Een podcast over politiek, maatschappij en cultuur.
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Rupa Bali Podcast merupakan wadah perbincangan seputar dunia kesenian dan kebudayaan di Bali yang... yah bisa ringan, bisa serius... yang pasti disini kita ingin berbagi ilmu kepada siapapun dengan cara yang lebih asik! Kontak: rupabalipod (at) gmail (dot) com
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¿Hablamos de dinero? Entrevistamos a personas que comparten sus finanzas personales. Qué hacen con su dinero y cómo lo han conseguido. Este es un podcast para aprender de negocios, inversión, inmuebles, libertad financiera y emprendimiento. ¿No ayudas a acabar con el tabú del dinero? Podcast de BALIO, empresa de formación con más de 5.000 alumnos.
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Bali Cover art photo provided by Bia Andrade on Unsplash:
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A clear and simple news podcast spoken at a slower pace and with a simplified vocabulary for students of the Tagalog / Filipino language. Brought to you by Find all our learning materials for Tagalog at:
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Private podcast tentang #sharing permasalahan dan kerohanian anak muda Kristen.
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Conversations and stories that matter to Filipino-Americans.
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Baptist minister, journalist and translator. Italian-Brazilian. Rome, Italy.
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It's about chess boxing
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When muslimah meet creativity.
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Talk that talk
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Welcome to the Balisti Babbles Podcast! Your host Christi Balisti (@christibalisti) along with some very special guests, will be talking about our favorite things: MOVIES! Join us as we discuss old movies, new movies, and movies yet to come. Be a part of the podcast by sending your questions and reviews by using the hashtag #BalistiBabbles on Twitter, or Email!
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“Got Knowledge Doc” Podkast with Dr. RR Baliga The "Got Knowledge Doc" Podkast, hosted by Dr. Ragavendra R. Baliga, is a knowledge-driven platform designed for physicians and healthcare providers seeking to stay at the forefront of medical science and innovation. With a distinguished career in cardiovascular medicine and academic leadership, Dr. Baliga engages with leading experts to explore cutting-edge research, emerging technologies, and transformative insights in medicine and beyond. Eac ...
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About life
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News updates from Bali, Just for you.
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Setiap orang punya kesempatan yang kedua
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Karena banyak yang tersembunyi di balik layar
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TeleRadyo Balita is TeleRadyo's leading morning newscast. Anchored by veteran broadcast journalist Noli de Castro and Teleradyo reporter Joyce Balancio, it carries news from overnight coverage and stories that are shaping up for the day.
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Bális Katus Coaching podcast csatornája önismeretről, személyiségfejlesztésről, saját magunk megismeréséről, az életről - annak minden szarságával. Szia, Katus vagyok és örülök, hogy itt vagy és meghallgatsz!
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Tentang rutinitas yang sudah menjadi ritual setiap akan balik dari kantor: ngobrol ngalor ngidul.
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Podcast Sepakbola yang bukan sekadar strategi, berita terbaru dan transfer pemain. Serang Balik membahas sepakbola melalui sudut pandang sosial, politik dan ekonomi.
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Genial Cover art photo provided by R M on Unsplash:
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Sebuah podcast yang membahas pengalaman pribadi, hal-hal terkini, unik, dan yang asik aja buat diobrolin, meskipun kadang gak penting. "Sebelum salah arah, mending putar balik!"
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A deep dive into Bali Property Investment.
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Sunday Messages from New Tribe Bali (formerly ICC | IFGF Bali). We pray that you are encouraged and inspired through this podcast. For more information about our community visit our website at
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For all the people who take time in decision making when it comes to planning a trip.. this is for you!
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Gospel On Air Is Audio Podcast To Share About Gospel
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Sebuah podcast sharing session dari Komunitas Ukulele Bali untuk berbagi cerita,wawasan dan pengalaman dalam perukulelean. semoga cerita-cerita dari kami dapat memberi kalian banyak pelajaran dan kebahagiaan. #UKULELEBALIBAHAGIA
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Cultural insights into the mystical island of Bali, home of an ancient blend of local beliefs and a newly defined Hinduism. Step into the worldview of a local, the duty they must uphold and explore living in the kaleidoscope of Indonesia. This is #BeingBali.
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hi.. mute disini Ini adalah ruang dengar yang berisi cerita pribadi seorang cewek yang setiap sebelum tidur suka ngedumel sendiri. Bukan podcast yang berisi nasehat cinta dan masalah hidup lainnya, hanya kadang disini suka nyebelin aja omongannya. Untuk siapa pun yang menemukan podcast ini, senang bertemu denganmu.
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Di Balik Jendela Podcast By Pery Kurniawan berisi tentang banyak hal yang ada di pikiran gue, yang kebetulan gue rekan di balik jendela kamar. Jika kalian punya cerita atau apapun bisa kirim ke email gue
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Kita adalah sekelompok anak daerah yang ingin bersuara tentang Bali dalam sepekan beserta topik dan isu yang sedang berkembang di Pulau Dewata melalui sebuah opini warung kopi.
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Explore the vibrant world of Bali’s entrepreneurs with inspiring stories, business insights, and the secrets to living a successful nomadic lifestyle. Tune in to the ’Entrepreneurs in Bali Podcast’ for your weekly dose of motivation and strategies from those who’ve made the island their business haven.
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October 12, 2022 marks the 20th anniversary of the Bali bombings - an event which forever shaped the lives of many Australians and ultimately shaped the future of the Australian Federal Police. This four-part podcast series takes you inside the joint AFP-INP (Indonesian National Police) investigation known as Operation ALLIANCE and how it changed the landscape for international police collaboration, how it changed the AFP, and how it changed the lives of those men and women involved. Learn m ...
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Bringing you the richness of Balinese culture, heritage and history through this specially curated audio experience, NOW! Bali - a multimedia company based on the island of the gods - aims to create a deeper appreciation on why Bali is a truly unique destination not only in Indonesia, but in the world. The NOW! Bali Podcast shares mythology, folklore, cultural explanations and insights that shed a light on one of the world's most vibrant living cultures.
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Podcast yang bakal ngebahas semua tentang dunia sepakbola dan basket secara simpel dari sudut pandang jaring gawang.
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On an island. On our rooftop. Near a rice field. Somewhere. Get introduced to some of the incredible people that have woven their stories into the island of Bali as we invite a broad mix of voices and unique minds to perform original music or just kick back and talk out their thoughts with a whiskey in hand. Website: Instagram: Facebook: Youtube: ...
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A widow and a first time Balinese mother navigating her journey in the Balinese Society
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Bali pool villas in Seminyak for rent to revel in star-rated accommodation AT Find us on Google Map : Some resorts are a destination by themselves; Bali pool villas in Seminyak for rent offer a composite and comprehensive product and vacation deals to the holiday seeker. Hotels serviced apartments, self-contained luxury villas for the families or group of friends, restaurants, bars, night clubs, discotheques, wellne ...
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How Did You Wind Up Here? Why Did You Stay? What Do You Love Most About Bali? How Are You Creating Value, Solving Real Problems For Real People In Exchange For Real Money? Because that’s what’s called being an entrepreneur in Bali! What are your challenges achieving this, so that you can stay in paradise, live a good life and serve more people, solve more problems, because then you’ll create more value and get to keep a larger share of the increased value you create! This is what we talk abo ...
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Stories and inspiration from creative entrepreneurs, movers & shakers in Bali 🌺 Get the inside scoop on living, working and exploring this beautiful island🌴 What do people who move to Bali do for a living? How can you run a successful business in Bali or from Bali? What are some of the best places to live and hang-out in Bali? Like the title hints, we will be chatting with and interviewing various types of creative people who live here in Bali - short and long term. We’ll be digging in and u ...
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Shockwaves: The Bali Bombings is an audio documentary series that explores the lives of people in Australia and Bali who are impacted by the Bali Bombings. This podcast shares their resilience in dealing with this trauma, and what they’ve learned from it in the past 20 years. The podcast opens with recollections of the night the bombs went off in The Sari Club and Paddy’s Bar. Moving through the immediate aftermath, the tireless work of the health workers in Bali and in Australia, the invest ...
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Ein Buch auf Bali - das ist mein Herzens-Projekt. Hier erzähle ich, sehr viel über Depressionen und Burnout besonders bei Eltern. Meine Interviewpartner erzählen offen, wie es ist, wenn man psychisch erkrankt (und Kinder hat). Gewürzt wird das ganze mit Folgen über meine Motivationstipps: Was kann man im kleinen tun, damit das Leben wieder schön wird. Ich nehme Dich mit, wenn ich wieder versuche aus dieser Krankheit auszusteige, wie ich dann mehr zu mir selbst finde und dabei meinem Herzen f ...
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Welcome to ‘Bali Ocean Secrets’ Podcast – where we (Matthew and Juliette!) speak to the spearfishers, businesspeople, expats and locals of Bali and tell the story of our journey there. Over these 6 episodes, we hope you will experience the importance of keeping it simple, learning from local people with generations of experience, hearing from expats who are supporting communities and empowering people - and most importantly why the ocean is so vital to Balinese and Indonesian people. And of ...
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How to buy land in Bali for a foreigner? This question is asked by everyone who has decided to buy land in Bali or Indonesia. As you know, a foreign citizen or a foreign company cannot buy land in Bali. Or can they? In our podcast we will explore in detail all the nuances of buying and leasing land in Bali. For a more detailed understanding of the steps and options for buying or leasing land in Bali as a foreigner, we recommend visiting the website
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S6 - Episode 12 - Ngobrolin 33 bareng Monksters - Host: Savitri
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35:41Media Partner - Kali ini Via Via Sanur mengundang kami untuk menjadi host artist talk Monksters yang baru saja berkecimpung ke dunia lukis. Dengan keberanian yang luar biasa, ia ingin berbagi ke dunia publik tentang karya-karyanya yang ia kerjakan selama setahun di umur 33. Karya-karya itu penuh keriuhan masing-masing, terinspirasi dari anjing peli…
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🧠 Brain Aging & Research Advances 🔍 Key Findings: • Brain Age Gap (BAG): Difference between estimated and chronological brain age. • 64 genes identified as influencing brain aging. • 13 proteins in blood linked to accelerated/slowed brain aging. 🩺 Potential Interventions: • 13 anti-aging drugs (e.g., Rapamycin, Dasatinib) show promise in slowing de…
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The blood-brain barrier (BBB) 🛡️ protects the brain from harmful molecules but weakens with aging 🧓, leading to neuroinflammation 🔥 and cognitive decline 📉. Mucins 🧬, slippery proteins in the glycocalyx 🏗️, help maintain BBB integrity 🧠. This study found that mucin loss 🚨 increases BBB permeability, allowing toxins to enter. Using gene therapy 🧪, r…
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Waarom lukt het nou niet om de kwaliteit van ons onderwijs te verbeteren?
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1:38:36De kwaliteit van het Nederlands onderwijs daalt al jaren. Waarom lukt het politici en beleidsmakers niet om daar verandering in te brengen? Hebben wij last van een bestuursinfarct? We gaan in gesprek met Sezgin Cihangir, Ton van Haperen, Alexander Rinnooy Kan, Andrea Niemarkt en Elard Pijnaken. Een steeds groter lerarentekort, meer en meer kinderen…
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🧠 Migraine is a complex neurological disorder affecting 1 billion people worldwide. Historically misunderstood, it was once seen as a vascular or psychological issue but is now recognized as a brain network dysfunction involving the hypothalamus and limbic system. 💊 Gepants and CGRP blockers have revolutionized treatment, though they only work for …
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Alcohol is a proven carcinogen 🚨, increasing the risk of at least 7 cancers (mouth, throat, breast, liver, etc.) 🦠💀. Even small amounts (5g ethanol/day) raise cancer risk, with no safe threshold 📊🚫. Similarly, exceeding 14 drinks/week (men) or 7 (women) raises CHD risk by up to 43% 💔📈. Past claims of heart benefits from moderate drinking are now be…
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Nicolaas Veul over zijn persoonlijke documentaires en 100 dagen in de jeugd- en gezinszorg
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47:11De documentaireseries van Nicolaas Veul staan bekend om hun maatschappelijke en vaak persoonlijke insteek. Hoe balanceert hij de persoonlijke kant van zijn werk met de bredere maatschappelijke vraagstukken die hij aankaart in zijn docuseries? Waar liggen zijn grootste twijfels tijdens het maakproces? En wat hoopt Veul te bereiken met zijn documenta…
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Dr. RR Baliga’s Philosophical Discourses: Heraclitus (Greece, c. 535–475 BCE) – Pre-Socratic Philosopher
Heraclitus (c. 500 BC), a pre-Socratic philosopher from Ephesus, is renowned for his doctrine of perpetual change and the unity of opposites, encapsulated in the phrase “Everything flows” and “No man ever steps in the same river twice.” His concept of logos as the rational order of the universe influenced ancient and modern philosophy, including th…
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Operatie Interview: Frans Timmermans met Ad Melkert, Bram Vermeulen en Lara Billie Rense
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1:29:50Frans Timmermans, partijleider van GroenLinks-PvdA, wordt door drie interviewers ondervraagd: voormalig PvdA-leider Ad Melkert, journalist Bram Vermeulen en presentator Lara Billie Rense. Welke vragen hij krijgt en wie ze stelt, blijf tot op het podium geheim. In de zomer van 2023 verliet Frans Timmermans Brussel om na de val van het kabinet het ge…
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☕ Coffee & Gut Microbiome 🦠 🔬 A multi-cohort study (N = 22,867) found a strong link between coffee consumption and the gut bacterium Lawsonibacter asaccharolyticus. 🧪 Metabolomics identified key coffee-derived metabolites like quinic acid, hippurate, and trigonelline. 📊 Machine learning (AUC = 0.89) confirmed microbiome composition predicts coffee …
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Kirjoittanut MasterMedFacts LLC
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Ida Tin on data privacy and hidden costs in health apps, women building technology and techbros
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1:23:33With Ida Tin (co-founder of menstrual health app Clue), we’ll explore the intersection of technology and the female body. How does the tech industry increasingly shape our most personal experiences? In today’s digital age, technology deeply influences our understanding and control of the female body. From period-tracking apps to wearable devices, t…
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🔬 Antioxidants & Health: Myths vs. Reality ❌🍊💊 Despite popular belief, vitamins C & E do not reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, or chronic illness 🚫❤️. High doses of vitamin A increase the risk of hip fractures & prostate cancer ⚠️🦴, while vitamin E is linked to respiratory infections, prostate cancer, and even death 😷❌. However, a specific …
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🔬 Anemia & Folate: Key Insights 🩸 Anemia is primarily caused by iron deficiency in the U.S., especially in pregnancy (30% prevalence). 📊 NHANES data shows high iron deficiency in young females (up to 77.5% at ferritin 45 mg/day may cause nausea & constipation. 👶 Maternal iron status affects infant birth weight, and delayed cord clamping improves ne…
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Dna-dilemma's: wat willen we weten van ons dna? En hoe ver moeten we gaan?
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1:15:25Zou jij een dna-test doen om erfelijke dementie op te sporen? Deze avond onderzoeken we de dilemma’s rondom dna-onderzoek met Mieke van Haelst, Henne Holstege, Geert Frederix, Martina Cornel en Eline Bunnik. Dna-onderzoek onthult steeds meer over wie we zijn en wat de toekomst brengt. Van onze afkomst en gezondheid tot de toekomst van ons ongeboren…
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Vitamin B12: Essential for Health 🩸🧠 Vitamin B12 is crucial for red blood cell formation, brain function, and DNA synthesis. Found in animal-based foods 🥛🍳🐟, those on vegan diets need fortified foods or supplements 💊. Deficiency can cause anemia, neurological issues, and cognitive decline ⚠️. High-risk groups include vegans, vegetarians, older adul…
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Vitamin D is essential for bone health 🦴, immune function 🛡️, and muscle strength 🏋️. Deficiency is common and affects women 👩⚕️, young adults 🧑🎓, and non-Hispanic Black Americans. Main sources include sunlight ☀️, oily fish 🐟, eggs 🥚, and fortified foods 🥛. Recommended intake is 600-800 IU/day 💊. Studies show mixed results 📊, but it may help wit…
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🧠 High-dose Vitamin D (100,000 IU biweekly) reduced disease activity in Clinically Isolated Syndrome (CIS) of MS 🌞📉. Patients had fewer MRI lesions 🖥️, longer time to disease activity ⏳, but no significant impact on relapses ❌. Well-tolerated with minimal side effects ⚕️, These findings support further research on Vitamin D as an MS therapy 🔬🚀.…
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‘Het is haar eigen schuld’: waarom we het over femicide moeten hebben met o.a. Ingrid Coenradie en Saskia Belleman
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1:44:20Bijna elke week wordt er een vrouw vermoord door haar (ex-)partner. Toch hebben we het er nauwelijks over. Hoe kunnen we het taboe rond femicide doorbreken? Met staatssecretaris Ingrid Coenradie, misdaadjournalist Saskia Belleman en Saniye Tezcan, projectleider en trainer bij Stichting Kezban. Het is de meest voorspelbare vorm van moord, maar er is…
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🔬 BEAM-302 is a liver-targeting gene therapy using base editing to correct the PiZ mutation in Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency (AATD). 🧬 I t increases functional AAT 🫁 while reducing toxic Z-AAT, showing up to 78% reduction at the 60 mg dose. 📊 The Phase 1/2 trial demonstrated dose-dependent efficacy, a well-tolerated safety profile, and no serious …
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Dr. RR Baliga’s Philosophical Discourses: Confucius (China, 551–479 BCE) – Founder of Confucianism
Confucius (c. 551–479 BCE), a renowned Chinese philosopher and teacher, founded Confucianism, emphasizing morality, family loyalty, social harmony, and virtuous governance. His teachings, compiled in the Analects, profoundly influenced Chinese culture, ethics, and education.Kirjoittanut MasterMedFacts LLC
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Basje Boer over verkleden, Assepoester en hoe we het uiterlijk van vrouwen bekijken en bekritiseren
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42:21In Plein Publiek gaat Veronica Baas in gesprek met essayist en filmcriticus Basje Boer. Een gesprek over scheppen en consumeren, kijken en bekeken worden en vastleggen in beeld en woord. Weinig Nederlandse essayisten hebben zo’n scherpe blik op vrouwen en hoe ze gezien worden als Basje Boer. In haar succesvolle bundels Pose en Liggend naakt denkt B…
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143.- Ahorro el 75% de mi sueldo - Rafa Mora
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41:06Rafa Mora, emprendedor de diseños web . A sus 23 años aprendemos en su forma de gestionar el dinero para ahorrar el 75% de lo que gana Suscríbete al canal: NEWSLETTER…
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“The Brain’s Switchboard 🔄: How MRN Controls Perseverance 🛑, Exploration 🚀 & Disengagement ❌”
This study identifies the Median Raphe Nucleus (MRN) 🧠 as a behavioral switchboard 🔄, regulating perseverance 🛑, exploration 🚀, and disengagement ❌ through distinct neuron types. GABAergic neurons 🟢 promote perseverance, Glutamatergic neurons 🔵 drive exploration, and Serotonergic neurons 🟠 maintain engagement. Using optogenetics 💡, fiber photometry…
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🔬 Study Overview: A meta-analysis comparing alternative LDL cholesterol-lowering strategies (moderate-intensity statins + ezetimibe) vs high-intensity statins in patients with ASCVD. 📊 Key Findings: ✅ No significant difference in 3-year cardiovascular events (7.5% vs 7.7%) 📉 Lower LDL cholesterol in the alternative strategy (64.8 vs 68.5 mg/dL) 🩸 R…
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Volkskrant op Zondag: Columnistenmarathon met o.a. Aaf Brandt Corstius, Micha Wertheim en Emma Curvers
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1:21:44De columnistenmarathon van de Volkskrant staat dit jaar in het teken van het mooie, het goede en het schone. Onder anderen Aaf Brandt Corstius, Sheila Sitalsing, Frank Heinen, Heleen Mees, Jip van den Toorn, Emma Curvers, Micha Wertheim, Sander Donkers en Thomas van der Meer dragen een column voor. De presentatie van de feestelijke marathon is in h…
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🦴 USPSTF Osteoporosis Screening Summary 📋 🔍 Why? Prevent fractures, disability, and mortality. 👩⚕️ Who? Women 65+ ✅, at-risk postmenopausal women ✅, men ❌ (insufficient evidence). 🩻 How? DXA scan (bone density test) is the gold standard. ⚠️ Risk Factors: Age, low weight, family history, smoking, alcohol, medications. ✅ Benefits: Reduces fracture r…
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🫀 Cardiac CT Calcium Score: Key Insights 🔬📊 🔍 What is CAC? ✅ Measures calcified plaque in coronary arteries via cardiac CT 📸 ✅ Higher CAC = Higher cardiovascular risk ⚠️ ✅ Agatston Score: 0 (None) → >400 (Severe Atherosclerosis) 📊 Clinical Impact: ✅ Strong predictor of ASCVD events (MI, stroke, CHD death) 📉 ✅ MESA Study: CAC >300 → 10-year CHD risk…
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Tirzepatide & Weight Maintenance 💊📉 A phase 3 clinical trial (SURMOUNT-4) showed that continued use of tirzepatide helps maintain weight loss in adults with obesity. Participants on tirzepatide lost an extra 5.5%, while those on placebo regained 14%. ✅ 89.5% maintained at least 80% of their weight loss, compared to 16.6% on placebo. Common side eff…
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Sami al-Ajrami on working as Palestinian journalist while being a refugee in Gaza
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1:51:15Palestinian journalist Sami al-Ajrami shares his story. Later on Al-Ajrami will discuss the future of Gaza with analyst and former NYT-correspondent Taghreed El-Khodary. NRC journalist Leonie van Nierop will introduce the evening. Spread throughout the conversation, actor Amro Kasr will read excerpts from Sami al-Ajrami's translated book in Dutch: …
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🫀 CAUGHT-CAD Trial Summary 🔬 🔍 Objective: Investigated whether CAC scoring combined with a prevention strategy slows plaque progression in intermediate-risk patients with a family history of CAD. 📊 Key Findings: ✅ LDL Reduction: -51 mg/dL (CAC group) vs. -2 mg/dL (Usual Care) 📉 ✅ Slower Plaque Progression: +15.4 mm³ vs. +24.9 mm³ (p=0.009) 🏥 ✅ Less…
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🩸 Bleeding & Cancer Risk in AF Patients on Anticoagulants 🏥 🔎 Study Goal: Investigate the link between bleeding after anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation (AF) and new cancer diagnoses. 📊 Findings: ✅ Bleeding 4X increases the risk of cancer diagnosis (HR: 4.0). 🔴 GI Bleeding → 15.4X risk of GI Cancer 🟠 GU Bleeding → 11.8X risk of GU Cancer 🟡 Res…
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The RENOVE trial compared reduced-dose versus full-dose DOACs for extended venous thromboembolism VTE treatment in high-risk patients. While the reduced dose cut major bleeding risk by 39% 🚨, it did not meet non-inferiority criteria for preventing VTE recurrence 🔄.Kirjoittanut MasterMedFacts LLC
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Welke cultuur geven we door en welke vergeten we? Met Adriaan van Dis, Olga Zuiderhoek, Simone Atangana Bekono en Thomas Heerma van Voss
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1:36:46Wat is het waard om te bewaren? Met Olga Zuiderhoek, Adriaan van Dis, Simone Atangana Bekono en Thomas Heerma van Voss praten we over de cultuur die we doorgeven en de cultuur die we (soms onterecht) achterlaten. Wat krijgt een plek in ons cultureel bewustzijn? Wat vergeten we weer? En is dat vergeten kwalijk? Naar aanleiding van het verschijnen va…
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Dr. RR Baliga’s Philosophical Discourses: Laozi (China, c. 6th Century BCE) – Founder of Taoism
Laozi, a legendary Chinese philosopher and author of the Tao Te Ching, is regarded as the founder of Taoism. His teachings emphasize living in harmony with the Tao (the Way), advocating simplicity, humility, and wu wei (effortless action) for a balanced life.Kirjoittanut MasterMedFacts LLC
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S6 - Episode 11 Part 4 - Stigma 5.0: Fasilitasi Mengenal Diri - Host: Savitri
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16:46Media Partner - di part terakhir kita berbincang tentang fasilitasi Mengenal Diri di Stigma 5.0. Ada berbagai workshop, seminar yang diberikan kepada perupa, pula yang diadakan selama acara Stigma 5.0. Belum lagi ada inisiasi sebuah pack atau kit untuk membantu kesehatan mental kita sendiri dalam menghadapi hari yang dibuat oleh Stigma, Mengenal Di…
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S6 - Episode 11 Part 3 - Stigma 5.0: Para perupa berbagi cerita - Host: Savitri
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30:46Media Partner - Di Part 3 kita dapat mendengarkan penjabaran karya dan alasan tertarik ikut Stigma 5.0 dari perupa Hamka, Defina Sumardji, Istanbul dan Dindddung. Cerita mereka ada yang datang terinspirasi dari orang yang mereka kenal dan juga dari diri sendiri, menggunakan berbagai metode berkarya yang menarik. Ada juga cerita-cerita tambahan dari…
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Schrijver Caspar Janssen over zijn boek Aard van het beestje en de verborgen schoonheid van alledaagse natuur
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44:14Yoeri Albrecht gaat in gesprek met schrijver en journalist Caspar Janssen aan de hand van zijn prijswinnende boek Aard van het beestje. Hierin onthult Janssen de verborgen schoonheid van alledaagse natuur en laat hij zien hoe kleine observaties grote inzichten kunnen bieden. Caspar Janssen (1962) is schrijver, journalist en natuurbeschouwer. Voor d…
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This study explores how environmental exposures (exposome) 🌍 and genetics 🧬 contribute to aging ⏳ and mortality ⚰️. Using UK Biobank data 📊, researchers found that the exposome explains 17% of mortality risk, while genetics accounts for only 2%. Smoking 🚬, socioeconomic status 💰, and physical activity 🏃♂️ are major environmental influences, wherea…
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🩺 Lithocholic Acid (LCA) – A Caloric Restriction Mimetic for Clinical Use 💊 ✅ Mimics caloric restriction by activating AMPK – key for metabolism & longevity. ✅ Enhances muscle strength & regeneration 🏋️ – potential for frailty & sarcopenia treatment. ✅ Improves insulin sensitivity & lipid metabolism 🔥 – aiding in diabetes & metabolic syndrome. ✅ Re…
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Daarom zijn boeren boos: de belangrijkste oorzaken van de boerenprotesten
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1:53:30In heel Europa trekken boeren de straat op om te protesteren. Wat ligt ten grondslag aan deze onvrede? En in hoeverre zijn boeren daarmee de thermometer van de samenleving? Samen met Dick Veerman, oprichter van Foodlog, Roy Meijer, Bram van Hecke, Amber Laan, Franciska de Vries en Peter van Bodegom onderzoeken we waarom landbouw zo’n krachtige poli…
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📌 Summary of Findings 🔬 Studies: Three large cohort studies explored the impact of flavonoid-rich foods on aging and mental health in women. ✅ Key Findings: • 🍊 Higher citrus and flavonoid intake linked to lower depression risk, especially in older women. • 💪 Flavonoid-rich diets associated with better physical function and reduced frailty. • 🦠 Inc…
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S6 - Episode 11 Part 2 - Stigma 5.0: Para Perupa Bahkan Anonymous Berbagi Cerita - Host: Savitri
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
26:20Media Partner - Seperti Stigma lainnya, karya-karya yang diikutkan beragam bentuknya. Kali ini ada banyak lukisan, juga instalasi dan puisi. Di bagian ini kita dapat mendengar penjabaran dari Noni Rinjani, Putiani, Ghofur, Lala, Art Geed Art, Christy Mawar, Skinner Ohrami dan bahkan seorang anonymous yang Skinner wakilkan ceritakan. Topik yang diba…
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S6 - Episode 11 Part 1 - Stigma 5.0: Cerita Kurasi Trauma: Domestic Violence - Host: Savitri
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
25:39Media Partner - Stigma Kolektif dengan seri Stigma 5.0 nya kemBali dan diadakan di TAT Art Space sejak tanggal 21 Februari sampai 7 Maret mendatang. Mengangkat tema yang vulgar seperti Trauma: Domestic Violence (baca: KDRT) merupakan hal yang harusnya bukan tabu dan dibahas secara terbuka. Dalam menyeimbangkan bahwa seni adalah wadah dimana penyemb…
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🩺 2025 ACS Management Guidelines Summary 💊 • 🩸 DAPT recommended: Ticagrelor or prasugrel preferred over clopidogrel in PCI patients. • 🎯 Lipid management: High-intensity statins + ezetimibe; PCSK9 inhibitors if LDL-C ≥70 mg/dL. • 🔬 Invasive approach: Recommended for intermediate/high-risk NSTE-ACS; radial access preferred for PCI. • 🚑 Revasculariza…
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🧬 Omega-3, Vitamin D & Exercise: Slowing Biological Aging – Insights from the DO-HEALTH Trial 🏋️♂️💊
🔬 DO-HEALTH Trial Summary 🏋️♂️💊🧬 A randomized controlled trial (RCT) with 777 participants aged 70+ investigated the effects of omega-3 (🧴 1g/day), vitamin D (☀️ 2000 IU/day), and exercise (🏃♂️ 30 min, 3x/week) on biological aging using DNA methylation clocks. 📊 Key Findings: ✅ Omega-3 alone slowed biological aging by 2.9–3.8 months over 3 years.…
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De Balie Boekenclub: Daddy Issues met Stella Bergsma en Pepijn Lanen
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
1:40:12In De Balie Boekenclub nodigen we elke editie twee schrijvers uit om een maatschappelijk thema vanuit een literair perspectief te onderzoeken. Deze keer staat het programma in het teken van vaders. Het literaire landschap lijkt vaak te worden gedomineerd door verhalen over moeders en moederschap, maar hoe zit het met vaders? Wanneer je zoekt naar b…
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🧠⚡🌊 “Aging in Waves: How Your Brain, Body, and Organs Age at Different Speeds” ⏳🔬🏥
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
12:36🧠⚡🌊 Aging in Waves: How Your Brain, Body, and Organs Age at Different Speeds 1️⃣ Rapid Brain Aging Occurs at Three Distinct Ages 🧠⚡📆 • Scientists found that brain aging accelerates at ages 57, 70, and 78. • These shifts impact memory, cognition, and neurodegeneration risks. • Lifestyle choices like a healthy diet, exercise, and mental stimulation c…
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📌 Study Alert: A longitudinal study across 23 countries (87,000 adults aged 50+) found that internet use 💻 is linked to better mental health 😊, fewer depressive symptoms 😌, and higher life satisfaction 🌟. 💡 Key Findings: ✅ Reduced depression in physically inactive & disabled individuals 🏥 ✅ Improved well-being through social connections 🗣️ ✅ Strong…
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Hoe zal Syrië zich post-Assad organiseren te midden van geopolitieke spanningen?
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
1:47:34Hoe zal Syrië zich post-Assad organiseren te midden van geopolitieke spanningen? Breekt er eindelijk een tijd aan waarin Syriërs zelf hun toekomst kunnen vormgeven? Met Erwin van Veen, Wladimir van Wilgenburg, Meltem Halaceli, Peshmerge Morad en Sherwan Qasem. Met de val van het regime van Assad breekt in Syrië een nieuw hoofdstuk aan. Voor velen i…
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