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Podcast de ciencia ficción, fantasía y terror en casi cualquier formato. Noticias, recomendaciones y entrevistas con los nombres más interesantes de la ciencia ficción y fantasía actual.
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Go see a movie. (Not officially affiliated with or endorsed by the Trylon Cinema or Take-Up Productions, but they seem to like us well enough.)
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Try This

The Washington Post

“Try This” from The Washington Post is a series of audio courses designed to jump-start the parts of life where we can all use a few pointers — with pithy, snackable solutions you can easily use. Host Cristina Quinn brings exactly the right amount of motivation with her endearing enthusiasm and the curiosity to learn along with you. Each course is a quick and practical guide that provides new perspectives on the kinds of hurdles we all share. If you’ve been searching for the right place to s ...
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The TryPod

The Try Guys & Ramble

The Try Guys have swam with sharks, survived in the wild, shocked themselves with birthing simulators, and risked their lives for their videos. In this weekly podcast they dissect their experiences as internet creators and best friends who have made a living failing upwards.
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Songwriter Trysts

Rae Leigh

Songwriter Trysts is an intimate space where artists from all over the world gather to discuss the love of songwriting. Writing songs and the journey that one makes into this ancient art form is powerful stuff. Songwriters have something to say and this is a space to delve deeper into their songs, where they come from, and what they are creating & why?
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Out Here Tryna Survive

Grace Sandra

This podcast is a trauma-informed, hope-oriented, safe space. It is a warm hug of solidarity for Black women 35+. It is a celebration of our resilience thus far & our determination to not only survive but THRIVE. Join me, Grace Sandra, a Mama, author, advocate/activist, storyteller, for some good ole self-love shenanigans. We are braver than we believe✨
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If you live for the drama of the NBA, you’re going to love HEAT CHECK. Stay up to date with your host Trysta Krick who humorously breaks down the many storylines, drama, and rivalries that make the NBA the world’s greatest sports soap opera. From spicy takes to hilarious interviews, catch the HEAT CHECK so you can keep up on all the fun.
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Dads Who Try

Dads Who Try

Nate and Tommy are two dads navigating life & fatherhood. Together they share stories of surviving fatherhood and the shenanigans of raising children, being decent husbands to their wives (Steph and Leah, respectively), and all the hijinks in-between.
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Try Again with Monique


Try Again with Monique offers fresh perspectives, hope, and real talk for life’s challenges. Host Monique shares relatable advice and inspiring stories about resilience, joy, and growth. Whether you’re facing tough times or need a boost, this podcast brings humor, heart, and tools to help you thrive.
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TRYTOBEGOOD is a podcast about cultural activists, a member of Bel-Air Radio, an artist-run online radio station located in Silent Barn Brooklyn. Now fundraising!
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Try Life On

Maurice Philogene

We all know what your average success story looks like today: a socially “acceptable” job field with enough pay to get married, buy a house, and start a family… but we’re never told what’s supposed to come after that. What if you could actually live your dream life - one you didn't need a vacation from? When you Try Life On you give yourself the opportunity to carve out a career that supports your life blueprint without screwing everything up. With Maurice Philogene, you'll learn to Try Life.
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Benvenuti su TryCast, il podcast che ci prova! Trattiamo principalmente di videogiochi, parlando di titoli e vicende dell'industria in maniera amichevole e divertente. Podcast di E.Venneri, A.Icardi, M.Grillo e M.Dioguardi
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Tryangle gaat in gesprek met organisaties om hun visie op welzijn en geluk op het werk te ontdekken en hoe ze het aanpakken. We praten met welzijn initiatiefnemers en werkgeluk ambassadeurs over alle mogelijke aspecten van werkgeluk en de concrete interventies die ze hebben gelanceerd vanuit hun specifieke rol – wat deze ook mag zijn. Je ontdekt zo niet alleen waarom werkgeluk belangrijk is en de aspecten waarop verschillende bedrijven de nadruk leggen, maar je krijgt ook heel wat tips en in ...
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Don't Go Broke Trying

Reni, The Resource

Financial literacy is something most people know nothing about until life forces them to learn. It gets even harder when you’ve moved from another country and now must learn a completely new financial system. This podcast exists to make these complex topics, simple and to share resources that can help you avoid costly mistakes on your personal finance journey. Hear from your host, Reni the Resource, who will give her take on what she would do in certain situations. You will also hear from gu ...
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Try This at Home


Blasting onto the air in 2003, Mythbusters proved there was no question too big, too small, or too ridiculous to put to the test. From chicken cannons to rocket cars and even a galaxy far, far away, the iconic Discovery Channel series did it all and left its mark on a generation of fans. Now hosts Cliff Bumgardner and Harrison Stewart are going back to revisit every myth, moment, experiment, and explosion from the show’s legendary run – and they’re inviting you along for the ride.
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Trying Not to Care

Ashley Corbo

If you have ever felt like you care too much, listen to this podcast hosted by Ashley Corbo. Throughout Ashley’s life, she has been criticized for being “too sensitive” or “too much.” In this show, Ashley shares all her thoughts and experiences with friendship breakups, bad relationships, navigating your 20s, quitting your job, following your dreams and more. Tune in every Monday for a quick therapy session with your new bestie. Follow Ashley on Instagram and TikTok Instagram: @ashleycorbo ( ...
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Single Saints Who Try

Macady Moe

A relatable Podcast for all Single Adults, who are trying their best to live a purposeful and spiritual lifestyle. "A Saint is a person who keeps on trying". Insights, empathy, testimonies, humor and community will all be found here!
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Trying to Make Sense

Bradey Coffey

Trying to make sense is a podcast that showcases open and explorative conversations on a wide range of topics. Bradey the host, holds a Bachelor of Biomedical Science out of Australia and has interests that include, optimising human health and well being, psychology, communication, meditation, connection and community, psychedelic and mystical experiences and how we can can best understand and integrate these concepts into a life well lived. Predominantly Bradey just wants to have interestin ...
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In 2023, Jason Aldean's groundbreaking song and video "Try That In A Small Town" resonated with a resurgence of conservative values in America. The writers of the song, Kurt, Neil, Tully, and Kelley, took the opportunity to launch the Try That In A Small Town Podcast. This platform allows them to reveal the true inspiration behind the song and discuss the importance of common-sense values. With a lineup of influential guests, the hosts will entertain you with the stories behind their music, ...
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A free-form podcast about transformation, growth, and purpose; elevating and expanding the super-conscious mind while honoring the down-to-earth wisdom that keeps us grounded and real. "Nothing you do matters, unless what you do matters." Amadon DellErba is on a journey of self-mastery. Join him in the exploration of the spiritual, psychological, intellectual, and emotional elements that make up the mortal life. Equal parts profound and profane; sacred and secular, "Get Real or Die Trying" i ...
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Die Tryin

Danny Mogollon

Die Tryin talks about the trials and tribulations of Michigan Football on Jim Harbaugh's epic quest to beat Ohio State with host Daniel Mogollon. Listen in each week for previews, analysis, and recruiting info, along with interviews.
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show series
大家好,Nice Try 是一个百年播客,也是一个游戏。 几乎每周,四个朋友隔空聊天,分享过去几天中的「Happy Hour」,提出挑战,随时跑题。 在各大播客平台搜索 NiCE TRY 即可收听,登陆我们的官方网站,可以找到全部往期节目。 我们的邮箱是,欢迎写信来。 也欢迎在社交网站上关注或联络我们: 微博 @NiCETRY-想得美 小红书 @nicetrypodcast Instagram @nicetry.nice 商务合作联络微信 hungrybuggg 本期出场:@cbvivi @特梨西 @全新成长的烦恼 @文森特动物园 本期编辑:特特 本期你可能会听到—— 文森特过年:居然真的没有工作短信了 如果 Si…
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Do you believe the corporate ladder is the only route to success? It’s time to rethink that. In this episode of Try Life On, Maurice chats with Greg Mohr, founder of Franchise Maven, about his unexpected journey into entrepreneurship. Like many (including Maurice), Greg started in the corporate world, believing it was the key to success—until he re…
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It's time to get carried away as the Mythbusters test two tall tales about unlikely buoyancy. First up, it's the rebirth of the infamous Mythtanic (also known as the jalapeño) as Adam and Jamie see whether you can salvage a ship using nothing but (tens of thousands of) ping pong balls! Then it's the Build Team's turn to fly as they test how many ba…
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In this episode of the Tritank Podcast, Lorenzo Lebrija hosts Bob Johansen and Gabe Cervantes to discuss the intersection of artificial intelligence, leadership, and faith. They explore how AI can augment human capabilities, the fears surrounding its adoption, and the importance of maintaining human connections in a rapidly changing technological l…
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Ever wonder why you can’t stop scrolling, even when you know you should? It probably comes down to dopamine, a key neurotransmitter that drives pleasure and motivation. In this episode, host Cristina Quinn talks to psychiatrist Anna Lembke, author of “Dopamine Nation,” about the neuroscience behind digital addiction. Anna explains how our devices k…
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🎙️ **Tune in to Try Not 2 Blink!** 🎙️ Don’t miss out on today’s enlightening episode! Hosts Roya and Sheila kick things off with an in-depth discussion about a pivotal case and offer a refresher on Plaquenil Toxicity. Launching a cold-start practice is no easy feat, especially with a focus on advanced dry eye treatments, but today we have a special…
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What happens when the mission ends? For Josh Burch, a 20-year veteran Green Beret, the transition from elite warrior to civilian brought unexpected challenges that mirror those faced by countless veterans. From humble beginnings as a high school dropout working construction jobs in Tennessee, Josh's life changed course when his grandfather shared a…
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Vzw De Vierklaver is een non-profit met één belangrijke missie: de beste zorg bieden aan hun bewoners/cliënten. Ze ondersteunen volwassenen met een verstandelijke beperking via leefgemeenschappen en in dagcentra in het Meetjesland. Tom Demeulenaere houdt er zich als Beleidsmedewerker HR bezig met de zorg voor de medewerkers en strategische beleidso…
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In our final episode of our "Celebrate With Love" February Series, Guest Emma Heiner is here to share how she has chosen to find Love regardless of her trials. After dealing with debilitating chronic illnesses for 20 years, Emma has not only found love in her life, but has also found ways to share it with others all over the world. Turning her pain…
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Eddie Pinero is an entrepreneur, TEDx speaker, and the founder of Your World Within, a global motivational platform that inspires millions through unique storytelling and empowering content. With a community of nearly 2 million social media followers and over 130 million views across his platforms, Eddie’s work—including motivational videos, a popu…
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Det händer väldigt mycket i vår omvärld nu. USA:s roll och därmed förhållande till Ukraina och resten av Europa kan vara på väg att ändras helt. Samtidigt fortsätter Rysslands krig i Ukraina. Men är det på väg att bli fred? Vad är Rysslands mål med de här fredsförhandlingarna? Och vad innebär egentligen fred? Vill parterna ens ha det? För vad hände…
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In this Coinfessions episode, Reni answers your most-asked money questions! From investing in ETFs and choosing the right platform to deciding whether to pay off your mortgage early or invest, we cover a wide range of personal finance and wealth-building topics. If you’ve ever wondered about fractional investing, tax-free savings accounts, credit s…
  continue reading Gunnlaugur Guðmundsson er reyndasti stjörnuspekingur Íslands og á magnaða sögu. Í þættinum ræða Sölvi og Gunnlaugur um stöðuna í heiminum, öld einstaklingsins, kerfin sem eru að hrynja og margt margt fleira. Þátturinn er í boði; Caveman - H-Berg - Nings - Myntk…
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Send us a text When you strip away the noise surrounding Meghan Markle's Netflix show "With Love Megan," what emerges is a powerful narrative about a woman reclaiming her identity after trauma. Before becoming a royal, Meghan had a lifestyle blog and philanthropic pursuits that she was forced to abandon. Now, freed from those constraints, she's ret…
  continue reading Guðmundur Karl Snæbjörnsson er þrautreyndur læknir sem stendur fast á sannfæringu sinni. Honum var hótað kærum og fangelsisvist af hinu opinbera í faraldrinum og segir læknum bannað að fara eftir sannfæringu sinni. Í þættinum ræða Sölvi og Guðmundur um stöðuna í samfélaginu, hvað við getum lært af faraldrinum og hvað þarf h…
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After making a movie that actually got a Best Picture nomination, Paul Thomas Anderson wrote and directed another that famously didn’t: THE MASTER, a psychological examination of postwar trauma and peacetime opportunism. In this episode, we try to go past the easy read of THE MASTER as simple corollary for cult dynamics, heap an appropriate amount …
  continue reading Áður óbirtur þáttur þar sem Sölvi mætir til Frosta og þeir ræða á mannamáli um slaufunarmenningu, bók Sölva, viðtalið við Pútín, samfélagsmál og fleira. Þátturinn er í boði; Caveman - H-Berg - Nings - Myntkaup - Kaja Organic - https://www.k…
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IT’S TIME TO GLOW UP. This past winter hit me HARD but with spring officially here, I felt inspired to talk about going from surviving the winter to thriving in the spring. In today’s episode, I talk about starting fresh, resetting and reinventing yourself, and how to glow up mentally and physically. Trying Not to Care is sponsored by Graza: Take y…
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Nálgast má þáttinn í heild sinni inn á; Sálfræðingurinn Bergsveinn Ólafsson stefndi árum saman að því að verða atvinnumaður í knattspyrnu. Eftir að hafa lagt allt í boltann áttaði hann sig á því að ástríðan var farin og lagði skóna á hilluna og setti alla sína krafta í að læra og miðla meiru í sálfræðinni. Hann býr nú í Kal…
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Trysta is back with another episode of the Heat Check! She gets into why national pundits STILL don't believe in the Oklahoma City Thunder, slim Zion showing promise, and what to watch for as the playoffs approach! To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad ch…
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John Feitelberg is the co-host of KFCradio and popularized the phrase "Saturdays Are For The Boys." He's also an up-and-coming standup comic who writes and appears in the successful "Out Of Order" sketch comedy series. Today, he joins Large to talk about all things food, the MDFoodieboyz & more.
  continue reading Ólafur Stefánsson er einn þekktasti íþróttamaður Íslandssögunnar. Í þættinum ræða Sölvi og Ólafur um hugvíkkandi efni, að þora að stíga út fyrir boxið, hugrekkið til að vera maður sjálfur, ferðalagið í átt að sjálfsþekkingu og margt fleira. Þátturinn er í boði; Caveman - H-Berg -…
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Maurice sits down with longtime friend and Beirut native, Samah El Hakim, Co-founder of Kook Creative Studio. Samah is the embodiment of the Try Life On philosophy—a bold risk-taker who follows his heart with deep empathy. As a visionary entrepreneur, he has launched multiple companies while helping brands forge unique identities through graphic de…
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Den grova organiserade brottsligheten får ju mycket stor påverkan på det svenska samhället på en mängd olika sätt. Det rapporteras det löpande om i Trygghetspodden. En ytterligare aspekt på det här är att kriminella även infiltrerar vitala delar av samhällskroppen, som till exempel rättsväsendet. I det här avsnittet medverkar Lasse Wierup. En av Sv…
  continue reading Guðjón Heiðar Valgarðsson hefur oft verið kallaður samsæringur Íslands. Hann hefur í áraraðir skoðað alls milli himins og jarðar þegar kemur að samsæriskenningum. Í þættinum ræða Sölvi og Guðjón um allt það helsta sem er að gerast í upplýsingaflæði fyrir utan meginstraumsfjölmiðlana. Þátturinn er í boði; Caveman - https://w…
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– Traumer kan arves!Tall fra en 40-år lang helseundersøkelse gir ikke bare mål på kroppens tilstand, men viser også hvordan sår og traumer går i arv. Ingrid Storholmen har skrevet romanen «Bloddråpetall» basert på data fra en 40 år pågående helseundersøkelse. Hør alle episodene i appen NRK RadioKirjoittanut NRK
  continue reading Guðrún Bergmann hefur unnið við heilsu í meira en 30 ár, auk þess að reka fyrirtæki, skrifa fjölda bóka og margt fleira. Í þættinum ræða Sölvi og Guðrún um heilsu, samfélagsmál, fjölmiðla, samsæriskenningar og margt fleira. Þátturinn er í boði; Caveman - H-Berg - Nings - https:/…
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Open wide and put on your bomb suit, because this week the Mythbusters are taking on the science of exploding jawbreakers! It's a harrowing episode which leaves two Mythbusters scarred – and our hosts wondering what is even the point of giant sugar death orb candies in the first place. Then it's a new top-tier cameo when legendary magician and acto…
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Send us a text Have you ever felt like life knocked you flat, leaving you to start over when everyone else seems firmly established? You're not alone in that journey of rebuilding. At 48, I found myself making just $10,000 a year after once having a stable career, retirement savings, and a home. The crushing weight of feeling "behind" where society…
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Three podcasters watched a movie and recorded their conversation about it afterward… and I would like to think this was only a matter of chance. Our Paul Thomas Anderson series keeps a-rollin’ with MAGNOLIA, his “blank check” movie after the success of BOOGIE NIGHTS (1997). The intention was to make something he’d never get the chance to make again…
  continue reading Árni Pétur Guðjónsson er leikari og leiðsögumaður sem hefur átt viðburðarríkt lífshlaup. Í þættinum ræða Sölvi og Árni um stórmerkilega sögu Árna, árin í kommúnum, leiklistina, réttrúnað og margt fleira. Þátturinn er í boði; Caveman - H-Berg - Nings - Myntkaup …
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In this episode, Reni breaks down everything you need to know about credit cards—how they work, how they impact your credit score, and how to use them responsibly. Follow these tips and you'll have an 850 credit score in no time! Check your credit score for free:…
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Welcome to Try Not 2 Blink! Get ready for an engaging episode that you won’t want to miss! Today, hosts Roya and Sheila will be sharing five essentials every office needs to embrace full-scope optometry. But that’s just the beginning! Joining them is a true icon in the field—Dr. Barbara Caffery. As a former president of the American Academy of Opto…
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