of a Christian look like? Psalm 122 looks forward to the opening portion of morning public worship on the coming Lord's Day. In these nine verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that the gladness and prayer of a Christian should look like the gladness and praise of Christ.…
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What are we to learn from the ordination of Joshua? Numbers 27:12–23 looks forward to the hearing of God's Word, publicly read, in the holy assembly on the coming Lord's Day. In these twelve verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that the ordination of Joshua displays God's grace to His church, even though they are sinners.…
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What should we do with the book of Revelation? Revelation 1:1–3 looks forward to the hearing of God's Word, publicly read, in the holy assembly on the coming Lord's Day. In these three verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that we must read, hear, and keep the book of Revelation.Kirjoittanut James Hakim
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John Wilsey, professor of church history at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, discusses his biography of John Foster Dulles with Josh and Timon. #JohnWilsey #ChurchHistory #SBTS #Christianity #Government #Politics #Dulles #JohnFosterDulles #History #Biography #ColdWar Dr. John Wilsey is Professor of Church History and Philosophy and Chair …
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Esta es la información que encontrarás este miércoles 27 de noviembre en Alista Zar de Trump deportaciones masivas A un arancel vendrá otro en respuesta, dice Sheinbaum Aprueban diputados carga para mineras Tira cártel frente a la UAS cinco cuerpos torturados Advierte Moody's retroceso económico…
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What will the day of the Lord be like for those who think God loves whatever worship they decide for Him? Amos 5:18–6:14 looks forward to the hearing of God's Word, publicly read, in the holy assembly on the coming Lord's Day. In these ten verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that the day of the Lord will be death and darkness for t…
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Beitrag: Wortverkündigung: Kolosser 3,16a, Heft: BK 71 (2017), Autor: Carsten Linke, Gelesen von Ludwig Rühle --- Intro-Musik: David Klautke Outro-Musik: Heartwarming by Kevin MacLeod Link: License: Support the show ⭐️ Unterstützen Sie den Podcast: www.buz…
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Eschatology may not be the most important doctrinal position, but it does greatly impact how we view the power and application of the Great Commission. Christ is the second Adam and as such he is carrying out the dominion mandate in a way that completely eclipses the work of the first Adam. In this episode, we want to look at two particular areas w…
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Esta es la información que encontrarás este martes 26 de noviembre en Deja narco a Culiacán... ¡sin videovigilancia! Y aumentan 243% asesinatos en Tabasco Reclaman proveedores a PEMEX plan de pagos Lleva empresa pantalla de nuevo león a red facturera Amaga Trump a México y Canadá con arancel del 25%…
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What did the Council of Chalcedon resolve regarding the natures of Christ? What is Hypostatic Union? What did the Chalcedonian Statement of Faith say regarding the person and natures of Christ? We discuss these questions and more in this episode # 52 of All Things Reformed Podcast.Kirjoittanut All Things Reformed
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Pastor walks his children through Westminster Shorter Catechism question 60—especially explaining how Sabbath refreshment via worship is different in kind from the most pious refreshment one can have in anything but worship. Q60. How is the sabbath to be sanctified? The sabbath is to be sanctified by a holy resting all that day, even from such worl…
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Join and Support us on Substack: Check out the Abide Project: We love the Christian Reformed Church; we want to see reformation in our denomination; and we recognize that reformation is typically messy. So, we’re having conversations with pastors throughout the CRC about what reformation…
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