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Philip's ministry was going good in Acts 8. God was working miracles, the Gospel was advancing, and many were coming to faith in Jesus and getting baptized. But God had plans to move Philip on. He sent an angel to nudge him to leave, and Philip obeyed. Following the Spirit's lead, Philip meets an Ethiopian eunuch on his way home after coming to Jer…
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Part 14 - SERIES: Acts Stephen is the first person recorded to have given their life for the sake of the Gospel. After being arrested and tried due to his faith, he gives a brilliant testimony that traces God's work in the Old Testament to Jesus. Luke (the author of Acts) tells us that Stephen was filled with the Holy Spirit, wisdom, faith, grace, …
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Part 13 - SERIES: ActsThe early Christians often found themselves in trouble due to their faith. Pastor Josh spends some time at the beginning of the message reviewing the difference between descriptive and prescriptive passages of Scripture. This week's passage starts off with Luke describing some of the incredible ways God was at work among the e…
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Part 12 - SERIES: ActsIn Acts 4:32 and following, Luke gives us a brief summary statement of the good things happening in the early church. It was a time of God pouring out his grace to provide for this people and his power to protect them. There was great unity among them. Luke gives two examples, one good and one devastating, as these things play…
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Part 11 - SERIES: ActsActs 3-4 is the chronicles a crazy 24-48 hours for Peter and John, and all the believers. We read about Peter and John going to the Temple to pray. En route they heal a man, then later get arrested for preaching about Jesus and are forced to appear before the Sanhedrin council. The council–due to fear of the people–lets them g…
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Light of the WorldJesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” He announced this during the Feast of Tabernacles, an annual feast celebrating and remembering how God had led his people from Egypt, through the wilderness, and home into the Promised Land. God did this with a…
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Part 5 - SERIES: Mary's ChristmasWe wrap up our series turning our attention toward not only Mary but Joseph. Joseph’s biggest claim to fame is who he wasn’t. We just know him as “not the real dad” of Jesus. Did you also realize that he never speaks a word in the text? In any case, Joseph and Mary both were facing a lot, and God men them in all of …
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Part 4 - SERIES: Mary's ChristmasThe night of Jesus's birth was an intense one for Mary and Joseph. They had just traveled 70 to 100 miles on foot (or possibly with an animal for Mary to ride on) from Nazareth to Bethlehem. It was a hard journey in general, but especially for someone nine months pregnant. Then there was no place to stay, so Jesus's…
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Part 3 - SERIES: Mary's ChristmasMary was an exceptional young women, a great example to us in her obedience and faithfulness to God. But her saying yes to God was also saying yes to struggle and suffering. This week we see Mary & Joseph's obedience affect Jesus's. While he was young they had him circumcised and dedicated to the Lord according to t…
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Part 2 - SERIES: Mary's ChristmasWe’re looking at the biblical account surrounding Jesus’s birth through the eyes of Mary. Mary was a teenager when the angel Gabriel appeared to her and announced (all because of God’s grace) that she would give birth to the Son of God. In Luke 1:39-56 we see Mary travel to visit her relative Elizabeth whom God also…
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Part 1 - SERIES: Mary's ChristmasNo one had an experience of the first Christmas like Mary did, and no one else will. This Advent season we’re looking at the biblical accounts of Jesus’s birth through the eyes of Mary. We’ll see her faithfulness as a model for us to follow. This week she’s visited by the angel Gabriel who reveals God’s incredible c…
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Part 10 - SERIES: ActsIf you choose to become a Christian and follow Jesus, life will get better… but it probably will not get easier. When we obey and follow Jesus, opposition is always waiting to discourage, derail, and if possible sabotage our faith. The Apostle Paul wrote to a young pastor, “Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ…
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Part 9 - SERIES: ActsRepentance gets a bad rap. Often in our culture we think of repentance as a bad thing... a weakness, admitting a wrong done, finding nowhere else to turn after an epic failure. But Biblically, repentance is actually a very good thing. A refreshing thing, even. After the Holy Spirit used Peter and John to heal a man who had been…
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Part 8 - SERIES: ActsDo you believe in miracles? Acts 3:1-10 record a miracle where Peter and John bring healing to a man lame from birth in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Miracles are anchored in the twin truths that God cares about you and God has limitless power. Miracles are rooted in the historical Jesus Christ of Nazareth who went to t…
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Part 7 - SERIES: ActsIn Acts 2:42-47 Luke gives a summary of what was taking place in the Church in its earliest days. This passage (like much of Acts) is descriptive rather than prescriptive, meaning it simple tells us what happened. To apply it, then, we must pull out principles to apply to our own life and context, not simply mimic exactly what …
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Part 6 - SERIES: ActsAfter the Spirit’s descent, Peter gives the first Christian sermon in Acts 2:14-41. Preaching was what God used to grow the church. On the surface preaching seems a bit foolish, but God has chosen the proclamation of his Word to be at the center of his work in and through the Church. Peter (who had been cowardly afraid of some …
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Part 5 - SERIES: ActsIn Acts 2 we see the Holy Spirit descend and empower his people. This week we step back to explore what "spiritual gifts" are. In short, they are God-given and Spirit-empowered spiritual abilities given to every believer in Jesus, according to God's grace, to help them fulfill their God-given personal purpose as part of the Chu…
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Part 4 - SERIES: ActsIn Acts 2, God's people are celebrating Pentecost (the Festival of Weeks). As part of it, they are remembering God's provision and how he came in power to Mt. Sinai in Exodus 19-20ff and gave the Law. While all this is going on, God shows up again in a history-changing way. Rather than descend on a place in power, the Holy Spir…
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Part 3 - SERIES: ActsBefore Jesus left, he told the disciples to wait in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit came upon them. In Acts 1:12-26 we see them waiting and making a big decision about who would replace Judas on the team. From their process we can discern some principles for making decisions ourselves that honor God. One thing not to miss as we…
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Part 2 - SERIES: ActsAs Acts begins, Jesus tells the disciples to wait for the Holy Spirit before they do anything. All through the book of Acts we’ll see the Holy Spirit at work in powerful ways. This all begs the question, who is the Holy Spirit? Before we go any further in Acts, we should be sure to understand who the Holy Spirit is. Jesus calls…
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Habakkuk | A Prophet with a ProblemHabakkuk was an Old Testament prophet with a problem. Specifically, a problem with God. He was troubled both with God's silence and his actions. Yet as we read the book of Habakkuk, we see him discover the solution of living by faith, trusting God to prevail, assured he would come through. We can trust God in the …
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Part 14 - SERIES: ParablesIn Matthew 25, Jesus tells "the Parable of the Talents", giving more instruction on how we should wait for his return. A talent is simply a measurement of weight, and it was often used of money. In his parable we learn that we should wait for Jesus as servants who are commissioned to increase his assets. Following the serm…
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Part 13 - SERIES: ParablesWe’re in the midst of waiting for Jesus to return, and he will. But how are we supposed to wait? On the one hand he says he could return at any moment, and on the other he tells us it could be a long time. Jesus gives a series of vignettes and parables in Matthew 24-25 that are intended to answer these questions. We look a…
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Part 12 - SERIES: ParablesIn Matthew 24 Jesus’s disciples ask him about the end times, when Jesus will set up his Kingdom on earth and reign as king. Jesus replies with some details around what will take place before his second coming, things we should pay attention to so we’re ready. But it’s important to remember that the purpose of prophesy in S…
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Part 10 - SERIES: ParablesPastor Craig Clapper preaches from Luke 10:25-37 on the Good Samaritan. The term "Good Samaritan" is used in many places today, but often different than in Scripture. The Samaritan didn't just show compassion and mercy to anyone, but to his enemy. The reactions of the priest and Levite were radically different than that of…
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Part 9 - SERIES: ParablesPastor Collin Seitz preaches from Luke 15:1-7 on the Parable of the Lost Sheep. Jesus is the Good Shepherd who diligently seeks us and then carries us back to God. We should be like him. Not isolating ourselves from the world, but being sent into it to love people and invite them to follow Jesus with us. Jesus himself is th…
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Part 8 - SERIES: ParablesJesus was at a banquet at the home of a ruler of the Pharisees when he told a parable about another great banquet. Everyone has been invited to God's party, but many will make excuses not to come. What's your excuse? But those who respond and simply come will be greatly rewarded on that day. In the mean time, they're sent o…
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Part 7 - SERIES: ParablesIn Luke 12 Jesus teaches the Parable of the Wealthy Man, often known as the Parable of the Rich Fool. He reminds his listeners (and us) to guard their heart from idols. Idols can be any good thing that becomes a “god thing” (and that’s a bad thing!). Anything can become an idol in our lives, from items, to duties, to others…
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Part 6 - SERIES: ParablesParables | Part 6: God's Fair v. Our FairHave you ever felt like God was unfair? Sometimes it can certainly feel that way, and in some ways you might argue it's a good thing that he is. Jesus's parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard addresses this head on in Matthew 20:1-16. God may appear to be unfair, yet God is just and…
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Part 5 - SERIES: ParablesIn the Parable of the Weeds of the Field, Jesus gives instruction on how to live life as his followers in a world that's broken with sin. We're sent to love people—all people—and invite them to follow Jesus with us. No matter who they are, what they believe, what they've done, their ethnicity, their age, their intellect—no …
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Part 4 - SERIES: ParablesLuke 15:11-32 is often referred to as the "Parable of the Prodigal Son", but when Jesus begins the parable he says it's a parable about two sons, not just one. The younger son demands his inheritance from his father, then takes off, wastes it all, and returns to a forgiving father. But it's a grave error to think that this …
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Part 3 - SERIES: ParablesWhere is your confidence?In the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector in Luke 18:9-14, Jesus draws a stark contrast between those who trust in their own goodness and those who trust in Jesus's goodness. To the shock of those listening, Jesus proclaims that only those like the tax collector who put their trust in Jes…
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Part 2 - SERIES: ParablesParables are simply stories intended to illustrate and teach. Jesus often taught about the Kingdom with parables in order to help people remember his teaching. He used parables to conceal truth from some, and reveal truth to others. In the Parable of the Soils in Matthew 13:1-23 we see different types of reactions to the Go…
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Part 4 - SERIES: BookendsGod created everything and therefore is the one who assigns meaning to everything, including you. Your identity is received from God, not achieved by you. Satan, on the other hand, is always working in reverse, trying (ultimately in vain) to unravel all that God has woven together. In the end Jesus wins and Satan is crushed…
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Part 3 - SERIES: BookendsThe first chapters of Genesis and the final chapters of Revelation form strikingly parallel bookends to God’s Story. In this series we’re comparing the two, seeing how God began everything and how he’ll ensure that his original intentions will come to fruition in the end. This week we see that God’s story is bookend by wedd…
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Part 2 - SERIES: BookendsThe first chapters of Genesis and the final chapters of Revelation form strikingly parallel bookends to God’s Story. In this series we’re comparing the two, seeing how God began everything and how he’ll ensure that his original intentions will come to fruition in the end. This week we look at God planting the Garden in Eden…
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Part 1 - SERIES: BookendsThe first chapters of Genesis and the final chapters of Revelation form strikingly parallel bookends to God’s Story. In this series we’re comparing the two, seeing how God began everything and how he’ll ensure that his original intentions will come to fruition in the end. This week we look at creation, and God’s plan to go …
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Easter 2022 | Eyes OpenedOn the afternoon of his resurrection Jesus took a walk with a couple of his disciples. But it wasn't until they made it to their destination that they recognized who he was. On their 2+ hour journey, Jesus explained to them how all of the Old Testament points to him. Then, finally, their eyes were opened and they realized w…
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Part 3 - SERIES: Famous Last WordsFamous Last Words | Part 3: Jesus's Famous SurrenderWe're in a short series looking at some of Jesus's final words before his death on the cross. This week we see his famous surrender when he said, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit," just before he breathed his last. Pastor Dave leads us to see that like …
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Part 2 - SERIES: Famous Last WordsFamous Last Words | Part 2: Jesus’s Famous PardonA person's last words matter, and are often some of their most remembered words. It's no different with Jesus. In this short series we're looking at some of his famous last words. In Scripture there are 7 phrases recorded that Jesus uttered from the cross. This week …
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Part 1 - SERIES: Famous Last WordsA person's last words matter, and are often some of their most remembered words. It's no different with Jesus. In this short series we're looking at some of his famous last words. This week Tom Speicher leads us through Jesus's prayer the night before he was crucified in John 17. We see him pray for himself, pray f…
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Part 10 - SERIES: GroundedWe believe that God commands everyone everywhere to believe the gospel by turning to Him in repentance and receiving the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that God will raise the dead bodily and judge the world, assigning the unbeliever to condemnation and eternal conscious punishment and the believer to eternal blessedness an…
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Part 9 - SERIES: GroundedWe believe in the personal, bodily and glorious return of our Lord Jesus Christ. The coming of Christ, at a time known only to God, demands constant expectancy and, as our blessed hope, motivates the believer to godly living, sacrificial service and energetic mission.Kirjoittanut Joshua Weiland
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Part 8 - SERIES: GroundedWe believe that God's justifying grace must not be separated from His sanctifying power and purpose. God commands us to love Him supremely and others sacrificially, and to live out our faith with care for one another, compassion toward the poor and justice for the oppressed. With God’s Word, the Spirit’s power, and fervent …
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Part 7 - SERIES: GroundedWe believe that the true church comprises all who have been justified by God's grace through faith alone in Christ alone. They are united by the Holy Spirit in the body of Christ, of which He is the Head. The true church is manifest in local churches, whose membership should be composed only of believers. The Lord Jesus man…
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Part 6 - SERIES: GroundedWe believe that the Holy Spirit, in all that He does, glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ. He convicts the world of its guilt. He regenerates sinners, and in Him they are baptized into union with Christ and adopted as heirs in the family of God. He also indwells, illuminates, guides, equips and empowers believers for Christ-lik…
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