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Kommentare und Themen der Woche


Die Sendung Kommentar bietet Meinungsbeiträge zu tagesaktuellen Themen. Die Kommentare werden gelegentlich ergänzt um kurze Glossen in Form eines "Zwischenrufs". Am Samstag kommentieren Journalisten von Hörfunk, Fernsehen und Printmedien die "Themen der Woche".
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Vacationeers Theme Parks & More

Vacationeers Theme Parks & More

Vacationeers Theme Parks & More Podcast discusses topics from vacation trip planning to trip reporting on vacations at theme parks, beaches, cruises, international travel & anywhere else a vacation may take you. We may sprinkle in a little theme park news or a game just for fun.
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Thomas van Groningen en Maurice de Zeeuw

Dé Nederlandstalige podcast over pret- en themaparken. In deze (bijna) wekelijkse show praten Thomas van Groningen en Maurice de Zeeuw je bij over de laatste ontwikkelingen in de wereld van hun favoriete hobby: pretparken. Verwacht diepgravende analyses over de thematisering van Disney-pretparken en de Efteling. En daarna meteen door met technische feitjes over een nieuwe achtbaan in Walibi Holland. ThemeTalk bestaat sinds januari 2018 en bereikt wekelijks tienduizenden pretparkliefhebbers i ...
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Theme Talks

Theme Talks

Theme Talks, the official podcast from ThemeLTD Studio, is a deep dive into culture, influences, and personal stories that shape some of the most exciting names across creative industries. More than just another interview, Theme Talks uncovers the creative journeys, inspirations, and defining moments that make each guest unique, getting to the heart of their personality and “theme.” Follow us on social media to stay updated on new episodes and have your say on who we feature next.
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The Theme Park Duo Podcast

The Theme Park Duo

We are The Theme Park Duo! We are a Husband and Wife team that absolutely love Theme Parks, Amusement Parks, Haunts, Dark Rides, Roller Coaster and many more things in the Theme Park world. Now the fun doesn’t stop here, we have a fun podcast called “The Theme Park Duo Podcast”. On that show we will talk about a myriad of topics and news of the Theme Park world. Along side the podcast, we have this site to publish all our reviews of upcoming theme park and haunt events. We have some fun peop ...
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Brain Theme Park

Walter Rivera Santos

We create the space for minds to meet when it matters most, nurturing bonds that inspire collaboration, focus priorities, and pave the way for a journey of shared growth and achievement. Office: 787-223-2817 Email: Walter Rivera Santos
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The UK’s Original Theme Park Podcast Reviews. News. Tips. Opinions. Rollercoasters - Parks - Rides Parkcast is a UK based theme park podcast bringing you all the latest news from theme parks across the globe, interviews with influential people in the theme park industry along with money saving tips, tricks and suggestions to enhance your day out. Join us, it'll be quite a ride!
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The Theme Park Guys

Nick & Hunter

Nick and Hunter are best friends, fathers, and big fans of theme parks. We also could not be more opposite. We are so excited to bring you along on the adventures of our friendship, our lives as family guys, and into some fun conversations surrounding different theme parks. We can’t wait to talk about all of the news and maybe even interview fellow content creators! Welcome to the fun!
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Themen des Tages

NDR Info

Hier hören Sie in gut 25 Minuten die wichtigsten Nachrichten für den Norden. Aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Sport und Kultur. Das Topthema wird aus verschiedenen Perspektiven beleuchtet. In Gesprächen mit Korrespondenten und Interviews mit Experten oder Politikern. Meinungsstark, zuverlässig und verständlich. Von Montag bis Freitag sowie an Sonn- und Feiertagen gibt es hier jeden Abend zuverlässig einen ausführlichen Nachrichtenüberblick.
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A weekly podcast dedicated to theme parks, roller coasters and thrill rides. During each show, we talk about the total theme park experience. We'll have interviews with the people making decisions at your favorite park, reviews and ratings of the newest rides and attractions, discussion about everyday park experiences and chances to win tickets and merchandise from parks around the country!
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The 3028: Theme Park History & Pop Culture Listory

Matt Parrish and Kevin Quigley

The Thirty20Eight is a show about Theme Park History and Pop Culture Listory, with an emphasis on Disney. Matt Parrish is a media instructor and Kevin Quigley is an author and pop culture historian. Together, they work to celebrate and explore the history and legacy of themed entertainment.
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Your one-stop shop for the stories, secrets and shenanigans of a popcorn-fueled theme park journalist. Join author, reporter and expert Carlye Wisel for breaking news, unexpected interviews and reported stories about Disney and Universal every week. It’s an audio theme park party — and you’re invited! Have a vacation question, Epcot comment or Galaxy’s Edge hot take your friends no longer wanna listen to? Call us at 747-CHURROS (747-248-7767) and we might play your call on a future episode!
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Kelly McCubbin and Peter Overstreet take on all aspects of theme parks - Disneyland, Walt Disney World, Universal Studios, Islands of Adventure, Six Flags - discussing them in historical context and then finding ways, to quote Walt Disney, to "plus them up!" A Boardwalk Times Podcast
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Welcome to 'Experience Imagination', a Themed Entertainment Podcast presented by Falcon's Creative Group. On this show, artists, engineers, filmmakers, and other creative professionals from in and around our design studio come together to tackle a new discussion topic every episode. When it comes to the latest trends, theories, and technologies, we’re diving into the deep end of the pool to shine a light on the modern revolution of themed attractions and entertainment experiences.
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Maria & Philipp

Philipp und Maria werden von den Hörern, Nilz oder Frida von zwei Themen überrascht, die sie dann jeweils 30 Minuten diskutieren. Wir freuen uns über Themen von euch als Text oder MP3 unter
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Hey guys! I'm glad you're interested in my podcast. I am family friendly and I do a different variety of episodes. Fun facts: I'm Canadian, and I like nail art. Be sure to Check me out on YouTube!
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Versicherung 360 - Themen, Trends & Zukunft

Versicherungsforen Leipzig

Mit dem Podcast Versicherung 360 wollen wir den Expertenaustausch auf eine neue Ebene heben und die Themen, die Trends und die Zukunft der Versicherungsbranche diskutieren. Regelmäßig, 30 Minuten, immer aktuell. Der Podcast Versicherung 360 ist ein Podcast der Versicherungsforen Leipzig. Bei den Versicherungsforen tummeln sich eine Menge Experten, die sich tagtäglich mit den Themen der Versicherungsbranche beschäftigen. Außerdem verfügen die Versicherungsforen über ein großes Expertennetzwer ...
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Carsten Mück und Sigfrid Meier palabern nonesense auf "hohem Niveau". Themenlos sprechen wir über alltägliche Dinge und Situation und was uns in den Sinn kommt. Mit Spaß und Witz präsentieren wir euch makellos amateurhaft unseren Podcast. Viel Spaß wünschen euch Carsten und Sigfrid
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A Disney & Universal Studios Parks & Movies Podcast, discussing all sorts of topics to keep you entertained no matter where you live! Main parks we discuss are Disney World, Disneyland, and Universal Studios. We also talk about Disney & Universal movies, play games that you yourself can join along with, and more! Come check us out, have fun, and make sure to check out our website or join us on if you would like bonus content, virtual hangouts, ...
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In Theme Park Science- dé pretparkuniversiteit van de Benelux - duiken wij op Youtube de wereld in van de wetenschap achter de pretparken. Theme Park Science - Behind the Video - is een verlengstuk van Theme Park Science op YouTube. Ga voor een overzicht naar onderstaande link en check onze socials en webshops en support TPS!
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Pursuing a career in medicine can be a very rewarding experience, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t come with its challenges. Maria and Ntami are two medical students passionate about sharing their journey to medicine and using the tools they’ve developed over the years to help students with similar aspirations. Join the duo as they share their experiences as minority medical students, give advice, and interview physicians on their unique journeys and specialties. Whether you’re a highschool ...
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Grosse Themen - die Pastorin und der Friseur

Rebecca Bretschneider & Alexander Savvas

Ein Thema, zwei Perspektiven, ein Podcast: Rebecca Bretschneider, Pastorin der Auferstehungskirche in Hamburg-Fuhlsbüttel, und Alexander Savvas, Friseurmeister mit 17 Jahren Erfahrung als Saloninhaber, sprechen über die großen Fragen des Lebens – Liebe, Hoffnung, Zweifel, Tod und mehr. Rebecca bringt eine christlich-spirituelle Sicht ein, Alexander eine offene, weltliche Haltung. Tiefgründig, humorvoll und ehrlich regen sie zum Nach-und Weiterdenken an. Neue Folgen erscheinen monatlich. Abon ...
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show series
Despite our climate we’ve always had a strong line up of water rides in the UK, but are we starting to fall out of love with them? Especially the classic log flume?! In this episode we look at some of our favourite water attractions - past and present - and discuss what we think the future of water-based rides could look like.…
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This week, Mike is at the Media Preview for Kings Dominion's new attraction for 2025, RAPTERRA. Mike will ride the B&M Wing Coaster live on-the-air and give a full review. He'll also interview the park's Vice President and General Manager and other members of the managment team about the park's 50th Anniversary.…
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Die Staats- und Regierungschefs der Europäische Union haben sich offenbar auf eine massive Aufrüstung verständigt. Laut Medienberichten vereinbarten sie auf ihrem Gipfeltreffen in Brüssel, alles daranzusetzen, um Europas Verteidigungsbereitschaft in den kommenden fünf Jahren entscheidend zu stärken. Dafür sollen auch die jüngsten Vorschläge der EU-…
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On this episode, Jen and Frank chat with Rich Criado about the MagicBand! Rich is an exceptional product development leader and patent holder with demonstrated success delivering high quality experiences at scale for the world’s largest brands such as Disney, Fanatics, Penn Entertainment, and Carnival Corporation. *** Get a vacation quote from Vasi…
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I just got back from three nights on the Disney Wonder and have sOoO much to share with you! Could a sailing on Disney's second-oldest ship to a bunch of ports I wasn't excited about *really* be one for the memory books?! From my thoughts on Tiana's Place restaurant and sailing out of San Diego to my major Disney Cruise Line critique that could rea…
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346 Der ENYAQ ist ein tolles Auto, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaber.... ...aber, es nervt! ME3.7, lang erwartet und nur Fehler! Und VW wird einen Teufel tun, dies noch nachzubessern! Also fahren wir alle veraltete Autos, deren Restwert nach unten fällt. Was sagt das KBA dazu? Nach einem langen Tag im Auto nerven mich die Bluetooth-Fehler am meisten, man kann n…
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In the spirit of dishing out some tough love, we break down what we believe to be the WORST Disney Attractions of All Time! Consider supporting us on our FourthWall for Bonus Episodes, Merch, and More! CREATED & HOSTED BY Ryan Bergara & Byron Marin EDITOR Byron Marin EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS Ryan Bergara Byron Marin Social: http://www.ins…
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Versicherung 360 - Themen, Trends & Zukunft Mit unserem Podcast "Versicherung 360" bringen wir Branchenexperten zu aktuellen Themen der Versicherungswirtschaft zusammen. In dieser Folge sprechen wir mit Sina Plietzsch, Innovationsmanagerin bei den Versicherungsforen Leipzig, über das Thema Resilienz in der Versicherungsbranche. Warum ist Resilienz …
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In this weeks episode, we predict the winners of our 2025 March Magicness Challenge. This year, we see what attractions we believe are the WORST attractions in the parks. We also have some things to say about the upcoming Disney movies coming to theaters soon! HOW TO JOIN THE BRACKET CHALLENGE: Head to and creat…
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In this episode, get to know Nick and Hunter a little more as they answer some of your questions that were submitted to them via Instagram! From some of their favorite things, to questions about their friendship, questions about childhood favorites, and advice on different Disney topics, they cover it all. They also break down some theme park news …
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What if I told you that the man who flew above Disneyland's Tomorrowland in the 1960s wasn't on wires, but strapped to actual jet engines? The remarkable true story of the rocket belt at Disney parks is more fascinating—and bizarre—than you might imagine. Kelly and Pete explore the surprising origins of personal flight technology, beginning with We…
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In this episode, Tom and Jon talk about experiencing Epcot’s Flower & Garden Festival, Busch Gardens Tampa Bay’s Food & Wine Festival and news from Disney and Universal. Rip Ride Rockit Tee Link: Follow Jon on Twitter: Website: New Vacationeers Tee: …
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Matt and Kevin complete their Fab5 series with a look at Disney's most loyal companion, Pluto! Mouse's best friend takes center stage as he transitions from flying dog (what??) to dead beat husband to town savior! JOIN US ON PATREON! For interaction with Matt and Kevin online to secret shows and show polls, join the Patreon and become a bigger part…
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THE THEME PARK DUO PODCAST: SUBSCRIBE ON iTUNES, GOOGLE PLAY, STITCHER, iHEART RADIO AND SPOTIFY! On this weeks episode, Nikki and Gabe talk about the recent closure of Fast and Furious: Supercharged at Universal Studios Hollywood to make way for Fast and Furious: Hollywood Drift in 2026. They also come up with their own idea of what could replace …
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Theme Talks, the official podcast from ThemeLTD Studio, is a deep dive into culture, influences, and personal stories that shape some of the most exciting names across creative industries. More than just another interview, Theme Talks uncovers the creative journeys, inspirations, and defining moments that make each guest unique, getting to the hear…
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Warum und wann entstehen queere Darkrooms, wie stehts um Konsens in sexpositiven Räumen, welche Regeln gilt es zu beachten und wie fühlen sich Frauen in nicht-queeren gemischten Darkrooms? ---Robin und Producer Marvin sprechen drüber. //in der nächsten Communityfolge sprechen wir mit euch über Body Isssues: Hat man weniger Chancen im Dating wenn ma…
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Geld regiert die Welt – oder etwa doch nicht? In dieser Folge sprechen Rebecca und Alex über ein Thema, das uns alle betrifft: Geld. Warum hat es so viel Macht über unser Leben? Und macht Geld wirklich glücklich? Die beiden diskutieren über ihre persönlichen Erfahrungen und die großen Fragen rund um Reichtum, Armut und Fairness. Hört rein und lasst…
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Traditional real estate search is completely broken - we type in square footage and bedroom counts as if those numbers could somehow capture the soul of a home. But what if the entire way we think about finding our perfect place to live is fundamentally flawed? That's such an interesting perspective. The disconnect between how we search for homes a…
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In this episode, we blast off into the world of Space Mountain, exploring its many versions across Disney parks worldwide. From the high-speed thrills of Disneyland’s original to the unique twists in Paris, Tokyo, and beyond, we break down the differences, innovations, and history behind this legendary attraction. Buckle up and join us for a deep d…
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Hello everyone, on this main show Niels is sharing his top tips on how to get the most out of Disney Tales of Magic. Where to stand and more importantly we’re not to stand, things to look out for and much more. Plus, what it’s like visiting Disneyland Park during the closure of Big Thunder Mountain. Access Exclusive Episodes on AirMagique+: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠…
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