A lot of history episodes and a lot of film episodes. A few other subjects in between!
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Official podcast of the APS College of Educational & Developmental Psychologists
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Chaque jour, le regard d’un chroniqueur pour nourrir le débat Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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The only podcast that bites back! Jay and Kayte talk about the most delicious taboo: cannibalism. Join us as we devour movies, art and theory!
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A place to hear and talk about pro wrestling past and present. We will cover all the major tv promotions and the independent scene across the country.
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"Subject to" offers a series of informal conversations with relevant figures in the fields of Operations Research, Combinatorial Optimization and Logistics, and they are hosted by Anand Subramanian, an Associate Professor at Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil. About the host: Anand was born and raised in João Pessoa, Brazil. His parents are Indian immigrants who moved to Brazil in the early 1970s. He is an author of more 60 articles published in prestigious international journals.
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Pro-freedom discussion which AVOIDS Coercion and Hypocrisy. This is a consistent application of postmodernism to reveal subjectivity/perspective. The goal is NOT to determine right or wrong, rather to explore better ideas to make nearly everyone satisfied if not happier. The goal restated is de-escalation through innovation. Get out of the Box; the box described around Ep 21. Contact: subjectiveprofessor@gmail.com
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An open-ended investigation into the state of inequality between the two halves of humanity - men and women. Subjugation, domination, exploitation and all related forms of hierarchies and tyrannies - with an international lineup of guests, hosted by Elle Kamihira.
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In June of 2020, Buddha Kline vanished from the Carson National Forest while searching for the Forrest Fenn Treasure. From alien abductions to haunted hotels to reincarnation robots, everyone has a theory. Join our host Graham Anderson as she unearths all the answers to the question of... What happened to Buddha Kline? Starring Addison Peacock as Graham Anderson. Created by Jeremy Ellett. A Good Pointe Original.
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Suicide claims far too many lives, ranking as the 11th leading cause of death in America. This heartbreaking epidemic highlights the profound need for awareness and support for those who are suffering in silence with mental health issues that can lead to suicide. Why are they suffering in silence? Because, it’s a tough subject. Welcome to the It’s a Tough Subject Podcast brought to you by The Half a Sorrow Foundation. Your host Dennis Gillan is the founder and executive director of the Half ...
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The SUBJECT FREE Podcast A light-hearted, AWARD-WINNING, podcast with four experienced REAL ESTATE agents who share real life stories and occurrences throughout their years in the business, with a side of bitchiness!! Every month; Alan Calimbas, Vivian Yu, Matt Cain and Adam Graham come together to dish about life in the industry (amongst a slew of other topics) completely unfiltered for your ears & eyes only!! You’ll laugh (maybe), you’ll cry (probably not), you’ll learn (that’s the hope) a ...
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In our unique comedic ways, we gladly share our personal stories and opinions regarding health and life adversities, motivation, inspiration, faith, music, movies, trivia, and food. Video interview podcasts are broadcast on YouTube and Spotify from online studios and remote guest locations. Podcast episodes are available wherever you listen to podcasts. Online studio based in DELCO, PA, USA (Delaware County, Pennsylvania, USA)
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Humanity's journey to understanding the body has been a gory one; littered with unethical experiments, unintended consequences and unimaginable endurance. It's the story of catastrophic failures, at great human cost - but also successes which made history and saved countless lives. In The Human Subject, Dr Adam Rutherford and Dr Julia Shaw investigate the threads connecting modern day medicine to its often brutal origins. With every episode they explore some of that dark history and ask - is ...
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Touching on interesting topics
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Obrolan tentang karir, self development, karya kreatif, dan adulting. Tiap episode akan tayang duluan di Youtube: Iqbal Hariadi. Kontak saya di iqbalhape@gmail.com.
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Small Subjects is a podcast devoted to discussing big topics in the worlds of scale modeling, diorama-building, and sculpting and painting miniature figures, as well as presenting interviews with some of the top artists in the field, including every era, and ranging from historical to fantasy subjects. Co-hosts Barry Biediger, who is based in Salt Lake City, and Jim DeRogatis, who lives in Chicago, are the editors of the Web site boxdioramas.com. Both have decades of experience as modelers, ...
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Joseph was here
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Perspective Reviews - Your Favorite TV & Movies Reviews by Subject and Industry Experts
Mike Wilkerson & Specialists of All Kinds from a Variety of Specialized Industries
Who doesn’t love to dig in DEEP with movies you love? Time to visit with subject and industry specialists to learn more about the movies we all love as they share THEIR Perspectives…
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עוד פוד על האבקות רק הפעם בעברית
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Bringing up domestic violence and sexual assault in conversation usually leads to awkward silence – but not here. Hosts Shawn and Amanda are on a mission to spark dialogue and change culture. Each episode will explore topics that affect violence, gender roles, and social norms in America.
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Success is Subjective: Real People. Raw Stories. Embracing a Non-Linear Life!
Joanna Lilley, MA, NCC
Interviews of people who took a break from life at one point or another to get help, grow up, or just to reassess their life direction. Some guests struggled with depression, anxiety, substance abuse, a death in the family, or just decided college was not the place for them. These stories are all-to-real, and yet we don't talk enough about how common it is for those who took a gap year to defer college, went to college and took a break, or those who struggled launching into the workforce pos ...
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Today’s most pressing matters
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Some things are better than other things...
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A podcast to help Markham P5 students feel comfortable with the new subjects they will have in P6.
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Subjects Cover art photo provided by rawpixel on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@rawpixel
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A podcast all about financial stressors and financial focuses. Take steps to succeed with your personal finance! Presented by Edukate.
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A podcast dedicated to creative minds challenging the world, one story at a time.
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Podcast by eric
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Welcome to ITS SUBJECTIVE, where two mates muse and argue about music - albums, songs, gigs and more! Come back every Friday for the boy's latest takes on all sorts of genres!
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We discuss all things Disney. We will focus on Trip reports, Resort information, dining reviews, and overall trip planning tips.
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two friends try their best to stay on the subject.
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Welcome to the The Living Subject podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Vanessa Ives on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@vanessaives
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Podcast by Big B.
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This podcast will allow you to listen to my opinions on certain subjects such as video games and movies
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The weekly subject is unknown, ranging from conspiracies to current affairs, from experiences to the future. Get on board and remember....... QUESTION EVERYTHING
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Taking a look at all of pop culture, or at least the parts we can remember….
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A weekly outlook on the world through the eyes of five drunk friends.
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"Subject Woman" ist ein Podcast der gleichnamigen intersektionalen feministischen Radiosendung, die seit 2018 auf Radio Agora 105.5 und auf Radio Orange 94.0 ausgestrahlt wird. Hier besprechen Frauen verschiedener Nationalitäten, Kulturen und Religionen diverse frauenpolitische, gesellschaftliche, philosophische und persönliche Themen. Die Idee dahinter ist, dass nicht nur über die Frauen geredet wird, sondern mit ihnen. https://subject-woman.com/
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A weekly podcast with host Nick, Hunter & Jeeves. Talking Pro Wrestling, Video Games, Action Figure Collection and a variety of topics.
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Podcast by Lisl Stadler
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~Inquiry Identity: We talk about the more intellectual points of life and other serious topics. ~Chill Corner: Other fun things
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Welcome to lovely’s were amazing thing happen Cover art photo by https://creativemarket.com/NordWood
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Subject Matter X was a podcast highlighting the rigorous paths people take on their journeys to becoming subject matter experts. The show is now archived and can be accessed in full at SubjectMatterX.com.
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Brad and co-hosts Dan, Rob, Mark and Finch talk with comedians, random people, and more to find out what comedy means to them.
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Episode 238: PODCAST 238
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3:04:02We talk about AEW WWE And more!
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Episode #5: Interview with a Community Psychologist
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14:15Interview between Ed & Dev Psychologist Katheryn Kallady and Community Psychologist Dr Trisna Fraser. The first in a series of interviews exploring the other areas of practice endorsement in psychology. Subject for Change is the official podcast of the APS College of Educational & Developmental Psychologists. Contact us on: subjectforchangepodcast@…
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033-Yellowjackets S2 with Madeline Lane McKinley
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1:49:53We're back for Season 2 of Yellowjackets with Dave and writer Madeline Lane McKinley! We talk about mystery box TV and if solving mysteries matters. Plus, physical media, girls eating girls, '90s bangers and over-medicated teens. Buy Madeline’s book Comedy Against Work here Buy Fag/Hag here soon! And look out for Solidarity with Children here soon!…
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Subject to: Harilaos Psaraftis
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1:22:54Harilaos N. Psaraftis is Professor Emeritus at the Department of Technology, Management and Economics at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). His areas of interest are maritime logistics, intermodal logistics, port logistics, and green logistics. He has a PhD from MIT, where he was a faculty member from 1979 to 1989, receiving tenure in 1985.…
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Loneliness Guaranteed
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Toista myöhemmin
1:06:06The world rushes to meet the ever-expanding sexual appetites of men - and then we collectively call it “men’s needs” and agree that “men’s needs” must be met. All forms of prostitution and pornography, online and in real life, offer a bottomless menu of sexual experiences, fetishes, and boundary-crossing pursuits. Technology works overtime to inven…
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The Curse of a King - with Christopher de Bellaigue
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1:13:52I spoke to Christopher before about his book the Lion House. That was part 1 of a trilogy on the life of Suleiman the Magnificent. Christopher is back to talk about part 2: The Golden Throne - the Curse of a King. Suleiman is older and perhaps wiser now. The Turks have unleashed Barbarossa on Christendom and just when they need to act together Fran…
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Turning misery into his mission. A local man is hoping to improve your mental health by having real conversations. Dennis Gillan has had his share of sorrow. He lost two brothers to suicide. By sharing his sorrow onstage on March 18th, he hopes to encourage others to share their sorrow. He says if his brothers would have shared their sorrows, they …
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Season 2 | Episode 3 - Ray Macklem Shares WHAT KEEPS HIM UP AT NIGHT...
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54:24Special guest, Ray Macklem from Nest Mortgage, SHARES his outlook on real estate, the economy, and Canada's growth in 2025. He also SCARES us with what keeps him up at night! Do we TRUST his predictions? The SUBJECT FREE Podcast A light-hearted, AWARD WINNING podcast with four experienced agents (featuring special guests from around the globe) shar…
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durée : 00:05:00 - Anne Rosencher, en toute subjectivité - Anne Rosencher revient sur une déclaration récente du coordinateur de la France Insoumise.Kirjoittanut France Inter
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Episode 56: What do we do with all of this STUFF? with Joe Berton
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1:29:23Death comes to us all, as the saying goes, and while your hosts aren’t feeling particularly morbid at the moment, we certainly look around from time to time at all of the tools and paints and supplies on our workbenches; the closets and shelves full of un-built kits; the stacks (and stacks and stacks) of books; our displays of the figures, vignette…
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Ep 345 KongTzu vs LaoTzu - Tale of 2 Chinese Philosophers
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25:24I am gradually reverting back to my "gov't is awful" position. There's just so much bad in the news that I thought I would talk about the tension between authoritarianism and freedom and how it can be found in different cultures in different periods of time. In this case, China 2500 years ago.Kirjoittanut The Subjective Professor
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La guerre de Trump contre l'agence météo américaine pourrait-elle empêcher de prévoir un tsunami aux Antilles ?
durée : 00:02:58 - Hugo Clément, en toute subjectivité - Les habitants des Antilles françaises seront-ils prévenus à temps si un tsunami venait à toucher leurs îles ?Kirjoittanut France Inter
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Ep 344 Tale of Two Depressions – 1920 and 1929
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22:52The depression of 1920 is called the "forgotten" depression primarily because most history textbooks skip it which might lead people to assume that it was not such a bad depression. Textbooks rather focus on the Great Depression of 1929 and the "hero" FDR. What's an Austrian economics take on the 2 depressions?…
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durée : 00:02:59 - Dov Alfon, en toute subjectivité - Alors que l’armée israélienne semble s'apprêter à reconquérir Gaza, une initiative judiciaire controversée refait surface, visant à destituer en douceur le Premier ministre israélien Benyamin Netanyahou avant qu’il ne soit trop tard.Kirjoittanut France Inter
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Ep 343 Anti-Trump Meme – with Serenity
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17:16A friend had posted an Anti-Trump meme which was ridiculously bad. Trump makes it easy sometimes for people to criticize legitimately, however, this one caught my eye. Plus, I got to work in a couple other events of the day and a favorite movie of mine, NO NOT the 2019 movie with Matthew McConaughey.…
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Using Your God Given Abilities Before It's Too Late...
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48:00We all possess some form of God given abilities, but not everyone uses those gifts. Sometimes we let those talents go to waste never fully embracing what we are good at and what we may love doing. Your ability could be what you do for work, communication skills, a hobby, getting involved in projects, helping others out in someway in your community,…
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durée : 00:03:14 - Dominique Reynié, en toute subjectivité - En Serbie, on observe depuis quelques mois une protestation, principalement étudiante, d’une ampleur et d’une nature inédites, née d’une série de drames que la population attribue à l’incurie et à la corruption des dirigeants.Kirjoittanut France Inter
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Episode #4: Interview with a Clinical Neuropsychologist
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29:15Interview between Ed & Dev Psychologist Katheryn Kallady and Clinical Neuropsychologist Dr Kelly Gough. The first in a series of interviews exploring the other areas of practice endorsement in psychology. Subject for Change is the official podcast of the APS College of Educational & Developmental Psychologists. Contact us on: subjectforchangepodcas…
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Ep 342 Jer 17 5-8 Faith of the tree by the stream – Tale of Two “Trees”
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27:05Sunday is Jesus day, once again. Just to head off any criticism, Yes, I know bushes and shrubs are not trees, hence the quotation marks. :) But sloppy biology makes for a better title. A tale of 2 trees from Jeremiah, a miserable one and a fruitful one. Blessings.Kirjoittanut The Subjective Professor
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Ep 341 Socrates the Original Detective Columbo - Euthyphro
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21:17People are burning Tesla cars... why? Do they even know? How might one communicate or dialogue with them to help them understand that they know very little about anything.... in other words, help them have a Euthyphro moment. I discuss the Socratic Method and how it is similar to Detective Colombo.Kirjoittanut The Subjective Professor
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durée : 00:02:54 - Anne-Cécile Mailfert, en toute subjectivité - Aujourd'hui, Anne-Cécile Mailfert écrit à Jocelyne, après la proposition de loi votée au Sénat à l'unanimité pour reconnaître la souffrance des femmes ayant pratiqué illégalement une IVG avant la loi Veil de 1975.Kirjoittanut France Inter
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Ep 340 Critical Theory - Hypocrisy for the Uncritical – DOE abolished
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25:14Hopefully ending the Department of Education will bring an end to the teaching of "Critical Theory." We take a look at critical theory what it is and why it is so toxic. May the DOE remain ended.Kirjoittanut The Subjective Professor
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Episode 237: 13 cards subject 2 change
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2:45:59We are all back after a slight break to talk more wrestling. We look back at the week in AEW, WWE, and NXT. We recap NXT roadblock and AEW revvolution and talk about the latest HOF inducties. We are also gettting ready for mainia that will be here sooner then you think
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Does a mosquito pee on you when they bite you? Chasing the Mosquito Man. What is DDT? Miscellaneous factoids.
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durée : 00:03:10 - Anne Rosencher, en toute subjectivité - En France, le poids de l’héritage dans la production nationale a doublé depuis les années 1960 : la méritocratie devient-elle un mirage ?Kirjoittanut France Inter
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Ep 339 Honest Scales to Measure Value – Gold Silver
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23:53If you have been following the price of precious metals, then here's a take on them as scales. This is an updated version of Ep 79, one of the first sermons I uploaded to the channel, BUT I took out all the Jesus stuff!!Kirjoittanut The Subjective Professor
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durée : 00:02:42 - Hugo Clément, en toute subjectivité - Wisdom, une femelle albatros de Laysan observé depuis nombre d'années, est mère de nouveaux petits à plus de 70 ansKirjoittanut France Inter
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Ep 338 Arlington DEI – Hypocrisy or The Way it should be
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23:20I saw some people post about the desecration happening over at Arlington National Cemetery as the Trump administration rolls back DEI. Let's see what that's all about.Kirjoittanut The Subjective Professor
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durée : 00:02:53 - Dov Alfon, en toute subjectivité - La fameuse conversation téléphonique entre Donald Trump et Vladimir Poutine sur un cessez-le-feu en Ukraine aura lieu aujourd’hui, et on sait déjà ce qu’elle signifie.Kirjoittanut France Inter
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Episode #3: Interview with The Man Cave
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45:37Interview between Ed & Dev Psychologists Camelia Wilkinson and Maximilian White and Lucy Barrat and Josh Glover from The Man Cave. The Man Cave is Australia's leading mental health charity for teenage boys and their communities. For more information, see: https://themancave.life/ Subject for Change is the official podcast of the APS College of Educ…
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Episode #2: What is an Educational & Developmental Psychologist?
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26:36Interviews by Ed & Dev Psychologists Katherine Kallady with Camelia Wilkinson and Dr Chelsea Hyde. Subject for Change is the official podcast of the APS College of Educational & Developmental Psychologists. Contact us on: subjectforchangepodcast@gmail.comKirjoittanut whitepsychology
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Episode #1: Introduction to Subject For Change
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12:18Introduction to the Subject for Change podcast. The official podcast of the APS College of Educational & Developmental Psychologists. Contact us on: subjectforchangepodcast@gmail.comKirjoittanut whitepsychology
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Ep 337 Another one Bites the Dust – Taxes – Hope for the Best
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21:38Trump bites the dust of the MIC. That didn't take long. Nevertheless, there is room for hope. Maybe not in the left's rediscovery of the 1st amendment, but certainly it is out there somewhere beyond hypocrisy and coercion.Kirjoittanut The Subjective Professor
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Dennis Gillan's appearance on Access Carolina discussing "It’s A Tough Subject Live" on March 18th at 7:00 p.m. Centre Stage Theater, 501 River Street, Downtown Greenville. Reception to follow at Limoncello right next door. It's a Tough Subject Live - 3/18/25 - 7pm Greenville, South Carolina Click here for tickets: https://www.classy.org/event/its-…
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Mental Health Struggles in a Post-COVID World
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31:50Resources: It's a Tough Subject Live - 3/18/25 - 7pm Greenville, South Carolina Click here for tickets: https://www.classy.org/event/its-a-tough-subject-live/e653736 Half a Sorrow Foundation - Visit Our Website: https://halfasorrow.org/ Half a Sorrow YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@halfasorrowfoundation About the Hosts: Dennis Gillen: Den…
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durée : 00:03:03 - Dominique Reynié, en toute subjectivité - Force est de constater que la France insoumise est toujours aux prises avec son antisémitisme. Cette fois, c’est à propos d’une de leurs affiches appelant à manifester le 22 mars, "contre l'extrême droite, ses idées et ses relais !"Kirjoittanut France Inter
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Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
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20:24In this episode, we talk about... Saint Patricks Day Embracing Your Irish Heritage Irish Lucky Charms 'Oh Ryans' Irish Potatoes How Do You Pronounce 'Celtic?' Did St. Patrick Have Italian Roots? When Irish and Italians Marry Famous Irish Songs Irish Blessings www.OhRyans.net
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Ep 336 Mt 05 17-20 Righteousness of Faith – Jesus my kind of Populist
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22:02Sunday is Jesus Day. The idea of Populism and Trump as populist was on my mind and so I talk about Jesus as a kind of populist. He is the kind of populist I would stand behind. In fact, in faith Jesus is my populist. Blessings and Peace.Kirjoittanut The Subjective Professor
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Ep 335 Trump the Populist – Da heck is a Populist
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19:50Ron Paul's guest on his podcast entitled "Man of the House - with special guest Rep. Thomas Massie" they mentioned that Trump was a populist. What da heck is a populist?!? I had a vague idea but never bothered to get a more precise definition. Well, thanks to the Mises Institute, I give you a brief explanation of populism and why it's a good but ma…
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Vulnerabilities to Abusive Relationships ft Dana Diaz
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49:34Send us a text What we experience in childhood plays an integral role in our adult lives. Those experiences, when they are neglect, abuse, and degradation, can set us up for having unhealthy or abusive relationships in the future. Join as our friend Dana chats with us about her experiences and how they made her vulnerable to the abuse she later exp…
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durée : 00:03:28 - Anne-Cécile Mailfert, en toute subjectivité - Voilà une tendance de mode qu'on croyait enterrée avec les pantalons taille basse et les Nokia 3310. Mais non. Finies les gentilles Taylor swift à paillettes, les bitches sont de retour, et cette fois, c'est un cri de guerre !Kirjoittanut France Inter
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