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Celebrating 20 years of The Wickbourne Centre, Becca Jupp & Jon Jolly share the miraculous story of God’s provision of our community centre, and look to the future of the centre’s transformation. We also hear different personal stories about the impact the centre has had in peoples lives. Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton A…
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This week Jon continues our New Way series, looking at Matthew 5:33-48 in Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. We explore the surprising message to love those who don't like you, and to take creative action to highlight your worth as a child in God's own image. Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK Get in contact Visit our w…
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This week Becca continues our series 'A New Way', looking at Greater Right Living from Matthew 5:17-32. Jesus talks in these verses about Murder, Adultery & Divorce, so let's explore these big subjects together. Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK Get in contact Visit our website at @arunchurch on F…
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This week Jo Gisbey continues our series A New Way looking at Kingdom Identity, The Light of the World from Matthew 5:14-16. This is our identity as children of God, so let's illuminate the landscape! Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK Get in contact Visit our website at @arunchurch on Facebook, In…
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This week Joe Gisbey continues our new series of A New Way, with words: Kingdom Identity. Looking at the next section of the Sermon on The Mount. Following the beatitudes, Jesus goes on to make some pretty radical affirmations of the calling and expectations of the crowd sitting on that hillside, firstly by calling them the, "salt of the earth". He…
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This week Mikey begins our new series of A New Way, with words: Kingdom Identity. We start with Matthew 5 and the Beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount where Jesus shares the radical lifestyle of a follower of him. Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK Get in contact Visit our website at @arunchurch…
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We kick off the new year with Becca Jupp, Joe Gisbey & Jon Jolly introducing our new teaching theme 'A New Way'. God is often doing a new thing, He makes new paths, offers new ways of thinking and doing things. What new things do we want to take hold of in 2025. Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK Get in contact V…
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Joe Gisbey continues continues our 'Wings' series looking at Angels as we continue into the festive season. Looking at Luke 2: 10-12 we focus in on the Shepherd's encounter with the Angels, leading them to become not only the first witnesses of Jesus, but also the first to spread the message that that Saviour had finally come! Join us on Sundays in…
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Joanne Gisbey continues continues our 'Wings' series looking at Angels as we continue into the festive season. We take a look at Luke 1:26-38, Mary's obedient, trusting response to the angel that changed history forever. Thank God for Mary's yes! Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK Get in contact Visit our website…
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This week Becca Jupp continues our 'Wings' series looking at Angels as we enter into the festive season. Zachariah and Elizabeth were prepared for Gods miracle in their lives through their faithfulness. They gave birth to John the Baptist who prepared the way for Jesus. Why is preparation in this season so important and how do we prepare for Jesus?…
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This week we continue our Roots and Wings series and look at thriving in retirement and in our calling in our life, as Kat Archer interviews Pat & Norman from our church family. We all have a destiny and a calling to accomplish and fulfil - let's go for it! Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK Get in contact Visit …
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This week we continue our Roots and Wings series and look at thriving in relationships and family as Becca Jupp interviews Jon & Esther from our church family. Sharing from their own personal journeys as well as about where we are now as a newly formed blended family of 7. We hear how God is a God of rescue, hope and restoration. Join us on Sundays…
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This week Becca Jupp continues our Roots and Wings series as we are look at thriving in relationships and family as part of our Wings topic. We are looking at what connects us and what we can do to bring healthy connection into all our relationships. Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK Get in contact Visit our web…
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This week Jon Jolly continues our Wings series looking at how we can thrive at work. All of us need to work and while it can be rewarding, often it is difficult, frustrating, confusing or exhausting! As followers of Jesus, shouldn't our burden by easy and light? And what can we do about it? Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton…
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In this episode, Joan and Anthony share their journey of moving from Hong Kong to the UK, discussing the challenges, surprises, and how their faith has guided them through this life-changing transition. Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK Get in contact Visit our website at @arunchurch on Facebook, …
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This week is CAP Sunday, looking at how as a church we partner with Christians Against Poverty. Helping those struggling in our community, to become debt free and to hear about how much God loves them! Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK Get in contact Visit our website at @arunchurch on Facebook, I…
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This week Joe continues to explore our theme of 'Wings' and specifically how the scriptures connect both wings and healing, culminating with the miraculous healing of a lady who was forever changed by reaching out to touch the 'hem' of Jesus' garment. Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK Get in contact Visit our we…
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This week we celebrate what we are thankful for and Becca Jupp looks at the Joy of the Lord being our strength in Nehemiah 8. Let's see why Nehemiah says that and how joy brings us strength. Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK Get in contact Visit our website at @arunchurch on Facebook, Instagram an…
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This week, Joe continues our Wings series, looking at God's amazing promises of protection and provision in every circumstance as we take refuge in Him! Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK Get in contact Visit our website at @arunchurch on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube Email us on hello@arunchurch…
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This week, Mikey continues our Wings series, looking at Colossians 3:1-2 where Paul challenges us on where our perspective is focussed, whether it's on what is right in front of us, or far wider and eternal. Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK Get in contact Visit our website at @arunchurch on Faceb…
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This week Joanne continues our series on 'Wings', looking at strength from Isaiah 40:31. When we wait on the Lord He renews our strength, what are we going to do with this God given strength? Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK Get in contact Visit our website at @arunchurch on Facebook, Instagram a…
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This week Becca Jupp introduces the second half of our year-long 'Roots and Wings' series, as we now look into 'Wings' and what this might look like in different areas of our lives. We begin with looking at Matthew 10, the disciples had been given roots now was their time to fly. Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, U…
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Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK Get in contact Visit our website at @arunchurch on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube Email us on Please note, while we aim for clear teaching on the Christian faith, the views, information and opinions expressed by individuals on this podcast do…
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This week we hear from our worship team lead, Josh Fraser, discussing with Becca Jupp the importance of being rooted in worship as part of our journey with Jesus. Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK Get in contact Visit our website at @arunchurch on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube Email us on hello@…
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This week Andy Strajnic speaks to us about being rooted in forgiveness. Experience the joy and freedom of learning about forgiveness. Total forgiveness is possible - and it can start today. Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK Get in contact Visit our website at @arunchurch on Facebook, Instagram and…
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This week Jon Jolly continues our Rooted series looking at the spiritual disciplines; the habits or practices of Jesus. We explore how we must develop daily habits that constantly turn our attention to Jesus, so that we can become more like him. Some of the resources mentioned are: • Practicing The Way by John Mark Comer • Celebration of Discipline…
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This week we will be focussing on the work of Links and our partners around the world. Joe will be looking at the promise in scripture that the 'Earth is filled with God's glory' (Isaiah 6:3) and our responsibility as worshippers to engage in the work of bringing in the harvest! Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK…
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This week Joe Gisbey continues our 'Roots and Wings' series, looking at the Gifts of The Holy Spirit and how we should be expectant to see God move in us and through us, to impact the World around us! Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK Get in contact Visit our website at @arunchurch on Facebook, In…
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This week Kat explores being 'Rooted in Generosity' as we continue our Roots and Wings series. We look at Gods example of being an extravagantly generous host. If we really believe God is the host of this amazing event called life, then you can just relax and enjoy the experience. Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, …
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Today we continue Roots & Wings with our mini series on 'The hidden Places'. Becca explores the amazing story of Ruth in the Bible, and how she dealt with disappointment. Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK Get in contact Visit our website at @arunchurch on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube Email us o…
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This week guest speaker Emma Heather continues our mini series 'The hidden places we grow with God' looking at the theme of failure through the story of Moses as he faces shame and meets God's grace head on. Shame will steal your story... God's grace will prepare and propel you into His purposes for your life. Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am …
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This week Joanne Gisbey continues our mini series 'The hidden places we grow with God' looking at the theme of pain through the early life of David. David rooted himself in God out in the fields protecting sheep. Those roots allowed him to step out onto the battlefield with full confidence in God! Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Little…
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This week Joe Gisbey kicks off our mini series 'The hidden places we grow with God' as we begin to look at the work God does in the secret place. He focuses on Jesus' time in the wilderness and His return in the 'Power of the Spirit'. Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK Get in contact Visit our website at arunchur…
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This week, on Pentecost Sunday, Andy Stranjic continues our Roots and Wings series as we look at 'New Growth - Rooted in the Holy Spirit'. Andy shows us that the Bible says that God gives His Spirit without limit! We can experience God in ways we haven't known yet. Its an absolute promise of God. Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littleh…
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Love is so important in our world. So this week, Becca Jupp continues our Roots and Wings series as we look at 'New Growth - Rooted in Love'. Becca takes us through what the bible says about it in 1 Corinthians 13, as we unpack what Love is really about. Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK Get in contact Visit our…
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This week Joe Gisbey continues our Roots and Wings series, looking at the power that comes from being 'Rooted in Peace'. When God's peace truly reigns in our hearts and we allow him to still the battle within each one of us, we position ourselves to be bringers of that same peace to calm the battles in the world around us! Join us on Sundays in-per…
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This week Joanne Gisbey continues our Roots & Wings series, looking at what it means to be 'Rooted in Prayer'. What did Jesus have to say about prayer in Matthew 6:5-15 and The Lord's Prayer? Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK Get in contact Visit our website at @arunchurch on Facebook, Instagram a…
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Hebrews 11 talks about faith, what it is and tells us amazing faith stories. This week, Becca Jupp explores faith and how we can be rooted and grow more in our faith. Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK Get in contact Visit our website at @arunchurch on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube Email us on he…
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This week We continue 'New Growth' within our Roots & Wings Series. Thinking about our foundations - what are we growing in, and who will we be today we unpack being rooted in the bible. Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK Get in contact Visit our website at @arunchurch on Facebook, Instagram and Yo…
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Visiting speaker, Josh Heather, leader from Emmaus Rd Woking church looks at the Wise and Foolish Builder. As we continue our Roots & Wings Series, this is the start of looking into ‘New Growth’ - thinking about our foundations. What are we growing in? and Who who will we be? Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK Ge…
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This week Joe Gisbey explores Jesus' path to victory, a path that would look like nothing that they had ever imagined - a donkey, not a stallion… a rugged cross instead of a throne! Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK Get in contact Visit our website at @arunchurch on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube…
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This week Jon Jolly continues our 'Roots' series looking at the topic of church. Two thousand years after it was established by Jesus, the global church has a broad range of expressions and a mixed legacy. So what is the church? What is the purpose? Why is it needed? And why should we care? Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton…
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This week Becca Jupp speaks to us on Mother's Day about the life of Hannah in 1 Samuel 1, who found herself in a very dark place, but made choices that brought life to a generation. Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK Get in contact Visit our website at @arunchurch on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube…
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This week Joanne Gisbey looks at the topic of Belonging and the Story of the Prodigal Son found in Luke 15. Where do I belong? Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK Get in contact Visit our website at @arunchurch on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube Email us on Please note, while we…
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This week we continue our Roots and Wings series, still looking at the soil as our environment. Mikey Vickery-Brown unpacks the idea of 'What is around me?' with a focus on Influenced and Influencer. Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK Get in contact Visit our website at @arunchurch on Facebook, Ins…
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This week we continue our Roots and Wings series as we begin to take a look at 'The Soil'. We hear from Paul & Liz Lynch in an interview discussing ‘Who is around me?: choices and friendships'. Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK Get in contact Visit our website at @arunchurch on Facebook, Instagram…
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Becca Jupp concludes our Roots and Wings mini-series: The Seed, by asking 'What do I value?' We explore our own values and how they align with Jesus' values. Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK Get in contact Visit our website at @arunchurch on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube Email us on hello@arunc…
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Kat Archer continues our Roots and Wings mini-series: The Seed, exploring Psalm 139 v 13-14 and asking 'How do I see myself?', how do we develop a healthy sense of self worth? Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK Get in contact Visit our website at @arunchurch on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube Email…
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This week Jo Gisbey continues our new teaching theme Roots & Wings with a mini-series on The Seed, exploring the theme 'How Do I Feel?' Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK Get in contact Visit our website at @arunchurch on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube Email us on Please note,…
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Joe continues our new teaching theme Roots & Wings with a mini-series on The Seed, exploring the theme 'What's My Story?' We may not always be able to see it, but God's hand is always at work in our lives and as we choose to trust it, that same hand can write our narrative. Join us on Sundays in-person, 10:30am at The Littlehampton Academy, UK Get …
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