Ground Zero Radio presents classic episodes of Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis. We have scanned the archives of the last 25 years and grabbed the best episodes to present to you. Clyde Lewis is a powerful voice in parapolitical and paranormal news and commentary. With a diverse background in news, acting, writing and radio, he entertains and captivates audiences across multiple platforms. Lewis’ career in radio began in Utah in 1982 and he created Ground Zero in 1995 in Salt Lake City. Lewis ha ...
PHOENIX RESURRECTION The debate continues over exactly what the truth is behind the sightings of anomalous objects that are above the Earth. The U.S. Air Force has explained on many occasions that a lot of what is seen can be explained. However, with the obsession of extraterrestrial mythology and reality, every bright light, shooting star on PHOEN…
The story of Soylent Green is not just about mass cannibalism being hidden from the public but the way the older generations decide to voluntarily end their lives by going to what is called a Thanatorium. It literally was an assisted suicide center. No one dreamed that less than 40 years after the dystopian cinematic classic was released, assisted …
A recent headline read: “A Planetary Alignment Is Here. Now Wait For The Golden Conjunction” indicating that the planets have aligned to bring in the “Golden Age” – the New Age of enlightenment and judgment. This astronomical event could be a prophetic signal as we have been told to gaze into the heavens for signs and wonders. In the Bible, this is…
Many paranormal events are like whispers. They speak to us through EVP, telepathy, spiritual intuitiveness and synchronistic events and demand our undivided attention. On tonight’s show, Clyde Lewis talks with investigative journalist, Elizabeth Dougherty and founder of Northwest Ghost Recon, Roger Clooten about ‘JAK IN THE BOKIS: LISTENING TO THE …
Pope Francis will open the Holy Door at the Basilica of Saint Paul on Christmas Eve, 2024. He will open the remaining four Holy Doors over the following days and weeks at symbolic locations to start the Jubilee, or “Holy Year.” The Holy Door ritual symbolizes choosing to follow Jesus according to the church and has been performed since 1423. There …
In February 1947, Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd was in charge of a massive operation in the Arctic that was called Operation Highjump. This top secret mission has been a hot topic among UFO conspiracy theorists, who claim it was a covert US military operation to conquer alleged secret underground Nazi facilities in Antarctica. On tonight’s show, Cly…
The mainstream media continues to cover up facts about a suspect who has ties to the CIA and NATO Deep State operatives. The news reporters insist on blaming it on Trump’s so-called dangerous rhetoric instead of objectively investigating an attempted assassination of a former president. Can we speculate based on his Ukrainian mercenary ties whether…
If the global elite get their way, a time will come when you will not be able to buy or sell anything on the Internet without logging in with your UN-mandated digital identity chip. The primary goal of the technocrats is to impose mandatory digital identification in every nation. A biometric digital ID requires the recipient to upload a face scan, …
Do characters and experiences in films attach themselves to people like spirits or demons during séances? Could a film especially horror films, manipulate the environment and trigger a changes or multi-coincidental experiences in those who watch? Originally Broadcast On 04/27/16Kirjoittanut Ground Zero Radio
There is a growing theory in which all things that move forward in time reach a certain elasticity and then retract. Subsequently, we start to perceive things in the inverse. The eyes already do this where images are seen upside down or reverse and the brain adjusts the images to look at things right side up. Reverse decoding makes sense because co…
The birth of Jesus was timed at the confluence of various interconnected developments — prophetic, spiritual, theological, cultural, political, and even astronomical. Interestingly, there’s some evidence that a pair of planetary conjunctions happened around the historically accepted time frame for the birth of Christ. This could potentially explain…
Science has always wondered if it is possible for us to survive and reproduce in the outer space environment like we do on Earth. Now, we know it’s possible. Can you even imagine a time where humans of Earth will disappear and that their legacy would be creation on a planet elsewhere? On tonight’s show, Clyde Lewis talks about ‘SONS OF APOLLYON: HO…
Since the turn of the new millennium, we have been treated to a continuous barrage of wars and psyops, the most recent being the pandemic. How could one claim to have observed history and then fail to notice that virtually every major government project done in opposition to an enemy, whether literal or abstract, has been counterproductive in natur…
We appear to be on the brink of a new biological evolutionary phase for human beings. Are we going being transformed physically or genetically modified in order to adapt to a new environment, not of this world? On tonight’s show, Clyde Lewis talks about ‘HALF JACKED: THE CREATION OF HOMO CAELESTIS!’ Originally Broadcast On 1/18/16…
Cyber Mercenaries are more powerful than most experts realize. Those who assume they are cheap imitations of national armed forces or even geeks with a vengeance invite disaster because for-profit warriors are a different genus and species of a fighter. Private Force has become big business, and global in scope. No one truly knows how many billions…
The widespread curiosity about vampires can be explained by the mysterious place they occupy between life and death. Their mythologies have been generated to water down the reality of the subculture that lurks in places of power. Among the various legendary “guises” of the vampire are spirit, astral, psychic, animal, and real-life vampires who are …
Last Friday at the Ft. Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport, Esteban Santiago, a 26 year old Iraqi war veteran, allegedly opened fire on people at a baggage claim and killed 8 of them. Santiago had walked into an FBI field office weeks earlier in November with claims he was hearing voices and that the CIA was controlling his mind. Could this …
The image of the Octopus in the new James Bond film, Spectre, represents a Leviathan operation, capable of spying on countries and carrying out false flag operations to intimidate nations to join their brand of New World Order. On tonight’s show, Clyde Lewis talks about ‘THE OCTOPUS CONSPIRACY: SPECTRAL EVIDENCE!’ Originally Broadcast On 11/11/15…
The investigation of monsters can be a broad and daunting endeavor. Although people tend to forget there are monsters other than Bigfoot that lurk in the shadows, some are explainable and we have nothing at all to compare them to other than the apex predators we have been taught to avoid. Can belief in something, individual or collective, make some…
The 2007 horror movie, The Mist, is based on old paranormal stories about Miasmas or “death clouds” that were seen hovering above Gothic cemeteries. The generated Miasma allowed creatures to cross over the spilled portal and into the human realm. A Miasma refers to a concept in ancient Greek mythology where a “god-sent” or a “ghoul-sent” disease or…
Recently, a whistleblower asserts that a program codenamed ‘Immaculate Constellation’ was established to ‘detect’ and ‘quarantine’ the military’s best UFO imagery, as well as its best videos, eyewitness testimonies and electronic sensor evidence. This secretive Pentagon UFO data retrieval project has been hidden from Congressional oversight since 2…
There has become an almost complete shutdown of observational astronomy and the closures are unlikely to end soon. Lately, there have been a plethora of meteors entering the Earth's atmosphere and exploding. Even though we are being assured that the planet is in no danger, there are certainly some coincidental events that have you grasping at cosmi…
We live in a very chaotic universe and are set up in a solar system that appears to be more and more like a snooker table where we could at any moment, bounce into an Apollo-class asteroid, a solar anomaly, or a gamma burst capable of wiping us out. What if Brown Dwarf CWISE J1249 boomeranged and headed towards us like a bowling ball — it would be …
Since the modern era of UFOs, there have been songs about the mysteries of flying saucers and aliens – some scary and some silly. Many of these musicians were known for their one hit of fame, as they drifted along in obscurity. On tonight’s show, Clyde spins some intergalactic vinyl in ‘ATTACK OF THE ONE HIT WONDERS!’ Originally Broadcast On 10/30/…
Newly declassified materials show the U.S. Air Force had a contract with a now-defunct Canadian company called Avro to build an aircraft unlike anything seen before. Schematics and details of a 1950s military venture, Project 1794, was the blueprint to build a supersonic flying saucer. This vehicle was said to be able to spin through the Earth’s st…
The recent case of Luigi Mangione, the alleged killer of United Health Care CEO Brian Thompson is again raising questions about MK-Ultra grooming and trauma which may have led the young man to kill. A code or numeric sequence appears to be coincidentally multiplying like a psychic loop. The number 286 may have been part of a trigger sequence that a…
Early last week, rumors started to spread between multiple social media platforms about a recently reissued Department of Defense Directive 5240.01 that documents procedures when there is a potential use of lethal force against American citizens. Some online communities have speculated the directive’s changes are timed with the upcoming election, w…
Perhaps the Demon of the Year award should go to AI. Elon Musk sees it as a necessary demon as he continues to peddle Neuralink implants and the way science is making humans dance by remote control. We can only assume the worst as this monster is loose and the mad scientists do not know how to control it. Furthermore, the late Dr. Robert Duncan ind…
Recently, there were numerous UFO reports over Washington, D.C. Sightings of a large craft or light formation have been seen over Langley Air Force Base in Hampton, Virginia. An official wishing to remain anonymous says that he believes the so-called UFOs were actually drones that flew over the Chesapeake Bay and headed to Norfolk. While UFOs fall …
The spirit world is full of many different personalities and the more we scientifically explore this area, the more we find a dimensional link between the living and the dead. There exists a finer yet distinctive border between that which we call demonic and that which is considered angelic. The way to find the truth or to experience the unexplaina…
The magic of Christmas can only be truly experienced on a quantum level for it to be legitimate. No one knows where Santa Claus is at a particular moment in time which makes him a perfect candidate for some elementary use of Heisenberg’s Principle of Uncertainty. The superpositioning of Santa is similar to how an electron is “smeared out” within a …
The UFO drone story has gone from an intriguing novelty to a narrative with chilling repercussions as sightings are now occurring all over the United States. We begin to understand just how vulnerable our skies are whether it be a drone attack from another country or a possible UFO incursion that is being masked by drone activity to distract the pu…
Many people have become skeptical about the advancement of AI and the transhumanist agenda but we are contributing to the madness by allowing Artificial Intelligence to replace humanity. Transhumanism and its spokespeople have now revealed their agenda which includes depopulation and the eventual removal of God in the world. It is becoming a pseudo…
It's Friday the 13th and what timing to have this unlucky day around the holidays when people have their company parties and in some places, the October spook houses remodel their facilities to dedicate it to Krampus. Yes, we all know about Krampus – the Christmas bad cop who punishes children who do not obey their parents. It may or may not be an …
Transhumanist thinkers predict that human beings may eventually be able to transform themselves into beings with such greatly expanded abilities as to merit the label “posthuman.” The symbol for transhuman is H+ or “Enhanced Human.” As the future moves forward, we will find that machines can take on human forms that are uncharacteristically real. O…
Today, NASA’s global defense system used for detecting potentially hazardous objects heading towards Earth, located an asteroid going in the direction of our planet. This space rock called COWECP5 came from out of nowhere – it was being tracked with a trajectory towards Siberia. Additionally, there have been over 98 reported and documented UFO sigh…
The issue of World War III is clearly of concern to the United States, which has a penchant for paranoia, every generation its own. However, with such a fractured nation, the threat comes from foreign and domestic enemies. The biggest danger is not necessarily nuclear exchange, but the disturbing changes societies go through when conflict inspires …
There are some areas or structures where there appears to be more pronounced paranormal activity, such as hospitals or homes where traumatic deaths occurred. However, have we ever stopped thinking that perhaps the environment is haunted, and not just one spot but many are connected through a Toroidal or Torsion Vortex? Is it possible for a house to…
Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining is one of the most discussed films in cinema history. The new and alarming documentary, A Clockwork Shining, suggests that the film is really about mind control and how larger forces manipulate us. The eccentric director ignored the nuances of Steven King’s book “The Shining” and replaced the initial themes of the stor…
Elite government leaders and corporate executives will soon be hosting a “House of Psychedelics” program with almost 40 sessions and speakers, including researchers, entrepreneurs, investors — and some who consider themselves shamans. The world leaders are to inquire about how they might be able to use psychedelics in order to get inspiration and g…
The TV series, Wormwood, will be airing on Netflix and this will focus on the history of the MK-Ultra program and how it is more than just the grand dad of all conspiracies – it also exposes truly criminal activity being carried out by the CIA. With this controversial six part series about the ugliness of covert "brainwashing' or mind control, it a…
Brainwashing has always been the modus operandi of the Deep State and with intelligence groups infiltrating the media, we are now seeing the low move of trying to explain away support for President Trump as cult-like. This non-stop assault risks aggravating political passions to the point where ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ snowballs into something …
Recently, the CIA has been doing various Data Dumps on UFO matters and while most of what has been revealed is redacted with black ink, there are curious documents that talk about connections to MK-ULTRA. It is becoming more apparent that there are darker relationships between the CIA, NASA and mind control techniques. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde…
Few people really know about the Thanksgiving horror story in which the pilgrims or colonists of the New World were suffering harsh winters and how a large group of the colonists disappeared without a trace. For the historical settlers at Jamestown, from 1609 to 1610, while the harvest feasts were already in practice, it was a time of murder and ca…
We are living in a Fortean reality with apocalyptic sights and sounds on an increase and that permeate the senses of those receptive to such synchromystic phenomenon; especially, within the aviation and UFO realm. It is like superposition or Deja vu where we see two or more unexplained events happen at the same time –or repeat themselves which trig…
WEATHER BALLOONS OF THE GODS – RETURN OF THE PHANTOM AIRSHIPS We are living in a Fortean reality with apocalyptic sights and sounds on an increase and that permeate the senses of those receptive to such synchromystic phenomenon. The world has no longer become consistent and what we are experiencing cannot be explained in simple terms. Everything is…
You may have heard of the word ‘Fortean‘ but do you really know what it means? Tonight on Ground Zero we listen closely to the sounds of anomalous phenomena and Clyde Lewis is joined again by ‘Ghost Mine‘ owner and star Larry Overman on the night of that show’s season finale as we all learn to speak the language of ‘Fortean Phonics‘! Originally Bro…
America is a country rich in folklore, a place where cautionary tales have always been mixed into the pot and sprinkled into our collective nightmares. Furthermore, there are triangulated locations throughout the planet that are suggested to be most powerful and supernatural due to their position on the globe, or, maybe because of some unknown even…
A.I. AND POST SCARCITY TECHNOCRACY W/ CYRUS A. PARSA Part of the COVID-19 pandemic agenda is obvious and the solution is artificial scarcity in order to create a technocracy with a post scarcity economy based on new and innovative technology, like Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things. People will have to learn to adapt or they can fig…
From MK Ultra to Star Wars, DARPA and the Department of Defense have been working on creating generations of potential soldiers that would in the future, be able to talk with advanced systems through the auspices of mind enhancement and using the capabilities of the soldier to plug in to neural networks of advanced Artificial Intelligence. Tonight …